Something Just Broke
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Joanne Gordon
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“Something Just Broke”: after the Iraq War—A Production and its Reception - Oxford Handbooks
Something Just Broke From: G Major Product Type: The Arrangement Details Tab gives you detailed information about this particular arrangement of Something Just Broke - not necessarily the song. Not the arrangement you were looking for? Assasins Number of Pages: I was scared-- What would follow Something to be mended. Made me wonder who we are Something we'll have to weather-- Bringing us all together-- If only for a moment.. I'll remember it forever Something just woke Something just spoke, Something I wish I hadn't heard, Something bewildering occurred.
Fix it up fast, Please- Till it's just smoke Till it's only "Something just passed"-- Nothing that will last.
Nothing but the moment Just an awful moment.. I do find myself appreciating this song more and more.
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Though it has attracted crtiticism here for seeming out of place in the show. Do we still think so? I never hated it, but I admit I found it sort of out-of-sync when I first saw it in the show the original LA production. Maybe we were just used to the score without it. Perhaps the problem is in the construction of the show.
Something Just Broke
I've seen a half-dozen productions and taught the play for years in a dramaturgy class. Booth conflict ; Lee Harvey Oswald assassinates LBJ the assassination most of us remember and the seeming objective of all the assassins ; and then the reprise of "Everybody's Got the Right" a "dark reprise", if I understand the term which I first encountered here.

Add "Something Just Broke" to the mix and what reads like three endings in the original published edition feels like four endings in production. Which is a shame, because I think it's a beautiful lyric. I always thought the music sounded like it was written for Passion.