The Complete Memories Series
Their relationship is put to the test as living on her own for the first time and university take their toll on Jen. How long does it take for a long-distance relationship to break down? Bing has no idea why Jen left Devon so fast. That she is The One. He wants Jen, and he wants her by his side for good.
Memories Series
Especially not when his forever girl is involved. Memories , Box Set Category: June 29, Words: Also by This Author. Readers of This Book Also Read. Log-in to write a review or add a video review. He could touch any dead body and access that dead person's memories, everything about that person's life, good or bad memories, wishes, experiences, desires, secrets, he could see it all like a movie.
Smashwords – The Complete Memories Series – a book by Emma Hart
This gift also allowed him to help the police solve quite a few cases where the secret clues were hidden in the memories of the dead bodies. Check out the Indian movies with the highest ratings from IMDb users, as well as the movies that are trending in real time. Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet!
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Learn more More Like This. Slave of Her Desires If you love stories that keep you chuckling with romance on top this for you! Gram was a hoot. I even liked the idea of Sam and Jen.
I feel like some of the issues were only partly told. I really would have liked more of Lexy and Alec rather than the series ending up being more about Sam and Alec. Oct 28, Nikki rated it really liked it.
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A lovely little series of books full of fun and laughter.. As always any book written by the fab Emma Hart is definitely worth a read! Aug 15, Tracy Lundy-Munn rated it it was amazing. I think shes a brilliant writer!!!

The book was well written and the characters were amazing. Aug 30, TKins rated it it was amazing. Really enjoyed these books I got the first book for free and oh my I really had to get the other book. It's cheaper to buy the full series together than buy book 2 by itself.
Book 1 was definitely the best read but still 1. I really was captivated by this book. It was very interesting and a little sad in the first one, but they kept Grammy alive in the other. Everyone ended up with who they should have. I recommend this series to everyone who enjoys reading. Jun 18, Lynne White rated it really liked it.
In the last book, Jen was way too weak in my opinion, majorly over-reacting with the major conflict in the book. Willing to throw in the towel knowing Bing was not at fault. Just an ok series for me. Jul 09, Sara Luck rated it it was amazing. Look below for my reviews of book 1 and 1.
- Inveja (Portuguese Edition).
- Larmes de venin : Essai sur le pouvoir (French Edition);
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- The Complete Memories Series;
- The Complete Memories Series (Memories, #1, , 2) by Emma Hart;
Book 2 was wonderful. Far better than book 1, maybe because they are older and I found Lexy really immature and frustrating in book 1. Sam and Jen were perfect together. A great coming of age love story. The characters develop over the three books. Jul 30, Stacey Conrad rated it really liked it Shelves: Got the first one as a freebie and them bought the bundle when it was on sale. Would be worth full price though! Jul 07, Cheri rated it it was amazing.
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Loved all three books!! Aug 05, Danielle Sanchez rated it liked it Shelves: This was a cute series, not one of my favorites but a quick read. The ending seems a little rushed and an afterthought to just close it out. Dec 18, Sharyn Hock rated it really liked it. A must read love story! Four characters that go from friends to lovers.
Jan 15, Melissa rated it really liked it. Cute, only ended up reading the first book Never Forget Nov 02, Meckesha Booher rated it really liked it. I enjoyed this series. I would definitely recommend it. Oct 27, Shannon rated it liked it Shelves: Loved the first book but the series seemed too sex crazed and whiny.