Diabetes For Dummies®, Mini Edition
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Diabetes For Canadians For Dummies
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Diabetes For Dummies, Mini Edition
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Type 2 diabetes is Australia's fast-growing chronic disease, yetit can be prevented with the right diet and regular exercise. Whether you have already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or arepre-diabetic and hoping to avoid full-blown diabetes, thiseasy-to-understand book teaches you how to maintain a healthylifestyle and good blood glucose control so that you can preventlong-term complications and live a full and active life.
An author team of medical professionals, led by Professor LesleyCampbell and Dr. Alan Rubin, offers essential guidance and criticaladvice for taking preventative measures to avoid developing type 2diabetes in the first place.
Diabetes For Dummies | Ebook | Ellibs Ebookstore
For those who have already beendiagnosed, the authors walk you through how to deal with type 2 andclearly explain how it affects your body. With a focus on the specific concerns of type 2 diabetes,Type 2 Diabetes For Dummies is a reliable, locally relevantresource on diabetes management. With diabetes now considered pandemic throughout the world, there have been enormous advances in the field.
Now significantly revised and updated, this new edition of Diabetes For Dummies includes the latest information on diabetes medications and monitoring equipment, new findings about treating diabetes in the young and elderly, new ways to diagnose and treat long- and short-term complications, updated nutritional guidelines, new tools for measuring blood sugar and delivering insulin to the body, and much more. There's no question that the burden of diabetes is increasing globally: If you or a loved one is part of this overwhelming statistic, you can take comfort in the sensitive and authoritative information provided in this hands-on guide.
From monitoring and maintaining your glucose to understanding the importance of exercising and eating right—and everything in between—Diabetes For Dummies takes the guesswork out of living with diabetes and empowers you to take control and keep your life on a healthy track.
Reduce your risk of diabetes complicationsDiscover the latest and the tried-and-true options for monitoring blood sugarGet up to speed on the various diabetes medications and lifestyle strategiesImprove diabetes control and overall health If you're one of the millions of diabetics or pre-diabetics in search of an accessible and up-to-date resource to help you manage this disease, Diabetes For Dummies is the trusted guide you'll turn to again and again. This reassuring, plain-English guide helps you understand andmange the disease with tips on working with your doctor,administering insulin, developing a diet an exercise plan, andcoping with illness and travel.
Anyone can live a long, healthy, and productive life with type 1diabetes. Small Type 1 Diabetes For Dummies delivers everydrop of information you need to make sure that you or your childcan do just that.
At last, a breakthrough program to combat the rising diabetes epidemic and help millions of diabetics, as well as those suffering with high blood pressure and heart disease. Research director of the Nutritional Research Foundation, shows you how to live a long, healthy, and happy life—disease free. He offers a complete health transformation, starting with a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratio that can be adapted for individual needs.
Patients can choose to follow better nutritional guidelines that will control it for them, even before they have lost excess weight. The end result is a medical breakthrough—a comprehensive reversal of the disease. Prediabetes For Dummiesexamines the signs and symptoms of this potential precursor todiabetes and offers up-to-date information about treatment.

Itprovides clear, practical advice on steps you can take to minimizethe risk of serious health consequences. This plain-English guide shows you how to stop prediabetes inits tracks and prevent it from progressing to diabetes. You'lllearn how to recognize the symptoms of this often-undiagnosedcondition, and what to do if you think you may be prediabetic.
You'll also discover how simple lifestyle changes, such as changesin your diet and moderate exercise, can put the brakes onprediabetes and even reverse the condition. While there is no cure for diabetes, it can be prevented ifprediabetes is diagnosed and treated early. Packed with valuableinformation for patients of all ages, Prediabetes ForDummies is an important resource for taking control of thisdangerous condition. Account Options Sign in. Diabetes For Dummies, Mini Edition.