La Voie vers la Planète du Futur (French Edition)
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Puis les aboiements prirent fin. Voici donc la triple nature du temps:. Notion introduite en septembre Il est une illusion et une convention de langage. Ainsi fait-on varier la distance et la vitesse de transformation de celle-ci et non le temps pour les quantifier. Ce qui suit est donc une tentative de formalisation de ces concepts. Comment alors des gens peuvent-ils percevoir le futur? Et ce ne sont pas les exemples qui manquent. Nous connaissons tous la Caverne de Platon. Il existe deux types de temps: Le temps mesurable est objectif! En science, nous employons la seconde. Le temps psychologique est dit subjectif car il semble imaginaire!
Cet argument est subjectif. Un indice devrait pourtant nous guider. De fait, la gravitation est strictement en relation avec les espaces-temps. Du reste, notre culture et nos comportements ne cessent de nous porter au jugement. Pour la raison simple que nos instruments ne peuvent, du fait de leur espace-temps propre, mesurer autre chose!
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Nevertheless there can be generalities that forget the complexity and singularity of situations. He is also known to try to write in a very clear way so that everyone can understand him. In a book of this scope, it is necessary not to focus on details and leave the big picture behind. When he says that the economy is not controlled and regulated, it is in fact from a global and almost biological point of view. A professional economist would tend to disagree, in so far as there are many controls and regulations everywhere, especially fiscal ones. As a matter of fact, many liquidity problems may result from too much regulation.
An enthusiastic anticapitalist idealist would agree with Edgar Morin. He would agree with the sentence but would only partially understand it. Yes, in the end, greed is not regulated, but in the details regulations can prevent investors from putting money in projects where some risk is unavoidable. There are issues where Edgar Morin did not investigate deeply enough and this can be interpreted as a lack of rigour. In the chapter on the ecological way, Edgar Morin advocates for renewable energies and mentions several of them water, wind, solar, photovoltaic, geothermic, and tidal energies.
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He says that they should be combined, but he does not take into account the life cycle of these technologies. In a footnote 87 he mentions a project of a photovoltaic factory in Paris. Besides, in the end, the notion of renewable energy is still a dream and there is no known renewable energy today. Like sustainable development, the notion of renewable energy should also be questioned.
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The situation and role of Edgar Morin in the transdisciplinary world is more complex. Through his articles and books, and his involvement in associations such as MCX-APC and groups such as Le Groupe des Dix, Edgar Morin had been in touch with basically all the transdisciplinarity oriented minds in France. He is also very active and recognized in foreign countries, especially in Brazil.
In his Manifesto of Transdisciplinarity , Basarab Nicolescu defines the three pillars of transdisciplinarity as being levels of Reality, the logic of the included middle, and complexity. Now indeed Edgar Morin does use the three pillars, but dialogics is in fact a flattened version of the logic of the included middle, as Morin maintains the distinction without giving it a name and explicitly giving it room enough in another level of Reality. The use of level of Reality is implicit and Edgar Morin does not try to generate new levels of Reality.
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An example of this is that as far as he is concerned, the gods are mere creations of the human mind. He grants gods, ideas and imagination a form of existence and reality which might even supersede the material reality and have some control of men, but only conditionally to the existence of the men that produce them. In this respect, Edgar Morin belongs more to the systemic thinkers who do include a form of sacredness and spirituality in their systems through ethics, poetry and culture, but who have not fully adopted the transdisciplinary ideology.
Nicolescu often makes the distinction between the third term which is simultaneous to the first two terms, and the Hegelian synthesis, representative of the first entropic term, which is supposed to subsume the contradiction at a later time. Nicolescu also makes the distinction between the notion of levels of Reality, representative of the third term, and the notion of levels of organization, representative of the negentropic second term.
But then he does not rearticulate the three logics in one concept. Like the three matters of Lupasco, he puts more stress on the third term and finally on transcendance, which is a biased point of view not in keeping with the transdisciplinary ideology. These discussions would deserve further development and more nuancing, but another hidden idea in Lupascian logic is that it presents a natural side and a cultural side, which are supposed to be isomorphic.
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Even if again this can become conceptually quite messy and fuzzy, there is a philosophical ambition to uncover some logics binding together man and nature, science and religion. Our relationship with the Earth should change our way of living and inhabiting it, but not our vision of Earth. The reform of knowledge insists on reliability but tells nothing of the awe of science and of the philosophical, poetic, and mystical aspects of science. The situation of Edgar Morin in the integral world is simpler to analyze. Even though Basarab Nicolescu is part of the Integral Review and is also often cited in the Integral Leadership Review, a huge difference between transdisciplinarity and the integral approaches as they are sociologically practiced concerns the fields of personal development, spirituality, and the evolution of man and mankind.
There is a spiritual gradient between systemics, Edgar Morin, transdisciplinarity, and the integral approaches. There is no philosophical study or practice of personal development or meditation from Edgar Morin or Basarab Nicolescu. Transdisciplinarity is also self-limited in discarding New Age ideas in so far as it remains human-centered and does not ask what would be the point of view of stones, plants, animals, Earth, and other possible beings.
The movie Avatar showed a planet able to think. The idea that Earth could think is a hypothesis that could be considered outside esoteric doctrines and studied by scientists, but it is not discussed. The planetary crisis and planetary consciousness are of no concern for the planet herself, except in Bolivia where people fight for Earth rights. Journalists only occasionally animate the Earth for rhetoric purposes, though it already means a lot from a psychoanalytical point of view. Il faut sauver le soldat Terre! We must save Warrior Earth! We must save our Pachamama, our Mother Earth!
Imperatively, to become fully citizens of Earth, we must change our way of inhabiting it! Earth is seen successively as an object, namely a planet, but embedded with life. In the last sentence, it is again seen as an object, as a place where we live. Morin never really quits the anthropocentric reference. Earth is seen as a mother in a poetic or biologic way, in relation to us, but not possibly as a living being at the human level, even only as a hypothesis. Morin speaks for ecocentrism but as seen from an anthropocentric point of view, or put more simply, an anthropocentric ecocentrism.
It can be seen as a limited and limiting philosophical and spiritual point of view, but it also is an example of how far one can go with an anthropocentric ethic, and a way to sociologically be successful and appeal to a larger public. This is not a conscious strategy from Edgar Morin so far as he defines himself as a neo-atheist.
Many systemic thinkers in France are Christian and may have a strong spiritual orientation, but generally they do not practice meditation a lot and are not interested in nonduality as an embodiment of enlightenment. The ideas of ethics and the approach self-criticism developed by Edgar Morin, are displayed as general and universal. There is no idea of gradiations of ethics and of values or of differentiated readerships for his books. This explains the emphasis on politics.
In the same vein, Basarab Nicolescu advocates transdisciplinarity for everyone and Henri Laborit promotes creativity for everyone. Despite a call for diversity, almost all transdisciplinary thinkers have their own idea of what the meaning of life should be. It is less true for people in personal development who use different typologies of personalities, like the enneagramm.
French disciplinary and transdisciplinary work outside the so-called transdisciplinary realm. Even if the so-called transdisciplinary communities form a small world, there is a lot of important and good work done in disciplinary groups who do not market themselves as transdisciplinary, although they are very transdisciplinary in nature. Many disciplines develop cutting edge concepts that may potentially be just as universally applicable as the known transdisciplinary ones. Besides, innovation in action or in concepts does not always have to dwell on self-reflexive transdisciplinary meditations.
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Transdisciplinary and integral actors speak a lot about quantum mechanics, but only see it from the outside. They are blinded by superstrings and nonduality—be it logical or spiritual—and do not look into the details of the different internal revolutions encountered by quantum mechanics since its inception.
Even the idea of reliability as developed by Edgar Morin that is at the core of transdisciplinarity in many ways did not go as far as the ontology of relations developed by French philosopher Gilbert Simondon , who was a contemporary of Edgar Morin. Gilbert Simondon is cited by the philosopher Bernard Stiegler, the prospectivist Thierry Gaudin, and a couple of academic working groups in different areas of philosophy who are rediscovering him outside the sociological groups labelled as integral or transdisciplinary.
His mother was in a very weak condition and tried to abort when she was pregnant, but Edgar resisted. Her hidden death when he was nine would traumatize him. In this book, the atheist Edgar Morin writes that immortality is a regression of philosophy. This is a different view from many integral people and cultural creatives who believe in karma. The six-periodic spiral dynamics asserts that it is possible to return to a holistic view of the world and a sense of belonging in the universe that is in fact different from the archaic magic tier.
As far as Edgar Morin is concerned, the astral and causal bodies are only beliefs, part of the culture of a few civilizations. The evolution of Edgar Morin is different from Ervin Laszlo, for example, who becomes more and more aggressively spiritual and tries to find scientific support for the existence of akashic fields.
Morin says that we will all die, our sun will die, our universe will die, and that death should have a more explicit part in our society. This shows that our main concern should not be a question of survival, but of having meaningful lives. Edgar Morin has a simple and linear view of life and death, which is fine, but it would have been very interesting for him to try to adopt the view of other people, even as an hypothesis, and use his concepts of recursive loop, hologrammatics, emergence, complexity, to rethink the concept of death beyond the different accounts he gave in Although he acknowledges the possible existence of parallel dimensions, of extraterrestrials and of an increase of cognitive powers of the man, he does not make any link with an evolution of man towards more wisdom or more ethics.

Regarding the increase of knowledge, Edgar Morin focuses a lot on physical aspects like the nature of space and time, but not on the very nature of life and man. As a specialist in permaculture would say, there are no bad lands, only bad farmers. New ideas must be experimented with before being widespread. Ideas that may be commercially exploited must first seek a framework that protects them. A lot of underground work needs to be done at all scales, from crisis areas to the backstage of the highest levels of political decisions or of fundamental research.
Edgar Morin chose the stance not to avoid controversy. Most of the reforms are obvious ones, at least for the people who have the courage to internalize that humanity is courting disaster. A consequence is that these reforms, as they are presented, are below the depth to which they should be conducted. As an example, in the chapter about economy, as far as money is concerned, he only talks about local currencies.
There is no discussion of the notion of money, no mention of all types of monetary alternatives, of principles of accounting, of indicators, of ways to dynamize or create economies with alternative principles. A volume 2 could be bolder in stating the reforms to make, and in particular highlight friction points which require technical modelling and experimenting, philosophical and ethical discussions. Edgar Morin himself is perfectly aware of gaps in his book and ask readers to point them out. He also asks for a second volume to be written by a committee.
In an interview Edgar Morin pointed out that he forgot to talk about childhood. It is clear that Edgar Morin is representative of a few systemic and transdisciplinary circles in France and possibly abroad, and that these circles could use his work as a blueprint. On a general and practical basis, the book has obvious limitations in layout and contents. Stating conceptual and practical integral traps and impossibilities should also be seen as important. Edgar Morin did not write extensively on leadership, but his work has been used by many practitioners of leadership. Many leadership writers in the vein of Peter Senge use systemics as a pillar of their methodology.
The three notions of dialogics, recursivity and hologrammatics are easy to use for the leaders who need tools to manage complexity. The notion of metamorphosis with the caterpillar transforming into butterfly is often used in reference to Edgar Morin. He did not try to play the big thinker: He does not pretend to exhaust the themes he deals with, either in content or in concept. He tries to open doors. Nevertheless, this very course of action, the very title of the book, are the acts of a leader. In an interview, Edgar Morin says that given his age this book may be a last will and testament.
In conferences, he appeals to young people to change the world: Edgar Morin did not want to be a leader in any specific area and did not even choose to be the biggest transdisciplinary thinker in the world. He is just one man in love with the world, as he stated once, trying to avoid disaster for mankind. Not advocating for transdisciplinarity as a religion or considering the integral attitude as a level of conscience prevents him from being elitist and to address a large audience.
What is the catastrophe we want to avoid—a few scenarios would deserve to be thought and described with details—and what vision can we put forward for mankind? Edgar Morin is a very generous man who has during his whole life been showing us the way. As a systemic atheist with a mystical poetical facet, he does not seek or sell enlightenment, but leads at the same time a life of service with no ulterior motive. His is the life of a man who still marvels at the mystery of man and of the universe.
His deep knowledge of sociology, history, and politics makes him unique among the transdisciplinary French thinkers.