Backstage Werewolf (transformed werewolf menage)
The ending was good and realistic and I liked both Tessa and Sebastian and enjoyed watching them get more comfortable with themselves and each other. A few too many. The it ended with a thud. All the guys but one are hunks, including Tyler Black the detective who apparently falls for her at first sight. Barb gets hired by. Jason swears he was NOT doing the wife yup, sure , but his jacket and money clip were found in the bedroom. Barb wants to put the agency on the map for things other than cheating spouses, so she reluctantly accepts.
The motel receipts lead her to a small town, a lying night clerk, and a house the victim bought which turns out to be a brothel — one full of hunky guys and horny women. On the way back she gets run off the road and is lucky to live. OK, just let me say, at this point, the author lost steam and wrapped the book up with a deus ex machina ending that was as improbable as any I ever read. The bad guy was barely a shadow on the wall, much less a character. It means the author could not think of a plausible way to find the killer. Oddly enough, this book — short novel — long novella — gets a really high score from Amazon readers.
I am assuming they are not actually mystery fans, just chick lit readers. Kim Salazar is a local taxi driver and something of a love interest for Dubbie. The whole thing looks like they slipped her a roofie. With the help of the bouncer, Dubbie gets her out and Kim, who was driving that night, helps get her to his place and settled on the sofa. When he sees Harpoon, the bouncer, he learns the 3 men sounded like they were Cuban and from the east end of the island. Then Lauren leaves money and asks him for his professional PI help and Dubbie and Fecko are butt deep in murder, Cuban military criminals, and a lying client.
His writing is the classic brisk, PI style of short sentences, quick exchanges, and fast pacing. The story has his trademark twists and turns and keeps readers guessing. The extra twist at the end is completely unexpected. He is now self-publishing. Get the ebook if you like classic style PI stories, especially Florida-based ones, despite the price. The last review for this installment and another book I enjoyed more than expected. While the local head of the coven tries to be friendly and her one daughter is a close friend to Lex, the other witches are very unwelcoming.
Made worse by the fact that Lex works for Maven, the head vampire in Colorado. Then there are these unexplained attacks on humans, werewolves being driven to attack the borders, and an ancient creature — somewhere between a land Nessie and worm-snake — and only Lex can kill it, but she needs to heal her mind. And, of course, her niece a rare magical null is a piece of the puzzle. And after those football games yesterday Just kill me now and put me out of my Fantasy football misery.
I hope everyone had a good holiday — or at least one that did not include tornadoes, blizzards, floods, or sleeping in airports or shelters. The folks in Texas and other parts of the Great Plains and deep South sure have had a rough few days. Circumstances kept me home and apparently that was a good thing all the way around.
Funny how that happens. Kind of pricey on that second option. While I had one missing tooth over the holidays and a lovely hole where I am healing from my LAST oral surgery in October, I might just celebrate my New Year with another visit to oral surgeon. That expense must be handled before new computers of any type. Dr T — you will ignore that sentence!!!!!!! I ate fruit and vegetables and saltines and have no idea why my bad cholesterol is so high! Then tele-Yahtzee and ebooks. But I seem to have this primal urge to cause it harm. Dark chocolate covered figs from Spain have helped stabilize me.
Very high therapeutic value. Anyway, here we go. Touted as humorous romantic mystery series supposedly similar to the Steph Plum books. I can tell you they have only slight elements in common — mostly off the charts insanity. There are also numerous downsides. Reality never had much to do with Vegas, so readers mostly gloss over all these annoying improbabilities and go along for the ride. I wonder how many reviews of this series were from his friends? If you wonder why her sister and her kids disappeared, Evonavich had to get rid of them from the stories or they too would be ageless, despite state of the art electronics everywhere.
Robert B Parker made the same choice for his ageless Spencer. I will give Wanna Get Lucky a C- 2. Lucky Stiff had its amusing moments, but in many ways seemed to imitate the worst elements of the Steph Plum books with too much TV show Vegas. Anyway, it gets another C- 2.

I give So Damn Lucky a B- 3. Lucky Bastard is the point at which I started giving up on this series. This is one of the problems with binge reading a series, the flaws leap out and start choking you. Oh, and even though Lucky is moving on from Teddy to Jean-Charles, the famous gourmet chef The Big Boss hired, but is pissed at Dane whom she rejected for not telling her all about his marriage. Being neither fish nor fowl, they probably appeal more to romance and romantic suspense lovers than mystery lovers. Not a good genre for me to binge read after having finished the Savannah Martin series that fell into the same emotional quagmire, but with less humor.
The Lucky Bastard murder is not complex or exciting, but the surrounding endless distractions make it seem more than it is. And how anyone can be responsible for largely running the biggest casino resort in Vegas AND have time to play amateur detective baffles me completely, especially since her only professional help is a PI and very young police detective is beyond comprehension. Not the chocolate ones, the fungus ones. Too bad he did think to look closer to home …………..
You get a fair smattering of the ins and outs of behind the scenes food supply for top end eateries and enough French drama to fill several foreign language film festivals. You know, the smoldering, moody, self-sacrificial, tragic crap. Had this been a paper book, it would have gotten pitched against the wall about half way through.
I have no intention to wrecking my laptop for a cheap ebook, no matter how badly I wanted to stick a knife through the screen. The weakest entry in the series, until book 6 with enough melodrama to fuel a month of soap operas. You have no idea how hard I was pulling for Charley and Reyes. I feared I was doomed to disappointment. I was right and man, does that make me sad. Reyes is now the cook there, Cookie, her PI business associate and best friend, a waitress, Detective Uncle Bob — all with obvious variations on their names and none willing to tell her about her past because she must remember on her own.
No, I am not making this crap up. Mr Wong has that handled. And after several hundred pages, the evil demon inhabiting the body of the man who tormented Reyes and his sister comes back and kidnaps her and yes, hauls her off to a spooky house. Not a single tear. People retaining some semblance of sanity will go WTF? I simply cannot reconcile the contradictions in the supposed powers of the characters and the pedestrian troubles that they should easily fixed.
These persistent contradictions in logic just cannot be ignored. Let me amend that. I cannot ignore them. Apparently fans have unlimited tolerance for such things. Time to wrap this up Ms Jones. I will be a contrarian and give Ninth Grave a C- 2. The hardcover is very overpriced even at a discount given the short length of the book.
The ebook is insanely over-priced as well. If Eighth Grave put you on the fence — get it from your library for free or wait for a used book discount in a couple of months. Regardless, spend as little as possible. Alyssa Day is famous for her paranormal romance books featuring Atlantis and an alternate version of our world where vampires attempted a takeover of the US.
Jack left Dead End 10 years ago and was involved in the vampire wars. Tess has a gift too. Like witches and shifters, such gifts are not uncommon in Dead End. She also learns that he was one of the two top people leading the rebellion. Jack is also a really nice guy — but bossy. Although it is tangential to her other series, you do NOT need to have read them to follow this book as works as the start of a new a different series, but it does help to fill in the background. The plot, unfortunately, was obvious and the characters, especially Tess, lacked depth.
It just came off shallow on all key elements. A miss-able series, but fun for those who like paranormal mystery in the Sookie Stackhouse style, just shorter. This whole Sinful World novella craze has spawned some real garbage and but this one — good grief. You want an example of how allowing other authors to write stories set in a world you created can go wrong — here is the perfect example.
Some of the Sinful World novellas have been good, most mediocre, one other awful, but this was Outer Limits Meets Sinful and almost singlehandedly trashed the series.
I understand that many of these novellas are little better than fan fic. I remember back when multiple author series were all the rage in sword and sorcery fantasy and yes, different authors perceived the same character very differently. Sinful Science is almost a criminal offense. I think I need to bleach my brain. My WTF gauge just exploded. Can you guess my rating? A rare and not at all coveted award.
Claimed by the Wolf Brotherhood by Meg Ripley
In this, a pregnant Pia is required to go spend 1 week as a guest of Queen of the Light Fae, who seems oddly anxious to put the timing off. But Pia is pregnant and unwilling to wait and risk exposing her condition. Dragos arrives early thanks to a favor from a djinn and flies out to grab some fresh fish before heading to Rodeo Drive.
A spectacular necklace, bracelet, and earring catch his eye. Something is obviously wrong as she explains how Light Fae have been disappearing. He finds packs of rabid, mindless Light Fae who attack and try to kill him despite his fire. Pia is struck by the fact the Light Fae queen and her whole household is armed as if they expect a massive assault. It seems some infection has struck, perhaps deliberate bio attack, the Light Fae. Ms Harrison, who is quite capable of drawing out a slender story to a tedious novel length, manages to write excellent novellas.
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Funny how the shorter format seems to bring out the best in some authors and the worst in others. With that, I will wrap the ebook binge and hopefully get back to print books for my next entry. As I sit writing this and watching the end of the Alamo Bowl which became quite exciting in the second half , I want to wish you all Happy New Year and Good Reading in ! All books below were purchased by me from online booksellers.
For cozy lovers and those who like the scenic areas of eastern Long Island with its rich, famous, and spoiled only. With bike cop Ellie Rush squarely in the middle of what may or may not be a tangled web. Far better read than the typical cozy with complex, multi-dimensional characters and good plot. Book 2 of the Ellie Rush series that deserves more attention and wider readership. Recommended for mystery fans who enjoy some substance to their characters. Like book 2, Werewolf Meets His Mate, this one is a mix of light humor and more straightforward paranormal romance.
In the middle of all this Donna Stone and Jack Craig are trying to get married with extreme interference of the First Lady, one of their prime suspects. The ending is another cliffhanger. One of the better light assassin series out there. It gets a B- 3. I have the ebooks, but paperback is available. While Harry Dresden is easily the most complex, fully realized of the three characters, the other two are no slouches.
Veiled is the latest entry in the continuing story of Verus, his young mage and adept friends, and his rocky relation with the Light Mage Council and some members who want his dead. Verus is a Divination mage, one who can see many immediate futures. Each class of mage has its own gift, some, like air and fire mages are usually battle mages, other choose various kinds of magical police work, mages called Keepers.
And Alex wants to find a way into the Council by becoming an Auxillary to the Order of the Star, the largest group of Keepers handling everyday magic-related crimes. Alex has to start as a probationary Keeper, one step below Auxillary, but a toe in the door. That means getting all the crap jobs, including what seems to be a wild goose chase to an automated rail station in a London suburb where all he finds is a focus, a stone or object that mages use to store various things.
No evidence of any other magical events. But like the tip of an iceberg, Alex keeps digging for information and ends up uncovering a plot involving Light and Dark mages and a vast store of secrets about both. It gets a solid B- 3. Kind of UF light. With The Veil , she tries to enter the darker UF genre with limited success.
It all but begs for supernatural happenings. The magic drives them mad and eventually turns them into wraiths who feed on humans. Then War Night, the citywide celebration of the win over the supernaturals, finds Claire leaving her friends and walking home — only to see a young woman fleeing two wraiths — wraiths that seem to be thinking and acting in coordination, something thought impossible. Liam Quinn, a bounty hunter, sees the whole thing, but instead of hauling her in, offers her a deal.
The plot unfolds as one might expect with a blend of romance, magic, and conspiracy. The Veil is good. But kind of an average good, not in any way remarkable or innovative. The trope is well worn, decently written and ultimately ordinary. Not a barn burner. Sharp, witty, banter, sensible women, stubborn males well they are dragons , curses, evil forces, and a doggie demon named Jim who talks a lot and has no memory of once belonging to Aisling Grey.
Her parents were killed in a car crash a few years earlier and her brother and sister lived elsewhere in Europe, but Aoife was still living in the house her dad built. She has a rare date to a RenFaire type event, as much Goth as anything, with a man named Terrin. She sees Terrin killed, then sees him very much alive talking to a man he said was a Black Dragon. She tells the police about the murder, even the victim apparently being alive the killer who disappeared in a puff of black smoke.
Her doctor convinced her she needed to confront her past and go back to the fair to see it was not what she thought. A huge black dog. She rushes it to a vet, but he seems fine. He seems more dead than alive and getting an ambulance is impossible, so once again, Aoife has to drag this huge man up to her car and drive him to the nearest doctor that does emergencies. Funny thing is, the man looks a lot like one of the guys Terrin called a Black Dragon.
This starts a whole string of events that twines prior books and this story together, and the reader needs at least some level of familiarity with her earlier books to understand the plot. The conclusion lays the foundation for the next installment due in the fall. MacAlister often writes in trilogy form. Dragon Fall is not MacAlister at her best. The plot was almost painfully contrived in parts and lacked the complexity of her Aisling Grey series, so it came across as MacAlister light, which given her style was still an enjoyable read for a paranormal romance, just not up to her usual quality.
For MacAlister Dragon series fans, but with the caveat it not as good as her earlier ones. Here it is nearly August and parents are busy calculating how long before the kids are back in school and the routine starts again. The kids are trying really hard to forget all about it. Obviously not in time to do anything about the current heatwave. Books, like life, sometimes come in cycles. So do book discounts. I understand WalMart kicked their butt online, but Amazon will be making this event an annual mid-summer sale for Prime members — expect WalMart to follow.
They had better electronics options. Grab when you can. Just finished A Curve Of Claw it was a fantastic read cant waitto read the rest of this series. Have a great day. Thanks for the great compliment Mel! When wolf mate 03 is going to come out??? I just loveeee the 2 so far! Thank you so much for the great compliment, I hope you enjoy 3! Have them all now n read them at least twice! Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment! I loved your book Curve of Claw and Flash of Fang. I read them both in about 2 days. Thanks for stopping by! At the moment, no.
However, I never rule anything out so…you just never know! Hi Tasha and welcome to the site! I read all 3 of the Wolf Mate Series. I was blown away. I could not stop reading them.
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- Religiöse Sprachlehre (German Edition).
- Sentimental Journey: The Story of Emerald Coast Honor Flight?
- Claimed by the Wolf Brotherhood.
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I am excited that Michael is getting a book. I hope that Bo can also find love. Do you know when the 4 book will come out? I am starting the other books today!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet comment! Thanks for letting me know. I just finished the other two books. I really likes how you tied up the story of Elizabeth, Axe and Ash. I can see more in the future for the Boys.
Keep up the great writing. I am now a huge fan and so is my sister. She is reading with me. In case you missed the recent blog post, you can get the third in the wiccan series A Price for a Princess, for free on Smashwords during July. Hope that helps and sorry for the delay! Curve of claw is just the awesome books ever. I just love the characters especially the main character, Elizabeth. I was wondering if there is another book withe the same fun but a different story. Curve is the first of three currently published stories.
Book 4 is due out in August. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Especially Callie, in her new world. There seemed to be a great divergence from the opening of the story to the ending on the relationship between Callie and Cades. Callie becomes a complete and total witch and very selfish to my way of thinking. She made the choice to leave for Cades but then dumped Cades along with pack? What is up with that? It just left such a bad taste. The relationship could have diverged and transformed without completely annihilating that friendship so that Cades is left completely alone and without now.
And really, the twins continuing to speak up for Callie but Jason never once given the chance to say hey, I made the choice why take it out on Cades or speak up in defense of Cades as the twins to Callie. Callie was made to seem so fragile and co-dependent, yes she was preggie but so was Cades… food for thought, not my fav of the series, left a lot to be desired.
It was the same for Cades, too. Thanks really enjoying your writing style and the depth of your characters. Thanks for sharing your stories! Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment! I just finished your new series the tribes bride. Again you did an amazing job. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really had a good time writing it and I can definitely see going back to that time period, perhaps with another lucky woman and a new necklace! Just finished 3rd book in the Wolf series. You have an amazing talent and imagination.
Thank you so much for the wonderful enjoyment I got from these books. I have added your name to my list of Authors I will always look for their new releases. I will be ordering your other series today for my Kindle. I am truly excited to read more of your incredible stories. Thank you so much, CM, for your kind words! I hope you like the wiccan and new necklace books as well. Thank you so much, Denise! Thanks for stopping by. All the best, R. I really love your books. When is going to be release The wolfs mate book 4? I just finished the first two books of your Wiccan Were-Bear series, and was blown away.
To the point where I am now typing using my Nook to look for your other books. You are a fabulous writer and I cannot wait to read yourr other works. Thank you so much! If you have a smashwords account, you can get the epub files for Nook there in the meantime. I really appreciate your sweet words. Thanks for taking the time to write to me. Have read books 1 — 3 of the Wolfs mate series.
I havent tried to download from them onto my nook but I am so close to doing it, it is so hard to wait when others can already read number 4. Looking forward to many more. I have a note into Smashwords and hope it will be resolved soon. In the meantime, you can get a free account with Smashwords and download the book for your Nook or any ereader there. You can get it from Smashwords for Nook in the meantime. Just read all 5 were bear books,i love them all.
Hope there more books. At the end of A Flash of Fang, Elizabeth and her bears have 6 children, twin boys and four girls. No one else has any children yet. My plan is for it to be out in February, if all my ducks get in a row at the right time. Thanks for stopping by, yes the cats really do deserve to be happy, too.
If you look on the right of the blog towards the bottom, I list upcoming projects for next year…. I do so enjoy your books. I have said in an earlier post how i started reading this series and also have 2 other people loving it. They even bought their own kindle so they could read them better then from their phones. I started reading your books awhile ago and I have a hard time waiting. You have inspired me to use imagination. Thanks for the support, it means so much to me! Great characters and great plots. Thank you so much, Laura! I just sent the fifth wolf book off to the publishers, so hopefully one will be up really soon to read!
Will you continue the Necklace Chronicles? I really thoroughly enjoyed both books! As you can see it has become an addiction of mine as these books are so awesome.
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I await your next masterpiece. Thank you so much for your kind words! Thank you again for the awesome compliments! Thank you so much, Sharon! Thank YOU for stopping by! I absolutely loved all of your wolf mates books, Wicca books and your were-bear books! I can only read the free excerpt on amazon for so long! I ship to iBooks through Smashwords, and there is a definite delay when that happens. I am hopeful the book will show up in the next couple of weeks. Thank you so much for your good luck wishes and your awesome compliments!
I love the cats! Fell in love with them in callie and the cats. So glad you gave them their own series. I love the cats, too. I hope to have the next book out this summer, if all goes according to plan! Just wanted to say I have enjoyed your books very much. Your one of them authors that I have to check every other day for new books. I have really enjoyed your books. Before reading A Twitch of Tale I went back and reread the other books in the series.
Thanks for hours of enjoyment. Thank you so much, Warnetta. Keep your fingers crossed! I love your books! Hi I was wondering after you have released Alecks story in ashland pride if hunter and his two brothers would be next as i really liked them from what we have seen of them so far. I just love all of your books! Thank you so much for your amazing compliment, Vicki! Dear Louise, thank you so much for sharing! You are a reading machine! Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me, you really made my day! I just read Every Night Forever and loved it!
When will the follow up book be available? I have read everyone of your books, and love them all! What a fast reader you are! When is the next Ashland Pride book and the Hyena Heat book 2 coming out. I just cannot wait. Read everything you have out so far. Need more Sexy shifter books. I too am a terribly fast reader, which is good and bad, depending on whether I am starting or finishing a book!! The 2nd Hyena Heat book should be out this summer, most likely July, and the 2nd Ashland Pride book should be out in August or September.
Logan was pretty good but I like Callie ant her cats the best… Ashland Pride book was great cannot wait for more Hyena Heat is also wonderful can not wait for more, keep the books coming. And really looking forward to Hyena Heat next book too. But I have to admit, the sweet caring lions are my absolute favourites and cannot wait to get to know the backgrounds a little more of the younger ones in the bording house.
You are definitely one of my favourite authors and look forward to your next instalments on all your series. Thanks so much for stopping by! All the best RE. I just started working on the next book in the wiccan series! E, I would just like to say thank you soo much for all your great works.
I am an avid reader and love nothing better than curling up with a good book and loosing myself in the story. I can very safely say that you are up there amongst my top favourite authors. And even though i have only just found you and registered so that i can receive the email updates for all your new works!!!!
Yay i was so entranced with the stories and the characters that i down loaded all your books onto my Kindle and read almost all of them in 1 week, the only books i have yet to read are the ones in the necklace series. I love the way that some of the characters come across a villainous in some stories and then lovable and down to earth in others. Even though this is a supernatural series, which i love, all the characters feel real and relatable.
I am waiting with baited breath to see what will happen in all the series and know that what ever the out come i will be transported into worlds that are rich, vibrant and full of mistry and wonder. Thanking you in advance for all the new wonderful books to come we all love them. Dear AJ, thank you so much for your amazing comment! It thrills me to hear that you feel like my characters are real and relatable!! Thank you for being such an awesome fan and reader, and for taking the time to write. I just LOVE your work! I read a lot of books, and you are now an auto-buy! Thanx for the amazing work you do!
Greetings from the states right back! I love them, and for some reason I am stuck on shape shifting books, I can not get into any other kinds of books, can you tell me more titles to read. When is the 2nd Hyena Heat coming out? I really love reading and writing shape shifters, too! The 2nd hyena heat book Every Dawn Forever should be out in mid-to-late July. Thanks for all the good reads. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but your comment wound up in my spam folder for some crazy reason!
There are so many amazing paranormal romance authors out there! Thanks for stopping by the blog and commenting! Hi Like the books so far. I am glad Hyena Heat 2 will be out soon. Can you tell me when the next book in the Ashland Pride Series is coming out? Just wanted to say thank you for all the awesome books!!
I have read and re-read almost all. I am in awe of your talent. I am anguishly awaiting more. Thank you so much, Roxanne! Your books are great and I have enjoyed all of them. I was wondering if you are done with the wolves and the bears or if there will be more. Daeton will get a follow up story as well at some point. I never say never when it comes to what books I might write in the future, though!
Love Callie and her cats, but Jason is such a dick and Cadence is such a jealous bitch. Honestly, I would say she Cadence got what was coming to her by staying in that terrible pack and marrying that inconsiderate-by-comparison man, Jason. Jason and Cades seemed almost like different people from their book. Callie was the bitch in mho, she left the pack to help Cades but then dumped Cades as well hurting her horribly, a deep betrayal.
Callie did not have to do that to her. This book just left me angry with Callie over what she did to Cades. Thanks for your awesome compliment! Enjoyed all of your books that I have read so far. Ben and Lindy are on my short list of characters for the next book in the series. My short list is Teller, Ben, or Lindy. I would anticipate having another book out early next year, perhaps in the spring! Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with me, I love to hear from fans!!!
I have read all the wolf mate books, the Ashland prides series, the Hyena Heat series and the Wiccan-were-bear series. I love all the books. I was wondering if you going to a story about Shayne, Jazlyn brother, I really to read the story about him finding his. I am planning to write a collection of novella-length stories about Shayne and his entire family, each of the six family members getting their own story. I especially loved Shayne, too. Thank you so much, Julie! I started this series not knowing what to expect from the author and I am so glad I did wow this series is very good.
I am so excited for the next one to come out….. Thank you for the awesome compliment! Again I want to say how much i enjoy your books. Thank you so much for your continued support and your sweet compliments! Hi I just wanted say that I am just reading book six in the wolf series and I love them great books I love the characters and the story lines make it very hard to stop reading them keep up the good work hope to read more soon.
I have five more books in the series planned for now, but I never say never to new characters appearing or old ones coming back! I have read and re-read them a few times. I would like to see how Alek or the other mountain lions get mates. Just putting my thought out there. But is that something you thought about or not? Thank you for writing these amazing books. This is my first time on your website and I just found Ashland Pride. Wolf Mates series was fun and each one was different and the details were consistent to all of them. Ronnie, I love your enthusiasm!
Hi just wanted to let you know that the Wolf Mate Series are the greatest ever, I love them all. When will the next book be coming out. The next wolf book should be out early next year. I have read the series twice now and I love it!!!!! Great job keep up the good work! Thanks so much for your support and wonderful compliments!
I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for the great stories you provide. I am an avid reader and I appreciate that you continue to write stories for all the characters you create that we invest ourselves in. In the Alpha's Den Werewolf Menage. The Vampire's Boy Toy. Milk for Her Billionaire billionaire domination and lactation erotica.
First Time Foreman MM. Revenge of the Wolves. Men at Work 3-Pack. Milk Man s nostalgic adultery erotica. Madrid Mistress fem dom. Escape to Europe Collection 1. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
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