
In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave

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In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave

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Comments and reviews What are comments? City of Boroondara Library Service. National Library of Australia. Queensland University of Technology. I was very well versed in animal rights, I knew why I wasn't eating meat, and I remember this book not really adding anything I hadn't already wrestled with in my head.

During that class I read this book in an Ethics class in college. During that class the four or five philosophy majors were chosen by the professor to debate each other on the ethical question of vegetarianism, none of the other 25 or 30 students had to do this debate thing, it was just us handful of nerds getting to argue with each other for 20 minutes in front of a sleepy and bored class.

I don't know if I choose it or was told by the professor or what but I ended up having to defend eating meat. I went at this like any good philosophy student, with the realization that anything in the world can be proved, you can argue in favor of anything. I just needed to get some facts that would play in my favor this is a tip for anyone in school who doesn't want to do 'research' decide what you want your outcome to be and then find supporting evidence, it's there, for just about anything you want to prove you can find enough to support you, if not you pick and choose carefully from what you can find.

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This technique generally works quite well. I tried my hardest to find some slam dunk arguments for why eating meat was ethically good. Surprisingly, or not , I couldn't find anything in my college library that made any kind of sense. Here are the arguments I came up with and I took out all the books, copied the articles and brought them all to class, because I knew there was no way anyone was going to believe some of this shit. Lots of jobs would be lost by everyone going vegetarian. Think of all the people who raise, kill, and pack your meat.

Never mind the butchers!!! Yes this was cited.

In Defense of Animals - Peter Singer - Google Книги

God forbade us from eating meat, he let us eat meat, and then he gave us permission again after the whole flood fiasco. Kind of like, we saved you now we get to eat your babies. Actually no, but I found some scholarly source saying this, so I used it in the argument.

I don't know how this is ethical, but except for number 1, it's the only argument that has any real sense to it. My side lost the debate, and at one point I was yelled at by the guitar player in my band who was on the other side that I couldn't say that animals tasted good because I was a vegetarian, which I answered that no, I'm for eating meat in this debate, something that he seemed to have a hard time wrapping his head around. I don't know how he faired in his philosophy career, but anyway The point of this story is that I had a really hard time to come up with any ethical reason why eating animals is good, or permissible.

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Maybe I missed something, but at the time I think I tried pretty damn hard to find a good argument to use, and even now that I eat animals again, I only do it by not thinking about it, kind of like being in constant denial or blind to what it really is. This is shitty of me, and it's yet another reason why I suck as a human being and make the world just that little bit worse by my being here View all 43 comments.

Sep 14, Jeannie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Very deep and thought provoking book on the way we view and treat animals. Being a vegan myself I found this book fascinating and troubling at the same time. A very good read and good for the soul.

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What is the nature of a species that knowingly and without good reason exterminates another? When will man learn that he is but one form of life among countless thousands, each of which is in some way related to and dependent on all others? How long will man persist in the belief that he is the master of the Earth rather than one of its guests? Some zoos have been considering proposals to "The tragedy of the blue whale is in the reflection of an even greater one, that of man himself.

Some zoos have been considering proposals to 'recycle' excess animals: Many people are surprised when they hear of zoos killing animals. They should not be.

Zoos have limited capacities. They want to maintain diverse collections. This can be done only by careful management of their 'stock'.

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Animal liberation would return domestic animals to their wild origins, free to pursue their destinies without human interference. He commented, 'I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our bodily wants'. Their attitudes must be challenged, and changed.