To help Obama, is... to help the whole world
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In , for the first time, the majority of newborn babies in the U. Nearly one-in-three eligible voters on Election Day were Hispanic, black, Asian or another racial or ethnic minority, reflecting a steady rise since Strong growth in the number of Hispanic eligible voters , in particular U. Indeed, for the first time, the Hispanic share of the electorate is now on par with the black share. While illegal immigration served as a flashpoint in the tumultuous campaign to succeed Obama, there has been little change in the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the U.
And for the first time since the s, more Mexican immigrants — both legal and unauthorized — have returned to Mexico from the U.
Michelle Obama reveals daughters were conceived by IVF
The share of Americans identifying with evangelical Protestantism, historically black Protestant denominations and other smaller Christian groups, by contrast, have remained fairly stable. At the same time, the large majority of Americans who do identify with a faith are, on average, as religiously observant as they were a few years ago, and by some measures even more so.
The tide of demographic changes in the U. Democratic voters are becoming less white, less religious and better-educated at a faster rate than that of the country, while Republicans are aging more quickly than the country as a whole. Education, in particular, has emerged as an important dividing line in recent years, with college graduates becoming more likely to identify as Democrats and those without a college degree becoming more likely to identify as Republicans.
Partisan divisions in assessments of presidential performance, for example, are wider now than at any point going back more than six decades, and this growing gap is largely the result of increasing disapproval of the chief executive from the opposition party. Data from Eisenhower through George H. Because some earlier data did not include partisan leaning, Republicans and Democrats in this graphic do not include leaners. Today, more issues cleave along partisan lines than at any point since surveys began to track public opinion.
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Beginning around , however, they began to diverge. And the gap has only grown wider since then: Democrats today are more than twice as likely as Republicans to say that immigrants strengthen the country. Gun control has long been a partisan issue, with Democrats considerably more likely than Republicans to say it is more important to control gun ownership than protect gun rights. But what was a percentage-point gap between supporters of Obama and John McCain on this question in surged to a historic point gap between Clinton and Trump supporters in Climate change marks another area where the parties are deeply divided.
Michelle Obama reveals daughters were conceived by IVF - BBC News
Wide partisan divides stretch from the causes and cures for climate change to trust in climate scientists and their research. This compares with more than half of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. Americans felt disillusioned with the way Washington responded to the financial meltdown of Against a backdrop of global terrorism — including several attacks on American soil — Americans also became less confident in the ability of their government to handle threats.
Americans also had serious concerns about privacy, though the government was not the sole focus of skepticism in this respect. During the Obama years, Americans were highly skeptical their personal information would remain private and secure, regardless of whether it was the government or the private sector that collected it. In a survey, fewer than one-in-ten Americans said they were very confident that each of 11 separate entities — ranging from credit card companies to email providers — would keep their records private and secure.
In Germany, favorability of the U.
7 charts on how the world views President Obama
In the United Kingdom, confidence in the U. The Obama bump was most dramatic in Western Europe, but was also evident in virtually every country surveyed between and Russian views of the U. Americans, meanwhile, have become less certain of their place in the world. The share of Americans who say it would be better if the U.
Roughly half of Americans say U.
About half of Americans say the U. If demographic changes are slow, technological changes can be swift.
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In the new millennium, major technology revolutions have occurred in broadband connectivity, social media use and mobile adoption. With the rise of Facebook, Twitter and other apps, social media use climbed to about three-quarters of online adults by Obama also helped usher in the rise of digital video in politics, sharing his weekly address through the White House YouTube channel. The rise of digital tools and social platforms has also helped bring about profound changes in the U. Americans today access information, get news and engage with politicians in new and different ways than in — a trend underscored by the political success of Trump, whose frequent use of Twitter to communicate directly with supporters and detractors was one of the defining narratives of his campaign to succeed Obama.
In , more U. Cable TV, by contrast, remained among the most helpful sources for all other adults. In , relatively few Americans said they got their news through social media or via a smartphone or other mobile device. By , six-in-ten Americans said they got their news through social media and seven-in-ten said they accessed it through a mobile device.
Print newspapers continued a long-term decline, with sharp cuts in newspaper staffing and a severe dip in average circulation. Newspaper editorial staff in the U. While television remains a major source of news for Americans, there are signs of change. Viewership of local TV newscasts has been flat or declining for years, depending on the time of day. Overall, he still gets positive ratings for how he is handling this issue, but not as positive as a few years ago. In 12 of the 20 countries where trends from are available, fewer people now approve of how he is dealing with climate change, which will be a major issue on the international agenda as nations prepare for a major global summit on climate change in Paris in December.
For more about how the world views the U. Barack Obama , U. Richard Wike is director of global attitudes research at Pew Research Center. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.
It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.
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Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Fact Tank - Our Lives in Numbers. Here are seven charts illustrating how the world views Obama: Posts Email Bio RichardWike. Recent Posts International relations experts and U. America is less respected globally In the U. Related Global Jun 29,