Alkoholiker - Was nun?: Meine Sucht und das Wissen eines Therapeuten (German Edition)
An ecologic approach to integrate personality and social cognition. Evidence from Event-Related Potentials. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. Orbitofrontal grey matter deficits as marker of Internet Gaming Disorder: A common polymorphism on the oxytocin receptor gene rs and resting-state functional connectivity of amygdala subregions - a genetic imaging study.
In Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences pp. Verhaltens- und molekulargenetische Grundlagen. Mediated disposition - environment transactions: European Journal of Personality, 32, Titzmann Eds , Handbuch Jugend pp. Lifetime and month prevalence estimates for mental disorders in northeastern Germany: Findings from the Study of Health in Pomerania. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.
Findings from a general population sample. Journal of Affective Disorders, , Interplay between RGS2 and childhood adversities in predicting anxiety and depressive disorders: Prospective associations of androgens and sex hormone-binding globulin with month, lifetime and incident anxiety and depressive disorders in men and women from the general population. Journal of Affective Disorders. Assessing the interplay of childhood adversities with more recent stressful life events and conditions in predicting panic pathology among adults from the general population.
Maternal anxiety and depressive disorders prior to, during and after pregnancy and infant interaction behaviors during the Face-to-Face Still Face Paradigm at 4 months postpartum: Sociodemographic, clinical and functional long-term outcomes in adolescents and young adults with mental disorders.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1 , A matter of time? Challenging and hindering effects of time pressure on work engagement. Pathways to happiness are multidirectional: Associations between state mindfulness and everyday affective experience. Recursive partitioning in continuous time analysis. Feature selection methods for optimal design of studies for developmental inquiry. Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73, Analyzing dyadic data using Grid-Sequence Analysis: Inter-dyad differences in intra-dyad dynamics.
Statistisch-methodische Grundlagen der Eignungsbeurteilung. In Personalauswahl kompetent gestalten pp. All categories are equal, but some categories are more equal than others: The psychometric structure of object and face cognition. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23 1 , - The more we are in control, the merrier?
Partner perceived control and negative affect in the daily lives of older couples. Age variations in cohort differences in the United States: Older adults report fewer constraints nowadays than those 18 years ago, but mastery beliefs are diminished among younger adults. Dyadic associations of mastery beliefs with health behavior and health behavior change among older partners. Perceived constraints in late midlife: Psychology and Aging, 33, Understanding the time course of interventions with continuous time dynamic models.
Cortical alpha asymmetry at central and posterior - but not anterior - sites is associated with individual differences in behavioural loss aversion. The domain-differentiated nature of future time perspective and its antecedents, correlates, and consequences: Introduction to Special Issue. Facets of subjective health horizons are differentially linked to brain volume. Frontiers in Psychology, 9 Diffusion markers of dendritic density and arborization in gray matter predict differences in intelligence. Nature Communications, 9 1 , Terminal change across facets of affective experience and domain satisfaction: Commonalities, differences, and bittersweet emotions at the end of life.
Developmental Psychology, 54, Forschungsergebnisse zum terminal decline [Satisfied and content until the end of life? Research findings on the phenomenon of terminal decline]. Geburtstag [Festschrift for Gert G. Validation of test score interpretations for evaluative purposes in higher education. Where have the persons gone? Structural Equation Modeling, Does dynamic information about the speaker's face contribute to semantic speech processing?
Is subjective memory change in old age based on accurate monitoring of age-related memory change? Evidence from two longitudinal studies. Situational perception and affect: Barking up the wrong tree? Measurement of situational influences. Assessment of Situational Perceptions: Measurement issues and a joint taxonomization of persons and situations. Is subjective memory specific for memory performance or general across cognitive domains? Findings from the Seattle Longitudinal Study. Cognition and Emotion, 32, Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit in Deutschland: Historical trends in modifiable indicators of cardiovascular health and self-rated health among older adults: Journal of Intelligence, 6 3 , Psychological and neural correlates of embitterment in old age.
Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Age-related effects in compound production: Intact lexical representations but more effortful encoding. Age-related effects in compound production - Evidence from a double-object picture naming task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. See me through my eyes: Adolescent-parent agreement in personality predicts later self-esteem development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 42, Psychological Science, 29 11 , — Glucose promotes cognitive engagement and protects positive affect in older adults.
Network Neuroscience and Personality. Working memory capacity and the functional connectome - insights from resting-state fMRI and voxelwise centrality mapping. Brain Imaging and Behavior 12, 1, Only reappraisers profit from reappraisal instructions: Effects of instructed and habitual reappraisal on stress responses during interpersonal conflicts. Continuous time modeling in the behavioral and related sciences. The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, Immigrant youth acculturation and perceived discrimination: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 59, How far reaches the power of personality?
Personality predictors of terminal decline in well-being. What makes the hedonic experience of a meal in a top restaurant special and retrievable in the long term? Meal-related, social and personality factors. Subjective age is associated with walking speed in the laboratory, but not in real life. European Journal of Ageing. First- and higher-order continuous time models for arbitrary N using SEM.
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 53 1 , Amygdala—prefrontal connectivity during appraisal of symptom-related stimuli in obsessive—compulsive disorder. Configural face perception in childhood and adolescence: An individual differences approach. Acta Psychologica, , The salience network and human personality: Integrity of white matter tracts within anterior and posterior salience network relates to the self-directedness character trait. Brain Research , Modelling the N brain potential as change in a probabilistic representation of meaning.
Nature Human Behaviour, 2, Do self-reported traits and aggregated states capture the same thing? A nomological perspective on trait-state homomorphy. Copycat of dynamic facial expressions: Superior volitional motor control for expressions of disgust. The neural basis of free language choice in bilingual speakers: Disentangling language choice and language execution. Rohr L, Abdel Rahman R.
On the combined impact of emotional and person-descriptive word meanings in communicative situations. Time course, behavioral and electrophysiological correlates. The closer they are, the more they interfere: Semantic similarity of word distractors increases competition in language production. Mehr Nachweisepflichten, sichere technische Infrastrukturen und transparente Verfahrensregeln: Hochschulmanagement, 1 , 27— Macht und Ohnmacht als Problematik im Coaching. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 25 2 , The impact of culture on corruption, gross domestic product, and human development.
Publikationen — Institut für Psychologie
Journal of Business Ethics. Getting it just right: A reevaluation of OCD symptom dimensions integrating traditional and Bayesian approaches. Lunching for Relaxation or Cognitive Control? After-Effects of Social and Solitary Meals. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 14 1 , Share, like, twitter and connect: Ecological momentary assessment to examine the relationship between personal social media use at work and work engagement. Personality and peer relationships. The daily dynamics of loss orientation and life engagement in advanced cancer: A pilot study to characterize patterns of adaptation at the end-of-life.
European Journal of Cancer Care. General self-efficacy as a driving factor of post-stroke depression: Interkulturelle Kompetenz in der Ausbildung von Psychologen und Medizinern. Self-esteem across the second half of life: The role of socioeconomic status, physical health, social relationships, and personality factors. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, , Introduction to the special section on self-esteem and personality across the lifespan: Antecedents of development and change. We are in this together: Dyadic patterns of self-esteem change in late-life couples.
Fluid intelligence and gross structural properties of the cerebral cortex in middle-aged and older adults: A multi-occasion longitudinal study. Moderation of alcohol consumption as a recommendation in European hypertension management guidelines: BMJ Open, 8 Why do personality traits predict scholastic performance? A three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Research in Personality, 74, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 52 4 , Brennan, John-Dylan Haynes; Brains in dialogue: Immigrant status, immigrant composition of the classroom, and acculturation.
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 23, Measuring positive development I: Psychologie der Beziehung 2. Psychiatry Research, , The role of gender and anxiety in the association between somatic diseases and depression: Findings from three combined epidemiological studies in primary care.
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. A year prospectivelongitudinal study of daily hassles and incident psychopathology among adolescents and young adults: Interactions with gender, perceived coping efficacy and negative life events. Journal of Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 52 11 , Incident mental disorders in the aftermath of traumatic events: A year prospective-longitudinal community study. The Inquisitive Mind, 3. Effects of online group exercises for older adults on physical, psychological and social wellbeing: Problematic social media use: Results from a large-scale nationally representative adolescent sample.
Comparisons of Daily Behavior Across 21 Countries. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8 3 , Klinische Register im Ein Spagat zwischen Datenschutz und Machbarkeit. Der Chirurg 7 1 , S. Harm avoidance and childhood adversities in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and their unaffected first-degree relatives.
Volitional saccade performance in a large sample of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and unaffected first-degree relatives. Einsatz psychologischer und psychophysiologischer Methoden in der Angewandten Forschung. Mindfulness in daily life: A Worldwide Meta- and Mega-Analysis. Response to McKay et al. Terminal decline in well-being: The role of multi-indicator constellations of physical health and psychosocial correlates. Developmental Psychology, 52, Results from a Longitudinal Experience Sampling Study.
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 36, Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 8 GLRB allelic variation associated with agoraphobic cognitions, increased startle response and fear network activation: Molecular Psychiatry, 22 10 , Functional connectivity in the resting brain as biological correlate of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales. NeuroImage , - Exploring predictors of life satisfaction and happiness among Siberian older adults living in Tomsk Region.
European Journal of Ageing, User acceptability of the diagnosis of prolonged grief disorder: How do professionals think about inclusion in ICD?. Perceived control across the second half of life: The role of physical health and social integration. Psychology and Aging, 32 , Journal of Statistical Software, 77 5 , Combining D-cycloserine with appetitive extinction learning modulates amygdala activity during recall.
Neurobiology of Learning Memory,, Oxytocin differentially alters resting state functional connectivity between amygdala subregions and emotional control networks: Are country level prevalences of rule violations associated with knowledge overclaiming among students?. International Journal of Psychology. ERP indices of word learning: What do they reflect and what do they tell us about the neural representations of early words? Gert Westermann and Nivedita Mani Eds. The sleeping infant brain anticipates development.
Current Biology, 27, 1—7. The role of affective evaluation in conflict adaptation: Brain Cogn, , The role of morbidity for proxy-reported well-being in the last year of life. Developmental Psychology, 53, Empirische Evaluationsmethoden, Band 21, The amount of recent action-outcome coupling modulates the mechanisms of the intentional binding effect: A behavioral and ERP study. Consciousness and Cognition, 56, A revival of the Homo loquens as a builder of labeled structures: Personality predicts mortality risk: An integrative data analysis of 15 international longitudinal studies.
Coachingdefinitionen und -konzepte online first. Frontal alpha asymmetry in OCD patients and unaffected first-degree relatives. J Abnorm Psychol, 6 , Online attention bias modification for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Optimising exposure-based CBT for anxiety disorders via enhanced extinction: Design and methods of a multicentre randomised clinical trial.
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Social Science and Medicine, , A functional genetic variation of SLC6A2 repressor hsa-miRp upregulates sympathetic noradrenergic processes of fear and anxiety. Residential exposure to multiple environmental burdens and health: Wie wirksam sind Online-Interventionen? Arbeitsgestaltung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung S. The effect of change in supervisor support and job control on change in vigor: Differential relationships for immigrant and native employees in Israel.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 3 , Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 72, Levels of and changes in life satisfaction predict mortality hazards: Disentangling the role of physical health, perceived control, and social orientation. Psychology and Aging, 32, Arbeitsgestaltung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Saccadic eye movements do not disrupt the deployment of feature-based attention. Journal of Vision, 17 8: Setting and changing feature priorities in Visual Short-Term Memory.
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Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Intense video gaming is not essentially problematic. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 31 7 , Commonalities and differences in the neural substrates of threat predictability in panic disorder and specific phobia. Homophobie und Transphobie in Schulen und Jugendeinrichtungen. Loccumer Pelikan 1 , Was ist Ihre sexuelle Orientierung? Zur Situation lesbischer, schwuler, bisexueller und queerer Menschen: Von der Diskriminierung zur Inklusion durch Sichtbarkeit und flexiblere Geschlechternormen.
How negative social interactions at work seep into the home: A prosocial and an antisocial pathway. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 5 , The role of general and daily control beliefs for affective stressor-reactivity across adulthood and old age. Lateralization of posterior alpha EEG reflects the distribution of spatial attention during saccadic reading. Psychophysiology, 54 6 , Decision making measured by the Iowa Gambling Task in alcohol use disorder and gambling disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, , Psychology, 3 1 , Clinical Neurophysiology, 3 , e The impact of free-order and sequential-order instructions on task-order regulation in dual tasks. Having a partner affects lexical retrieval: Spoken word production in shared task settings. Having a task partner affects lexical retrieval: Electrophysiological underpinnings of partner-elicited semantic interference.
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 41, — Neuroticism and extraversion magnify discrepancies between retrospective and concurrent affect reports. Journal of Personality, 85, Psychometric, Neural and Genetic Evidence. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 11 Do you see my growth? Two longitudinal studies on personality development from childhood to young adulthood from multiple perspectives. Journal of Research in Personality, 67, Modulation of defensive reactivity by GLRB allelic variation: Converging evidence from an intermediate phenotype approach. Translational Psychiatry, 5, e Reduced impact of alcohol use on next-day tiredness in older relative to younger adults: A role for sleep duration.
Narcissistic self-promotion is not moderated by the strength of situational cues. Personality and Individual Differences, , Phonological abilities in literacy-impaired children: Brain potentials reveal deficient phoneme discrimination, but intact prosodic processing. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, Food for happy thought: Glucose protects age-related positivity effects under cognitive load. Evidence for a single factor behind trichotillomania, skin picking and nail biting.
Cerebral Cortex 27 3 , - Test—retest reliability of the N component in a sentence-reading paradigm. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32 10 , Infant, maternal, and familial predictors and correlates of regulatory problems in early infancy: The differential role of infant temperament and maternal anxiety and depression. Early Human Development, , International Journal of Psychophysiology, , The OXTR gene, implicit learning, and social perception: Does empathy evolve from perceptual skills for details. Behavioural Brain Research , Revising the link between microsaccades and the spatial cueing of voluntary attention.
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Attitude towards psychiatrists and psychiatric medication: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, Auditory brainstem responses to stop consonants predict literacy. Clinical Neurophysiology, , Feasibility of online tablet-based group-exercising among older adults in Siberia: Findings from two pilot trials. Individual characteristics and physical activity in older adults: Biological Psychology, , Structural encoding processes contribute to individual differences in face and object cognition: Inferences from psychometric test performance and event-related brain potentials.
Chances and challenges for an active visual search perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e Saccadic eye movements impose a natural bottleneck on visual short-term memory. Selective enhancement of orientation tuning before saccades. Journal of Vision, 17 Exploiting the intra-subject latency variability from single-trial event-related potentials in the P3 time range: A review and comparative evaluation of methods. Memory integration in humans with hippocampal lesions. Are event-related potentials to dynamic facial expressions of emotion related to individual differences in the accuracy of processing facial expressions and identity?
Wie lassen sich transkulturelle Kompetenzen bei Psychotherapeuten steigern? Vorstellung eines webbasierten Trainingsprogramms. Intergroup contact and social change: Implications of negative and positive contact for collective action in advantaged and disadvantaged groups. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43 1 , Time pressure with state vigour and state absorption: Are they nonlinearly related?
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26 1 , Ein wenig Licht und noch mehr Schatten. Psychologische Rundschau, 68 4 , An explorative interview study on personal experiences of people with multiple selves. Conflict monitoring and adaptation as reflected by N2 amplitude in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Hyperactive performance monitoring as a transdiagnostic marker: Results from health anxiety in comparison to obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Journal of Personality, 85, — Individual differences in implicit learning abilities and impulsive behavior in the context of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder under the consideration of gender. Addictive Behaviors Reports 5, 19 - Why assessment in medical education needs a solid foundation in modern test theory. Advances in Health Sciences Education. Look on the bright side: Positivity bias modulates interference effects in the Simon task.
Volition and Academic Achievement: Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 53 40 , — Narcissism and the strategic pursuit of short-term mating: Universal links across 11 world regions of the International Sexuality Description Project Psychological Topics, 26, Springer International Publishing AG. Frontiers in Psychology, 8: J Atten Disord, Das zentrale Erkenntnisobjekt einer integrativen Humanwissenschaft pp.
Personality development in adulthood and old age. Personality development in reaction to major life events. State-of-the-art and future directions.
Networks of phobic fear: Functional connectivity shifts in two subtypes of specific phobia. Neuroscience Letters, , Energizing micro-respites at work: Savoring nature and relaxation interventions promote employee vigor — A randomized controlled study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26 5 , Support vector machine analysis of functional MRI of interoception does not reliably predict individual outcomes of cognitive behavioral therapy in panic disorder with agoraphobia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, doi: IF coming in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, Kognitive Umstrukturierung und Verhaltensexperimente.
Festschrift zur Verabschiedung von Eva Bamberg S. Analyzing the longitudinal effects of work-related rumination on creativity at work and off-job recovery. Early response activation in repetition priming: Salivary secretion and disgust: A new perspective on three old methodological issues: The role of time, missing values, and cohorts in longitudinal models of youth development. From average trajectories to within-person dynamics. Terminal decline in well-being differs between residents in East Germany and West Germany.
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41, How does availability of county-level health care services shape terminal decline in well-being? Brakemeier Hrsg , Verhaltenstherapie in der Praxis. Does Host National Identity Matter? International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 61, Modellierung des Kompetenzteilbereichs naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen. Findings from the BLSA. Front Aging Neurosci 9, Learning and Individual Differences, 54, 30— Eliminating stroop effects with post-hypnotic instructions: Brain mechanisms inferred from EEG.
Importance of Testing Validity. European Journal of Personality, 31, The Importance of Testing Validity. European Journal of Personality, 31, — Psychologische Rundschau, 68, pp. Serie Sozialpsychologie, Band 2 pp. Causal unity of broader traits is an illusion commentary. European Journal of Personality, 30, Kompetenz und Leidenschaft - Anmerkungen zur Auswahl von Hochschullehrern.
Psychologische Rundschau, 67, Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology. Sexual problems during pregnancy and after delivery among women with and without anxiety and depressive disorders prior to pregnancy: The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13 1 , Peripartum changes in social support among women with and without anxiety and depressive disorders prior to pregnancy: Archives of Women's Mental Health, 19 6 , Risk factors for fearful spells, panic attacks and panic disorder in a community cohort of adolescents and young adults.
Does low coping efficacy mediate the association between negative life events and incident psychopathology? A prospective-longitudinal community study of adolescents and young adults. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 25 2 , Peripartum changes in partnership quality among women with and without anxiety and depressive disorders prior to pregnancy: Archives of Women's Mental Health, 19 2 , Chapter eight measurement invariance across gender and major in the University of Tehran English proficiency test. Trends in Language Assessment Research and Practice: Wieviel Personal ist erforderlich?
Differential aging of cerebral white matter in middle-aged and older adults: Special issue on Design for Aging. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, Degree connectivity in body dysmorphic disorder and relationships with obsessive and compulsive symptoms. Replication of the association between CHRNA4 rs and harm avoidance in a large population-based sample.
European Neuropsychopharmacology, 26 1 , Psychische Wirkungen von Stadtnatur Anteile. Does being empathic pay off? Associations between performance-based measures of empathy and social adjustment in younger and older women. Das InMind Magazin, 1. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. Clustering vector autoregressive models: Capturing qualitative differences in within-person dynamics.
Saccadic adaptation to a systematically varying disturbance. Journal of Neurophysiology, , Mental subtraction and multiplication recruit both phonological and visuospatial resources: Psychological Research, 80 4: Extended work availability and its relation with start-of-day mood and cortisol.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21 1 , Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neurosciences, 16 3 , Offener oder geschlossener Vollzug? Analyse der Kriterien zur Aufnahme von Inhaftierten mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund im offenen Strafvollzug. How to Become Neurally Efficient? Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Pt B, What did you expect? Event-Related Potentials in response to violations of content and temporal event knowledge. Gerontology, 62 3 , Behavioral sleep medicine, Reduced risk avoidance and altered neural correlates of feedback processing in patients with borderline personality disorder.
Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire - Deutsche Version. Counterintuitive Religious Ideas and Metaphoric Thinking: Cognitive Science, 40 4 , Effects of contextual interference on ERP indicators of motor preparation. Come to think of it: Contributions of reasoning abilities and training schedule to skill acquisition in a virtual throwing task. The better, the bigger: The effect of graded positive performance feedback on the reward positivity.
Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer effects in the nucleus accumbens relate to relapse in alcohol dependence. Addiction Biology, 21 3 , Pilotstudie zur Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Sauberkeit in Berlin. Empirische Evaluationsmethoden, Band 20, , Berlin: Evaluationsmethoden, Band 20, Empirische Evaluationsmethoden, Band 20, The role of social orientation. Psychology and Aging, 31, Conveying moods and knowledge-what-it-is-like through lyric poetry: Scientific Study of Literature, 6, — Supportive Care in Cancer, 24 5 , — Presupplementary motor area contributes to altered error monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Biological Psychiatry, 80 7 , The world at 7: Comparing the experience of situations across 20 countries.
Department of Education and Psychology
Journal of personality, 84 4 , Opioid tolerance in methadone maintenance treatment: Harm Reduction Journal, Socioeconomic inequities in health: The power of social relationships. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics 9 1 , Neural correlates of training and transfer effects in working memory in older adults. The social dimension as antecedent and effect of emotional mimicry pp. Emotional Mimicry in Social Context.
Genes, Brain and Behavior, 15 5 , Die AOK schreibt aktuell die Tranche aus und somit die bislang umfangreichste. Unter dem Hammer sind Wirkstoffe und Wirkstoffkombinationen. Merck plans to apply Sutro's proprietary cell-free protein synthesis and site-specific conjugation platforms to discover and develop best-in-class immune-modulating cytokine derivatives for both oncology and autoimmune indications.
The platforms are designed to facilitate precision design and rapid empirical optimization of protein conjugates. Joachim Kreuzburg die Ergebnisse nach sechs Monaten. Von der digitalen Ratlosigkeit zur digitalen Transformation in der Medizin: Das Zytostatikum ist ein Generikum zu Alimta von Lilly. Das Generikum von Stada ist zur Behandlung des lokal fortgeschrittenen metastasierten nicht-kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinoms indiziert. Dabei sollen Biosimilars eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. Die Zahlen sprechen eine klare Sprache: Abhilfe verspricht ein zielgerichteter Transport von Medikamenten zu bestimmten Zelltypen.
Sie ist auf eine Maximalleistung von Blistern und Faltschachteln pro Minute ausgelegt. Dollar in auf 1 Mrd. Dollar in gestiegen. Cellular repairmen frantically try to fix the cuts by throwing random chunks of DNA into the breach and deleting other random bits. Wie und wann es aufgefallen ist, ist auch noch relativ unklar. Er fordert, dass die Verantwortlichen diesmal nicht ungeschoren davon kommen sollten. Damit meint er keinen anderen als die Profiteure der Billig-Arzneistoffe. Alle drei berichten an Deutschlandchef Christoph Stoller. Doch ist diese Vorsicht gerechtfertigt? Was unterscheidet die traditionelle Vorgehensweise nach dem V-Modell von modernen, iterativen Vorgehensmodellen?
Welche Risiken bringt Scrum mit sich? The agency announced plans for a task force to find ways to improve the supply of crucial drugs. Novartis sieht offenbar keine ausreichende Perspektive, die Pipeline wirtschaftlich gewinnbringend zu verwerten. If the technique can be replicated in other labs, experts said, it may open up profound new possibilities for treating an array of diseases, including cancer, infections like H.
Bei den Anlegern kam das gut an: Dagegen regt sich Widerstand aus den Mitgliedstaaten. Auch die Bundesregierung sieht den EU-Plan kritisch. Genevant is eligible to receive significant commercial milestones for the oncology licenses. Julius Zhu of the University of Virginia School of Medicine and his colleagues have developed a way to manipulate molecules from compartment to compartment within individual cells.
Amazingly, the same molecules do different things depending on their location, the researchers determined. By manipulating the molecules, scientists can determine exactly which locations to target, while avoiding locations that would cause harmful side effects.
Allerdings erst nachdem diese ihre Produkte positiv bewertet hatten. Beim Wirkstoff Ticagrelor waren sich die Experten schnell einig. Sie hatten im Labor getestet, wie knapp verschiedene Kombinationen von Antibiotika und anderen Mitteln auf Bakterien wirken. Sie erzielte damit einen Umsatz von Mio. Zu diesem Thema haben Frau Funke et al. Es klingt nach einer Win-Win-Situation: Die eine Seite spart 40 Millionen Dollar, die andere gewinnt Millionen. The treatment, BAN, failed its primary goal of beating out placebo over the course of 12 months.
But looking at 18 months worth of data from the Phase 2 trial, Biogen and its partner, Japanese drug maker Eisai, said late Thursday that one dose of the treatment — the highest of five tested — had a significant effect on both cognition and the accumulation of toxic plaques in the brain. Der vfa-Unterausschuss Arzneimittelsicherheit hat deshalb im Jahr einen Fragebogen zu Pharmakovigilanz-Inspektionen entwickelt.
Die Zahlen sind alarmierend: Nassos Typas and his colleagues at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Germany tested 3, different combinations of antibiotics with each other or with drugs, food additives, and other compounds on three common types of bacteria that infect humans. Die Anwendung erfolgt einmal pro Monat und kann von geschulten Patienten selbst vorgenommen werden. Das Transaktionsvolumen stieg im selben Zeitraum von Mrd.
US-Dollar auf Mrd. Das Wachstum des Transaktionsvolumens ist insbesondere auf die 62,3 Mrd. Forscher aus den USA haben eine intelligente Formulierung entwickelt, mit der oral verabreichtes Insulin weitgehend unbeschadet durch Magen und Darm und von dort in den Blutkreislauf gelangt. Often resistant to the most commonly used antifungal drug treatments, it can be transmitted relatively easily between patients, their families and healthcare professional, either directly or through contaminated surfaces or equipment.
Nach seinem Studium war er bis als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und bis als Oberingenieur. Gottfried Ludewig an die Gematik-Gesellschafter. Die Apotheken sollen aber wie geplant mit Konnektoren an die Telematikinfrastruktur TI der Gematik angeschlossen werden. Die Erwartungen des Betreibers an seinen Instandhalter sind sehr hoch. The change will cause implications to all areas, such as regulatory, research and development, production, marketing, technology etc. Additionally, all stake-holders are involved: Durch den Abbau humaner und frei-zirkulierender mikrobieller DNA PillPack is a pharmacy designed to provide the best possible customer experience in the U.
PillPack delivers medications in pre-sorted dose packaging, coordinates refills and renewals, and makes sure shipments are sent on time. The third-quarter cash dividend will be the th consecutive quarterly dividend paid by Pfizer. Andere Auswertungen zeigen zudem: Eigentlich sollte die Anlage im ersten Quartal erweitert werden, doch stattdessen steht wegen technischer Probleme jetzt alles still. MRK , known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, will hold its second-quarter sales and earnings conference call with institutional investors and analysts at 8: EDT on Friday, July A replay of the webcast, along with the sales and earnings news release and supplemental financial disclosures, will be available at www.
Die Arbeitsgruppe von Dr. Dank zahlreicher technologischer Innovationen erzielt die FEC40 einen bis heute unerreichten Output von Innerhalb der zylindrisch geformten Matrizenpore erfolgt aufgrund der Blockade durch die darunterliegende Blockmembran eine Akkumulation der Nanopartikel. Die EU schiebt das Thema seit mehr als zehn Jahren vor sich her. The score is ranging from three stars maximum of points to a minimum of zero stars. A star is regarded as an asset for the respective system in comparison to the other system.
The object of this comparison and evaluation is to address the importance of data integrity in the pharmaceutical fields during the entire data lifecycle. Grundlage des Angebots ist die ganzheitliche Analyse und systematische Verbesserung aller Produktionsprozesse. Individuelle Unterschiede in Resorption und Arzneimittelmetabolismus bei Patienten sind der Wissenschaft schon seit mehr als Jahren bekannt. Die Pharmakogenetik hingegen ist ein vergleichsweise relativ junges Forschungsgebiet, dem zunehmend immer mehr Beachtung geschenkt wird.
Der Projektleiter zur Revision des Annex 1, Andrew Hopkins, versprach auf seinen Seminartouren, dass der neue Anhang detailreicher werden wird. Diesen Wissensverlust soll der neue Annex 1 kompensieren. To ensure this, amongst other issues, it is necessary to guarantee the suitability of the equipment. For complex systems, this can indeed be challenging. In this article, the author discusses whether the required sterilization conditions have been met on the surface of a collapsed bellows — particularly within its grooves — during sterilization with saturated steam.
As the geometry of the bellows complicates the process, an indirect approach is chosen that consists of 2 single tests. Daneben braucht der Multi aber auch mehr Innovation und betriebliche Effizienz. Mit einem Umsatz von 41,9 Mrd. Juni, zum Besuchertag ein. Ihre Entwicklung ist aber aufwendig, teuer und wird nur selten von der Industrie vorangetrieben.
Wie beide Institutionen heute Juni bekannt gegeben haben, sieht die Vereinbarung eine strategische Zusammenarbeit bei Forschungsprojekten im Bereich der Antibiotika-Entwicklung vor. Direkt nach dem Abitur heuerte er als Trainee beim Pharmakonzern an. Das Endprodukt sollte durch ein einheitliches Aussehen und eine schnelle Rekonstitution gekennzeichnet sein.
Hand-in-hand with compliance comes the extensive data management requirements that demand the generation and sharing of new types of data never previously managed by the industry. As a result, successful data management strategies need to go beyond simply achieving compliance and look to take advantage of the process enhancements available.
Botanicals hatte ich bereits im meinem Streiflicht in Pharm. Das Urteil von Epson hat Gewicht: Wie das Unternehmen am heutigen Freitag mitteilt, ist der Deal nun abgeschlossen. If you go to the hospital for medical treatment and scientists there decide to use your medical information to create a commercial product, are you owed anything as part of the bargain? That's one of the questions that is emerging as researchers and product developers eagerly delve into digital data such as CT scans and electronic medical records, making artificial-intelligence products that are helping doctors to manage information and even to help them diagnose disease.
This issue cropped up in , when Google DeepMind decided to test an app that measures kidney health by gathering 1. Euro und baute ihr operatives Ergebnis auf 51,2 Mio. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. In order to succeed in this environment, pharmaceutical executives and managers are looking to shape effective and efficient organizations. In Europa will Bayer den Zulassungsantrag noch in diesem Jahr einreichen. Das Arzneimittel soll die Entzugssymptome von Opioiden bei Erwachsenen lindern, um ein abruptes Absetzen zu erleichtern.
Lucemyra ist ein oraler, selektiver alphaadrenerger Rezeptor-Agonist, der die Freisetzung von Noradrenalin reduziert. Es wird angenommen, dass die Wirkungen von Norepinephrin im autonomen Nervensystem bei vielen der Symptome eines Opioidentzugs eine Rolle spielen. Die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit von Lucemyra wurde durch zwei randomisierte, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte klinische Studien mit Erwachsenen gezeigt, Nach Informationen von DAZ. Das Geld soll in die Forschung in der Immuntherapie gesteckt werden.
Damit steige das Grundkapital um rund 10 Prozent. Er sieht sein Patent verletzt. Doch vor dem Bundespatentgericht musste das Unternehmen nun eine Schlappe hinnehmen: Vor 10 Jahren, , erwarb Gerresheimer Allplas und kam Vedat hinzu. Sie wirken schnell und auf physikalische Weise, ohne das Mikrobiom negativ zu beeinflussen. Der Beitrag beschreibt einige relevante Havarien bzw. Vorkommnisse in den USA und Deutschland.
Somit ergeben sich enorme Anforderungen u. Nun hofft AstraZeneca auf den Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss G-BA , denn der habe in vergleichbaren Verfahren einen Zusatznutzen gesehen und wird letztendlich entscheiden. Fasenra ist als Add-on-Erhaltungstherapie bei Erwachsenen mit schwerem eosinophilen Asthma zugelassen. Juni in Frankfurt am Main bekannt. Mittelpunkt des Auftritts in Halle 8.
Adents Seriza und Adents Prodigi. Ein schonendes Handling ist Pflicht! Neben hochwertigen Komponenten wie Beleuchtungen, Optiken, Kameras sowie fundiertem Bildverarbeitungs-Know-how profitieren Kunden von der leistungsstarken und flexiblen Bildverarbeitungs-plattform nVision.
The way from lab-testing at a German specialist for photochemistry to realization for the treatment of environmentally hazardous chemicals in wastewater from API-manufacturing is described for the combination of UV-oxidation and a following biological treatment. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Aspekt ist die eindeutige Kennzeichnung im Sinne der Patientensicherheit. Hinzu kommen Anforderungen an die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Arzneimittelsicherheit, wie z.
Sie haben erhebliche Schwierigkeiten, mit gesundheitsrelevanten Informationen z. Das hat gravierende Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit der Betroffenen — und auf die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Mit der Entwicklung des damals weltweit kleinsten Reflexkopfes gelang der entscheidende Einstieg in den Markt der industriellen Automation. In the last decades countless startups were founded, mostly out of academic institutes.
The numbers are willingly reported as a measure for successful research and for being highly innovative. Meanwhile every university has a department dealing with technology transfer, intellectual property IP , licensing, and often, the first document signed by a student enrolling at the university is a waiver transferring all IP generated during his studies to the Alma Mater. Mai den Standort Zwingenberg in das benachbarte Heppenheim Hessen. Zahlreiche neue Stellen, hohe Investitionen sowie gute Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Nachhaltigkeit unterstreichen die ausgewogene Entwicklung.
Auch die Investitionen am Standort Weinheim werden fortgesetzt. Auch verglichen mit dem 1. Quartal gab es im 1. Quartal einen deutlichen Anstieg: Es sei der einzige indische Konzern, der damit im Rennen sei. Der Konzern verweist stattdessen auf ein entsprechendes Konkurrenzprodukt von Sanofi. Anhand von Placebo-Mischungen wurden innovative, sich selbst verfestigende neuartige Prinzipien beobachtet und erprobt.
Zudem kann die schnelle Evolution von Antibiotika-Resistenzen auch neue Medikamente innerhalb kurzer Zeit wirkungslos werden lassen. It is important to understand, that data generated by both Real World Evidence and randomized controlled trials have advantages and disadvantages to be considered in a health technology assessment.
While data from randomized controlled trials usually have a very high internal validity, these data often lack the external validity and the larger sample sizes that data from Real World Evidence studies can offer. Daher war es schwierig, im Jahre eine Prognose zu den Pharma-Trends zu geben.
Danach ergibt sich folgendes Bild: Die Anwendungsbereiche reichen dabei von Problemhaut durch Akne und Hyperpigmentierung bis zu Hautalterung, Sonnenschutz und Hautfeuchtigkeit. Die Zelltherapie Kymriah hat eine Zulassungserweiterung erhalten und die Kombinationstherapie aus Tafinlar und Mekinist kann auf den Markt kommen. Der dritte Faktor Konsequenz in der Steuerung der Prozessbeteiligten rundet den Mix der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren ab.
Dadurch wird ein tiefliegender Teil des Gehirns aktiviert. The results published in Stem Cell Reports suggest that the system can mimic critical parts of the human nervous system, raising the possibility that it may one day, be used to test personalized treatments of neurological disorders. The sisters were connected from their chest to their pelvis with several shared organs, and it was deemed desirable to separate them.
The girls first underwent a series of computerised tomography scans. Zu folgendem Produkt wurde eine Empfehlungen abgegeben: Auf dem Weltforum der chemischen Technik und Prozessindustrie stellt der Kennzeichnungsspezialist vom Alter Hut oder immer noch aktuell? Der Beitrag beleuchtet Vorkommen und Bedeutung von Salmonellen auf pflanzlichen Matrizes, die Bedeutung der Umfeld- und Verarbeitungshygiene und die Zunahme von Gefahrenmomenten durch eine Globalisierung der Bezugswege z.
Juni in Frankfurt stattfindet, fokussiert sich unter anderem auf das Thema der flexiblen Produktion mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der digitalen Vernetzung. Sicherheitsventile sind das letzte Glied in der Kette. This new vessel, which is designed for optimal growth of adherent cells on microcarriers will enable rapid, scalable cell culture process development of vaccines. The significance of Module 1.
O.T.O. Phenomenon Books
Ein vortrefflicher Anlass einige Themen zu adressieren und ein Fazit zu ziehen. Mit dieser Entwicklung geht einher, das verschiedene Themenaspekte in den einzelnen Entwicklungsstufen besonders bearbeitet wurden. Phase 1 — , Phase 2 — , Phase 3 ab Er folgt auf Dr. Daher werden Suspensionen in unterschiedlichen pharmazeutischen Applikationen eingesetzt — sowohl innerlich als auch auf der Haut.
This long-term relationship will support the education and preparation of the next generation of biotechnology leaders. Sartorius will provide state-of-the-art fermentation technologies, and a central laboratory within the Fermentation Facility will be named the Sartorius Fermentation Gallery. Damit ist der Umsatz organisch, d. Der Verkauf von medizinischen Kunststoffsystemen entwickelte sich gut. Und zwar nicht nur in der verfahrenstechnischen Produktion. Von A wie Aromen bis Z wie Zementputze reichen die Anwendungsbereiche, welche das Paderborner Traditionsunternehmen heute mit seinen Maschinen abdeckt.
Es wurden insgesamt 4 verschiedene Inkubationsbedingungen betrachtet. The technique uses new gene editing tools to create a library of modified cells, each missing a different gene, allowing scientists to see which changes impact their response to flu. This in turn could identify potential targets for antiviral drugs.
Vaccines have variable efficacy, and the virus has a propensity to mutate so that antiviral drugs don't work as well," said Julianna Han, a graduate student in microbiology at UChicago Wird ein Produktmangel de facto erkannt und dem Hersteller angezeigt, erfolgt die weitere Bearbeitung im Rahmen eines Reklamationsprozesses. Ein neuer Parameter in der Antibiotikatherapie? Dazu gibt es mittlerweile zahllose Untersuchungen, die einen wesentlichen Einfluss des Mikrobioms, speziell auch der Darmflora, auf die gesundheitliche Situation belegen.
Diese Analyseverfahren sind deshalb integraler Bestandteil jeder Freigabeuntersuchung von Medizinprodukten. Neu dabei ist ein absolutes Traumpaar. Weltweit sind mehr als 2. Bewegung reduziert auch die durch Herzinsuffizienz bedingten Krankenhausaufenthalte. Rainer Hambrecht Bremen auf einer Pressekonferenz der Jahrestagung der DGK in Mannheim, auf der von 4.
Neu dazugekommen ist GxGo! Und digitl — dank des neuen Web 4. Auf der Achema demonstriert er den vierfarbigen Druck auf Alublister. Eines der effizientesten Filtrationsverfahren in der Wasseraufbereitung ist die Umkehrosmose. Rising number of cancer incidences globally due to unhealthy diet and growing adoption of sedentary lifestyle will fuel industry growth. Favourable initiatives undertaken by government to create disease awareness and control disease occurrence rate will positively impact market growth.
Kunden des deutschen Unternehmens etabliert. Dadurch kann sich das Entstehen von resistenten Bakterien und gegen Medikamente resistenten Infektionen beschleunigen. Zweitens arbeiten wir angesichts steigender Kosten an mehr Effizienz. Als drittes stellen wir uns dem erforderlichen Aufbau umfassender Services. Der Preis ist mit Die Herleitung wird auch mit einem konkreten Rechenbeispiel versehen.
Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences SEAS have granted British pharmaceutical company Novartis access to commercially develop their therapeutic, biomaterial-based, cancer vaccine technology. Novartis und das kanadische Unternehmen Tilray wollen gemeinsam neue Hanfsorten entwickeln. Die Kooperation wurde am Montagvormittag bekannt. Alles, was geraucht werden kann, ist bei der Kooperation allerdings tabu.
Die intelligente, interaktive Medikamentenverpackung ist mit einem kleinen E-Paper-Display und elektronischen Bedienelementen Tasten ausgestattet. Februar verschreibungspflichtige Arzneimittel in Europa nur in Verkehr gebracht werden, wenn bei jeder einzelnen Packung die Unversehrtheit erkennbar und diese mit einer individuellen Seriennummer versehen ist.
SSB , a leading international technology partner of the biopharmaceutical industry, has been selected by ABL Europe as its primary supplier of single-use systems. Through a supply partnership with SSB, ABL Europe has successfully increased and brought online new viral vector manufacturing capacity at its European facility in Strasbourg. Heute gibt es Therapieoptionen in zahlreichen Krankheitsfeldern wie Rheuma, Krebs oder Hepatitis C und die Forschung entwickelt sich immer weiter.
It has been specially designed for rapid cell culture perfusion process development to optimize production of therapeutic antibodies. Schwierig ist bereits die korrekte Diagnose, auf der Therapien aufbauen. Der gesamte Produktionsprozess kann effektiver gestaltet werden. Highly fluctuating demands and uncoordinated supply chain stages result in highly volatile planning situations.
Outdated production plants and complex production processes lead to rework activities and strong rescheduling activities. In addition to that, pharmaceutical tablet formulation is characterized by several specialties that add complexity to the production planning problem. Therefore, production planning and order scheduling in the pharmaceutical industry is nowadays very often conducted manually, particularly in tablet formulation. This article focuses on benefits and drawbacks of implementing single-use equipment for manufacturing biopharmaceuticals to meet both process efficiency and regulatory guidelines.
Depending on the type of product and the client's requirements, e. Das Unternehmen investiert einen zweistelligen Millionenbetrag, um 3. Mit dem Bau wurde vor kurzem begonnen, zum Jahresende soll das Projekt abgeschlossen sein. Gallen studiert und promoviert. Der Konzern will spezialisierter, internationaler und innovativer werden.
Ein Themenschwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der sog. Auch die deutsche Organisation soll dabei eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Konzernchef Vasant Narasimhan nennt die zunehmende Digitalisierung des Unternehmens als wichtigsten Bestandteil der Wachstumsstrategie. Der Schweizer Pharmakonzern Novartis will sein Wachstum beschleunigen. Die deutsche Organisation nennt ihre Ziele nicht offiziell.
In der Pharmaforschung lassen sich damit Wirkstoffe erheblich schneller entwickeln. Das Pharmaunternehmen hat seinen Umsatz erneut auf ,6 Millionen Euro gesteigert. Das bedeutet einen deutlichen Zuwachs um 17,6 Prozent. Popp, bei der Vorlage des Jahresberichtes mit. Littman to its Board of Directors. Littman is the Helen L. Die erste Auflage dieser neuen Veranstaltungsreihe findet vom 5. Was ist das eigentlich? Gibt es diese in Deutschland?
And that means more time for its future MS rivals to rack up sales unchallenged. Partnerschaften mit Logistikdienstleitern haben dabei an Bedeutung gewonnen und erfahren eine Intensivierung. Logistikdienstleister ihrerseits entwickeln sich ebenfalls permanent weiter und erweitern ihr Dienstleistungsportfolio. Um etwa 1,6 Prozent sanken die Einnahmen auf 1,85 Milliarden Euro. Dies gab das weltweit operierende Unternehmen auf der Pressekonferenz am Februar in Japan bekannt. Sugiyama folgt auf Masaki Sakuyama, der auf die Position des Chairman wechselt. Gewebeschnitte sind in Kliniken eine Standardprozedur, um beispielsweise Tumorgewebe zu untersuchen.
Im vergangenen Jahr setzten Apotheken damit mehr als Millionen Euro um.

Die Opposition im Bundestag wittert einen Skandal, die Regierung antwortet schmallippig.