Chapter 05, Dental Development and Maturation, from the Dental Crypt to the Final Occlusion
To assess the attitude and beliefs of some Nigerian TBAs to prematurely erupted teeth in infants, a total enumeration of the TBAs in the five urban Local Government Areas in Ibadan was conducted and consenting TBAs were recruited using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. The attitude of the TBAs was that of fear and shock Perceived causes of the variation include evil spirits There is an urgent need to address knowledge gaps by giving health education to TBAs. Gram- positive rods prevailing in teeth with apical periodontitis undergoing root canal treatment.
To identify Gram- positive rods from root canals of teeth with apical periodontitis and to examine their associations with other species. Consecutive root canal samples RCSs from teeth undergoing root canal treatment were analyzed prospectively for cultivable microbes. Gram- positive rods in the first RCS submitted after chemo-mechanical preparation were categorised to genus level by selective media and gas-liquid chromatography GLC , and identified to species level by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis SDS-PAGE.
Associations between organisms were measured by odds ratios OR. In the first samples submitted a total of Gram- positive rods, Gram- positive cocci, 26 Gram-negative rods and 9 Gram-negative cocci, were identified. At genus levels Gram- positive rods were classified into: The most frequent species were Olsenella uli, Lactobacillus paracasei and Propionibacterium propionicum. In subsequent samples taken during treatment, Gram- positive rods were also identified, although the number of strains was considerably reduced. Olsenella uli and Lactobacillus spp. A possible association exists between Lactobacillus spp.
Concept and development of a computerized positioning of prosthetic teeth for complete dentures. We want to present a new area of application for this in our study.
Size of Teeth
Models of the maxilla and edentulous mandible were 3D scanned. The software detects and automatically reconstructs the reference structures that are anatomically important for the set-up of artificial teeth , such as the alveolar ridge centerlines and the interalveolar relations between the alveolar ridges. In a further step, the occlusal plane is semiautomatically defined and the front dental arch is designed.
After these design features have been determined, artificial teeth are selected from a database and set up automatically. The dental technician can assess the esthetics and function of the suggested dental set-up on the computer screen and make slight corrections if necessary.
The interplay of hardware and software components within on integrated solution including conversion of the "virtual" into a real positioning of prosthetic teeth is presented. The relationship between the eruption of the deciduous teeth and the general health of infants has been documented for over 5, years. A variety of physical disturbances anything from minor upsets to potentially fatal illnesses have historically been attributed to teething , however a number of recent publications have alluded to a clarification of some of the disputed features of teething.
It is now accepted that the localised symptoms of teething vary between individuals, however, ' teething ' continues to be an inappropriate diagnosis proffered by both healthcare professionals and lay people. Severe systemic upsets are unrelated to teething and, if present, the infant should be promptly referred to a physician for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The treatment modalities used in teething have been diverse throughout the ages, frequently depending on the tenets of the medical profession and lay people, but now principally involve pain relief.
This article examines the signs and symptoms frequently attributed to teething and their possible alternative causes. The contemporary principles of the management of teething are discussed, including supportive measures, the diverse range of available topical and systemic pharmacological preparations and the 'alternative' holistic therapies. So let's talk teeth! Tiny Teeth Unlike your heart or brain, your teeth weren' The position of the mental foramen has been well researched in cadaver specimens, radiographically as well as intraoperatively.
To our knowledge, this landmark study is the first to make use of ultrasonography in a study population to determine the position of the mental foramen in relation to the mandibular premolar teeth. Ultrasonography has great potential to further revolutionize the practice of medicine and dento-maxillofacial surgery. To make use of ultrasound to determine the position of the mental foramen and its relation to the mandibular premolar teeth. One hundred Black and Caucasian subjects were enrolled. With the marker of the transducer pointing cranially, the position of the mental foramen in relation to the closest mandibular premolar tooth was determined.
The position was compared across race, sex and age groups. However, in Blacks, the most frequent position of the mental foramen was in line with the long axis of the second premolar and in Caucasians the most common position was between the first and second premolars. The most frequent position of the mental foramen in females was in line with the long axis of the second premolar on the right and between the first and second premolars on the left.
In males, the most frequent position of the mental foramen was in line with the long axis of the second premolar bilaterally. The most common position of the mental. A preliminary study for determination of three-dimensional root apex position of the maxillary teeth using camera calibration technology.
To propose a novel method for determining the three-dimensional 3D root apex position of maxillary teeth using a two-dimensional 2D panoramic radiograph image and a 3D virtual maxillary cast model. The subjects were 10 adult orthodontic patients treated with non-extraction. The multiple camera matrices were used to define transformative relationships between tooth images of the 2D panoramic radiographs and the 3D virtual maxillary cast models.
After construction of the root apex-specific projective RASP models, overdetermined equations were used to calculate the 3D root apex position with a direct linear transformation algorithm and the known 2D co-ordinates of the root apex in the panoramic radiograph. Then, the values of estimation error EE; mean, standard deviation, minimum error and maximum error between the two models were calculated.
The intraclass correlation coefficient values exhibited good reliability for the landmark identification. The mean EE of all root apices of maxillary teeth was 1. The EE values, in descending order, were as follows: Camera calibration technology allows reliable determination of the 3D root apex position of maxillary teeth without the need for 3D-CT scan or tooth templates.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the anterior teeth position changes obtained by passive self-ligating brackets using cone beam computed tomography CBCT. Twenty patients with a mean age of A sequence of stainless steel thermoset wire was implemented with ending wire of 0. The CBCT and dental casts were obtained prior to the installation of orthodontic appliances T1 , and 30 days after rectangular steel wire 0. The measurements in CBCT were performed with the Anatomage software, and the dental casts were evaluated with a digital caliper rule with an accuracy of 0.
The CBCT data demonstrated mean buccal inclination of the upper and lower central incisors ranging from 6. The upper and lower lateral incisors ranged from 4. The lower canines showed an average increase of 3. The upper canines showed a negative inclination with mean average of Treatment with passive self-ligating brackets without obtaining spaces increases buccal inclination of the upper and lower incisors with no correlation with the amount of initial teeth crowding.
The intercanine distance tends to a small increase showing different inclinations between the arches. When taking into account the self-ligating brackets, the amount of initial dental crowding is not a limitation factor that could increase the buccal inclination of the anterior teeth. Between January 17 and March 11, , 0.
Hekla is surrounded by an array of control points measured in using GPS geodesy and re-measured after the eruption. These measurements indicate that the eruption was associated with a surface deflation volume of 0. Tooth Eruption without Roots. Root development and tooth eruption are very important topics in dentistry. However, they remain among the less-studied and -understood subjects. Root development accompanies rapid tooth eruption , but roots are required for the movement of teeth into the oral cavity.
It has been shown that the dental follicle and bone remodeling are essential for tooth eruption. So far, only limited genes have been associated with root formation and tooth eruption. This may be due to the difficulties in studying late stages of tooth development and tooth movement and the lack of good model systems. Transgenic mice with eruption problems and short or no roots can be used as a powerful model for further deciphering of the cellular, molecular, and genetic mechanisms underlying root formation and tooth eruption.
Better understanding of these processes can provide hints on delivering more efficient dental therapies in the future. The third molar teeth wisdom teeth represent the last eruption of the teeth in the human dentition. Throughout evolution, the mandible has had a tendency to decrease in size; the third molar teeth are often impacted, resulting in incomplete tooth eruption that often causes clinical pericoronitis, dental caries, and pericemental abscess.
Therefore, the wisdom teeth are often extracted. Moreover, wisdom teeth are often removed for clinical orthodontic treatment. On the other hand, tooth loss due to periodontal disease, dental caries, trauma, or a variety of genetic disorders continues to affect people's lives. Autologous tissues for dental tissue regeneration that could replace lost teeth could provide a vital alternative to currently available clinical treatments. To pursue this goal, we hypothesize that human third molar tooth buds can be obtained during development. Human wisdom tooth germination tissue could then be placed into an embryonic stem cell bank for storage.
When the donor's other teeth are missing, embryonic stem cell and tissue engineering technologies, will permit the restoration of the missing teeth. Therefore wisdom teeth will be mankind's future third vice- teeth. Ectopic eruption of first permanent molars: To investigate presenting features of ectopically erupting first permanent molars and associations with other dental anomalies.
A further 20 radiographs were collected of matched patients with no evidence of ectopic molar eruption. All radiographs were analysed under standard conditions to record the distribution and type of ectopic eruption if present. In addition, the presence of the following dental anomalies was noted: Chi-squared analysis was performed to determine any significant differences in the frequency of these dental anomalies between ectopic molar and control groups.
There were a similar proportion of 'jumps' and 'holds'. Interestingly, a positive record of ectopic eruption was only documented in the dental records of Children with ectopic eruption were significantly more likely to have at least one additional dental anomaly than was the case for the control group This study, the first in a British population, has identified a significant association between ectopic eruption of first permanent molars and other dental anomalies.
A multifactorial aetiology is thus supported and clinicians should be alert to the co-existence of ectopic eruption and other dental anomalies. The effects of alveolar bone loss and miniscrew position on initial tooth displacement during intrusion of the maxillary anterior teeth: Objective The aim of this study was to determine the optimal loading conditions for pure intrusion of the six maxillary anterior teeth with miniscrews according to alveolar bone loss. Methods A three-dimensional finite element model was created for a segment of the six anterior teeth , and the positions of the miniscrews and hooks were varied after setting the alveolar bone loss to 0, 2, or 4 mm.
Under g of intrusive force, initial displacement of the individual teeth in three directions and the degree of labial tilting were measured. Results The degree of labial tilting increased with reduced alveolar bone height under the same load. When a miniscrew was inserted between the two central incisors, the amounts of medial-lateral and anterior-posterior displacement of the central incisor were significantly greater than in the other conditions. When the miniscrews were inserted distally to the canines and an intrusion force was applied distal to the lateral incisors, the degree of labial tilting and the amounts of displacement of the six anterior teeth were the lowest, and the maximum von Mises stress was distributed evenly across all the teeth , regardless of the bone loss.
Conclusions Initial tooth displacement similar to pure intrusion of the six maxillary anterior teeth was induced when miniscrews were inserted distal to the maxillary canines and an intrusion force was applied distal to the lateral incisors. In this condition, the maximum von Mises stresses were relatively evenly distributed across all the teeth , regardless of the bone loss. Approaching bone defects of jaws treatments, hard and soft tissue augmentation could be considered as a goal for clinicians when performing dental implant placement.
The increase in patients who want cosmetic treatment puts practitioners in an awkward position when choosing the best therapy to obtain the most desirable results. A private dentist referred a young patient to the Department of Implantology in Milan in order to place implants in the upper jaw. Radiographic evaluation of the two upper anterior incisors confirmed that the teeth had a poor prognosis The anterior ridge volume was clinically analyzed and several therapeutic choices were evaluated. Rapid extractions and immediate implant positioning were not considered due to the vertical and horizontal components of the bone defect.
Therefore, the surgical team decided on increasing the bone volume by using slow orthodontic teeth extrusion technique. After 3 months of orthodontic treatment, the angular intra-bony defects of 1. Implant guided positioning , associated with a small bone graft, showed optimal results at the time of healing screw placement. The soft tissue conditioning was obtained by a provisional acrylic crown. The final application of two integral ceramic crowns showed excellent aesthetic results.
Radiographic investigation at a 24 month follow-up confirmed the integration of the dental implants and the recovery of the bone defects. Several safe surgical techniques are available today for reconstructing atrophic jaws. However, the same technique applied on the posterior area did not give the same predictable results as in the anterior areas of the jaw. Effects of background, direction and intensity of ambient light, measuring position , and adjacent teeth , on anterior tooth colour measurement in vitro.
A fibre-optic light MI was used as the ambient illuminant. Teeth were irradiated from a 3- or o'clock direction. The inherent disadvantages of using the naked eye during clinical visual shade assessment may be overcome by the colorimeter. Syndromes with supernumerary teeth. While most supernumerary teeth are idiopathic, they can be associated with a number of Mendelian syndromes. To better define this relationship, we analyzed the evidence for specific associations. We excluded conditions with a single affected patient reported, supernumerary teeth adjacent to clefts or other forms of alveolar disruption as secondary rather than primary findings , and natal teeth , which can involve premature eruption of a normal tooth.
Since, the cause of supernumerary teeth shows considerable heterogeneity, certain findings are less likely to be coincidental, such as five or more supernumerary teeth in a single patient, or locations outside of the premaxilla. We found only eight genetic syndromes with strong evidence for an association: There is also suggestive evidence of an association with two uncommon disorders, Kreiborg-Pakistani syndrome craniosynostosis and dental anomalies , and insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus with acanthosisnigricans. An association of a Mendelian disorder with a low frequency manifestation of supernumerary teeth is difficult to exclude without large numbers, but several commonly cited syndromes lacked evidence for clear association, including Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, Fabry disease, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Apert and Crouzon syndromes, Zimmermann-Laband syndrome, and Ellis-van Creveld syndrome.
Assess whether the permanent maxillary canine MC has a natural tendency to erupt mesially in children with maxillary lateral incisors agenesis MLIA , compared to children without agenesis. This retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study consisted of children between 5 and 12 years old divided into three groups: These last two groups were matched for comparison interindividual, being pared by sex and maturation of the MC. The canine position in the horizontal sector showed a clear mesial positioning of the MC on the agenesis side in individuals with unilateral MLIA group 1 when compared with the counter lateral side; and in individuals with bilateral MLIA Group 2 compared with control Individuals without agenesis group 3.
Even with the maintenance of this deciduous tooth in the dental arch, the MC keeps its tendency to mesial eruption. There is a greater tendency for mesial angulation of the maxillary canine in patients with MLIA, regardless of the presence or absence of deciduous lateral incisor. Effect of retraction of anterior teeth on pharyngeal airway and hyoid bone position in Class I bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion.
To test the hypothesis that the retraction of anterior teeth has no effect on the dimensions of pharyngeal airway and to evaluate the retraction of anterior teeth on each parameter of pharyngeal airway. Twenty-two adult patients of Class I bimaxillary protrusion requiring first premolar extractions with maximum anchorage requirements were selected.
Laser fluorescence in monitoring the influence of targeted tooth brushing on remineralization of initial caries lesions on newly erupted molar teeth - RCT. This study aimed to monitor mineralization changes in initial caries lesions on newly erupted second molars using laser fluorescence LF scanning after a 1-month targeted tooth brushing intervention. Altogether, to year-old school children were invited to participate.
- Saints and Sinners.
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Laser fluorescence values were registered at baseline and after 1-month follow-up period. All participants were individually taught targeted tooth brushing of their second molars and randomly provided tooth paste with 0 or ppm fluoride. Brushing frequency was investigated at baseline and after the follow-up.
Change in LF values was compared considering the tooth, content of fluoride in the paste and brushing frequency. Improvement was detected especially in upper molars. Brushing frequency increased slightly during the intervention. Laser fluorescence is a simple method and useful in monitoring remineralization of incipient lesions even in weeks. Targeted tooth brushing seems to induce remineralization even in weeks. Laser fluorescence could be a valuable motivating tool in promoting patients' self-care.
If you use a teething ring, chill it Teething biscuits and frozen or cold food Dental eruption in afrotherian mammals. Background Afrotheria comprises a newly recognized clade of mammals with strong molecular evidence for its monophyly. In contrast, morphological data uniting its diverse constituents, including elephants, sea cows, hyraxes, aardvarks, sengis, tenrecs and golden moles, have been difficult to identify. Here, we suggest relatively late eruption of the permanent dentition as a shared characteristic of afrotherian mammals. This characteristic and other features such as vertebral anomalies and testicondy recall the phenotype of a human genetic pathology cleidocranial dysplasia , correlations with which have not been explored previously in the context of character evolution within the recently established phylogeny of living mammalian clades.
Results Although data on the absolute timing of eruption in sengis, golden moles and tenrecs are still unknown, craniometric comparisons for ontogenetic series of these taxa show that considerable skull growth takes place prior to the complete eruption of the permanent cheek teeth. Specimens showing less than half sengis, golden moles or two-thirds tenrecs, hyraxes of their permanent cheek teeth reach or exceed the median jaw length of conspecifics with a complete dentition.
With few exceptions, afrotherians are closer to median adult jaw length with fewer erupted , permanent cheek teeth than comparable stages of non-afrotherians. Manatees but not dugongs , elephants and hyraxes with known age data show eruption of permanent teeth late in ontogeny relative to other mammals. While the occurrence of delayed eruption , vertebral anomalies and other potential afrotherian synapomorphies resemble some symptoms of a human genetic pathology, these characteristics do not appear to covary significantly among mammalian clades.
Conclusion Morphological characteristics shared by such physically disparate animals such as elephants and golden moles are not easy to recognize, but are now known to include late eruption of permanent teeth , in. Occlusion refers to the alignment of teeth and the way that the upper and lower teeth fit together bite.
The upper teeth should fit slightly over the lower teeth. Guidance of eruption for general practitioners. The principle of early treatment through well-planned extraction of primary teeth followed by removal of permanent teeth has stood the test of time. The objective of this article is to develop some simple guidelines for general dental practitioners to perform 'guidance of eruption ' in malocclusion with severe crowding.
Clinical and radiological evaluation of inverse impaction of supernumerary teeth. To describe the clinical and radiological features of children with inverted supernumerary teeth. Thirty eight patients with inverted supernumerary teeth ST were enrolled in this descriptive and restrospective study. Data from patient records including age, gender, status of dentition, number of ST, number of ST in inverted position , coexistence of ST in inverted and normal direction of eruption , location, orientation, morphology, clinical complications, management and radiography were assessed during 3-years period.
Thirty eight patients with a mean age of 9. Thirty five patients had one All cases were located in the maxilla. Midline was the most frequent site for the single inverted supernumerary tooth in 18 Regarding morphology, 30 patients had conical No tuberculate shaped ST was detected. Surgical removal at the time of diagnosis with subsequent follow-up during completion of permanent dentition was the treatment approach in all cases. Thorough clinical examination followed by a comprehensive radiographic screening is the crucial determinant of an accurate diagnosis of an impacted ST.
Early diagnosis and timely management are key factors to prevent or minimize the complications, which may influence function and esthetics of the teeth and even psychological condition of the growing child. Early diagnosis and timely management are key factors to prevent or minimize the complications, which may influence function and esthetics of the teeth and even psychological condition of the growing. Prevalence of abnormalities in dental structure, position , and eruption pattern in a population of unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate patients.
To evaluate the dental characteristics of patients subjected to a protocol that included early secondary gingivoalveoloplasty ESGAP. Missing and supernumerary teeth were also quantified on the cleft and noncleft side and in the maxilla and mandible. Crown and root malformations and tooth rotations were quantified.
A subsample in permanent dentition was extrapolated to analyze canine eruption patterns. A total of A total of 4. A total of 7. Five percent of the cleft sites presented with supernumerary lateral incisors. Evaluation of the subsample in permanent dentition showed that A significant association was observed between canine inclination and retention but not with absence of the lateral incisor.
The frequency of dental anomalies in this sample was similar to other cleft populations. As surgical trauma has been suggested to damage forming teeth , the results of this study indicated that ESGAP has no detrimental influence on subsequent dental development. Primary failure of eruption: Posterior open bite has several possible causes, including primary failure of eruption PFE that affects all teeth distal to the most mesial involved tooth, mechanical failure of eruption MFE primarily ankylosis that affects only the involved tooth or teeth , and soft-tissue interferences with eruption other.
Radiographs and other clinical records for 97 cases of failure of posterior eruption submitted for consultation were analyzed to further characterize PFE and distinguish it from MFE. Of the 97 cases, 38 were judged to be clear-cut PFE; 19 were diagnosed as MFE; 32 were classified as indeterminate failure because they were too young to be certain of the distinction between PFE and MFE; and 8 were placed in the "other" category.
Two subtypes of PFE were observed. In type 1, eruption failure occurred at or near the same time for all teeth in an affected quadrant. In type 2, a gradient of the time of failure was present, so that some further development of the teeth posterior to the most mesial affected tooth was observed before eruption failure. This was consistent with autosomal dominant transmission. The distinction between PFE and MFE is clinically important because it determines whether all posterior teeth , or only individual affected teeth , will not respond to orthodontic force.
Certain diagnosis often requires progress radiographs so that the pattern of eruption of teeth distal to the most mesial affected tooth can be observed. Multiple impacted teeth are a rare eruption disturbance that increases the case complexity. In this article, we described a year-old boy whose 5 permanent maxillary teeth were not erupted although their root formation was complete. The orthodontic treatment with traction and asymmetric extraction was performed to achieve a significantly improved functional and esthetic result.
Tooth eruption sequence and dental crowding: When cases of dental crowding are identified and diagnosed promptly, interceptive orthodontics is particularly successful. To assess the differences in the eruption sequence of the mandibular canine and first premolar teeth in children with and without dental crowding.
Children who attended the Shiraz Dental School's orthodontic clinic Iran from September to December were enrolled in this case-control study. Thirty-six children were randomly selected from those with TSALD of equal or less than 4mm those with crowding. The existing panoramic radiographs were traced and the eruption percentages were measured for mandibular canine and first premolar teeth. The mean difference between canine and first premolar eruption percentages was compared between the case and control groups using the SPSS version PASW 18 software and a paired sample t-test.
Canine and first premolar eruption percentages in the case group were The mean eruption percentages for canines and first premolars of the control group were There was a significant difference in pre- eruptive positions of canine and first premolar teeth in those with moderate to severe crowding when compared to the control group p Tooth Eruption Results from Bone Remodelling Driven by Bite Forces Sensed by Soft Tissue Dental Follicles: A Finite Element Analysis. Intermittent tongue, lip and cheek forces influence precise tooth position , so we here examine the possibility that tissue remodelling driven by functional bite-force-induced jaw-strain accounts for tooth eruption.
We constructed a three dimensional finite element model from axial computerized tomography of an 8 year old child mandible containing 12 erupted and 8 unerupted teeth. Strain and hydrostatic stress during incisive and unilateral molar bite force were modelled, with force applied via medial and lateral pterygoid, temporalis, masseter and digastric muscles.

Strain was maximal in the soft tissue follicle as opposed to surrounding bone, consistent with follicle as an effective mechanosensor. Initial numerical analysis of dental follicle soft tissue overlying crowns and beneath the roots of unerupted teeth was of volume and hydrostatic stress. Graphical representations revealed similar overall responses for individual teeth regardless if incisive or right molar bite force was studied. There was general compression in the soft tissues over crowns of most unerupted teeth , and general tension in the soft tissues beneath roots. Not conforming to this pattern were the unerupted second molars, which do not erupt at this developmental stage.
Data support a new hypothesis for tooth eruption , in which the follicular soft tissues detect bite-force-induced bone-strain, and direct bone remodelling at the inner surface of. Tooth eruption results from bone remodelling driven by bite forces sensed by soft tissue dental follicles: Notably, although a separate true ' eruptive force' is widely assumed, there is little direct evidence for such a force.
To numerically evaluate biological significance of differing hydrostatic stress levels normalized for variable finite element volume, 'biological response units' in Nmm were defined and calculated by multiplication of hydrostatic stress and volume for each finite element. Data support a new hypothesis for tooth eruption , in which the follicular soft tissues detect bite-force-induced bone-strain, and direct bone remodelling at the inner surface of the. Development of coronal cementum in hypsodont horse cheek teeth. The horse is a grazing herbivore whose cheek teeth are hypsodon; that is, they possess long crowns that are completely covered by coronal cement at eruption.
For elucidation of the sequential events in the formation of this coronal cementum in the mandibular horse cheek teeth , in the present study the lower 3rd permanent premolar teeth PM4 from 3. The present study clearly showed that prior to coronal cementogenesis tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase TRAP - positive odontoclasts resorbed on the enamel surface of the reserve crown in horse cheek tooth.
Enamel resorption areas were relatively narrow, and started from the cuspal tips, and moved in the apical direction during tooth development. A primary cementum was initially deposited on the irregularly pitted enamel-cementum junction ECJ of the infolding and peripheral enamel. The infolding cementum filled grooves completely by the time of tooth eruption. On the other hand, in the peripheral cementum, the secondary and tertiary cementum layers were sequentially deposited on the primary cementum. These two cementum layers were sites for the insertion of the periodontal ligaments, and were continually laid down on the primary cementum coronally rather than apically throughout the life.
The results of the present study suggest that the coronal cementum of horse cheek teeth is a multistructural and multifunctional tissue, meeting the requirements of its many different functions. In the United States, the Southeast has the NASA Hubble Space Telescope shows detailed analysis of two continent-sized storms that erupted in Jupiter atmosphere in March shows that Jupiter internal heat plays a significant role in generating atmospheric disturbances. Intra-pulp temperature increase of equine cheek teeth during treatment with motorized grinding systems: In equine practice, teeth corrections by means of motorized grinding systems are standard procedure.
The heat resulting from that treatment may cause irreparable damage to the dental pulp. It has been shown that a 5. Hence, the capability to continuously form secondary dentine is lost, and may lead, due to equine-typical occlusal tooth abrasion, to an opening of the pulp cavity. To obtain reliable data on the intra-pulp increase in temperature during corrective treatments, equine cheek teeth CT were modified in a way occlusal surface smoothed, apical parts detached, pulp horns standardized that had been qualified in own former published studies.
All parameters influencing the grinding process were standardized force applied, initial temperatures, dimensions of pulp horns, positioning of grinding disk, rotational speed. During grinding experiments, imitating real dental treatments, the time span for an intra-pulp temperature increase of 5. The minimum time recorded for an intra-pulp temperature increase of 5.
The data obtained showed that doubling the rotational speed of the disk results in halving the time span after which the critical intra-pulp temperature increase in maxillary CT is reached. For mandibular CT, the time span even drops by two thirds. The use of standardized hypsodont CT enabled comparative studies of intra-pulp heating during the grinding of occlusal tooth surfaces using different tools and techniques. Third molars are subject to many anomalies and variations of form. Insufficient jaw development for their accommodation complicates matters in the majority of cases.
Individuals who have properly developed third molars in good alignment are very much in the minority. Third-molar anomalies and variations with the complications brought about by misalignment and subnormal jaw development comprise a subject too vast to be covered here. Figure shows an anatomical specimen with a full complement of 32 teeth.
The size of teeth is largely genetically determined. However, marked racial differences do exist, as with the Lapps, a population with perhaps the smallest teeth, and the Australian aborigines, with perhaps the largest teeth. The dental pulp is a connective tissue organ containing a number of structures, among which are arteries, veins, a lymphatic system, and nerves. Its primary function is to form the dentin of the tooth. When the tooth is newly erupted, the dental pulp is large; it becomes progressively smaller as the tooth is completed.
The pulp is relatively large in primary teeth and also in young permanent teeth see Figure The teeth of children and young people are more sensitive than the teeth of older people to thermal change and dental operative procedures heat generation. The opening of the pulp cavity at the apex is constricted and is called the apical foramen. The pulp keeps its tissue-forming function e. The pulp cavity becomes smaller and more constricted with age see Figure The pulp chamber within the crown may become almost obliterated with a secondary deposit e.
This process is not so extensive in deciduous teeth. Figure Development of the maxillary and mandibular third molars. At the cementoenamel junction CEJ see Figures and , visualized anatomically as the cervical line, the following several types of junctions are found: These different junctions have clinical significance in the presence of disease e.
The CEJ is a significant landmark for probing the level of the attachment of fibers to the tooth in the presence of periodontal diseases. Using a periodontal probe Figure , A , it is possible to relate the position of the gingival margin and the attachment to the CEJ see Figure , B. Probing is done clinically to determine the level of perio-dontal support i.
Figure Maxillary A and mandibular B arches with full complement of 32 teeth. The clinician should be able to envision the CEJ of each tooth and relate it to areas of risk see Figures and e. The enamel extension is apical to its normal CEJ level and is a risk factor for periodontal disease because the periodontal fibers, which are imbedded in cementum to support the tooth, are not in their usual position and do not act as a barrier to the advance of periodontal disease.
In effect, the epithelial attachment over the surface of the enamel, which does not have this kind of attachment, may become detached in the narrow and difficult-to-clean bifurcation area because of plaque and calculus. Thus enamel projections into buccal and lingual bifurcations are considered to increase vulnerability to the advance of periodontal disease. Thus the location and nature of the CEJ are more than descriptive terms used simply to describe some aspect of tooth morphology; they have some clinical significance.
This consideration is also true for the cervical line; it is more than just a line of demarcation between the anatomical crown and the root of a tooth. It may be necessary to determine the nature, location, and pathological changes occurring at the CEJ to make a diagnosis of and to treat, for example, cervical caries, keeping in mind that the CEJ generally lies apical to the epithelial attachment and gingival margin in young adults see Figures and Teeth with irreversible pulpitis usually undergo root canal therapy RCT.
This treatment modality is often considered disadvantageous as it removes vital pulp tissue and weakens the tooth structure. A relatively new concept has risen which suggests vital pulp therapy VPT for irreversible pulpitis. Patient related factors were assessed by looking at short- and long-term clinical success; safety related factors were evaluated by a specialist committee and discussion board involved in formulating healthcare policies.
Organizational evaluation was performed and the social implications were assessed by estimating the costs, availability, accessibility and acceptability. To answer this question, the microbiological aspects of the lesion must be considered, along with the immunological response in the dental pulp, with the concurrent possible negative outcomes for the patient.
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- Development and Eruption of the Teeth (Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion) Part 3.
- Beyond The Blue Door (The Blue Door Trilogy Book 2)!
- 12-21-2012 Survival Guide?
- Development and Eruption of the Teeth (Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion) Part 3.
Both aspects are considered in this review, and clinical studies comparing different treatment modalities are discussed. Angle Class II malocclusion treated with extraction of permanent teeth.
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Full Text Available Angle Class II malocclusion associated with anterior open bite in adult patients demands a carefully elaborated orthodontic planning, aiming at restoring not only harmonious dental and facial esthetics, but also a balanced masticatory function. Orthognathic surgery or permanent teeth extraction are often the choice of treatment, therefore, treatment decision is related to all dental, skeletal and functional aspects. The present report discusses orthodontic compensation carried out by means of upper premolar extraction performed to correct the Class II canine relationship and, consequently, the anterior open bite, accepting that the upper incisors be retroclined.
Bond strength with various etching times on young permanent teeth. Fifty extracted premolars from 9- to year-old children were used for testing. An orthodontic composite resin was used to bond the bracket directly onto the buccal surface of the enamel. The tensile bond strengths were tested with an Instron machine. Bond failure interfaces between bracket bases and teeth surfaces were examined with a scanning electron microscope and calculated with mapping of energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry. The results of tensile bond strength for , , , or second etching times were not statistically different.
For the second etching time, the decrease was significant. There was no statistical difference in percentage of bond failure interface distribution between bracket base and resin, resin and enamel, or the enamel detachment. Cohesive failure within the resin itself at the second etching time was less than at other etching times, with a statistical significance. To achieve good retention, to decrease enamel loss, and to reduce moisture contamination in the clinic, as well as to save chairside time, a second etching time is suggested for teenage orthodontic patients. Consequences of early extraction of compromised first permanent molar: The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature to determine the sequelae of early extraction of compromised first permanent molars FPMs with regard to the skeletal and dental development of 5- to year-old children.
Meta-analysis was conducted when applicable. Study selection was performed independently by three reviewers. Articles published from to were reviewed based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Meta-analysis was performed to compare space closure between upper and lower arches. Eleven studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. There were several consequences of early extraction of FPMs, which were related to skeletal and dental development. Our systematic review suggests that comprehensive evaluation of the compromised FPMs should be performed before planning an extraction.
Benefits should be weighed over the risks to decrease the risk of unfavorable outcomes as much as possible. However, due to the limited evidence on the outcomes and variables that influence them, high-quality prospective studies are needed. Management of early loss of first permanent molar: Full Text Available The loss of a permanent first molar in adolescent patient creates a need for early space maintenance and restoration of function.
To ascertain function and esthetics, immediate treatments include interim restorative approaches. This paper describes a conservative, functional and cost-effective bridge as an interim restoration after the loss of permanent first molar in an early adolescent dentition. Longevity of posterior resin composite restorations in permanent teeth in Public Dental Health Service. To investigate in a prospective follow up the longevity of posterior resin composites RC placed in permanent teeth of children and adolescents attending Public Dental Health Service Full Text Available Extraction is very frequent indication in orthodontic planning, especially when there are crowding, biprotrusion, and aesthetically unpleasant profiles.
Next to extraction comes space closure, which represents a challenge for orthodontists because of extended treatment time, discomfort created for the patient, tissue tolerance, and stability concerns. When it comes to what mechanics to choose for space closure, loops present two major advantages in relation to sliding mechanics: A case is presented where an adult female patient with early loss of the first lower permanent molars , minor lower crowding, and tooth biprotrusion was treated with upper first bicuspids extraction along with upper and lower space closure done with T-loops to promote best space closure control in order to correct the malocclusion and enhance facial aesthetics.
Extraction is very frequent indication in orthodontic planning, especially when there are crowding, biprotrusion, and aesthetically unpleasant profiles. The variables analyzed were: Dental caries were most commonly found in the left mandibular first molar A history of dental caries was a predisposing risk factor for the development of this condition; poor hygiene, presence of deep grooves and parental ignorance were also significant.
A Randomized Clinical Trial. This study aimed to assess the outcome of partial pulpotomy using mineral trioxide aggregate MTA compared with calcium hydroxide CH in mature cariously exposed permanent molars. Preoperative pulpal and periapical diagnosis was established based on a history of presenting pain, results of cold testing, and radiographic findings. Clinical signs and symptoms suggestive of irreversible pulpitis were established in all teeth. Immediate failure occurred in 4 teeth. Sex did not have a statistically significant effect on the outcome.
MTA partial pulpotomy sustained a good success rate over the 2-year follow-up in mature permanent teeth clinically diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis. The aim of this study was to examine the use of platelet-rich plasma PRP for autotransplantation of third molars as a successful technique to provide immediate tooth structure for space maintenance and masticatory function when premature loss of a permanent tooth occurs and other dental restorative options are not indicated. Eleven third molars were transplanted and adapted to sockets of the extracted teeth with the adjunct of PRP.
Function, tooth vitality, root development, and periodontal health were recorded. No patients required root canal therapy at any point in the study. Periodontal assessments were performed at the scheduled follow-up appointments with circumferential periodontal probing. Autotransplantation of immature third molars with PRP shows excellent results and should be considered a viable option for premature loss of permanent molars. PRP might have other advantages, such as root promotion and neurosensory development.
Prevalence of plaque and dental decay in the first permanent molar in a school population of south Mexico City. The first permanent molar is susceptible to acquire tooth decay since its eruption, due to its anatomy and because it has been exposed before other teeth. An observational, prolective, transversal and comparative study in students, with an average age of 9.
The evaluation of the dentobacterial plate DBP was analyzed using the O'Leary index and the tooth decay experience with the DMFS sum of decayed, missing, extracted and filling dental surfaces and DMFT sum of decayed, missing, extracted and filling per tooth indexes. The prevalence of DBP in the first permanent molar was of The value of DMFT was 1. The tooth decay experience was higher in children from 7. Tooth decay develops rapidly in the first permanent molars ; however, it does not receive the necessary care because it is usually unknown that it is a permanent tooth.
A study of the eruption of the mandibular first permanent molar. The object of this study was to know what positional changes of the mandibular first permanent molars occur just before their gingival emergence. The eruptive process of the mandibular first molars was investigated during the period from alveolareruption to preoraleruption.
The subjects were 14 patients whose second primary molars were prematurely lost in one side and remained on the other side. Longitudinal oblique cephalograms were used to estimate the eruptive process of the first molars o Evaluation of spontaneous space closure and development of permanent dentition after extraction of hypomineralized permanent first molars. The aim of this study was to evaluate spontaneous space closure, development of the permanent dentition, and need for orthodontic treatment after extraction of permanent first molars due to severe molar -incisor hypomineralization MIH.
Twenty-seven children aged 5. Each case was followed up on individual indications 3. Fifteen children were judged to have a favourable spontaneous development of their permanent dentition without any orthodontic intervention. Seven children were or should be subjected to orthodontic treatment for other reasons registered prior to the extraction. Five children were judged to have a treatment at least caused by the extractions, but three of them abstained because of no subjective treatment need. Extraction of permanent first molars severely affected by MIH is a good treatment alternative.
Favourable spontaneous space reduction and development of the permanent dentition positioning can be expected without any intervention in the majority of cases extracted prior to the eruption of the second molar.
teeth position eruption: Topics by
In vitro fracture resistance of molar teeth restored with a short fibre-reinforced composite material. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the efficiency of a short fibre-reinforced composite SFRC material compared to conventional composites when restoring class II. MOD cavities in molar teeth with different layering techniques. Except for the control group intact teeth , in all other groups MOD cavities were prepared. The cavities were restored by either conventional composite with horizontal and oblique layering or by SFRC with horizontal and oblique layering.
The specimens were submitted to static fracture toughness test. Fracture thresholds and fracture patterns were evaluated. In general, no statistically significant difference was found in fracture toughness between the study groups, except for horizontally layered conventional composite restorations, which turned out to be significantly weaker than controls. However, SFRC yielded noticeably higher fracture thresholds and only obliquely applied SFRC restorations exhibited favourable fracture patterns above chance level.
The application of SFRC did not lead to a statistically significant improvement of the fracture toughness of molar teeth with MOD cavities. The restoration of severely weakened molar teeth with the use of SFRC combined with composite might have advantages over conventional composites alone. Thus further investigations need to be carried out, to investigate the possible positive mechanical effects of SFRC. The application of the horizontal layering technique with conventional composite materials is inferior. Development of the first permanent mandibular molar in young children with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate UCCLP.
Development of the first permanent mandibular molar in young children with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate UCCLP The chronology and sequence of eruption of human permanent teeth in Northern Ireland. To ascertain the average and range of ages and sequence of eruption of human permanent teeth , taking into account the effect of premature loss of primary antecedents.
Caucasian subjects in Northern Ireland. Study casts at 6-monthly intervals from age 5 to 15 years of children males and females enrolled in the Belfast Growth Study. The mean and range of ages of eruption of each individual tooth were computed. Comparisons were made between the mean ages of eruption with and without premature loss of primary antecedents, between upper and lower arches, between right and left sides and between males and females. The sequence of eruption was also investigated. The means and ranges of eruption ages are reported. Premature loss of primary antecedents delayed eruption of permanent successors except for the upper premolars which were accelerated.
The differences relating to the upper first premolar and lower canine were not statistically significant. Each lower tooth erupted before its upper counterpart except for the premolars. There was no significant difference in age of eruption between right and left sides. Females tended to erupt teeth before males with the exception of the second molars in both arches; however, the only differences to reach statistical significance related to upper and lower canines and upper lateral incisors.
The most frequent orders of eruption were unique to the subject. Rapid Palatal Expansion in the absence of posterior cross-bite to intercept maxillary incisor crowding in the mixed dentition: The aim of this study was to investigate the reaction of untouched permanent molars following RPE, anchored on deciduous teeth in the early mixed dentition, aimed to solve maxillary anterior crowding in the absence of posterior cross-bite.
A prospective clinical trial comprised 35 consecutive patients 20 males and 15 females treated by the same orthodontist MR. All patients showed crowding of the upper permanent incisors in the early mixed dentition in the absence of posterior cross-bite. RPE was anchored on second deciduous molars and on the deciduous canines.
The transverse linear changes in width and the variation in the torque of the permanent molars were measured in the coronal plane. Relief of incisor crowding was found in all patients. The transverse width between permanent molars increased significantly. The apices of the upper permanent molars spontaneously expanded more than the crowns, while the opposite happened on the lower permanent molars.
Moreover, the untouched upper permanent molars spontaneously uprighted palatally, while the lower permanent molars spontaneously uprighted buccally. The variation in the torque of the permanent molars mirrored transverse normal growth. In the early mixed dentition and in the absence of posterior cross-bite, it is possible to expand transversally the palate while uprighting the upper permanent molars in the opposite direction.
RPE anchored on the deciduous teeth in the early mixed dentition, in the absence of posterior cross-bite, provides an "anticipation of transverse growth" and could be indicated to expand the anterior portion of the maxillary arch perimeter to solve upper incisor crowding. Based on data obtained from a prospective epidemiological study in a random sample of Flemish children, accurate emergence ages for permanent teeth could be established.
When data on permanent tooth emergence in different populations are compared, differences are most pronounced for premolars. Several authors hypothesised that this difference could be explained by a difference in caries experience in the primary molars. The purpose of this study was to quantify the effect of caries experience in a primary molar on the timing of emergence of its successor. The results indicate that the emergence of the premolars was accelerated by 2 to 8 months when its predecessor had been decayed and or filled but had not been extracted. Premature loss of maxillary primary molars resulted in a significant acceleration of the emergence of the premolars; this was not observed in the mandible.
In conclusion, when considering permanent tooth emergence ages, caries experience in the primary dentition should be taken into account.
Is it better to leave or restore carious deciduous molar teeth? The objective of this study was to compare the extraction and exfoliation experience of filled and unfilled carious deciduous molar teeth. The study was carried out in in four general dental practices in south Cheshire, UK and involved a longitudinal retrospective review of case notes.
A quota sample of 20 case notes of children from each practice was selected according to strict criteria. Have had experience of approximal caries in one or more of the deciduous molar teeth. Have a date of birth between 1st January and 31st December Be a regular attender and in continuous contact with the practice. Data were collected on a common data abstraction form. Site and number of filled teeth. Site and number of unfilled carious teeth. Number of courses of antibiotics. Site and number of pulp therapies. Site, number, method local or general anaesthetic of extractions.
All teeth not recorded as being extracted were assumed to have exfoliated. In addition, information was collected on the dentists' treatment philosophies. A series of group discussions revealed that the four dentists fitted into two groups according to treatment philosophies; two dentists shared a philosophy of minimal intervention, the other two shared the same views of treating more radically.
There was no significant difference between the proportion of filled teeth and the proportion of carious unfilled teeth that were extracted chi-square 0. A logistic regression showed that for each course of antibiotics administered the odds of having an extraction was multiplied by 5.
Permanent Dentition
Although the study was preliminary in nature no clear benefit could be found in filling deciduous molar teeth against leaving carious teeth unfilled, if avoidance. Full Text Available This case report describes the treatment of a teenage patient with simultaneous impaction of all three right mandibular permanent molars.
The impacted first and second mandibular molars were surgically exposed and orthodontically erupted into good alignment and occlusion while the impacted third molar in the same quadrant was extracted. The unique clinical presentation, various treatment alternatives, the decision making process in finalizing the treatment plan and its clinical implementation are discussed.
Morphology and chemical composition of dentin in permanent first molars with the diagnose MIH. The purpose of this investigation was to study the morphology and distribution of some inorganic elements in dentin in first permanent molars from children with Molar -Incisor Hypomineralization MIH.
Sixty four tooth sections from thirty two children were examined in polarized light. Multiple impacted teeth are a rare eruption disturbance that increases the case complexity. In this article, we described a year-old boy whose 5 permanent maxillary teeth were not erupted although their root formation was complete. The orthodontic treatment with traction and asymmetric extraction was performed to achieve a significantly improved functional and esthetic result. Comparison of lead levels in human permanent teeth from Strasbourg, Mexico City, and rural zones of Alsace. A comparative study of the mean lead concentrations in enamel and dentin of human premolars and permanent molars was conducted by means of a systematic sampling procedure with energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence analysis.
In a first series of analyses, no significant statistical differences in mean lead concentrations at various levels of enamel and dentin were noted between young patients of Strasbourg and those of small villages of Alsace, nor between elderly patients living in these two locations, despite the fact that motor traffic was significantly lower in the rural zones. However, in both locations, a significantly higher concentration of lead was observed in enamel and dentin in relation to age. In a second series of analyses, the mean lead concentrations of both dental hard tissues of premolars and permanent molars of young individuals from Strasbourg, rural Alsace, and Mexico City were compared.
Significantly higher mean lead concentrations were found in enamel and dentin samples from Mexico City. This was most evident for inner coronal dentin 5. It is proposed that the higher lead concentrations are related to the higher lead content of motor gasoline and to more intense traffic conditions. The dental hard tissues appear to be of value for the study of environmental lead pollution.
To evaluate the treatment effectiveness of revascularization in immature permanent teeth with diffuse pulpitis and to provide an alternative approach for the treatment of these teeth. Clinical and radiographic data were collected from 17 immature permanent teeth which were diagnosed as diffuse pulpitis and with their pulp extirpated at Emergency Department of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology.
All these teeth were treated using pulp revascularization at Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Clinical success rate was then evaluated based on the clinical and radiographic findings. The increase of root length and dentin wall thickness of the revascularized teeth and the contralateral control teeth were measured and compared according to the preoperative and recall periapical radiographs. The average follow-uptime is Totally 13 out of the 17 teeth showed normal clinical and radiographic manifestation and achieved the increasein root length and dentin wall thickness.
They met criteria for success treatment. The rest 4 out of the 17 teeth also showed root length and dentin wall thickness increaseand apical foramen closure. However, periapical inflammations were observed during 12 to 36 monthfollow-ups. These cases were recognized as failed. Pulp revascularization in young permanent teeth with diffuse pulpitis resulted in similar clinical outcomes in root development and root canal wall formation compared with the contralateral control teeth.
However, reinfection might occur during long-term follow-up. A 1-year clinical evaluation of fissure sealants on permanent first molars. To evaluate and compare the retention, marginal discoloration, surface texture and anatomical form of pit and fissure sealants. Thirty children between the ages of 6 and 10 years, who were attending the school health program regularly, had participated in the study. A split-mouth design was used in which the two fissure sealants Helioseal-F and Glass ionomer Fuji VII were randomly placed in 60 matched contralateral pairs of permanent molar teeth.
Sealants were rated by a single trained and calibrated examiner using mouth mirrors and probes following the US Public Health Service criteria. The sealants were evaluated at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year intervals. The data obtained for retention, marginal discoloration, surface texture and anatomical form of pit and fissure sealants were tabulated and compared statistically using the Chi-square test of significance. The Helioseal-F sealant was better than the Glass ionomer Fuji VII sealant with respect to retention, anatomical form and surface texture.
Both the materials showed similar results with respect to marginal discoloration. Prediction of canine and premolar size using the widths of various permanent teeth combinations: Full Text Available Aims: Impressions of maxillary and mandibular arches were made for children boys and girls; age range: The maximum MDWs of all the permanent teeth were measured using digital vernier caliper.
Thirty-three possible combinations patterns of permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars , central and lateral incisors were framed and correlated with MDWs of C and Ps using Pearson correlation test. There were significant correlations between the considered patterns and MDWs of C and Ps, with difference noted between girls range of r: Simple linear and multiple regression equations for boys, girls, and combined sample were determined to predict MDW of C and Ps in both the arches.
The accuracy of prediction improved considerably with the inclusion of as many teeth as possible in the regression equations. The newly proposed equations based on the erupted teeth may be considered clinically useful for space analysis in the considered population. Unusual bilaterally fused teeth in permanent dentition of a 9 -year The presence of bilateral fusion of teeth in permanent dentition is an unusual and rare condition.
It is a developmental anomaly characterized by the union of two separate tooth germs during formation. The case of a 9 year old boy with fusion of permanent maxillary central incisors with associated bilateral disto-palatal Apoptosis in the human periodontal membrane evaluated in primary and permanent teeth. The purpose of this study is to localize cells undergoing apoptosis in the periodontal membrane of human primary and permanent teeth.
Human primary and permanent teeth were examined immunohistochemically All teeth examined were extracted in connection with treatment. Apoptosis was seen in close proximity to the root surface and within the epithelial cells of Malassez. This pattern of apoptotis is similar in the periodontal The inter-relationship between apoptotis and root resorption cannot be concluded from the present study. Apoptosis seen in close proximity to the root surface presumably corresponds to the highly innervated layer of the periodontal membrane The aim of this study was to clinically compare glass ionomer cement GIC with microhybrid composite resin used in class I cavities on permanent teeth over a period of 9 months.
Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher's exact test a material handling, adaptation, and marginal staining. The results of this clinical study showed that GIC EQUIA; GC can be used for the restoration of permanent teeth and may be more appropriate for certain clinical situations than the resin composite material. Mini implant supported molar tubes: A novel method for attaching the molar tubes. Full Text Available Banding or bonding procedures have been the only means of attaching molar tubes onto the permanent molar teeth till date in the field of orthodontics.
This clinical innovation aims to include the use of mini implant for the purpose of attaching the molar tubes thereby eliminating the iatrogenic effects of banding and bonding of the teeth. A comparative evaluation of four restorative materials to support undermined occlusal enamel of permanent teeth.
To test each material, 20 human permanent mandibular third molars were selected. The lingual cusps were removed and the dentin supporting the facial cusps was cut away, leaving a shell of enamel. The support provided to undermined occlusal enamel by these materials was intermediate between no support and that provided by sound dentin. Without further development in dental material technology and evidence of its efficacy, restorative materials should not be relied upon to support undermined occlusal enamel to a level comparable to that provided by sound dentin.
Statistical analysis made use of a SPSS Hypodontia was localized both unilaterally and bilaterally, on the four dental quadrants. Standardized method to produce tetracycline-stained human molar teeth in vitro. This study tested the hypothesis that exposure of human molar teeth to tetracycline TCN derivatives in vitro results in tooth discoloration resembling the clinical presentation of TCN staining. The effects of exposure of 20 extracted human molar teeth to distilled water, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, or minocycline were compared.
The baseline color of each tooth was analyzed with a dental spectrophotometer. The pulp chambers were each filled with a TCN derivative solution and then sealed. The teeth were placed in a centrifuge tube and then centrifuged at rpm for 20 minutes. Color change was monitored weekly for 7 weeks. Digital images of the surfaces were recorded. For each specimen at every evaluation period, color change from baseline was calculated using Commission Internationale d'Eclairage CIE Delta E deltae There was a significant association between the type of derivative used and deltae00, as well as between the evaluation period and deltae There was also a significant association between the interaction term, derivative x evaluation period, and deltae Results of the Holm-Sidak post hoc test demonstrated that all 3 TCN derivatives were associated with significantly larger deltae00 than the control group P Treatment modalities in children with teeth affected by molar -incisor enamel hypomineralisation MIH: This was to review the literature concerning the treatment of permanent teeth with molar -incisor hypomineralised enamel MIH , comment about possible shortcomings and propose areas of future research.
Relevant papers published in English were identified after a review of their titles, abstracts or full reading of the papers. Of references initially found, 66 papers were included; 34 directly relevant to the subject. From the latter, only 14 concerned laboratory or clinical studies dealing with treatment for MIH.
Since 11 reviews evaluated, to a certain extent, treatment options for affected teeth. Analysis of the proposed treatment modalities indicated options for prevention, restorations, and adhesion to hypomineralised enamel, full coronal coverage and extraction followed by orthodontics. Based on these findings, a treatment decision plan is proposed.
Although treatment approaches for MIH have started to be clearer, long-term clinical trials, supported by laboratory studies, should be conducted to further facilitate the clinical management of this dental defect. Periapical and endodontic status of permanent teeth in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets. A total of 52 patients age range: HR patients were characterised by a high number The patients were recruited from a medical study on HR patients. The patients underwent a dental examination including a digital The number of affected teeth rose significantly with age P As hindrance of remineralisation process occurs during orthodontic therapy resulting in decalcification of enamel because number of plaque retention sites increases due to banding and bonding of appliances to teeth.
The present analytic study was undertaken to assess the occurrence of white spot lesions in permanent molars of children with and without orthodontic therapy and to evaluate the effect of Casein PhosphoPeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate CPP-ACP on white spot lesions in post-orthodontic patients in a given period of time. The study comprised of examination of first permanent molars which were examined to assess the occurrence of smooth surface white spot lesions in children of 8 to 16 years age group. Group I comprised subjects without any orthodontic treatment and Group II comprised of subjects who had undergone orthodontic therapy.
The sample size was calculated using the epi-info6 computer package. Treatment group included 20 post-orthodontic patients examined with at least one white spot lesion within the enamel who received remineralizing cream GC Tooth Mousse, Recaldent, GC Corporation. Computerized image analysis method was taken to evaluate white spot lesions.
These frequency and percentages were compared with chi-square test. For comparison of numeric data, paired t-test was used. Of the total CPP-ACP therapy group showed reduction in severity of codes which was found to be highly significant after 12 weeks and eight weeks on gingival-third, p-value spot lesions on teeth undergoing fixed orthodontic therapy according to the present study. This article describes the autotransplantation of third molars to replace heavily damaged premolars and molars.
Specifically, this article reports on the use of preoperative cone-beam computed tomographic planning and 3-dimensional 3D printed replicas of donor teeth to prepare artificial tooth sockets. The right maxillary third molar replaced the right maxillary first premolar. During the surgical procedure, artificial tooth sockets were prepared with the help of 3D printed donor tooth copies to prevent iatrogenic damage to the actual donor teeth.
These replicas of the donor teeth were designed based on the preoperative cone-beam computed tomogram and manufactured with the help of 3D printing techniques. The transplanted teeth were placed in infraocclusion and fixed with a suture splint. Postoperative follow-up showed physiologic integration of the transplanted teeth and a successful outcome for all transplants.
In conclusion, this technique facilitates a straightforward and predictable procedure for autotransplantation of third molars. The use of printed analogues of the donor teeth decreases the risk of iatrogenic damage and the extra-alveolar time of the transplanted tooth is minimized. This facilitates a successful outcome. Evaluation of sexual dimorphism using permanent maxillary first molar in Sri Ganganagar population.
Full Text Available Aim of Study: The aim is to evaluate existence of sexual dimorphism by variation in right and left permanent maxillary molars using buccolingual width BLW and mesio-distal width MDW measured intraorally and on study casts among Sri Ganganagar population.
Fifty patients 25 males and 25 females with 17—25 years of age were selected. Impressions of maxillary arch were taken and the BLW and MDW were measured using digital Vernier calipers on study casts and intraorally. Highly significant correlation was found between MDW and BLW of both the maxillary permanent first molars for both genders P permanent first molar showed minimum mean difference of measurements on study cast and introrally than right, thus better predictor for gender dimorphism in forensics.
Proliferation and mineralization ability of dental pulp cells derived from primary and permanent teeth. Full Text Available The aims of this study were to compare the proliferation and mineralization ability of CFU-F selected dental pulp cellsderived from primary and permanent teeth. Those cells were isolated by enzyme digestion and analyzed for their colonyformingcapacity. The cell proliferation was measured by the MTT assay on day 1, day 7, and day