Die Geschichte der Psychotherapie: Von der Magie zur Wissenschaft (German Edition)
Doolittle, Hilda Huldigung an Freud: Entwicklungspsychologie der ersten Lebensjahre Frankfurt a. Therapeutische Analyse einer Arbeiterfamilie Frankfurt a. Drews, Sibylle et al. Alexander Mitscherlich zu ehren: Provokation und Toleranz Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, Dreyfus, Madeleine Entschuldigung und Rechtfertigung: Dreyfus, Madeleine Insel Schweiz: Duerr, Hans Peter Traumzeit: Duerr, Hans Peter HG. Der Wissenschaftler und das Irrationale: Zur Ethnopsychoanalyse von Georges Devereux Frankfurt a.
Dyer, Raymond Her Father's Daughter: Neuere Entwicklungen in der Psychoanalyse: Recent Developments in Psychoanalysis: Eckstaedt, Anita Die Kunst des Anfangs: Eckstaedt, Anita Nationalsozialismus in der "zweiten Generation": Zeit allein heilt keine Wunden: Edmundson, Mark Towards Reading Freud: Neuere Entwicklungen der Ethnopsychoanalyse: Geburtstag Bern, Hans Huber, Eidelberg, Ludwig Das Gesicht hinter der Maske: Psychoanalytische Paartherapie Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen - Erster Band, Wandlungen des Verhaltens in den weltlichen Oberschichten des Abendlandes Frankfurt a.
Entwurf zu einer Theorie der Zivilisation Frankfurt a. Elrod, Norman Psychotherapie der Schizophrenie: Psychisches Verhalten in Gesundheit und Krankheit: Die Verarmung der Psyche: Geburtstag Frankfurt, Campus Verlag, Das Elend mit der Psyche: I Psychiatrie Berlin, Kursbuch Verlag, Erazo, Natalia Entwicklung des Selbstempfindens: Wie sag ich's meiner Mutter?: Das enteignete Selbst Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, Erdheim, Claudia Bist du wahnsinnig geworden? Erdheim, Mario Die gesellschaftliche Produktion von Unbewusstheit: Erdheim, Mario et al. Lectures on the ethical implications of psychoanalytic insight London, Faber and Faber, Kinderspiel und politische Phantasie: The Life Cycle Completed: A Review New York, W.
Erlenberger, Maria Der Hunger nach Wahnsinn: Ein Bericht Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt, Erne, Stefan Drogenkonsum und Affektregulation: Ambulante, psychoanalytisch orientierte Drogentherapie Giessen, Psychosozial, La psychoanalyse sous le III. Fachinelli, Elvio Der Stehende Pfeil: Drei Versuche die Zeit aufzuheben Berlin, Wagenbach, Fallend, Karl et al. Der Einmarsch in die Psyche: Aus dem Kreis um Sigmund Freud: Das psychoanalytische Volksbuch Bern, Hans Huber, Psychoanalyse und Alltag Bern, Hans Huber, Band I Olten, Walter-Verlag, Fenichel, Otto Hysterien und Zwangsneurosen: Psychoanalytische spezielle Neurosenlehre Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Fenichel, Otto Psychoanalytische Neurosenlehre: Das klinische Tagebuch von Frankfurt am Main, S.
Ferro, Antonino Das bipersonale Feld: Ferro, Antonino Im analytischen Raum: Martin Heidegger - Der gottlose Priester: Fischer, Jens Malte Hg. Theorie und Praxis der Psychoanalyse Fellbach, Bonz, Fliess, Wilhelm Zur Periodenlehre: On Freud's 'Observations on Transference-Love': Das Selbst und die motivationalen Systeme: Zu einer Theorie psychoanalytischer Technik Frankfurt a. Foucault, Michel Die Geburt der Klinik: Foudraine, Jan Wer ist aus Holz?: Foundation of the Freudian Field Hg.
Revue du Champ Freudien [Paris], Navarin, Psychoanalytische Erziehungsberatung Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt, Seelische Gesundheit in den ersten Lebensjahren: Freud, Anna Normality and Pathology in Childhood: Freud, Ernst et al. Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten Frankfurt a. Sigmund Freud, Arnold Zweig: Briefwechsel Frankfurt am Main, S. Sigmund Freud, Karl Abraham: Sigmund Freud, Lou Andreas-Salome: Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister: Brautbriefe Frankfurt am Main, S. Briefe Frankfurt am Main, S. Freud, Sigmund Das Ich und das Es: Freud, Sigmund Gesammelte Werke: Gesamtregister Frankfurt am Main, S.
Texte aus den Jahren Frankfurt am Main, S. Schriften aus dem Nachlass Frankfurt am Main, S. Totem und Tabu Frankfurt am Main, S. Werke aus den Jahren Frankfurt am Main, S. Freud, Sigmund Schriften zur Behandlungstechnik: Freud, Sigmund Totem und Tabu: Ein bisher unbekanntes Manuskript Frankfurt am Main, S. Freud, Sigmund Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens: Der Wolfsmann vom Wolfsmann: Briefe zur psychoanalytischen Praxis Frankfurt am Main, S. Erinnerungen an eine grosse Familie Berlin, Aufbau, Fromm, Erich Haben oder Sein: Die seelischen Grundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft Stuttgart, dtv, Fromm, Erich Jenseits der Illusionen: Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda Intensive Psychotherapie: Fuller, Peter Die Champions: Psychoanalyse eines Spitzensportlers Frankfurt a.
Galli, Piero et al. The Wolf-Man by the Wolf-Man: Garner, Shirley Nelson et. The M other Tongue: Gast, Lilli Der Gang durch den Spiegel: Gast, Lilli Libido und Narzissmus: Gastager, Heimo et al. Gay, Peter Erziehung der Sinne: Gay, Peter Freud entziffern: Gay, Peter Freud, Juden und andere Deutsche: Fischer Verlag GmbH, The Evolution of Psychoanalysis: Gehrig, Leo Krankheitssymptom unserer Zeit: Geissler, Sina-Aline Lust an der Unterwerfung: Frauen bekennen sich zum Masochismus Berlin, Moewig, Gekle, Hanna Tod im Spiegel: Kinderanalytiker bei der Arbeit Stuttgart, Ernst Klett, Gerhardt, Christa Risiko Psychoanalyse: Erfahrungsbericht einer Patientin Berlin, Frieling, Psychoanalyse des Glaubens Giessen, Psychosozial, Zur Deutung der neuesten Experimente Frankfurt a.
Theorie und Technik Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Wahnsinn, Text und Kontext: Tactics and Techniques in Psychoanalytic Therapy: Countertransference New York, Aronson, Die Beziehung zwischen Arzt und Patient: Goldschmidt, Georges-Arthur Freud wartet auf das Wort: Freud und die deutsche Sprache II Frankfurt a.
Teaching in the Winter Semester 2015/16
Vom kategorischen Imperativ zum Gesetz des Begehrens: Kant und Lacan Frankfurt a. Die psychoanalytische Konzeption der Anpassungsmechanismen Frankfurt am Main, Granger, Bernard L'avenir de la psychanalyse: Green, Hannah Ich hab dir nie einen Rosengarten versprochen: Bericht einer Heilung Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt, Greenacre, Phyllis Emotional Growth Greenacre, Phyllis Emotional growth: Greenberg, Jay Oedipus and Beyond: Psychoanalytische Erkundungen Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, Groddeck, Georg Die Natur heilt: Groddeck, Georg Krankheit als Symbol: Schriften zur Psychosomatik Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Grosskurth, Phyllis Melanie Klein: Her world and her work London, Maresfield Library, Who is the Dreamer: Who Dreams the Dream?
Stumme Dokumente sprechen machen Frankfurt a. Gruen, Arno Der Verrat am Selbst: Gsell, Monika Desexualisierung von nicht-verwendbaren Triebregungen? Das Beschneidungsritual der westafrikanischen Kono aus psychoanalytischer Perspektive Wien, Werkblatt, Gsell, Monika Die Bedeutung der Baubo. Gsell, Monika Was ist anders am "anderen Ufer"? Wege einer Psychoanalytikerin Freiburg im Breisgau, Kore, Haas, Eberhard Selbstheilung durch Drogen?: Haland-Wirth, Trin et al. Horst-Eberhard Richter zum Harsch, Wolfgang Die psychoanalytische Geldtheorie Frankfurt a.
Zwischen Architektur und Psychoanalyse: Das Selbst im Lebenszyklus Frankfurt a. Hartmann, Heinz Essays on Ego Psychology: Studien zur psychoanalytischen Theorie Stuttgart, Ernst Klett, Hartmann, Heinz et al.

Hauser, Christian Erhaben am Sonntag, erniedrigt im Alltag: Zum Begriff der seelischen Erhebung. Heenen-Wolff, Susann Wenn ich Oberhuber hiesse Heigl-Evers, Annelise et al. Eine handlungstheoretische Grundlegung psychoanalytischer Hermeneutik Frankfurt a. Heinemann, Evelyn Hexen und Hexenangst: Eine psychoanalytische Studie Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Instinktverlust und Symbolbildung Berlin, Severin und Siedler, Missbraucht in Therapien Freiburg i.
Henseler, Heinz Narzisstische Krisen: Psychoanalysen, die ihre Zeit brauchen: Herman, Judith Die Narben der Gewalt: Bibliographie Basel, Schwabe, Herzka, Heinz Stefan Die neue Kindheit: Herzka, Heinz Stefan HG. Heyer, Gustav Richard Praktische Seelenheilkunde: Heyne, Claudia Tatort Couch: Hillman, James Selbstmord und seelische Wandlung: Hirigoyen, Marie-France Warum tust du mir das an?: Hirsch, Mathias Realer Inzest: Hitschmann, Eduard Freud's Neurosenlehre: Hitschmann, Eduard Gottfried Keller: Hoff, Hans Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie: Ritual and Spontaneity in the Psychoanalytic Process: Psychoanalyse als Beruf Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag, Trennungen Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag, Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Science: Georg Groddeck - Sigmund Freud: Horn, Hans Peter Brauchen wir Tabus?
Horn, Klaus Dressur oder Erziehung: Schlagrituale und ihre gesellschaftliche Funktion Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, Horn, Klaus Politische Psychologie: Gruppendynamik und der "subjektive Faktor": Repressive Entsublimierung oder politisierende Praxis Frankfurt a. Kritik der Hochschuldidaktik Frankfurt am Main, Syndikat, Eine Epistemologie der psychoanalytischen Praxis Frankfurt a. Hurwitz, Emanuel Otto Gross: Ileri, Atilay Arzt und Patient im Konflikt: Initiative kritischer Psychologen e. Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik Psychoanalyse im Rahmen der Demokratischen Psychiatrie: Institute of Psycho-Analysis London Hg.
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Psychoanalyse und Sozialkritik Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Irigaray, Luce Genealogie der Geschlechter Freiburg i. Irigaray, Luce Speculum de l'autre femme Paris, Minuit, Jacobi, Jolande Die Psychologie von C. Jacoby, Russell Soziale Amnesie: Jacoby, Russell The Repression of Psychoanalysis: Janus, Ludwig Der Seelenraum des Ungeborenen: Jaspers, Karl Die Idee des Arztes: Nach einem Vortrag von Prof. Jones, Ernest Sigmund Freud: Leben und Werk Frankfurt am Main, S.
Jones, Ernest Was ist Psychoanalyse? Joseph, Betty et al. Phantasie und Abwehr im psychoanalytischen Prozess Rom, Geschichte als Trauma Giessen, Psychosozial, Freeman and Company, Jung, Carl Gustav Freud und die Psychoanalyse: Grundlagen Berlin, Springer-Verlag, Praxis Berlin, Springer-Verlag, Kahn, Laurence Cures d'enfance Paris, Gallimard, Kakar, Sudhir Freud lesen in Goa: Kakar, Sudhir Kindheit und Gesellschaft in Indien: Eine psychoanalytische Studie Frankfurt am Main, Nexus, Kardiner, Abram My Analysis with Freud: Reminiscenes New York, W.
Kayser, Hans et al. Gruppenarbeit in der Psychiatrie: Erfahrungen mit der therapeutischen Gemeinschaft Stuttgart, Georg Thieme, Kestenberg, Judith Children and Parents: Psychoanalytische Wege zum verborgenen Selbst Frankfurt a. Kielholz, Paul et al. Diagnose und Therapie der Depression in der Praxis: Eine kollegiale Auseinandersetzung Basel, Ciba-Geigy, Bern, Hans Huber, Kiltz, Hartmut Das erotische Mahl: Klein, Melanie Contributions to Psycho-Analysis: Klein, Melanie Der Fall Richard: Klein, Melanie Narrative of a Child Analysis: The conduct of the psycho-analysis of children as seen in the treatment of a ten-year-old boy London, Virago Press, Kogan, Ilany Flucht vor dem Selbstsein: The British school of psychoanalysis: The independent tradition London, Free Association Books, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, Kohut, Heinz Introspektion, Empathie und Psychoanalyse: Kohut, Heinz The Analysis of the Self: Kohut, Heinz Wie heilt die Psychoanalyse?
Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, Kolnai, Aurel Psychoanalyse und Soziologie: Kultur-Analysen Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Kornbichler, Thomas Die Entdeckung des siebten Kontinents: Todestag Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Kornbichler, Thomas Flucht nach Amerika: Krause, Rainer Allgemeine psychoanalytische Krankheitslehre: Krause, Rainer Produktives Denken bei Kindern: Ein geschichtlicher Versuch Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, Kristeva, Julia Le langage, cet inconnu: Psychoanalyse ohne Geheimnis Hamburg, Rowolth, Die seelischen Krankheiten des Menschen: Psychoanalytische Neurosenlehre Bern, Huber, Kurella, Hans Die Intellektuellen und die Gesellschaft: Kurz, Thomas Sezession Kurz, Thomas Zum Kutter, Peter Moderne Psychoanalyse: Psychoanalyse im Wandel Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp, Psychologie der Zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen: Lachauer, Rudolf Der Fokus in der Psychotherapie: Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne Man and Mind: Psychodynamische Organisationsanalyse und Beratung: Einblicke in eine neue Disziplin Giessen, Psychosozial-Verlag, Langer, Marie Mutterschaft und Sexus: Langer, Marie et al.
Lauretis, Teresa de Die andere Szene: Zwei homosexuelle Leidenschaften Stuttgart, Klett, Le Soldat, Judith Freiwillige Knechtschaft: Masochismus und Moral Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, Le Soldat-Szatmary, Judith Wohlbefinden: Un essai sur l'objet en psychanalyse Paris, Seuil, Leclaire, Serge Der psychoanalytische Prozess: Psychoanalytische Textinterpretation als sozialwissenschaftliches Verfahren Frankfurt a.
Lepenies, Wolf Melancholie und Gesellschaft: Mit einer neuen Einleitung: Lerner, Harriet Goldhor Das missdeutete Geschlecht: Readings in Psychoanalytic Psychology New York, Lewinsky-Aurbach, Bluma Suizidale Jugendliche: Lidz, Theodore Das menschliche Leben: Zwei unorthodoxe Fallgeschichten Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta, Die Krankheitslehre der Psychoanalyse Stuttgart, S. Die Krankheitslehre der Psychoanalyse: Lockot, Regine Die Reinigung der Psychoanalyse: Lockot, Regine Erinnern und Durcharbeiten: Psychoanalysis - A General Psychology: Das Unbehagen in der Psychoanalyse: Bundesgesundheitsbl Gesundheitsforsch Gesundheitsschutz Effectiveness of a web-based tailored interactive health communication application for patients with type 2 diabetes or chronic low back pain: Quality of online information on type 2 Diabetes: Measuring symptoms and diagnosing mental disorders in the elderly community: Kongress Armut und Gesundheit, Berlin..
Which dimensions of patient-centeredness matter? Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Studie in Deutschland. Effects of exercise on fitness and cognition in progressive MS: Placement matching of alcohol-dependent patients based on a standardized intake assessment: Quality of life as patient-reported outcomes: Distress, anxiety and depression in patients with brain metastases before and after radiotherapy.
Scoliosis and chest cage deformity measures predicting impairments in pulmonary function: ITP-QoL questionnaire for children with immune thrombocytopenia: Psychologische und sozial-wissenschaftliche Kurzskalen. Adjustment disorders as a stress-related disorder: Efficacy and acceptability of acute treatments for persistent depressive disorder. Donor quality of life up to two years after living donor liver transplantation: Do patients' symptoms and interpersonal problems improve in psychotherapeutic hospital treatment in Germany? Knieps F, Pfaff H Hrsg. Verbal fluency in focal epilepsy: Children of cancer patients: Assessment of trust in physician: Lifestyle medicine potential for reversing a world of chronic disease epidemics: How often do German children and adolescents show signs of common mental health problems?
Participation in patient support groups among cancer survivors: Assessment of patients' dignity in cancer care: Are experiences of sexual violence related to special needs in patients with substance use disorders? Monitoring and optimising cognitive function in cancer patients: How do health services researchers understand the concept of patient-centeredness? Measuring Shared Decision Making: Symptom burden, loss of dignity, and demoralization in patients with cancer: Relationship to clinical diagnosis and psychotherapy outcome.
Generalizability of findings from efficacy trials for chronic depression: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a guideline-based stepped care model for patients with Depression: Efficiency and contribution of strategies for finding randomized controlled Trials: Psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents: Balancing the presentation of information and options in patient decision aids: Mentally ill parents in psychiatric outpatient care: Sensitivity analysis of weight reduction results of an observational cohort study in overweight and obese children and adolescents in Germany: Occupational stress and its association with early retirement and subjective need for occupational rehabilitation in cancer patients.
Wege aus der chronischen Depression. Development of an ICF-based core set of activities and participation for patients with mental disorders: ICF in der Suchttherapie. Medizinische Rehabilitation von Jugendlichen. Assessing the quality of life of health-referred children and adolescents with short stature: Examining a developmental approach to health-related quality of life assessment: Is all we know that we know nothing? Health-related quality of life in haemophilia patients with inhibitors and their caregivers.
A tailored, dialogue-based health communication application for patients with chronic low back pain: Telephone-based health coaching for chronically ill patients: Onkologische Therapien — was sind patientenrelevante Endpunkte?
Prof. Dr. Helene Basu
Use and need for psychosocial support in cancer patients: Psychological distress in cancer patients with underage children: Psychologische Faktoren der medizinischen Rehabilitation. Wollen Patienten partizipative Entscheidungsfindung und wie wird das gemessen? The relationship between individual resource realization and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics in mentally ill patients. Delivering patient decision aids on the Internet: The role of experiential avoidance, psychopathology, and borderline personality features in experiencing positive emotions: Supportive care needs in patients with cardiovascular disorders.
Coping skills and mental health status in adolescents when a parent has cancer: Dealing with clinical heterogeneity in meta-analysis. Work-related self-report measures and assessment tools in cancer survivorship: Wirksamkeit psychotherapeutischer Krankenhausbehandlung im deutschsprachigen Raum: Cross-cultural adaptation and linguistic validation of age-group-specific haemophilia patient-reported outcome PRO instruments for patients and parents. Pediatric patient-reported outcome instruments for research to support medical product labeling: Psychoonkologie in Forschung und Praxis.
Predictors of employment among cancer survivors after medical rehabilitation--a prospective study. Predictors of fear of recurrence in patients one year after cancer Rehabilitation: Basing information on comprehensive, critically appraised, and up-to-date syntheses of the scientific evidence: Psychological and quality of life outcomes in pediatric populations: Caring for a child with type 1 Diabetes: Cross-cultural opening in german outpatient mental healthcare service: Anxiety and depression in caregivers of terminally ill cancer patients: Symptom burden in palliative care patients: Parental perception of health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with short stature: Psychische Belastung von Erwachsenen mit Neurofibromatose Typ 1: Placement matching for patients with alcohol use disorders using standardized assessment: Petrak F, Herpertz S Hrsg.
Cognitive functioning in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients and its medical correlates: Grundlagen und psychotherapeutische Praxis Schulz-Kindermann F Medication complexity, prescription behaviour and patient adherence at the interface between ambulatory and stationary medical care. Reducing cardiovascular medication complexity in a German university hospital: Shared decision-making in antihypertensive therapy: Risk recognition and sensation seeking in revictimization and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Aufbruch in die Todeszone - DER SPIEGEL 28/
The prevalence of mental disorders in older people in Western countries - a meta-analysis. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants in the acute treatment of chronic depression and dysthymia: Characteristics of predrinking and associated risks: Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung in der Diabetestherapie: A tailored, interactive health communication application for patients with type 2 Diabetes: Health information, behavior change, and decision support for patients with type 2 Diabetes: Surveying migrant populations — methodological considerations: Why should we care about quality of life in persons with haemophilia?
Cross-cultural training in mental health care--challenges and experiences from Sweden and Germany. Behavioural and neural correlates of visceral pain sensitivity in healthy men and women: Lay theories toward cancer and myocardial infarction: Who receives depression-specific treatment?
A secondary data-based analysis of outpatient care received by over , statutory health-insured individuals diagnosed with depression. Grundlagen der Medizinischen Psychologie: Depression in the workplace: The willingness to participate in health research studies of individuals with Turkish migration backgrounds: Non-pharmacological treatment of depressive disorders: Neural mechanisms mediating the effects of expectation in visceral placebo analgesia: Influence of kinship on donors' mental burden in living donor liver transplantation.
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Decreased hydrocortisone sensitivity of T cell function in multiple sclerosis-associated major depression. Dynamic development of glucocorticoid resistance during autoimmune neuroinflammation. Rationale and content of psychenet: Facharztwissen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Teaching social scientific methods to medical undergraduates: Enhancing medical students' communication skills: Is a self-rated instrument appropriate to assess mentalization in patients with mental disorders? Development and first validation of the mentalization questionnaire MZQ.
Posttraumatische Belastung bei Krebspatienten: Radiological dorsal tilt analysis of AO type A, B, and C fractures of the distal radius treated conservatively or with extra-focal K-wire plus external fixateur. Patientenbeteiligung bei medizinischen Entscheidungen in der Integrierten Versorgung Gesundes Kinzigtal: Cost-effectiveness of month therapeutic assertive community treatment as part of integrated care versus standard care in patients with schizophrenia treated with quetiapine immediate release ACCESS trial. The impact of sport on children with haemophilia. Innovation als Sozialmethodologie oder Sozialtechnologie?
Vor dem Messen und Rechnen: Lernende Systeme, lehrreiche Systeme? A survey of experts in the federal prevention research program]. Sexual motivation in mateships and sexual conflict Klusmann D, Berner W Sozialpsychologie, Psychotherapie und Gesundheit. Linking quality-of-life measures using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children and Youth Version in chronic health conditions: A latent variable framework for modeling dyadic measures in research on shared decision-making.
The latent factor structure of Young's early maladaptive schemas: A prospective study on living related kidney donors' quality of life in the first year: Minor children of palliative patients: Differential mentorship for medical students: Quality of life in adult patients with haemophilia--a single centre experience from Sweden. Health-related quality of life and psychological well-being in elderly patients with haemophilia. Aftercare and rehabilitation requirements]. Prevalence of mental disorders, psychosocial distress and need for psychosocial support in cancer patients - study protocol of an epidemiological multi-center study.
Course and predictors of posttraumatic stress among male train drivers after the experience of 'person under the train' incidents. Die Psyche im Spiegel der Hormone. Hurrelmann K, Razum O Hrsg. Behavioural and structural prevention to promote the health of socially disadvantaged children and adolescents: An appropriate management tool in hospitals?
Entwicklung und Pilottestung der deutschen Version des Chemical Coping Index an einer somatoformen Patientenstichprobe: Management of sexual dysfunction due to antipsychotic drug therapy. Haemophilia care in Europe: Psychosoziale Gesundheit im Alter. Neue Wege in der Gesundheitskommunikation.
Bücher und Zeitschriften
Effectiveness of a web-based, individually tailored decision aid for depression or acute low back pain: A randomized controlled trial. Implementation of shared decision making by physician training to optimise hypertension treatment. Study protocol of a cluster-RCT. A meta-analysis of psychodynamic psychotherapy outcomes: Global quality of life during the acute toxicity phase of multimodality treatment for patients with head and neck cancer: Is advanced cancer associated with demoralization and lower global meaning?
The role of tumor stage and physical problems in explaining existential distress in cancer patients. Combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in the treatment of chronic depression: Longer term outcome of cognitive-behavioural and psychodynamic psychotherapy in routine mental health care: Children's mental health problems and their quality of life from their own and their mother's perspective].
Determinants of decision-making and patient participation in paediatric clinical trials: How does a German audience appraise an American decision aid on early stage breast cancer? Quality of life in medically ill persons with comorbid mental disorders: Klein H, Pajonk F Hrsg. Georg Thieme Verlag KG,. The influence of occupational stress reported by cancer patients on the subjective need for occupation-related rehabilitation and the risk of early retirement. Do measures used in studies of anxiety disorders reflect activities and participation as defined in the WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health?
Other benefits of growth hormone therapy. Bullinger M Horm Res Paediatr. Psychological criteria for treating children with idiopathic short stature. Assessing paediatric health-related quality of life within a cross-cultural perspective: What works for patients in outpatient treatment for alcohol addiction?: Endocrine and immune substrates of depressive symptoms and fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients with comorbid major depression.
Pharmacotherapy of haemophilia A. Patient participation and shared decision making in Germany - history, agents and current transfer to practice. Policy and practice developments in the implementation of shared decision making: A Nordic and European perspective. Dimensionality and predictive validity of the HAM-Nat, a test of natural sciences for medical school admission.
Evaluation of inpatient and outpatient care in Germany: Role of therapeutic concept, certification, and quality indicators]. Risk factors for chronic depression--a systematic review. Do attachment patterns of parents with a mental illness have an impact upon how they view the quality of life of their children? Kinder mit psychisch kranken Eltern. Bone density and health-related quality of life in adult patients with severe haemophilia. Determinants of fatigue and stress.
Not as golden as standards should be: Integration and health-related quality of life of undergraduate medical students with migration backgrounds - Results of a survey. Unmet supportive care needs: How can continuing professional development better promote shared decision-making? Perspectives from an international collaboration. Double standards in psychotherapy research. Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in complex mental disorders: Treatment of depressive disorders in primary care--protocol of a multiple treatment systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Employment and work-related issues in cancer survivors.
Effects of a physical exercise rehabilitation group program on anxiety, depression, body image, and health-related quality of life among breast cancer patients. Demoralization and depression in patients with advanced cancer: SF Fragebogen zum Gesundheitszustand: SF Fragebogen zum Gesundheitszustand.
Identifying children and adolescents with cognitive dysfunction following mild traumatic brain injury--preliminary findings on abbreviated neuropsychological testing. Measurement of shared decision making - a review of instruments. Dopamine agonists for restless legs syndrome. Levodopa for restless legs syndrome. Comparative efficacy of the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy versus supportive psychotherapy for early onset chronic depression: To donate or not to donate: Prediction of the outcome of inpatient opiate detoxification treatment: This volume explores aspects of yoga over a period of about years.
In its first part, it investigates facets of the South Asian and Tibetan traditions of yoga, such as the evolution of posture practice, the relationship between yoga In its first part, it investigates facets of the South Asian and Tibetan traditions of yoga, such as the evolution of posture practice, the relationship between yoga and sex, yoga in the theistic context, the influence of Buddhism on early yoga, and the encounter of Islam with classical yoga. In keeping with the current trend in yoga studies, the emphasis of the volume is on the practice of yoga and its theoretical underpinnings.
Philosophy, Theology and Spirituality. A Christian View more. The topic of this article is the body language of depression. Reinterpreting concepts of bioenergetic analysis, the body language of depression is interpreted by the author as manifesting a specific way of being-in-the-world. According to his analysis, movement- and breathing patterns of depressed people reveal their relation to time and space.
Jahrbuch der Sir Karl Popper Gesellschaft. The article differentiates between three meanings of spirituality and then focusses on the philosophical analysis of spirituality as a fundamental human potential. Hans Urs von Balthasar's definition of spirituality as a " basic practical Hans Urs von Balthasar's definition of spirituality as a " basic practical or existential attitude which is the consequence and expression of the way in which human beings understand their religious — or more generally, their ethical committed existence " serves as a starting point for further reflections. To enhance von Balthasar's approach , concepts from phenomenological anthropology are introduced which emphasize the human situatedness.
Finally the different dimensions of spirituality are outlined as modes of reference to what is perceived as ultimate or basic situation. Transreligious Studies and Existential Interpretation more. Ultimate Reality in Buddhism and Christianity. A Christian Perspective more. This article interprets the philosophy of human embodiment and emotion developed by Hermann Schmitz from the point of view of Daseinsanalyse, a psychotherapeutical school that is based on Heidegger's philosophy.
During the last decades, During the last decades, Schmitz has been the most influential philosophers of embodiment within the German speaking world. His thought on emotion and mood also has caused a considerable philosophical debate. Published in , my article documents an early stage of the critical discussion about his views. Atem und Sprache more. Heidegger und das Mittelalter more. Review of Johanna Lauterbach: Gedanken zu Leo Zogmayers Wortbildern more. Den Menschen im Blick. Anthropology of the Body , Phenomenology of the body , and Body Therapy.
The article starts by discussing the concept of the master in modern religion and several scholarly definitions of the relationship between religious master and disciple. These basic options intermingle and differentiate into several historical paradigms. Within the ecumenical oriented contemporary spiritual direction the former masters eventually become spiritual coaches.
Henri le Saux und die katholische Theologie der Mystik seiner Zeit more. Feiern im Zeit-Raum der Sammlung.