The Consequences of Playing God : Tales from Lingor High School
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Please enter valid pincode to check Delivery available unavailable in your area. Tales from Lingor High School Author: Paper Back Publishing Date: Xlibris Corporation Number of Pages: Submit Review Submit Review. Pick Of The Day. Buy this book in a Combo. Other Books By Author. Monday to Saturday 9. E-Gift Coupon , click here.
Foley as your guide. The writing is intelligent, flows well,and very engrossing. I could not put this work down, and lamented when the thickness of the pages left dwindled. Foley, where have you been hiding all these years? Please treat us to a sequel.
- The Consequences of Playing God: Tales from Lingor High School.
- Tales from Lingor High School.
- Reality Show Breeding.
- The Consequences of Playing God: Tales from Lingor High School.
Soon after I began reading Robert Joseph Foley's "The Consequences of Playing God," I determined that it is a really good, and possibly even great book; and upon completing the book a couple of days ago I did, indeed, conclude that it is terrific - a great book: I did not want it to end and spent a good part of the following day re-reading a section, and will probably wind up re- reading the whole thing - that's how much I like this book.
This is a major achievement and an important work. I read the downloaded e-book, but have ordered two copies of the paperback as gifts for family. Needless-to-say, I recommend it highly!
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A very dark and sad commentary on the education system. I hope it is not autobiographical. What do any Gorton alumni think? Having spent many years in front of classrooms, I tend to think of each school as a kind of world of its own - a castle, if you will, with its great room, its towers, many rooms all separate from each other, and yes, with its own dungeon. All of it, protected by an invisible moat from the outside world by its hours of operation. In the ideal situation, music and art flow from the towers; students are educated - opened up - to science, languages, mathematics, history, cultures and mores - their own and those of others - philosophy, literature, written communication and a hundred other areas of knowledge they will need in their lives.
The Consequences of Playing God: Tales from Lingor High School | Souq - UAE
In the great room, they share fun, exercise, entertainment, and physical skills. When you walk into a school you can tell within moments how enlightened, open, caring, and committed to the students the administration is. It is visible in the condition of the school, in the way the young people carry themselves, in how they communicate with each other and with their teachers.
It is there in the way teachers interact with students, with administrators.
It is there, loud and clear, in the living word and actions concomitant with - respect. Indeed, the entire school appears to be in a state of rippling, grossly rotting, oozing destruction - not from giant wormy creatures emerging from beneath the ground as in the popular science fiction movie - but from above; from the administration and those bored of education who are there for their positions, their respective egos, and, indeed, graduates of the infamous Peter Principle School of incompetence rewarded; furiously, destructively, egotistically devouring of anyone, student or teacher or union representative who dares comes through the has to be open during school hours sally port.
Those in high positions, at Lingor High, in all schools, do not usually venture out for quick sallies against their decided enemies; they stay with their walls, in offices with officious secretaries to run their first lines of defense. Their way to diminish the perceived enemies are detentions, suspensions, expulsions, and the mighty Thor hammer of tenure.
Into this nest of infidels at Lingor High who abhorred youth and education walked Timothy Barbieri, himself a victim of family criticism, diminishing life long commentary, who sought to find power and yes, to win the love of the fair damsel, by intruding his way into a marriage not only with her, but with her masculine dominated, belligerent, traditional Albanian family. Tim is an immediate target and victim not only of the angular, brittle, emasculating principal, but of his own "good intentions" of finally finding his place; making a difference for the young; finding some familial respect.
Tim accepts the "good intentions" of the union rep and begins a downward spiral into psychological and physical demise in his attempt to do well, to gain the respect of other teachers; to gain the golden ring of tenure in this diabolical, voracious carnivore atmosphere.
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Foley's satire, extreme, frightening, and so sadly, so right on target, tells a tale that anyone, in any way, connected with schools, now, "back in the day", or with youngsters entering needs to read, absorb, and do something about. Do let me assure you.

Some of you may choose to breach the walls, and will be rewarded to find a good, healthy school, based on the above respect, competence, and commitment. But do check, please, behind the inside walls. In their own way, violence in schools is your children's way of asking for your help out of a daily nightmare. One of "the best and the brightest" asked me once upon a time, "Why should we show respect for our teachers when they do not show it to us?
New Book Is a Mordant Satire on the American Education System
Teaching is not preaching, it is communication, back and forth, exchange of ideas, compassion, not dictatorship. It is not to be trusted to randy subalterns offering an alleged fast track to tenure. If you have "honors" classes with a decade out of date text books, are you showing care, respect?