The Scarlet Citadel, Black Colossus, The Slithering Shadow : Conan the Barbarain
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As an extended audio sample, the first four complete Conan stories in this book are free to download, listen to, and share. Together, these four stories comprise almost 5 hours of audio. The full audiobook is 35 hours and 8 minutes in length, so there is plenty more where these four came from; if you like what you hear, we hope you'll head on over to your favorite audiobook vendor and buy a copy of your own! The PDF edition of this book is absolutely free of charge and always will be. So if you'd like to take a look and see if it's something you'd like to add to your collection of audiobooks, hardcovers, paperbacks or e-books, you can "try before you buy.
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Available through most audiobook vendors, including Audible. He is well known for having created the character Conan the Cimmerian, a literary icon whose pop-culture imprint can be compared to such icons as Tarzan of the Apes, Sherlock Holmes, and James Bond. Voracious reading, along with a na Robert Ervin Howard was an American pulp writer of fantasy, horror, historical adventure, boxing, western, and detective fiction.
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Voracious reading, along with a natural talent for prose writing and the encouragement of teachers, conspired to create in Howard an interest in becoming a professional writer. One by one he discovered the authors that would influence his later work: Jack London and Rudyard Kipling.
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It's clear from Howard's earliest writings and the recollections of his friends that he suffered from severe depression from an early age. Friends recall him defending the act of suicide as a valid alternative as early as eighteen years old, while many of his stories and poems have a suicidal gloom and intensity that seem prescient in hindsight, describing such an end not as a tragedy but as a release from hell on earth.
Paperback , 52 pages. Published February 29th by Dodo Press first published January Conan Original Short Stories 2. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Scarlet Citadel , please sign up. Lists with This Book. May 04, Lyn rated it liked it. He had a five foot long broadsword. I thought you liked 70 year old short stuff?
And what is that supposed to mean, Ms. Bros before apparent threats to national security.
The Conan the Barbarian Stories
Even in this short work we see the interworking and rivalries between Koth, Ophir and other Howardesque states. Really amazing when you think about it, and damned entertaining. Archer, are you drunk again? I'm scared if I stop all at once, the cumulative hangover will literally kill me. View all 4 comments. Another exciting jaunt into King Conan's world.
Conquering the kingdom of Aquilonia brings no rest to Conan as betrayal, treachery and warfare abounds in this second short story originally penned by Howard in One thing I'm thoroughly enjoying about these classic pulp fantasy fiction stories is the way they defy expectations. Classic literature often invokes a sort of stodgy, historical feeling. The prose is undeniably different, and plot movement often didn't look the way it does now, with Another exciting jaunt into King Conan's world.
The prose is undeniably different, and plot movement often didn't look the way it does now, with its constant movement and focus on action that we see in so many works of fiction today. In the two Conan stories I've read thus far, Howard has defied that expectation entirely. The plotting is tight, and this story is chock full of action, magic and intrigue. One unexpected surprise is the amount of cosmic horror elements that Howard works into Conan's world. The bad guys are nefarious and dangerous at all times. The world building remains top notch, although it's definitely a world I would never want to step foot in given the sheer brutality of it.
There was a few pages of painfully dated and culturally insensitive material that did turn me off a tiny bit - but once the story advanced past that bit it picked up speed again in quick measure. Jan 19, Alex James rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was another great Conan story, more complex than The Phoenix on the Sword. There is a battle described, and the consequences of treachery are explained more. There were more sorcery elements involved than with The Phoenix on the Sword. The prose was fantastic as well. Some of the writing makes very good writing look stale: I must say, despite my observation that Conan stories tend to follow a pre This was another great Conan story, more complex than The Phoenix on the Sword.
I must say, despite my observation that Conan stories tend to follow a predictable formula, they are getting better and are some of my most favourite sword-and-sorcery tales. Jan 18, John rated it it was amazing. A man's man type of book. Bring out the beast and fight back to reclaim what you lost.
Indiana Jones would wet his pants if he had to face the snake Conan deal with. Sep 03, Perry Whitford rated it really liked it.
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The second of Robert E. Howard's original Conan Chronicles both starts and finishes in the best possible place for a Conan story- a bloody battlefield. Some time into his reign as the king of Aquilonia, Conan finds himself tricked into leaving his kingdom. Traveling south with a small force seemingly in aid of King Amalrus of Ophir, the Cimmerian soon discovers that his former ally has betrayed him, decimating his overwhelmed army in concert with his supposed oppressor, Strabonus, king of Koth.
T The second of Robert E. The two renegade kings are themselves controlled by the fear-inspiring Tsotha-lanti, the Kothian wizard, of whom it was said that 'he had a whole library of dark works bound in skin flayed from living human victims, and that in nameless pits below the hill whereon his palace sat, he trafficked with the powers of darkness, trading screaming girl slaves for unholy secrets'.

Not a nice man then. Captured and caged by the wily wizard, Conan is taken to Tsotha's imposing citadel, high on a hill above all Koth, 'like a condor stooping above its prey, intent on its own dark meditations'. There his triumphant captors give him the choice of exile or death, to which he responds, in typical fury, "Free my hands and I'll varnish this floor with your brains!
A somewhat jarring interlude of racist curses aside and to be fair, they are bandied about by both black and white characters , 'The Scarlet Citadel' is a rollicking ride of a short story, as weird and wonderful as any in the series. Another wonderful tale of standing up and fighting for what's right. The story rips along at a fantastic pace.
If anything, possibly a little too fast. The last chapter seemed a little rushed, hence only 4 stars.
Black Colossus - Wikipedia
I love how well REH is able to express his world building in so few pages, just by giving hints or making brief references to past events. Conan is the only well developed character, though Tshotha wasn't badly done. Most of the rest barely had physical descriptions to go along with the Another wonderful tale of standing up and fighting for what's right. Most of the rest barely had physical descriptions to go along with their short involvements to the plot. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
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The story has some of Howard's best world building. There's plenty of violence and plenty of darkness. The expected Conan feline and serpent references make their appearances, as do a giant snake and a bit of sorcery to move things along. As usual, Robert E.