
Web Publishing and Design with HTML 4.01 and XHTML: Basics of HTML and XHTML

You shouldn't have many problems adopting these new techniques, so long as you work carefully.

XHTML Explained

It should be noted, even if it is an obvious point, that you really must hand code to be able to write valid XHTML. No current visual editor comes close to the compliance required. Even though your code is changing, your filenames won't have to — you end your files with. This is because XML is case-sensitive — i.

XHTML Tutorial 1 - Introduction in XHTML

Even empty elements like img , hr , and br must now be closed. You can use a standard forward-slashed end tag, or just add in a forward slash to the end of the tag.

It's recommended that you use the former method here, and leave a space before the slash so older browsers aren't confused. They'll just ignore the trailing slash as an unrecognised attribute.

  • Why the Change?.
  • What is XHTML?;
  • SANCTIFICATION - All The Bible Teaches About.

Documents must be well-formed 'Well-formedness' is a dream that you were meant to try and make real from the start, but many coders write badly-syntaxed code. Remember the simple rule you should have been taught at the very start: The first tag you open is the last tag you close. You can't use these anymore, and must add the attribute in as its own value, like so:.

For a while you should probably include both so that your links still work on older browsers, but this will be the method used in future. The name attribute has been deprecated. Since all tags can take the id attribute, you can now make links to any element on your page. Most helpful if you add the link to a heading or specific paragraph.

If your image is purely decorative you can give it a null alt attribute with a space:.

Navigation menu

It's a good accessibility aid, especially on links. All text needs to be within a suitable containing block-level element, such as a p , a ul or a div. As you should always have done before, be sure to validate your document to certify that there are no errors. Make use of it.

Marking up a new dawn Detailed and technical tutorial from IBM's development site. Practical advice, even if it is arguing against all forward-thinking coders. Thanks to our wonderful supporters!

What is HTML?

This meant they could be added in stages, which makes it easier on the browser companies. The browser-specific tags kept coming, and it became increasingly apparent that a standard needed to be found. This was a toned-down change to the existing standards, leaving many of the big steps forward for later versions. Most of the extensions tags that had been introduced by Netscape and to a lesser-extent, Microsoft did not make it into these new standards.

Most of the new functionality brought in this time is from the ill-fated HTML 3. Browser support was undertaken surprisingly earnestly by Microsoft in their Internet Explorer browser, and the market-leading IE5 and current successor IE6 have excellent support for almost all of the new tags and attributes.

The History of HTML

Modern browsers however, are a vast improvement. At the same time, clever web developers were innovating constantly, hacking new functionality into websites and browsers. The path that XHTML 2 was taking started to look both boring and unrealistic , and it became pretty clear that a new approach was needed. It was around this time that a bunch of pragmatic web technology fans, browser programmers and specification writers started building something of their own, outside of the usual W3C procedures.

These W3C Groups are working on the related specifications:. Learn more below about: HTML gives authors the means to: Publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc.


Retrieve online information via hypertext links, at the click of a button. Design forms for conducting transactions with remote services, for use in searching for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc. Include spread-sheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly in their documents.