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What makes me the happiest is their self-confidence! Very coherent, and very confident! They can present themselves to others. Roc the mic right: The language of hip hop culture. Cultural reproduction and social reproduction. Outline of a theory of practice. Translated by Richard Nice. A social critique of the judgement of taste. Routledge and Kegan Paul. Language and symbolic power. Reproduction in education, society and culture. Critical ethnography of a Sri Lankan classroom: The constitution of society: Outline of the theory of structuration.

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About the author Angel Lin received her Ph. Angel Lin is well-respected for her versatile, interdisciplinary intellectual scholarship in language and identity studies, bilingual education, classroom discourse analysis, and youth cultural studies. She is also a prolific author and a member of the editorial board of numerous academic journals. I had only known them three hours, but I felt like we were already best friends. The next day, I was off to work.

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I taught fifteen hours a week, all levels. Russian schools are extremely advanced academically. My students were hard-working, had excellent memories and were eager to please. However, many were not used to speaking and were intimidated, even in front of a class of only ten to twelve students. A small minority had different notions of honest test-taking, but as the American Home prided itself not only on teaching the language, but also on sharing the culture, we encouraged students to explore our foreign expectations and customs.

We were able to do this in the classroom, but also through the English club and social events. With my relatively light work load, I had plenty of time to go to the theater, to night clubs, to the dacha and to birthday parties with my students and friends. I also had an opportunity to improve my Russian during the three hours of private lessons provided by the school and at home with my host family. I was having such a great time that I stayed on for a second year, as lead teacher. I organized the two-week teacher training at the beginning of the school year, planned meetings and excursions for the new teachers, expanded the school library and brought in additional classroom materials.

But I also visited Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Odessa, as well as the many beautiful smaller towns around Vladimir. It should probably not have come as a surprise that I fell in love, not only with Russia, but with teaching. Going abroad is one of the most rewarding teaching experiences you could have. I went back to teaching.

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After a wonderful year at Intrax, an ESL school in San Francisco, I moved to France to be with my husband and have been teaching there for the past nine years. Once I started my own business, I was able to organize my schedule in such a way that I would have time for my other passion: The Golden Ring emerged. It was not until I had the storyline down that I realized the book would be set in Russia.

Suddenly it seemed inevitable. Post-Soviet Russia has all the makings of a great novel. The characters are intelligent and sociable. They have a keen sense of humor.

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The setting is rich in history and art. The economic upheaval and social scrambling make for some interesting twists in the plot.

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Most importantly, I wanted to share my love for the country and for the people with others. The book begins with Eva arriving in Moscow to look for her twin sister, Laura, who has disappeared. She follows one lead to the next, weeding through sometimes contradictory information from an economics professor whose nouveau riche boyfriend helps her make ends meet, a factory worker who attends Sunday services with missionaries in the hopes of improving his English and a slew of other colorful characters.

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Her journey takes her to St. Petersburg and then to the historic Golden Ring region of Vladimir and Suzdal. As the story is in a narrative style and the sentence structure not too complex, I have been able to share it with my intermediate and advanced students in France, and am pleased to hear them discussing their newly-forming plans to visit Russia. With the journey of having written and published my first novel over, though, my feet are itching again.

It is important, as a teacher and as a writer, to have a continuous supply of enthusiasm and refreshing ideas, for oneself as much as for one's audience.