Ace of Brats
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Sep 17, Alicia rated it it was amazing. This is a really good story about a girl who wants to be submissive but her mind keeps rebelling so she acts out scaring away any possible Dom. That is except for Blake who sees right thru her charade and shows her how a real Dom deals with a brat. She gets way more than she ever expected.
Becky Queen rated it it was amazing Aug 04, Megan Michaels rated it it was amazing Jun 06, A L rated it liked it Dec 05, Miss A Craig rated it it was amazing May 22, Bailey rated it liked it Oct 20, Katy Beth Mckee rated it really liked it Sep 07, Jane rated it liked it Nov 18, Adam rated it liked it Feb 16, TravelingGal rated it liked it Oct 25, Books69 marked it as to-read Jan 20, Renee marked it as to-read Jul 11, Joanna marked it as to-read Apr 28, James Taylor marked it as to-read May 18, Anya marked it as to-read Jul 22, Anna Bergman marked it as to-read Aug 25, Jenae Thompkins marked it as to-read Mar 20, Dawn marked it as to-read Aug 03, Carolyn Ficklin marked it as to-read Nov 13, Ivy added it May 05, Warda marked it as to-read Feb 18, Na marked it as to-read Apr 12, Fischer marked it as to-read Apr 15, Katie marked it as to-read Aug 21, Becky marked it as to-read Nov 14, It was dimly lit, which made everything feel more intimate, and gave people a feeling of privacy even when playing right out in public.
Kanes boasted several rooms to play in. The social area in which he found himself was largely devoid of play, but there was a range of implements for sale, leather crops, paddles and cuffs laid out waiting for new owners. He perused them casually, but nothing caught his eye. He preferred using his hand anyway, he liked feeling the increasingly hot flesh under his palm.
He even liked the tingling pain he got in his palm after imparting a good series of hard swats to a deserving behind. Hand spanking was tactile and wonderful, even if it barely counted as play to many of the submissive women who frequented the club. Blake was not a regular player, though he did enjoy the scene community. There were some very interesting people to be met in this subterranean gathering place.
He said his hellos to the tops that were in residence, experienced men who had been around the block several times and could do things with whips and chains that defied belief. Letting his attention wander from the conversation around him, he let his gaze drift around the room. Almost immediately, a young woman took his eye. She was a good deal younger than him, she looked to be in her mid twenties or so. He figured he probably had a decade on her, but the age difference only served to pique his interest. Terry was an old hand in the scene.
He'd seen more submissives than most people had hot dinners and Blake usually trusted his judgment. Old dogs might be difficult to teach new tricks, but what they knew, they knew damn well. Terry looked over in the direction Blake pointed in and shook his head immediately. He couldn't see what the problem was, she was a neat little package, a nice ass, good legs and a decent rack to boot.
Her hair was a little short for his tastes, but the dark bob suited her. Combined with the short skirt and long boots she was wearing, she put him in mind of a 60's mod girl. It was a rare occurrence for someone to get themselves into so much trouble that they were asked to leave. It was even rarer that the someone in question was a woman. She's a mouthy little witch.
She managed to get herself on Antonia's bad side. She's not particularly welcome here, not that she cares. He could do mouthy. She didn't seem overly perturbed or pleased by that fact, but her clear gaze was interested in the very least. He had been saying he wanted a more outgoing submissive. Sarah would never have gotten kicked out of anything, she would rather have disappeared into the earth than open her mouth and speak out of turn.
He knew the DM Terry was talking about, Antonia was not one of his favorite people. The fact that Ace had stood up to her was actually rather attractive. Terry could only shake his head and groan at the folly of youthful dominance. Blake approached Ace confidently. He had good reason to be confident. A lifetime of experience had taught him that not many women would turn him down, not at the outset anyway. He'd been told on more than one occasion that he had a gorgeous smile, and the way submissive types tended to melt in front of him was enough to give him a perpetual ego boost.
When he arrived at her table she was sitting by herself, looking at a distant scene with a slight sneer on her face. In the next room, two women were playing. The submissive was tied across a horse, bent almost double, her pert ass up nice and high. The dominant woman was busy striping her ass quite efficiently and enthusiastically with a flogger.
Blake paused for a moment to admire the way the submissive's cheeks jiggled with every stroke. Glancing back towards Ace, he wondered why she was so scornful of the scene. There was no time like the present to find out. That was a promising sign. When she wasn't sneering, she really was quite attractive, in a cute way. She took it and shook it with a firm grip. If it is your real name, your parents must have been interesting people. Her eyes flicked away from him back to the scene she'd been watching. She was already losing interest, or at least feigning as if she was losing interest anyway.
He liked the way her short dark bob bounced when she moved her head. It was probably a cut designed to make her look hard nosed and business like. In this environment it made her look as if she'd fallen down a rabbit hole and didn't know how to return to reality. Pleasant head bobbing aside however, the two word answers weren't really cutting it for Blake. Feeling that his efforts at polite conversation were failing, he decided it was time to move the conversation along to topics that would interest them both much more deeply.
She had a hell of a temper, that was for sure. Already he'd found something to work on, not to mention pretty strong motivation to have her over his lap. He ignored her rude question and asked one of his own. He could go for a good time, but he'd have to deal with her attitude first. She looked at him with only slightly less derision. I won't have to answer a barrage of inane questions. The innocent naivety behind the sophisticated facade.
She probably thought she was better than the other submissives, better than the woman being spanked by her Mistress, but she was just as caught up in romantic nonsense as every other submissive, possibly more so. He made sure that he caught her eye and kept it as he answered her.
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It will be interesting to see how long you can keep that up once someone has you pinned down with your bottom bright red, your legs spread for the spanking and everything He wanted to shock her. She was sitting there so self possessed, waiting for an imaginary Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet. She didn't need a prince, she needed a villain to teach her a damn good lesson. Her reaction was not what he had expected. He'd expected blushing and stammering, maybe an attempted slap in the face, or perhaps a horrified quick exit.
Instead all he got back was a smirk. Most of the women he knew would have been staring themselves into the floor by this point. Usually a submissive woman gave submissive cues very quickly. Ace wasn't playing that game though, she didn't seem even slightly rattled by his description. He smiled as he responded. He could see it in her eyes. Oh, she wanted him to believe her, but there was a mischievous quirk to her lips that betrayed her.
She might not be your typical soft, blushing submissive, but she was definitely one who belonged on the receiving end of things. In spite of her apparent confidence he could see a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes, perhaps even hope. The pieces were falling into place thick and fast. In spite of her attitude and contrary insistence on not answering questions, she was telling him what he wanted to know. He had her right where he wanted her, she was off balance and she knew that he had her figured out.
He could see her shutting down right in front of him. Her expression became careful and closed. We both know you do. She could be as sulky as she liked, but he wasn't going to go until he'd finished saying what he had to say. Not everyone likes who I am.
Not everyone can handle me. Being an ill mannered brat doesn't make you difficult, it makes you spoiled. Is that your kink, going up to total strangers and telling them off? As for lecturing, I haven't even begun to lecture you. Blake held his breath as it deepened and her hips began to sway back and forth where she sat. She was blushing and squirming and he knew he'd won.
She wouldn't admit it yet, but he had her. A dynamic had been established and she was interested. She was more than interested. If he'd turned around that moment and walked out of the place she would probably have followed him. Her little bad girl act was nothing more than a facade hiding the fact that she wanted what so many other submissive women wanted, somebody to take her in hand. Now that he had elicited his first submissive response from her, he changed tack. There would be plenty of time to take her down a peg or two and teach her how to behave herself.
Now it was time to get to know her better. He wanted her to be swept up and surrender to his plans. She was so green as a bottom she barely knew her ass from her elbow. He glanced down at her hand, slightly impressed that she had been the first to bridge the physical gap between them. She might be a spoiled brat, but she could clearly be forward, perhaps even dominant when she wanted to be.
She was a complex woman and he found her intriguing in spite of her glaringly obvious shortcomings.
Ace of Brats - PDF Free Download
Chapter Two Dinner was a very pleasant affair indeed. He enjoyed sitting across from a woman who was able to peruse a menu and make her own choices rather than one who simply sat there all doe eyed, waiting for him to make the decision for her. It also pleased him to discover over appetizers that Ace was quite the conversationalist. She was clearly well educated and well informed on a range of topics. It made a pleasant change from the rather inane conversation he'd become sadly accustomed to with Sarah.
Unlike women in other scene dates he'd been on, she wasn't trying to be a good little submissive and she wasn't trying to sub at him. She clearly expected to be conversed with as an equal and they had quite a stirring conversation on Middle Eastern politics. She became quite animated when she got her teeth into a topic and Blake found himself sitting back and listening as she explained her theories on the subject. It hit a nerve as he had expected it would. He smiled at her naivety.
There are plenty of women looking for alpha males who will look after them and direct them. Blake shook his head. I think they see it as a natural hierarchy. Every group of people has to have a leader. Sure, they might want to be tied up and fucked silly, but at the end of the day, they're going to want a say in the family dog and where the kids go to school and what color the new couch is. They're going to want to live in a nice house in a good neighborhood.
I'm pretty sure that these submissive super slave types would soon leave if their doms decided to become gypsies or boat people. They're submissive as long as their conditions are met, and that's not submission at all, that's fantasy play and convenience. Ace had her head screwed on better than it had seemed at first.
She was perhaps overly critical of those who did not share her views, but that was one of the many shortcomings that came with being young. It drives me mental. She pointed a shrimp in his direction. Having a brain and a mouth and using both? It depends on the situation and the effect of your words.
Words are powerful, you know. He smiled, knowing that she thought she had the upper hand yet again. She was clearly a bright young woman, accustomed to getting her own way, accustomed to arguing the toss whenever she saw fit. He doubt she'd ever truly submitted to anything or anyone. Blake leaned back in his chair, looking her over in a deliberate manner.
I think you're unaware of how deep you're already in. If anything, I tend towards understatement. Slightly adversarial, very curious. He wanted to get to know her better, he knew that much. In one evening she'd challenged him more than he'd been challenged in the entire length of his previous relationship. As dinner drew to a close, he offered to drive her home, but she declined in favor of taking a cab. He was not surprised, she had an independent streak a mile wide.
He looked at her askance. He raised a brow at her, but it was too early to really come down on infractions like cheekiness. He took it from her, feeling the brief touch of her slim fingers against his larger, thicker digits. A definite crackle of unmistakeable chemistry passed between them, running through his body and down his spine. Mustn't let this one get away.
She liked her food, he had learned that much watching her devour her steak earlier that evening. There was no point claiming to be a big bad top, Miss Ace would discover that for herself in good time.
Ace nervously straightened her skirt for the millionth time since she left the house, all the while lecturing herself about how silly she was being. He was just a man after all, just a man. There was no need to feel this silly and giddy about him. Certainly when they'd only had dinner once a week a go. She couldn't help it though. From the moment he'd smiled at her in that dingy basement club, she'd been thoroughly entranced by him. He was incredibly handsome of course, but that wasn't the only thing that drew her to him.
He had an aura of control about him, not a horrible need to control others, but control of himself. He hadn't reacted to any of her jibes, or her rudeness. Even when he barely knew her. That had been a surprise. Most of the other so called tops had lost their cool pretty quickly when she tested them with a little casual rudeness.
He hadn't, he'd simply brushed it aside, ignored it even. Frowning to herself, Ace wondered if that meant that he wasn't really all that dominant after all. Maybe he just wanted to get into her panties. As her cab pulled up to his building, her nerves built to a sickening level. She forced herself out of the cab, reminding herself that this was what she wanted.

She wanted to finally explore the cravings that had always existed in tandem with her sexuality. She didn't just want to be made love to, she wanted a man who could spank her ass red, a man who would put her back in line when she was naughty. At least, she thought she wanted that. In real life, the only guys into spanking seemed to be years old, perpetually engaging in multi-person fuck fests or dangerous control freaks of the not awesome kind.
She had pressed the doorbell and was still stewing on the issue when her thoughts came full circle and filled her mind with the sudden image of a bunch of extremely old men engaging in an orgy. She snorted with laughter, making a sound like an angered sow on Blake West's front stoop. Naturally Blake chose that moment to open the door, probably because she'd rung the bell, but she still felt it was entirely his fault that he appeared at the same moment as she appeared to be having a mad fit of the humors on his doorstep.
He looked dashingly attractive in an argyle sweater and well fitted jeans. Casual, yet still very neat and tidy. The faint scent of some musky cologne floated to her nostrils, tantalizing her with his masculinity. She shrugged out of it and tried how best to explain the joke. There really wasn't anything she could say about it that didn't make her sound like a nutter, so she simply shrugged and went with the time honored 'nothing.
The place looked clean and neat without very much clutter, knick knacks or even personal photos. There was a smaller television than she'd expected, but two large book cases filled with books and a couch that looked like it might swallow her whole if she sat on it. The place was filled with the aroma of Spaghetti Bolognese being cooked to perfection. It was a scent that made her mouth water and her stomach growl slightly in anticipation.
First comes the home compliment, then the appearance compliment. Before long someone would ask how the other person's day was and an entire tedious script would be played out without any need for actual thought. What was a nice girl like you doing in a place like the club? Because I was looking for something. Even the edges of the behemoth threatened to draw her into its soft embrace. It made her slightly uncomfortable to contemplate answering that question.
How could she tell him, a man who was almost a stranger, about her fantasies, her needs? You could tell me what traffic was like. But very well, I shall take the lead in laying myself bare. He was talking, but she was transfixed for a moment, wondering what his body looked like under his clothes. He was frowning at her. Her mouth fell open in an 'o' of surprise, but he was unrepentant as he put her glass on the kitchen counter. The couch was just as large as it looked and when she sat on it properly her legs were too short to reach the floor.
He was still pushing the point, a fact that Ace did not appreciate in the slightest. She shuffled forward enough that her feet reached the floor and looked at him askance. I do want to know what you're looking for. These days I am not so sure. I certainly enjoy spanking. Real discipline, well, that's a dangerous area. She wanted very much to be put in her place by Blake, taken in those strong hands and turned over his muscled thigh. He didn't seem to be in any hurry to do that though, he seemed to be enjoying the conversation. He was much larger than her and she felt instantly small.
What aspects of it? Do you enjoy the idea of being tied up, or perhaps you'd prefer to have your feet tickled whilst someone drips wax on your bare behind? Was she really so transparent? You don't think you're a submissive, you're not really interested in serving. You're only interested in being spanked soundly. There was no point trying to be coy, not when she had demanded and received directness from him.
Blake nodded and she was relieved to see the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile. The excellent tastiness of dinner almost made up for Ace's disappointment that they weren't talking about the 's' word anymore. As she ate, she replayed the memory of him saying the word over in her mind, savoring it more than she savored the meal. She ate slowly and she still had a great deal left on her plate, whilst his was entirely empty. It sounded delicious simply falling from his lips, how much better would it feel in reality?
I'll wager you've attempted to spank yourself a few times. She'd experimented with spanking herself in the past, but it just didn't do it for her. She needed someone else to be the one imparting the discipline. Spanking herself lacked impact, physically and emotionally. His thick dark brows had drawn together ominously, a fact which only served to excite her. Perhaps he would spank her for referring to herself as an ass. Being a pain in the rear end had attracted him in the first place, maybe more attitude was what was needed now to convince him to go through with the spanking.
You might be surprised at how much. He seemed amused and doubtful. Let's see, shall we? She followed close on his heels, glancing eagerly at the couch as they passed it by. Would he do it there? It would probably be comfortable if he did it there, it was so wide and soft. She was confused by what happened next. Instead of stopping by the couch, he kept going, walking towards the far wall.
Ace of Brats
She followed, but more slowly now. Her senses were tingling with suspicion. Something was definitely up. When they reached the wall, Blake turned towards her. She felt a jolt as his eyes met hers. Something had changed about him. He was not glaring or glowering or looking angry in any way, but his energy was quietly commanding, his gaze serious as he glanced over at the corner. He wanted her to stand in the corner, like a naughty child. Hot flushing embarrassment came over her as she contemplated the idea.
She'd never done such a thing before, and it had certainly never featured in her fantasies. She didn't want this, but he did, and he was supposed to be in charge if he was going to spank her. She found plenty of reassurance in his warm gaze. She went with the gentle pressure and in short order found her nose not two inches away from the corner. It felt silly to be standing there, especially as she heard him retreat and begin clearing the plates.
After just a minute or two she began to feel quite claustrophobic. The walls, so close to her face threatened to close in on her, so she inched back a little to give herself some space. That relieved her irritation and boredom momentarily, but it was only a matter of seconds before frustration set back in. She could hear the water running for the dishes and realized that she was probably going to be there for quite a long time indeed. I don't like this. Sighing to herself, Ace began to reflect on how silly it all was.
If he wanted to spank her, he didn't need to make her jump through hoops first. He was probably laughing to himself seeing her actually doing what he told her to.
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This could be a slippery slope. Before she knew what was happening she might be crawling around on all fours and barking like a dog. He didn't reply, just lifted one hand out of the sink and twirled a soapy finger in a silent direction to turn back around. Muttering to herself, she obeyed. She smiled, feeling his body against hers. It was an innocent intimacy that made her feel very cared for indeed. Blake nodded in acknowledgment of her point. But I distinctly got the impression you wanted a proper spanking. You wanted to be taken to task and not let up until your bottom was nice and red. His words were painting delightfully sensual pictures in her head.
He squeezed her affectionately with his arm as he shook his head at her. It requires submission to allow yourself to be put in the position to take it, and even more to stay there once your flesh starts burning. She didn't know what had come over her. When she'd first met Blake she'd all but told him to fuck off.
Now she was sitting next to him, her hands gripping his thigh as she begged him to spank her. It was slightly awkward settling into position, but he seemed to be quite practiced at guiding a female bottom into place and she soon found herself laying over the soft couch, her hips positioned neatly over his thigh, which he raised slightly, putting her bottom into still more of an angle.
She didn't breathe a word as he reached for the hem of her skirt and slowly drew it up, folding it neatly over her back. There was a feeling of ritual to his movements as he placed one arm over her lower back, holding her in place firmly. His hand patted her panty clad bottom. He didn't pull her underwear down, and she silently cursed that she'd worn full brief panties. If she'd gone with a thong, she'd already know what his big, callused hands felt like against her bare bottom. His hand was a heavy weight against her lower cheeks, a weight she wanted desperately to withdraw and then return with force.
He did not reply, but he took his time, stroking her cheeks and her upper thighs. I will start with one swat. The feeling was everything she had imagined it would be. His strong legs under her, supporting her as his hard hand made her backside tingle. This was what she had needed for so long. This time it was harder, and it did not come alone. As soon as it landed another followed close upon it as he unleashed a volley of hard swats on her tender cheeks. The sensation was much more intense that time, threatening to pass over the border from pleasure to pain.
When he stopped he did nothing for a minute or two, letting the harsher sting settle in. It felt oddly comfortable to be over his lap she realized, although she'd only known him for a few hours in total, this didn't feel forced. It felt as if she belonged here, her bottom pink and slowly turning red under his ministrations. She knew what he must be looking at, the pink curves of her bottom visible where her panties ended. Her hip was pressing against something hard, something that would have telegraphed his arousal even if his voice hadn't been full of it.
We do this as I see fit, not as you see fit, young lady. Ace had never really imagined that anyone like him truly existed. She'd been about to give up on the scene entirely before he'd sauntered over to her and said something crude about her being spoiled and needing to be tied up and thrashed.
She often wondered what it would be like to be spanked by him, really spanked — and lectured too. The idea of those burnished golden eyes on her as his deep timbre chastised her for real made her squirm all the way to her toes. Unfortunately, he didn't seem inclined to play with her yet, not like that anyway.
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There were hints of what it would be like, when he lowered his voice for a moment or two and grew all intense, but then he would go back to smiling and chatting pleasantly and she would be left wanting him once more. He was something of a mystery to her. He obviously liked her on some level, but was he interested in more? In spite of his crude speech on their first meeting he'd been nothing but a gentleman ever since. She missed that darker side of him and though she knew it existed, he was keeping it carefully away from her.
As her impatience and curiosity grew, so did her propensity to misbehave. She'd never been one of 'those' bottoms, one of those women who resorted to silly pranks and bratting to get their top's attention, but she found herself more and more tempted to try something as the days went by. It was made all the harder by the fact that she only saw him once or twice a week, he often worked late and his job seemed to consume much of his life. Left to her own devices to dream of what could be, it seemed like forever before she saw him again, but finally their agreed date night rolled around.
It was another date at his house. She'd been very pleased when he asked her to come over, aside from the prospect of more good cooking, at his house there was a chance something might happen. She knocked on the door and waited impatiently, feeling nerves flutter into her throat as his shadow became visible beyond the frosted pane. He opened the door and her smile grew wide with pleasure. It felt wonderful to feel his arms around her again. If he had any idea how much she thought about him, how much she day dreamed about him he'd probably run a mile.
He was already holding off on the play thing, she didn't need him to spook like a startled fawn and run from her completely. His mere presence calmed her, made her forget about the outside world, forget about everything but him.
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They sat on the couch together, sipping at the velvet fine liquid and chatting about things of little consequence. Ace enjoyed these times, times where they got to enjoy one another's company. The thought of spanking was never very far from her mind, but she kept it on the back burner, doing her best to actually have a civilized conversation and not throw herself at him like a half baked harlot.
Blake's choice of beverage didn't make that easy for her. It was a very nice wine and it did not take long for her cheeks to grow rosy red from the effects of the alcohol. Ace had never been one for moderation. If a little was good, then a lot was better. She hadn't realized how quickly she'd been drinking, but she was near draining her second glass when Blake reached over without breaking the flow of conversation and placed her glass on the coffee table.
Blake took her silence as assent and continued talking about the state of the economy, a subject that had suddenly grown very bland for Ace. Her eyes kept darting back over to her glass and the quarter full bottle beside it as he spoke. When he finally excused himself to go and tend to the roast he had cooking in the oven, she struck like a waiting adder and sucked down the rest of the wine from the bottle, funneling it into her mouth with great gusto.
She placed the bottle back on the table quickly, but she was pretty sure he'd already seen what she was doing, on account of the fact that his eyes worked and he was looking right at her. I drank it very slowly. His brows threatened to touch they were drawn so fiercely together. You look like more of a Chess man to me. She was very close to winning the battle and getting what she wanted. She hung her head, hiding the secret thrill that ran through her body.
He was totally going to spank her now. All the signs were there. The hands on the hips, the furrowed brow. Any moment now he would take her over his lap and give her what she desperately wanted. Blake was controlling himself, but he didn't like the slight note of mocking in her tone. He didn't like the way she looked at him, so self possessed, so sure of herself.
In spite of her pretenses of obedience and her earlier claim that she could submit, she wasn't submitting at all. She still wasn't getting the fact that these things happened on his terms, not hers. He leaned down towards her, placing his large hands on the couch. You do as you are told, or you pay the price. I am willing to bet that you won't like what the price is. I'm beginning to think that's all you are. He could almost see what she was thinking she was so transparent. She hadn't wanted to go to the corner, she'd wanted a more immediate, more visceral consequence.
He stood, waiting for her to stand and flounce into the corner as he'd directed, but instead she shook her head with a smirk on her face and said two little words that changed everything. A blatant challenge like that was rare, even for a feisty submissive. Oh, one might say it as a joke, as a teasing invitation to play, but this was no tease. She wanted him to overpower her, to show her who was boss. Ironically, she wanted all this on her own terms, in her own time. She was playing him like a puppet. He'd known that she was a bratty little wench, but he wouldn't stand for being manipulated.
It was a pity it had come to this, but she had to learn he meant what he said. She was trying to look triumphant, but he saw the disappointment in her eyes quite clearly. He walked across to the kitchen, picked up his keys from the hook and glanced over at her. Her face fell entirely. You're not going to manipulate your way through this relationship. It's your way of trying to make me jump when you want me to jump. It's your way of getting what you want without actually asking for it. We're done for the evening. Perhaps you'll be in a better mood on Tuesday.
She had an uncomfortable feeling that she'd been bad. It wasn't a feeling she often experienced and she found it very unpleasant indeed. Whenever she glanced over at Blake, he seemed to be his usual mild self. He didn't say much, but he didn't seem angry either. It made her wonder all the more why he was so determined that she should go home.
She thought for a brief moment about apologizing and begging him to be allowed to stay, but she was sure that he would probably deny her. He'd probably say it was just her trying to manipulate him. Tuesday was four whole days away. For someone as impatient as Ace, that was a life time. She slammed her way inside her house without a second look back at him.
Her hopes that he might knock on the door and try to make things right faded as she heard the engine of his car start up and the tires crunching on the gravel as he drove away. She was enraged by the fact that he'd simply dropped her home. Clearly he wasn't all that interested in her after all. Clearly he was playing games with her.
Fine, if that was the way he wanted to play it, she could play it that way too. She didn't need him to spank her. There were hundreds of men, probably thousands who would love to get their hands on her, she thought rebelliously as she stomped into her bedroom and pulled out the drawers of her dresser, looking for something more revealing to wear. Her eyes settled on a very short red vinyl skirt that barely covered her behind. She'd bought it almost as a joke and never worn it before, but the mood she was in made it look like an excellent choice.