Uniquely Woman
Where did the idea of soulmates come This week we are discussing 6 topics where we've changed our stance. Before we jump into that though, we have a brief conversation on reading your Bible and why you should change your mind as you grow. Then we jump in, alternating topics. Clean Gender Roles and Jesus. This week we finish our conversation on things the Bible actually doesn't say about women.
We discuss how sex isn't just for men and that men aren't charged with being the primary breadwinners of the family. Then we move on to Biblical pictures This is the first of two parts where we tackle some common conservative narratives about gender that aren't actually in the Bible. This week we tackle the myths that men are supposed to keep women in line, that men and woman always view each Clean Confronting Sin in Marriage.
This week, we are tackling how to confront sin. This is not an intensive guide please seek wise counsel from godly people in your life but rather an overview of some Biblical attitudes to help direct your actions. We talk about why how you Clean For Expecting and New Mamas.
Spring is baby and wedding shower time! In light of that, we decided to dedicate an episode to expecting and new mamas. We share books, the pared-down baby necessities list, birth accounts on Instagram, and resting- really resting- after you give Clean Goal Setting- even in April. We're tackling goal setting, even especially! As Christians, how we spend our time matters and there's nothing like a re-evaluation before summer starts. Clean Personality Tests, Podcasts, and More!
We've dropped episodes on a lot of serious topics lately so we thought we would mix things up with a fun episode. We discuss personality tests, podcasts, and a handful of our favorite things. We discuss three personality tests. This week, we're tackling why church matters and why it should matter to us.
Do we actually need to be involved with a local group of believers? What difference does it make in our lives? We discuss that Jesus died for the church and therefore we must.. Most of us would shun the idea of a true "prosperity gospel. Clean Operating from Your Identity. We promised you an episode on identity and here it is! What happens when we don't know or believe what God says about Himself or us? We're left spending our lives seeking the approval of others or developing our sense of self-worth.
We need to find We talk about women's issues a lot on this podcast. But we realized that we've never broken down why we think it's important to have these discussions. Why does what we believe about being a woman matter? We want to obey the Bible. Clean How Transformation Happens. It's Lisa this week with a solo episode. She discusses her tendency on Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies.
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- By Lisa Hensley and Phylicia Masonheimer.
She likes to ask questions and if there's a good reason, she'll be on board with almost anything. Clean You Are a Leader. For this podcast episode we are defining leadership as "a conscious stewardship of influence. We all know men and women who are have led others in discipleship and how they Clean Complementarian or Egalitarian? We could have titled this episode a lot of things: You get the point, but we haven't answered the question, have we? This week, we are tackling a list of listener questions! Clean 5 Questions for Interpreting Bible Passages.
This week, we tackle the idea of interpreting Bible passages well. We want to be faithful to the Scripture and what they actually mean and that requires intentional study. We share five questions to ask before you decide that your interpretation of a In this week's episode, we're discussing feminism. But before we jump into that, we both share our favorite "girl power" song. The genres do not match the geographical location of each woman, you've been warned. Next we jump into the history of Clean Transitioning from Work to Home.
- Uniquely Woman by Lisa Hensley and Phylicia Masonheimer on Apple Podcasts.
- .
- Uniquely Woman?
In this solo episode, Phylicia is tackling how to adjust from working full-time to staying at home. She experienced a mix of emotions when she left her job and found she needed to adjust her mentality, attitude, and spirit. Clean Cultivating Christ-Centered Friendships. It's a question we get a lot. How can I find godly friends? We have developed a Christ-centered friendship over the past three years and we each have these relationships with a few other women as well.
We start with a short list of the Clean How to Graciously Disagree. This week, we take a few minutes at the beginning of the episode to clarify a point from last week and then discuss how to graciously disagree. Because sometimes we disagree and we need a plan for handling that.
Is it a gospel issue? Are we in a Clean The Story of the Curses. There's new podcast art and a new tagline: We're going to dive into some deep subjects where we might have answers or we might be asking questions, For the last episode in , we are jumping back in for a full-length episode on body image.
We tackle what the Bible says the body is, lies we believe about our bodies, and how we each work on overcoming body image issues. Get counsel from a godly person in both lives. Clean How We Do Christmas. This week we are talking Christmas! In this short episode, we both share how our families celebrate Christmas in a way the children can join too. This week, we are tackling the subject of modesty!
Uniquely Woman
The first thing we discuss is why we both hate the word "modesty" and the words we prefer instead. Clean Motherhood and Discipleship. In our second solo episode, Lisa is tackling how motherhood is just an extension of our call to discipleship. Sometimes motherhood isn't fulfilling Since we are both writers we frequently get asked how to get started as a writer. Then we move on to some work tips: Clean How Do We For our second episode in our "How Do We" series, we're discussing Bible study. How should we approach the Bible? What does Bible study look like with small children?
What are some of our favorite resources? Lisa gives you three questions to I asked Phylicia what to name the episode and well, that's what happened. But literally, we are talking about how we talk about sex and why it matters. Reflects on our witness Teaches children how to view sex Changes our attitude toward sex Clean A Biblical Approach to Birth.
What does the Bible really say about birth? In this first solo episode, Phylicia tackles Genesis 3 and how Christians should approach birth and babies. New Age ideology dominates the birth conversation largely because the church has been silent Just for context, Lisa has a family of 6, Phylicia has a family of almost 4.
Our meal planning strategies have changed some over the years but it still saves the evening This week you get your first "How Do We" episode! We both take a turn discussing how we handle surprises in life. Not fun surprises like birthday parties but surprises that are more like interruptions or unwelcome circumstances. In this episode, we discuss where we've been the past two months hi, again!
It's mostly an unedited, off-the-cuff discussion of how God's been working in our hearts that we hope While breaking for a few months when Lisa had Luke and we both dealt with some personal issues , we have changed the format of the podcast to allow us to produce more content with less recording time. This week, however, you get a normal.. Clean Where Conservatives Go Wrong.
We provide a few examples of this, such as holding motherhood as the highest calling of After a slightly unexpected break we really did intend to record a few episodes while Phylicia was visiting Lisa but we talked too much and did Facebook lives , we are back with a new episode! We intentionally titled this episode "how.. We delve into being open and honest with friends, letting them guide where the relationship goes, and following God's call for our own families while being Clean Going Deeper in Friendships.
Today, we're tackling the next episode in our friendship series and discussing both how to prepare your heart for deeper friendships as well as how to keep the bonds of those friendships strong. We women long for friendships but in so many seasons of Listen for a few tips from two women who do love cooking and think you might can to! This week we are discussing what Biblical friendship looks like, why we need friends of different ages, and using technology to stay in Clean Establishing a Life after Moving.
This week, we are discussing a topic brought up at the podcast meetup we hosted in December. How do you acclimate to a new life after you move? Moving changes your whole life and it can take a while to find your footing. Also, we had some It's a fun story that didn't involve meeting in person until December of The internet can be a lovely place, friends! Clean How to Enjoy Motherhood. Motherhood is hard and it's a gift from God and that dichotomy often needs an attack plan in our daily lives. Have the right perspective. This week we are talking about dealing with postpartum hormones.
We include some ideas for weathering the baby blues and dealing with hormonal changes as well as resources if you struggle with postpartum depression. Don't walk this part of life alone!.. Clean Breaking Down Goals. Because there's nothing magical about January 1st, this week we are discussing our goals and words of the year.
We also talk about how we arrived at our words and how we break down our goals into practical steps. Words of the year: This week we are answering a listener question from Sarah. She asks how we can let people into our lives when we have been hurt in the past or know that we could be hurt. If you have a question, send us an email at uniquelywomanpodcast gmail.
Clean Insecurity and Female Relationships. There's nothing like a talented, beautiful acquaintance to remind us of all the things that we aren't. But we don't have to This week we are tackling a question from Anna and discussing how to stay focused on God when you are single and would like a husband. Or in other words, how to cultivate a life where you are when you would like to be somewhere else. Clean Dealing with the Unexpected. All of us have unexpected events occur in life, but what are we going to do when they come? We can either throw a fit because we aren't getting our way or we can walk a path of grace- because God always goes before us.
The podcast is back! Our sabbatical did exactly what we needed it to more on that in a full episode next week and we are excited to be back with you this month! We also discuss encountering the God that lives within us and why that makes so many of us uncomfortable. This week is all about Bible literacy.
It's tempting to think that knowing the Bible only matters if you teach the Bible or have a platform, but that's not true. We are all tasked to continue the work that Jesus started.
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Our goal is becoming like Jesus. What we believe about God affects our behavior. We need to preach the Gospel to ourselves. We are lights of the world. Did you know that the Bible doesn't talk about having a quiet time? So where does this phrase come from? Is this practice foundational to Christianity? In this solo episode, Phylicia digs into the history of the "quiet time. Then she discusses how we can approach our time with God with the intent to know God and go about His mission in our days.
If it's good news, what's so offensive? What is the Gospel? It is the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It's the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Why is the Gospel offensive? We shouldn't try to smooth out that the Gospel is offensive because it's exclusive.
Because it points out our sin. Because it requires everything from us. The Gospel offends the flesh. How does the Gospel affect today? Does salvation only affect our eternal life or does it affect life now? This episode started, as many others do, with a Voxer conversation about soulmates. Do we have soulmates or are we free to marry any available believer?
Did you get it?
How are we supposed to relate to the opposite sex? Where did the idea of soulmates come from? How marriage-changing it is to view your spouse as a brother in Christ first A disagreement about the Billy Graham rule? Inviting singles into our families. This week we are discussing 6 topics where we've changed our stance. Before we jump into that though, we have a brief conversation on reading your Bible and why you should change your mind as you grow. What does it mean that man is the "head"?
Should we really just use the KJV? Are men really that much better than women? Should women only wear skirts? Here's a brief disclaimer that we were unaware of what would be the current conversations about gender relations and the explosion of this topic if you are following the news on this anyway. Either way, this was what we had recorded for this week and simply continues the conversations that we have been having already. Rebekah's article on complementarianism. Christianity Today podcast link.
Women in the Storyline of Redemptive History. How Jesus Discipled Women. We discuss how sex isn't just for men and that men aren't charged with being the primary breadwinners of the family. Then we move on to Biblical pictures of femininity and masculinity hint: The article that started this whole conversation. This is the first of two parts where we tackle some common conservative narratives about gender that aren't actually in the Bible.
This week we tackle the myths that men are supposed to keep women in line, that men and woman always view each other sexually, and that husbands are called to lead their wives. Don't freak out until you listen in, ok? The article that started this whole thing. NPR article about Patterson. This week, we are tackling how to confront sin. This is not an intensive guide please seek wise counsel from godly people in your life but rather an overview of some Biblical attitudes to help direct your actions.
We talk about why how you talk to and about your spouse on the regular matters, when Phylicia resembled a cornered badger, and why you shouldn't be the accountability for your spouse. Together we'll learn how to view life from a Biblical perspective and make decisions that honor God. Speak Truth to the Lies 0. Seasons in Ministry with Lauren Alexander 0.
Growing in Discernment 0. Ordinary Places with Shannan Martin 0. Creativity, Work, and Theology with Andrew Peterson 0. Forming a Hospitable Life 0. Rejoicing and Weeping with Others 0.
Creation and Fall 0. Different Ways to Read the Bible 0.

Defending Traditional Soteriology with Dr. Taking Scripture in Context 0. Everyone Does It Differently: Listener questions that we respond to: There's a behind-the-scenes announcement to start this episode!