La cyberdépendance en 60 questions (Santé) (French Edition)
Anorexie -- Aspect physiologique 2. Adolescents -- Psychologie 2. Widener, George, 1. Violence familiale -- Canada 1. Victimes d'inceste -- Aspect psychologique 1. Trouble panique -- Traitement 1. Travail -- Aspect psychologique 1. Age group Closed captioning Not available Reportage du 14 octobre Reportage du 15 avril Reportage du 9 novembre La semaine verte Temple Grandin: Condition qui lui permet de voir le monde des animaux autrement. Reportage du 12 mars Such "hidden" punishment cannot deter future norm violations but was nevertheless frequently used by both 2nd-party victims and 3rd-party observers of norm violations, indicating that retributive motives drive punishment decisions independently from deterrence goals.
While self-reports of deterrence motives correlated with deterrence -related punishment behavior, self-reports of retributive motives did not correlate with retributive punishment behavior. Our findings reveal a preference for pure retribution that can lead to punishment without any social benefits. Nuclear Deterrent Workplace Survey Results Nuclear Deterrent Workplace Survey Questionnaire Species Identification and Virulence Attributes of Saccharomyces boulardii nom.
Recent studies have confirmed that S. The aim of the present study was to identify strains of S. Three strains of S. Therefore, classical methods used for the identification of Saccharomyces spp.
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Typing by using the restriction fragment length polymorphisms RFLPs of the PCR-amplified intergenic transcribed spacer regions including the 5. Therefore, the commercial strains of S. The results of the present study show that these S. Therefore, caution should be advised in the clinical use of these strains in immunocompromised patients until.
Using detection and deterrence to reduce insider risk. This paper addresses a new concept of interaction between adversary detection and deterrence. It provides an initial evaluation of the effects of these variables on the risk of theft of special nuclear material by an insider adversary and can be extended to the sabotage threat. A steady-state risk equation is used. Exercises with this equation show that deterrence , resulting from the prospect of detection, has a greater ability to reduce the risk than the detection exercise itself. This is true for all cases except those in which the probabilty of detection is 1.
Cases were developed for three different types of adversaries that can be distinguished from one another by the level of detection they are willing to tolerate before they are deterred from attempting a theft. By considering the effects of detection, deterrence , and adversary type, the ground work is laid for designing cost-effective insider threat-protection systems. This is true for all cases except those in which the probability of detection is 1. Nuclear deterrence , which relevance in the To debate on deterrence: The Catholic Church and the nuclear deterrence.
In a first article, a member of a centrist party in charge of defence issues calls for a broader debate on nuclear weapons, and notably questions the existence of the airborne component of the French deterrence as the ground-based component has already been suppressed , and more particularly when budgets and their evolutions are taken into account. He states that the principles of nuclear deterrence can be met with only the sea-borne component.
He also outlines the role a European Defence should have. He discusses a possible approach to disarmament. In the second article, the author discusses the past acceptable relevance and present obsolescence of the nuclear weapon. The last article proposes an overview of opinions expressed by the Catholic Church since the 's about nuclear weapons and nuclear deterrence , and always more in favour of a nuclear disarmament.
Optimal interface between principal deterrent systems and material accounting. The purpose of this study is to find an optimal blend between three safeguards systems for special nuclear material SNM , the material accounting system and the physical security and material control systems. The latter two are denoted as principal deterrent systems.
The optimization methodology employed is a two-stage decision algorithm, first an explicit maximization of expected diverter benefits and subsequently a minimization of expected defender costs for changes in material accounting procedures and incremental improvements in the principal deterrent systems. The probability of diverter success function dependent upon the principal deterrents and material accounting system variables is developed.
Within the range of certainty of the model, existing material accounting, material control and physical security practices are justified.
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Cyber security deterrence and it protection for critical infrastructures. This SpringerBrief covers state-of-the-art documentation on the deterrence power of cyber attacks and argues that nations are entering a new cyber arms race. The brief also provides a technical analysis of possible cyber attacks towards critical infrastructures in the chemical industry and chemical safety industry. The authors also propose modern analyses and a holistic approach to resil.
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Influence of natural organic matter NOM coatings on nanoparticle adsorption onto supported lipid bilayers. As the worldwide usage of nanoparticles in commercial products continues to increase, there is growing concern about the environmental risks that nanoparticles pose to biological systems, including potential damage to cellular membranes. A detailed understanding of how different types of nanoparticles behave in environmentally relevant conditions is imperative for predicting and mitigating potential membrane-associated toxicities.
Herein, we investigated the adsorption of two popular nanoparticles silver and buckminsterfullerene onto biomimetic supported lipid bilayers of varying membrane charge positive and negative. The quartz crystal microbalance-dissipation QCM-D measurement technique was employed to track the adsorption kinetics. Particular attention was focused on understanding how natural organic matter NOM coatings affect nanoparticle-bilayer interactions.
Both types of nanoparticles preferentially adsorbed onto the positively charged bilayers, although NOM coatings on the nanoparticle and lipid bilayer surfaces could either inhibit or promote adsorption in certain electrolyte conditions. While past findings showed that NOM coatings inhibit membrane adhesion, our findings demonstrate that the effects of NOM coatings are more nuanced depending on the type of nanoparticle and electrolyte condition.
Taken together, the results demonstrate that NOM coatings can modulate the lipid membrane interactions of various nanoparticles, suggesting a possible way to improve the environmental safety of nanoparticles. Examining the Application of Deterrence in Sentencing in Malawi. Various UN and regional instruments and the jurisprudence of international human rights bodies echo the need for a prospect of release: Andenaes Punishment and Deterrence Cavadino and Dignan Penal System This study was designed to explore and define key factors that deter women from participating in continuing professional development CPD in the workplace.
Four dimensions of deterrents that are caused by women's social roles, gender inequality and gender dimensions are discussed: In the current climate of budgetary restrictions, it is fair to question the weight of military nuclear defence spending. Upon examination, however, nuclear deterrence has numerous military, industrial, and technological benefits.
It is, in fact, totally intertwined with the other elements of our defence system. Thinking Globally about U. In contrast to the Cold War bilateral global competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, the modern nuclear age features a more complex, multiplayer arena on the regional scale.
With the exception of the U. As a result, analysts and policymakers must think globally about U. How have the requirements of extended deterrence and assurance changed? Are there important threads that connect each region? What should the U. The workshop brought together approximately 40 U. The participants joined a day of not-for-attribution discussions on the changing deterrence and assurance requirements, the threads that connect the regions, and U. The following is a summary of key takeaways.
The Effect of Type-1 Error on Deterrence. According to a conventional view, type-1 error wrongful conviction is as detrimental to deterrence as type-2 error wrongful acquittal , because type-1 error lowers the pay-off from acting within the law. This view has led to the claim that the pro-defendant bias of criminal procedure, and its Outer space and nuclear deterrence: The presentation deals with the role of outer-space applications and prospects for near future developments in nuclear deterrence.
Conceptual problems of offensive and defensive doctrines are reviewed together with legal implications. The deterrent effect of nuclear forensics: The case of Hungary. A State capable of identifying the origin and history of intercepted nuclear or radioactive material can have a deterrent effect.
This is why nuclear forensics — the examination of nuclear and other radioactive material as part of criminal or nuclear security investigations — is an important tool. Can the deterrence survive to nuclear tests ban. The problem of the soundness of the nuclear tests stopping is discussed here. The safety, the durability of nuclear weapons need nuclear tests. So, unless other means able to guarantee the deterrence , it is prejudicial to stop nuclear tests and to sign a non proliferation treaty with the option of zero nuclear explosion.
Nuclear Deterrence in Cyber-ia: Joel Brenner, Glass Houses: Privacy , Secrecy, and Cyber Insecurity in a Transparent. Phytochemical feeding deterrents for stored product insect pests. CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: Israeli Deterrence And the 2nd Lebanon War. Approved for public release: Disclaimer The views expressed in this academic This stability owes to strong Israeli deterrence , whose roots stem at the war.
The purpose of this essay is to. Give Deterrence a Chance: A Strategy Against Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda Terrorists have been described as sociopaths , narcissists, fanatics, extremists, zealots, true-believers, jihadists or demented criminals If terrorists are sociopaths or other deviants and it is probable that some are , then it is unlikely that deterrence with its reliance on rational. A study of seasonal effects on metal- NOM interactions and the This paper reports on a study of calcium carbonate CaCO3 precipitation potentials of cooling water CW at Eskom power stations.
It is important to understand the complexation reaction between calcium and dissolved organic carbon Ca-DOC because the natural organic matter NOM affects the precipitation potentials Full Text Available Natural organic matter NOM in drinking water supplies significantly impacts on water supply quality and treatment, due to observed reactivity with many dissolved and particulate species. Several technologies are used nowadays to remove NOM from the water supply.
The evolution of water-related directives, and progressively more restrictive standards for drinking water, however, call for the investigation of advanced, more efficient, and cost-effective water treatment processes. This paper contains a brief overview on the state-of-the-art methods for NOM removal from supply waters, and describes the experimental application of an advanced technology, tested and validated at the pilot scale on the water supply source of a town in Poland. The key to success of this type of process is a correct setup with the identification of optimal types and dosages of reagents.
Based on the results of the tests conducted it is foreseeable that this technology could be used onsite, not only for removal of NOM , but also of other hard-to-tackle pollutants potentially contained in the freshwater supply and not presently considered. Full Text Available With the U. However, unlike the nuclear realm, cyber deterrence must incorporate a wide spectrum of potential adversaries of various skill, determination, and capability, ranging from individual actors to state run enterprises.
Attribution challenges, the ability to respond quickly and effectively, and the ability to sustain a model of repeatability prove to be insurmountable in a domain where actors operate in obfuscation. Achieving compliance when legal sanctions are non- deterrent. Law backed by nondeterrent sanctions mild law has been hypothesized to achieve compliance because of norm activation. We experimentally investigate the effects of mild law in the provision of public goods by comparing it to severe law deterrent sanctions and no law. The results show that exog We show that voting for mild law induces expectations of cooperation, and that people tend to comply with the law if they expect many others to do so Few strategic doctrines raise as many controversies as nuclear deterrence.
Some are philosophical, ideological or political in nature and question its legitimacy in regards to the considerable risks that it implies, or to the inequality between nations that it upholds. Others are of technical character and develop possible scenarios, corresponding arms systems, and foreseeable interactions between partners. Still others have a retrospective or historic dimension, notably when it comes to evaluating the past efficiency of nuclear deterrence and appraising its contribution to the maintenance of peace - for deterrence strives to be a doctrine of peace maintenance, its organizing principle being that of non-use.
The present volume attempts to adopt a different approach. In conjunction with the remarkable transformations affecting international society and the resulting new security - or insecurity - context, it is more a reflection on the future of nuclear deterrence. Today, nuclear deterrence warrants fundamental reexamination.
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Apart from the traditional challenges from diverse sources and countries, the pertinence of a strategy which presently has neither a major threat to confront nor a designated enemy cannot but be questioned. Concurrently, the spread of nuclear materials, equipment and technology, and the vibrant political interest in acquisition of nuclear arms in a number of countries, threaten further proliferation.
In the future, therefore, there may be a decoupling between deterrence and nuclear arms, presenting new dangers to international security. To implement existing commitments to nuclear disarmament is an enormous task. Tens of thousands of nuclear weapons are slated for withdrawal, and most of them for elimination as well. Still, the retention of US and Russian strategic nuclear weapons at the level of is compatible with existing nuclear doctrines and not to be confused with the concept of minimal deterrence.
Depending on the properties. The safeguarding of nuclear reactor fuel includes physical security methods as well as technological process options. The purpose of this study was to provide a preliminary evaluation of a technological option; the introduction of denaturing as a deterrent to illicit plutonium diversion. Denaturing is accomplished by coextracting some highly-radioactive fission products with the plutonium during reprocessing of spent fuel. The radioactive denaturant is always in companion with the plutonium through all subsequent fuel cycle steps - and serves as a deterrent to diversion or illicit usage of this fissile source.
In concept the denaturing approach is simple and straightforward. This report provides a preliminary analysis of denaturing which can be achieved within the framework of present reprocessing technology. The impact of denaturing is indicated by comparison to a conventional i. Minimum deterrence and regional security. The impact of regional security in Europe on the minimum nuclear deterrence is analyzed. There are four factors that enable definition of specific features of European security. Europe is the only theatre in which four of the five nuclear Powers coexist, where three states, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, represent a new type of proliferation.
It is therefore the strategic region with the heaviest concentration of nuclear weapons in the world. Finally it is a theatre in which regional wars are again a possibility. In other words, the end of cold war meant return of real wars in Europe on one hand, and on the other, a combination of absolutely massive and essential nuclear capability and over-increasing economic, political and diplomatic instability. In spite of these circumstances nuclear deterrence in Europe is inevitable and desirable.
Full Text Available Spatial competition plays important roles in economics, which attracts extensive research. This paper addresses spatial competitions along with horizontal product differentiations and entry deterrence. By the dynamic game theory model about one firm and a potential entrant with different cost in a linear city, this paper finds that both the higher fixed setup cost and the higher transportation cost deter entrants. To efficiently deter the entrants, the establisher is inclined to locating at the middle point of the linear city. Assuring adequate deterrence in tort: A public good experiment.
The experimental treatments are analogous to: The treatment with damages limited to harm to an individual does not p The article of record as published may be located at http: Deterring suicide terrorists is a daunting challenge, as people who plan to kill themselves to carry out an attack have no reason to care about a threat to punish them after the fact. Steps reducing reliance on deployed nuclear weapons en route to zero will be discussed.
They include broadly enhancing cooperation and transparency agreements beyond the provisions for verifying limits on deployed strategic nuclear warheads and delivery systems in the New START treaty. Two questions that will be addressed are: What conditions would have to be established in order to maintain strategic stability among nations as nuclear weapons recede in importance? What would nuclear deterrence be like in a world without nuclear weapons? Compared to European political and security circumstance, minimum deterrence is less an illusion in other regions where weapon free zones already exist.
It will continue to be relevant to the security of other regions. Strategic arms limitation should be pursued vigorously in a constructive and pragmatic manner, bearing in mind the need to readjust to new global challenges. Deterrence and constrained enforcement: Alternative regimes to deal with bribery. This study embeds transaction cost analysis into a Law and Economics model to produce general recommendations on how to deter bribery.
Governments may deter bribery either by high penalties and risks of detection, potentially supported by leniency given to those who report their infraction deterrence regime. Another local optimum is achieved if the government amplifies the risk of opportunism, aggravating the difficulties of enforcing a bribe transaction. This involves a low probability of From War to Deterrence? Israel-Hezbollah Conflict Since Given the current passion of Israeli Variations on a Theme: Interstellar deterrence and its implications.
The possibility that extraterrestrial intelligences ETIs could be hostile to humanity has been raised as a reason to avoid even trying to contact ETIs. However, there is a distinct shortage of analytical discussion about the risks of an attack, perhaps because of an implicit premise that we cannot analyze the decision making of an alien civilization. This paper argues that we can draw some inferences from the history of the Cold War and nuclear deterrence in order to show that at least some Simulation in the service of deterrence ; Le Programme Simulation au service de la dissuasion.
From this detailed account of the work and challenges of the Directorate of Military Applications of the French Atomic Energy Commission we can gain a measure of the demanding scientific and diplomatic structure within which nuclear weapons are maintained in France. Simulation is now at the heart of the matter. Nuclear deterrence in Southern Asia: Deterrence includes a mix of reassurance and accommodation, and should not focus exclusively on nuclear capabilities.
It is premised on the notion that decision makers are rational individuals. The question of armed conflict, the risk of war and the issue of deterrence in Southern Asia are complicated by the fact that India has a nuclear adversarial relationship with Pakistan and China. Historically, this is an unprecedented situation where a triangular nuclear competition has been constructed, since it is geo-strategically different and more complicated than the bilateral nuclear rivalry that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Should India and Pakistan continue creeping along towards weaponisation and deployment, and China proceed with its nuclear modernisation plans, also partially resulting from the US's national missile defence programme, the three could easily enter into a triad that would be more competitive and conflictual in nature than cooperating with each other in the medium and long term.
This book seeks to investigate the nuances of the oft-repeated mantra of credible minimum deterrent , study decision making in crisis and the drivers of various processes and structures in the domestic environment that influence the existence of the bomb in these countries. It seeks to explicate the prevailing attitudes towards issues of arms control, doctrines, strategy, weaponisation and deployment. The fundamental objective here is to highlight issues and prepare decision makers and policy elites in these countries. Although Russia and China are not identified as adversaries of The US decision to meet the needs of deterrence by relying less on nuclear weapons and instead devel- oping.
Report on the behalf of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Armed Forces Commission on the bill project authorizing the ratification of the treaty between the French Republic, the United-Kingdom of Great-Britain and Northern Ireland related to common hydrodynamic and radiographic installations; Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires etrangeres, de la defense et des forces armees 1 sur le projet de loi autorisant la ratification du traite entre la Republique francaise et le Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du nord relatif a des installations radiographiques et hydrodynamiques communes.
After a presentation of the main directions defined during the London summit for the French-British defence cooperation convergence of interests and ambitions, cooperation in the operational, capacity, technological and industrial areas , this report more precisely presents and discusses the cooperation perspectives in the military nuclear field deterrence by the French and British nuclear weapons, the experimentation as a field of cooperation, cooperation modalities with a common installation and a common technological development centre.
These perspectives encompass experimentation installations aimed at the simulation of nuclear weapons. Then, it details the content of the treaty related to common hydrodynamic and radiographic installations: Central Au on Au collisions. France ; Basrak, Z. In nucleus-nucleus collisions the initial relative kinetic energy of target and projectile is available for internal excitation of the interacting system; it is however still not well established to what extent local equilibrium and thermalisation occur.
Local equilibrium is of interest to derive, within the formalism of transport equations and of the equation of state, EOS , general properties of compressed and excited nuclear matter. Such approach describes in relatively simple terms the complex many body interactions occuring within extended baryonic and hadronic or quark matter. For a basic microscopic understanding it is highly desirable to investigate the elementary in-medium interactions in relation to the free elementary processes. Excitation function measurements of central collisions between the heaviest available nuclei like Au on Au , supply the best ground for such studies: The consideration presented here of energy thermalisation and of an expanding system clusterizing at freeze-out in a situation close to the liquid gas phase transition can be of interest to astrophysics as well as to the quark gluon plasma deconfinement studied in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the higher energy regime of CERN and Brookhaven.
In Defense of Deterrence. Since , nuclear deterrence has been the target of continuous criticism on strategic, legal and moral grounds. But in the past five years, the renewed debate on nuclear disarmament has been accompanied by an increase in such criticism. Efforts led by four US statesmen, or the more radical 'Global Zero' movement, as well as various diplomatic initiatives, have been accompanied by a flurry of new, serious academic studies questioning the legitimacy of nuclear weapons. More than ever, nuclear deterrence is attacked by many, both on the 'Left' and on the 'Right'.
To the traditional arguments related to the credibility, the legality or the morality of nuclear deterrence are now added two other factors. First, nuclear weapons, it is argued, have limited value vis-a-vis proliferation and terrorism, and such risks bolster the case for nuclear disarmament. Second, alternatives such as high-precision conventional means and missile defense are said to now be much more effective than they were in the past. What follows is an attempt to respond to those arguments and offer a proper defense of nuclear deterrence. It is essentially devoted to the most traditional and widely used form of nuclear deterrence , that is, deterrence through the threat of nuclear retaliation ' deterrence by punishment'.
It begins with revisiting and addressing the two classic criticisms of nuclear deterrence: It then goes on to address criticisms which, without being entirely new, have gained in importance in recent years: Atomic force microscopy AFM was used to study interaction forces between four Natural Organic Matter NOM samples of different physicochemical characteristics and origins and mica surface at a wide range of ionic strength.
All NOM samples were strongly adsorbed on positively charged iron oxide-coated silica colloidal probe. Cross-sectioning by focused ion beam milling technique and elemental mapping by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy indicated coating completeness of the NOM -coated colloidal probes. AFM-generated force-distance curves were analyzed to elucidate the nature and mechanisms of these interacting forces.
Electrostatics and steric interactions were important contributors to repulsive forces during approach, although the latter became more influential with increasing ionic strength. Retracting force profiles showed a NOM adhesion behavior on mica consistent with its physicochemical characteristics.
Humic-like substances, referred as the least hydrophilic NOM fraction, i.
However, adhesion force increased with increasing ionic strength, suggesting double layer compression. Conversely, polysaccharide-like substances showed high adhesion to mica. Hydrogen-bonding between hydroxyl groups on polysaccharide-like substances and highly electronegative elements on mica was suggested as the main adsorption mechanism, where the adhesion force decreased with increasing ionic strength.
Results from this investigation indicated that all NOM samples retained their characteristics after the coating procedure. The experimental approach followed in this study can potentially be extended to investigate interactions between NOM and clean or fouled membranes as a function of NOM physicochemical characteristics and solution chemistry. The role of non-operative management NOM in blunt hepatic trauma.
Full Text Available Background: NOM in blunt hepatic trauma is the preferred treatment in otherwise stable patients.
To evaluate the role of NOM in blunt hepatic trauma, avoiding unnecessary surgery. Forty-four patients who presented with blunt hepatic trauma were admitted to the Emergency Unit. The patients were evaluated clinically. Abdominal computerized tomography was done to all hemodynamically stable patients and who were stabilized by the initial resuscitation. Initially, all patients were treated conservatively and the patients who needed laparotomy later were considered as failure of NOM.
Liver injuries due to penetrating causes were excluded. An informed consent was taken from each patient. Blunt trauma was the mechanism of injury in 44 patients The peak age was between 20 and 30 years. The male to female ratio was The mean admission systolic pressure was lower in the NOM failure group 90 vs.
The factors that can suspect failure of NOM were the development of hemodynamic instability or the presence of associated injury that mandates immediate exploration. Two types of natural surface water Schie canal and Biesbosch reservoir were tested to confirm the improvement of demineralized water backwashing on fouling control, and LC-OCD analysis was conducted on Schie canal water to find out which fraction of NOM was removed with those backwashes.
Results derived from natural waters showed that demineralized water backwashing substantially improved UF fouling control. LC-OCD analyses showed both UF permeate and demineralized water backwashes were effective on removing part of biopolymers, but demineralized water is also effective for humic substances and a limited amount of low molecular weight substances. However, based on the LC-OCD results, even demineralized water backwashing is not effective to remove all humic substances and biopolymers rejected on the UF membranes.
Physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of natural organic matter NOM from various sources and implications for ameliorative effects on metal toxicity to aquatic biota. However, the magnitude of the protective effect, judged by toxicity measures e. This review summarizes some key quality parameters for NOM samples, obtained by reverse osmosis, and by using correlation analyses, investigates their contribution to ameliorating metal toxicity towards aquatic biota.
At comparable and environmentally realistic DOC levels, molecular spectroscopic characteristics specific absorbance coefficient, SAC, and fluorescence index, FI as well as concentrations of fluorescent fractions obtained from mathematical mixture resolution techniques PARAFAC , explain considerable variability in the protective effects. NOM quality clearly influences the toxicity of copper Cu and lead Pb.
- The Smile of the Cat (Storyteller Series Book 4)!
- The Medieval Village (Dover Books on History, Political and Social Science).
- Résultats 1-25 de 628.
NOM quality may also influence the toxicity of silver Ag , cadmium Cd and inorganic mercury Hg , but as yet insufficient data are available to unequivocally support the latter correlations between toxicity reduction and NOM quality predictors. Cu binding capacities, protein-to-carbohydrate ratio, and lipophilicity, show insignificant correlation to the amelioration offered by NOMs , but these conclusions are based on data for Norwegian NOMs with very narrow ranges for the latter two parameters.
Certainly, various NOMs alleviate metal toxicity differentially and therefore their quality measures should be considered in addition to their quantity. Compares opinions of British teachers and students toward educational incentives and deterrents. Little change has occurred in the responses of teachers and students over the 24 years. Differences of opinion are evident between pupils and teachers, especially with regard to corporal punishment as a deterrent and adult approval as an incentive.
Settle for now but block for tomorrow: Antitrust policy involves not just the regulation of anticompetitive behavior but also an important deterrence effect. Neither scholars nor policy makers have fully researched the deterrence effects of merger policy tools because they have been unable to empirically measure these effects. Full Text Available The article studies prospective for transformation of the current global deterrence system in 21st century, paying special attention to the structures of treaties past After the mainstay arms control treaty New START expiration development of the new system of treaties and agreements seems inevitable, quite possibly, on multilateral basis.
The hypothesis stressing possibility of multilateral deterrence system for global stability is quite popular nowadays. A detailed understanding of how different types of nanoparticles behave in environmentally relevant conditions is imperative for predicting and mitigating potential membrane-associated toxicities. Herein, we investigated the adsorption of two popular nanoparticles silver and buckminsterfullerene onto biomimetic supported lipid bilayers of varying membrane charge positive and negative.
The quartz crystal microbalance-dissipation QCM-D measurement technique was employed to track the adsorption kinetics. Particular attention was focused on understanding how natural organic matter NOM coatings affect nanoparticle-bilayer interactions. Both types of nanoparticles preferentially adsorbed onto the positively charged bilayers, although NOM coatings on the nanoparticle and lipid bilayer surfaces could either inhibit or promote adsorption in certain electrolyte conditions. While past findings showed that NOM coatings inhibit membrane adhesion, our findings demonstrate that the effects of NOM coatings are more nuanced depending on the type of nanoparticle and electrolyte condition.
Taken together, the results demonstrate that NOM coatings can modulate the lipid membrane interactions of various nanoparticles, suggesting a possible way to improve the environmental safety of nanoparticles. A study of seasonal effects on metal- NOM interactions and the This paper reports on a study of calcium carbonate CaCO3 precipitation potentials of cooling water CW at Eskom power stations.
It is important to understand the complexation reaction between calcium and dissolved organic carbon Ca-DOC because the natural organic matter NOM affects the precipitation potentials Full Text Available Natural organic matter NOM in drinking water supplies significantly impacts on water supply quality and treatment, due to observed reactivity with many dissolved and particulate species.
Several technologies are used nowadays to remove NOM from the water supply. The evolution of water-related directives, and progressively more restrictive standards for drinking water, however, call for the investigation of advanced, more efficient, and cost-effective water treatment processes. This paper contains a brief overview on the state-of-the-art methods for NOM removal from supply waters, and describes the experimental application of an advanced technology, tested and validated at the pilot scale on the water supply source of a town in Poland.
The key to success of this type of process is a correct setup with the identification of optimal types and dosages of reagents. Based on the results of the tests conducted it is foreseeable that this technology could be used onsite, not only for removal of NOM , but also of other hard-to-tackle pollutants potentially contained in the freshwater supply and not presently considered. Report made on behalf of the commission of foreign affairs about the project of law, adopted by the Senate, giving permission to the approval of the agreement between the French government and the international organization for thermonuclear fusion energy ITER, relative to the head office of ITER organization and to the privileges and immunities of ITER organization in the French territory; Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires etrangeres sur le projet de loi, adopte par le senat, autorisant l'approbation de l'accord entre le Gouvernement de la Republique francaise et l'Organisation internationale ITER pour l'energie de fusion relatif au siege de l'Organisation ITER et aux privileges et immunites de l'Organisation ITER sur le territoire francais.
The agreement signed in Paris between these seven parties on November 21, entrusted the international organization ITER with the realization of this project. The implications of the ITER project are enormous both in their scientific and in their economical aspects. France has a particular position in this project since the head office of ITER organisation is sited at Saint-Paul-lez-Durance and the tokamak will be built at Cadarache.
The approval of this agreement is the object of this project of law. The document presents first the principle, challenge and stakes of the ITER project and the long negotiations that have led to chose France for the setting up of the research facility. Then, it presents the agreement of November 7, , which fixes the general framework of the conditions necessary to the achievement of the project.
The agreement comprises the classical rules, privileges and immunities of any international organization sited on the French ground, plus some more specific dispositions in particular in the domain of management of the wastes generated by the facility. Central Au on Au collisions. France ; Basrak, Z. In nucleus-nucleus collisions the initial relative kinetic energy of target and projectile is available for internal excitation of the interacting system; it is however still not well established to what extent local equilibrium and thermalisation occur.
Local equilibrium is of interest to derive, within the formalism of transport equations and of the equation of state, EOS , general properties of compressed and excited nuclear matter. Such approach describes in relatively simple terms the complex many body interactions occuring within extended baryonic and hadronic or quark matter. For a basic microscopic understanding it is highly desirable to investigate the elementary in-medium interactions in relation to the free elementary processes.
Excitation function measurements of central collisions between the heaviest available nuclei like Au on Au , supply the best ground for such studies: The consideration presented here of energy thermalisation and of an expanding system clusterizing at freeze-out in a situation close to the liquid gas phase transition can be of interest to astrophysics as well as to the quark gluon plasma deconfinement studied in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the higher energy regime of CERN and Brookhaven. Atomic force microscopy AFM was used to study interaction forces between four Natural Organic Matter NOM samples of different physicochemical characteristics and origins and mica surface at a wide range of ionic strength.
All NOM samples were strongly adsorbed on positively charged iron oxide-coated silica colloidal probe. Cross-sectioning by focused ion beam milling technique and elemental mapping by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy indicated coating completeness of the NOM -coated colloidal probes. AFM-generated force-distance curves were analyzed to elucidate the nature and mechanisms of these interacting forces. Electrostatics and steric interactions were important contributors to repulsive forces during approach, although the latter became more influential with increasing ionic strength.
Retracting force profiles showed a NOM adhesion behavior on mica consistent with its physicochemical characteristics. Humic-like substances, referred as the least hydrophilic NOM fraction, i. However, adhesion force increased with increasing ionic strength, suggesting double layer compression. Conversely, polysaccharide-like substances showed high adhesion to mica. Hydrogen-bonding between hydroxyl groups on polysaccharide-like substances and highly electronegative elements on mica was suggested as the main adsorption mechanism, where the adhesion force decreased with increasing ionic strength.
Results from this investigation indicated that all NOM samples retained their characteristics after the coating procedure.

The experimental approach followed in this study can potentially be extended to investigate interactions between NOM and clean or fouled membranes as a function of NOM physicochemical characteristics and solution chemistry. The role of non-operative management NOM in blunt hepatic trauma. Full Text Available Background: NOM in blunt hepatic trauma is the preferred treatment in otherwise stable patients. To evaluate the role of NOM in blunt hepatic trauma, avoiding unnecessary surgery.
Forty-four patients who presented with blunt hepatic trauma were admitted to the Emergency Unit. The patients were evaluated clinically. Abdominal computerized tomography was done to all hemodynamically stable patients and who were stabilized by the initial resuscitation. Initially, all patients were treated conservatively and the patients who needed laparotomy later were considered as failure of NOM. Liver injuries due to penetrating causes were excluded. An informed consent was taken from each patient. Blunt trauma was the mechanism of injury in 44 patients The peak age was between 20 and 30 years.
The male to female ratio was The mean admission systolic pressure was lower in the NOM failure group 90 vs. The factors that can suspect failure of NOM were the development of hemodynamic instability or the presence of associated injury that mandates immediate exploration. Two types of natural surface water Schie canal and Biesbosch reservoir were tested to confirm the improvement of demineralized water backwashing on fouling control, and LC-OCD analysis was conducted on Schie canal water to find out which fraction of NOM was removed with those backwashes.
Results derived from natural waters showed that demineralized water backwashing substantially improved UF fouling control. LC-OCD analyses showed both UF permeate and demineralized water backwashes were effective on removing part of biopolymers, but demineralized water is also effective for humic substances and a limited amount of low molecular weight substances. However, based on the LC-OCD results, even demineralized water backwashing is not effective to remove all humic substances and biopolymers rejected on the UF membranes.
Physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of natural organic matter NOM from various sources and implications for ameliorative effects on metal toxicity to aquatic biota. However, the magnitude of the protective effect, judged by toxicity measures e. This review summarizes some key quality parameters for NOM samples, obtained by reverse osmosis, and by using correlation analyses, investigates their contribution to ameliorating metal toxicity towards aquatic biota. At comparable and environmentally realistic DOC levels, molecular spectroscopic characteristics specific absorbance coefficient, SAC, and fluorescence index, FI as well as concentrations of fluorescent fractions obtained from mathematical mixture resolution techniques PARAFAC , explain considerable variability in the protective effects.
NOM quality clearly influences the toxicity of copper Cu and lead Pb. NOM quality may also influence the toxicity of silver Ag , cadmium Cd and inorganic mercury Hg , but as yet insufficient data are available to unequivocally support the latter correlations between toxicity reduction and NOM quality predictors.
Cu binding capacities, protein-to-carbohydrate ratio, and lipophilicity, show insignificant correlation to the amelioration offered by NOMs , but these conclusions are based on data for Norwegian NOMs with very narrow ranges for the latter two parameters. Certainly, various NOMs alleviate metal toxicity differentially and therefore their quality measures should be considered in addition to their quantity. Foulant identification and cleaning. The study of forward osmosis FO membranes has increased due to the already demonstrated advantages compared to high-energy membrane processes such as reverse osmosis RO.
This research focuses on characterization of the natural organic matter NOM fraction causing fouling on the active layer AL of a FO membrane in a novel plate and frame module configuration, facing secondary wastewater effluent as a feed solution FS and seawater used as a draw solution DS. The NOM fouling layer, after characterizing the water samples and membranes used, was found to be composed of biopolymers and protein-like substances, which adversely affect the flux of water through the FO membrane.
The irreversible fouling in this work was found to be 8. On the support layer of the membrane, TEP formed clusters clearly identifiable with an optical microscope and a TEP-specific dye. Natural organic matter NOM is of concern in drinking water because it causes adverse aesthetic qualities such as taste, odour, and colour; impedes the performance of treatment processes; and decreases the effectiveness of oxidants.
This paper presents mechanistic studies on the formation of NDMA, a newly identified chloramination disinfection byproduct, from reactions of monochloramine with natural organic matter. A kinetic model was developed to validate proposed reactions and to predict NDMA formation in chloraminated water during the time frame of days. This involved incorporating NDMA formation reactions into an established comprehensive model describing the oxidation of humic-type natural organic matter by monochloramine.
A rate-limiting step involving the oxidation of NOM is theorized to control the rate of NDMA formation which is assumed to be proportional to the rate of NOM oxidized by monochloramine. Results show that with accurate measurement of monochloramine demand for a specific supply, NDMA formation could be modeled over an extended range of experimental conditions by considering a single NOM source-specific value of thetaNDMA, a stoichiometric coefficient relating the amount of NDMA produced to the amount of NOM oxidized, and several kinetic parameters describing NOM oxidation.
This suggests that NDMA formation over a day time frame may be estimated from information on the chloramine or free chlorine demand of the NOM and the source-specific linear relationship between this demand and NDMA formation. Although the proposed model has not yet been validated for shorter time periods that may better characterize the residence time in some distribution systems, the improved understanding of the important reactions governing NDMA formation and the resulting model should benefit the water treatment industry as a tool in developing strategies that minimize NDMA formation.
Speech of italian ambassador. Il remet un prix au DG C. Natural organic matter NOM is of concern in drinking water because it causes adverse aesthetic qualities such as taste, odour, and colour; impedes the performance of treatment processes; and decreases the effectiveness of oxidants and disinfectants while contributing to undesirable disinfection by-products.
The effective removal of NOM during drinking water treatment requires a good understanding of its character. Because of its heterogeneity, NOM characterization necessitates the use of multiple analytical techniques. These characterization methods indicate that the raw and treated waters are dominated by humic substances. The results show that whereas the coagulation process for both plants may be optimized for the removal of bulk DOC, it is not likewise optimized for the removal of specific NOM fractions. Etude bibliographique Coalescence Phenomena. La coalescence se divise en deux phases distinctes: The problem linked to the stability of oil-in-water emulsions e.
From the thermodynamic standpoint, an emulsion is always unstable Fig. The kinematic stability characterizing the separation rate of the dispersed phase from the continuous phase can nonetheless be controlled by the coalescence of droplets present in the emulsion Fig. This article reviews various experimental and theoretical works on the phenomenon of coalescence but the discussion is limited mainly to the coalescence of an single drop at a flat or deformable interface. The coalescence of a single drop is governed. The Norm NOM ENER no longer commands the efficient handling of energy from functional equipment or apparatuses but from a well planned architectural design that allows diminishing the energy use for cooling purposes, consequently this Norm refers to the conduction and radiation principles regulating the heat gain through the cover portions of a building.
The Norm defines a reference theoretical building that will dictate the propitious heat gain for the projected buildings. Here the functioning logic of the Norm in respect to both principles is mathematically explained as well as an application example is developed considering the calculations made for the Norm's reference building and for the projected one, the final revision of the fulfillment of the norm, proposals of solutions and the conclusions. Por ende, esta norma se refiere a los principios de conduccion y radiacion regulando la ganancia de calor a traves de la envolvente y porciones de un edificio.
La Norma define un edificio teorico de referencia que dictara la ganancia de calor propicia para los edificios proyectados. Aqui se explica matematicamente la logica de funcionamiento de la Norma respecto a ambos principios asi como se desarrolla un ejemplo de aplicacion que considera los calculos realizados para el edificio de referencia de la Norma y para el proyectado, la revision final del cumplimiento de la Norma, propuestas de solucion y conclusiones.
Testemun- has de si mesmos: Mieux comprendre ce que fait la droite ultra aux Etats-Unis. In-situ identification of iron electrocoagulation speciation and application for natural organic matter NOM removal. In this work, iron speciation in electrocoagulation EC was studied to determine the impact of operating parameters on natural organic matter NOM removal from natural water. Two electrochemical EC parameters, current density i and charge loading rate CLR , were investigated. Higher i and CLR led to a higher bulk pH and limited the amount of dissolved oxygen DO reduced at the cathode surface due to mass transfer limitations.
Carmen by Jean-Luc Godard. Full Text Available J. Godard uses the recurrence to intertextuality and to metafiction as the only possible instruments to make and to think about the language of cinema and about art in all their splendour. In this way, prejudices of adaptation are overcome by cinema. Plusieurs excellents livres r A new method of ultraviolet light UV activated persulfate PS oxidation was investigated to regenerate granular activated carbon GAC in drinking water applications.
The improvements in iodine and methylene blue numbers measured in the GAC after ultraviolet- UV activated persulfate suggested that the GAC preloaded with natural organic matter NOM was chemically regenerated. An experimental matrix for UV-activated persulfate regeneration included a range of persulfate doses and different UV wavelengths.
Persulfate activation at nm was superior to activation at nm. Typical organic and inorganic byproducts e. This study provides a proof-of-concept that can be used to optimize pilot-scale and full-scale UV-activated persulfate for regeneration of NOM -saturated GAC. Report made on behalf of the commission of economic affairs, environment and territory about the proposal of resolution no of M. Daniel Paul and some of his colleagues for the creation of an inquiry commission about the opening to competition of public utilities in the sectors of energy, postal and telecommunication services and railway transports; No Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires Economiques, de l'Environnement et du Territoire sur la proposition de resolution no de M.
Daniel Paul et plusieurs de ses collegues tendant a la creation d'une commission d'enquete sur l'ouverture a la concurrence des services publics dans les secteurs de l'energie des postes et telecommunications et des transports ferroviaires. This report explains the contradictions between the European liberalization process and the logics of the French public utilities at three different levels: The examination of the report by the commission follows. Information report made on behalf of the commission of economic affairs and national development and of the energy study group about the proceedings of the colloquium ''the European energy market: This report summarizes the debates that took place during this colloquium about the future unique and opened European energy market: Report made on behalf of the commission of foreign affairs about the law project No , authorizing the approval of the agreement between the governments of the French Republic, of the Federal Republic of Germany, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the Netherlands Kingdom, relative to the cooperation in the domain of centrifugation technology; No Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires etrangeres sur le projet de loi n.
The Cardiff agreement, signed on July 12, between France, Germany, UK and the Netherlands, aims at allowing Areva company France and the Urenco consortium Germany, UK, the Netherlands to set up a cooperation in order for Urenco to share its uranium ultracentrifugation technology with Areva. This industrial agreement between two European champions of uranium enrichment opens up the way to a European cooperation of prime importance for the preservation of the energy security of European countries. This agreement is conformable with all security warranties of the international right.
This document recommends the approval by the Parliament of this agreement between France, Germany, UK and the Netherlands for the Areva-Urenco cooperation in the domain of ultracentrifugation as described in the French law project No Report realized on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Commission, of Defense and Armed Forces on the law project allowing the additional protocol ratification to the agreement between France, European Community of the atomic energy and the International Atomic Energy Agency relative to the guaranties application in France; Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires etrangeres, de la defense et des forces armees sur le projet de loi autorisant la ratification du protocole additionnel a l'accord entre la France, la Communaute europeenne de l'energie atomique et l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique relatif a l'application de garanties en France.
In a first part the author presents the International Atomic Energy Agency and its missions in the nuclear non proliferation policy especially in the agreements with the states of the TNP Treaty of Nuclear non Proliferation. Report made on behalf of the commission of economic affairs, of environment and territory, about the resolution proposal n. Andre Schneider et Philippe Tourtelier, rapporteurs de la commission chargee des affaires europeennes, sur la deuxieme analyse strategique de la politique energetique E , E , E , E , E et E This report aims at examining a resolution proposal explained by the commission in charge of European affairs and concerning the second strategic analysis of the energy policy which finds a consistency through the European action plan for the energy security and solidarity.
The resolution proposal takes cognizance of the strategic trends proposed by the European Commission for the energy policy of the European Union at the and vistas, and invites the European Union and its member states to implement these trends. It stresses on the necessity to learn the lessons of the gas crisis of January and to diversify the gas supply sources of the member states.
It recalls that a re-balancing of Europe's energy consumption in favour of low-carbon and renewable energies together with an improvement of energy efficiency is an urgent necessity and requires a coordination between the different national R and D programs and a communication effort, in particular in France. It encourages the proposal of implementation of a European nuclear safety framework and approves the priority given by the European Union to the development of power and gas interconnected networks in the respect of populations and territories.
Report made on behalf of the commission of foreign affairs, defence and army about the law project, adopted by the house of commons, authorizing the approval of the protocol to the convention of November 27, , involving the creation of an international indemnification fund for the damages due to hydrocarbons pollution; Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des affaires etrangeres, de la defense et des forces armees 1 sur le projet de loi, adopte par l'Assemblee Nationale, autorisant l'approbation du protocole a la convention du 27 novembre portant creation d'un fonds international d'indemnisation pour les dommanges dus a la pollution par les hydrocarbures.
The first part of the report recalls the limitations and inefficiencies of the existing fund in case of large scale oil spill. Then, a second part presents the improvements supplied by the new protocol of May 16, and describes the operation of this complementary fund, its modalities of implementation and its possible improvements. The comments made by the commission of foreign affairs, defense and army are summarized at the end and the text of the law project concludes the report. Auden est un livre absolument singulier.
Full Text Available Resumo: Learning for the LHC! The army put trust in wood fuel to warm-up its troops; L'armee fait confiance au bois-energie pour chauffer ses troupes. The military camp of Valdahon Doubs, France is sited in a rude climate area. It comprises a hundred of buildings permanently occupied by about people. The old heavy-oil boiler plant has been replaced by two wood fueled boilers of 2. The hydraulic network and its 60 supplied substations have been renovated too. Both the wood-fueled and domestic fuel boilers have been over-dimensioned for safety reasons and for a possible complete substitution of one fuel by the other.
Each wood-fueled boiler is equipped with a de-dusting system multi-cyclone filter and bag filter. A centralized technical management system optimizes the regulation of the installation. It shows how these three notions can be organized into a hierarchy inside an integrated conceptual whole. Preservation of NOM -metal complexes in a modern hyperalkaline stalagmite: Implications for speleothem trace element geochemistry.
We suggest that the findings reported here elucidate trace element variations arising from colloidal transport and calcite precipitation rate changes observed in multiple, natural speleothems deposited at ca. This relates to the strength of the NOM -metal complexation reaction, resulting in very strongly bound metals Co in this system essentially recording NOM co-precipitation ternary complexation.
Hence, differences in the preservation of each metal in calcite can be explained quantitatively by their complexation behaviour with aqueous NOM. Application of walnut shell modified with Zinc Oxide ZnO nanoparticles in removal of natural organic matters NOMs from aqueous solution. Natural organic matters NOMs are a mixture of chemically complex polyelectrolytes produced mainly from the decomposition of plant and animal residues that are present in all surface and groundwater resources.
This study examined the feasibility of removing NOMs from aqueous solutions using walnut shell modified with ZnO. The adsorption capacities of modified walnut shell with ZnO in the best conditions were The results also demonstrated that adsorption capacity of NOMs on modified walnut shell with ZnO was higher in lower pHs due to significantly high electrostatic attraction exists between the positively charged surface of the adsorbent and negatively charged NOMs. And finally adsorption capacity decreases as adsorbent dose increase.
Walnut shell modified with ZnO can be proposed as a natural adsorbent in the removal of NOMs from aqueous solutions. Physiological effects of five different marine natural organic matters NOMs and three different metals Cu, Pb, Zn on early life stages of the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Full Text Available Metals are present in aquatic environments as a result of natural and anthropogenic inputs, and may induce toxicity to organisms. One of the main factors that influence this toxicity in fresh water is natural organic matter NOM but all NOMs are not the same in this regard.
In sea water, possible protection by marine NOMs is not well understood. Thus, our study isolated marine NOMs by solid-phase extraction from five different sites and characterized them by excitation-emission fluorescence analysis—one inshore terrigenous origin, two offshore autochthonous origin, and two intermediate in composition indicative of a mixed origin. In combination, the effects of NOMs predominated, with the metal exerting no additional effect in 33 out of 45 combinations. While NOM effects varied amongst different isolates, there was no clear pattern with respect to optical or chemical properties.
Our results indicate that marine NOMs may have direct effects on this model marine organism, as well as protective effects against metal toxicity, and the quality of marine NOMs may be an. Metals are present in aquatic environments as a result of natural and anthropogenic inputs, and may induce toxicity to organisms. Thus, our study isolated marine NOMs by solid-phase extraction from five different sites and characterized them by excitation-emission fluorescence analysis—one inshore terrigenous origin , two offshore autochthonous origin , and two intermediate in composition indicative of a mixed origin.
Our results indicate that marine NOMs may have direct effects on this model marine organism, as well as protective effects against metal toxicity, and the quality of marine NOMs may be an important factor in. Many potable water disinfection byproducts DBPs that result from the reaction of natural organic matter NOM with oxidizing chlorine are known or suspected to be carcinogenic and mutagenic. The Ames assay is routinely used to assess an overall level of mutagenicity for all com Du gris au vert.
This is an indication that the particle fraction of NOM Characteristics of competitive uptake between Microcystin-LR and natural organic matter NOM fractions using strongly basic anion exchange resins. Microcystins are the most commonly occurring cyanotoxins, and have been extensively studied across the globe. In the present study, a strongly basic anion exchange resin was employed to investigate the removal of Microcystin-LR MCLR , one of the most toxic microcystin variants.
Factors influencing the uptake behavior included the MCLR and resin concentrations, resin dosage, and natural organic matter NOM characteristics, specifically, the charge density and molecular weight distribution of source water NOM. The experimental data were compared with different mathematical and physical models and pore diffusion was determined as the rate-limiting step.
Further, evidences of pore blockage and site reduction were also observed in the presence of humics and larger molecular weight organic fractions, where a four-fold reduction in the MCLR uptake was observed. Comparable results were obtained for laboratory studies on synthetic laboratory water and surface water under similar conditions.
Given their excellent performance and low cost, anion exchange resins are expected to present promising potentials for applications involving the removal of removal of algal toxins and NOM from surface waters. Du Lac de Geneve au Lac Baikal: A part une amitie reciproque et la proximite d'un lac, il est difficile de trouver des points communs entre la Suisse francophone, dont Geneve est la ville le plus importante, et la Siberie centrale, dont Irkutsk, est la capitale.
Et pourtant les deux regions, malgre les differences de taille, de densite de la population, de climat, d'economie et de traditions culturelles, sont confrontees au meme probleme: C'est ainsi qu'Irkutsk projette de s'unir aux villes voisines d'Angarsk et de Chelekhov pour constituer une megapole au c? Ce debat est propre a toute la Suisse. Malgre sa petitesse, la Suisse est divisee en 26 cantons. Ces unites administratives sont jugees trop couteuses, trop petites, trop lourdes et trop compliquees pour assurer l'avenir economique et meme politique du pays.
De nombreux groupes de reflexion proposent donc de reduire ce nombre a 3, 5 ou 10 grandes provinces selon les cas. En Suisse, romande, il y a dix ans, des mouvements politiques ont meme lance l'idee de fusionner les cantons de Vaud dont Lausanne est la capitale et de Geneve. Mais l'echec a ete fracassant: On cherche donc d'autres solutions. Les discussions s'orientent desormais autour de la constitution d'une grande metropole lemanique qui regrouperait les deux grandes villes de Geneve et Lausanne et les villes plus petites de Montreux, Vevey, Nyon ainsi que la ville francaise d.
A focal point of the study is how au pairs Since , thousands of young Filipino migrants have come to Denmark as au pairs. Photocatalytic degradation of carbamazepine, clofibric acid and iomeprol with P25 and Hombikat UV in the presence of natural organic matter NOM and other organic water constituents. The photocatalytic degradation of natural organic matter NOM and organic substance mixtures under simulated solar UV light has been investigated with suspended TiO 2.
It could be shown by size-exclusion chromatography that photocatalysis of NOM led to a reduction of the average hydrodynamic radii and presumably of the nominal molecular weight, too. This study also focuses on the different abilities of photocatalytic materials P25 and Hombikat UV to decrease persistent substances influenced by the presence of NOM and mixtures of pharmaceuticals or diagnostic agents. In general, the presence of NOM and other organic substances retarded the photocatalysis of a specific persistent substance by the combination of radiation attenuation, competition for active sites and surface deactivation of the catalyst by adsorption.
The results of this work prove that photocatalysis is a promising technology to reduce persistent substances like NOM , carbamazepine, clofibric acid, iomeprol and iopromide even if they are present in a complex matrix. Effects of chloride, sulfate and natural organic matter NOM on the accumulation and release of trace-level inorganic contaminants from corroding iron. This study examined effects of varying levels of anions chloride and sulfate and natural organic matter NOM on iron release from and accumulation of inorganic contaminants in corrosion scales formed on iron coupons exposed to drinking water.
Changes of concentrations of sulfate and chloride were observed to affect iron release and, in lesser extent, the retention of representative inorganic contaminants vanadium, chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, lead and uranium ; but, effects of NOM were more pronounced. In the presence of NOM , the retention of inorganic contaminants by corrosion scales was reduced.
Modeling indicated that the observed effects were associated with the formation of metal- NOM complexes and effects of NOM on the sorption of the inorganic contaminants on solid phases that are typical for iron corrosion in drinking water. Karst et ressources en eau au moyen Atlas nord-oriental. Full Text Available As a result of the regulations on DBPs, interest in NOM removal is increasing and many water treatment plants in developed countries have started to measure the concentration of TOC in their finished waters.
Promulgation of the rules will substantially increase these efforts in other countries too.