A handbook of materia medica and homoeopathic therapeutics
Don't have an account? Be the first to review this product. Email to a Friend. Primarily derived from T. Allens Encyclopedia and his clinical notes it offers great value in a library of limited space. Hahnemanns schema is followed and is interspersed with clinical notes. A full collection of all provings have also been included. Eminent US homoeopath, born in Westminster, Vermont. Son of a physician. Also renowned as an organist and composer. Ran his homoeopathic practice in Brooklyn, New York.
Four years later [] he was appointed professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica. He was also Director of a Homoeopathic Insane Asylum in Middletown, New York, which for decades was a centre for the research and treatment of mental disease according to scientific homoeopathic principles. Taught materia medica and therapeutics at New York Homeopathic Medical College and was Dean of the College for some 11 years Director of New York Botanical Gardens. Compiled the massive Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, 12 Volumes, and wrote a number of other books as well.
He taught materia medica at his alma mater. Treatment of granular lids by massage with boric acid. Sound waves in the treatment of deafness and tinnitus aurium. Importance of the early correction of errors of refraction of all children before attending our public schools. Allen, and Cincinnati Eye and Ear Institute. Gross and Delbridge, , c , by Edwin M. Hale page images at HathiTrust Bulletin. Woman's Southern Homeopathic Hospital. New York, Radde, , by Charles J. Freligh page images at HathiTrust A text-book of materia medica and therapeutics.
Weigel, , by Bernhard Baehr page images at HathiTrust Projet d'hopitaux mixtes allopathiques et homoeopathiques: Boericke and Tafel, , by E. Halsey Brothers, , by E. Ruddock page images at HathiTrust Therapeutics and materia medica: William Radde, , by J. Otis Clapp, , by A. Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach, Keys, , by Alph.
Jahr page images at HathiTrust Causeries cliniques homoeopathiques. Charles Woodhouse, , by Charles Woodhouse page images at HathiTrust Domestic homoeopathy; or, Rules for the domestic treatment of the maladies of infants, children, and adults: William Radde, , by G. Wienrack, , by Dr Wisent page images at HathiTrust An introduction to the principles and practice of homoeopathy. Schwabe, , by J. Gutwill page images at HathiTrust Manual and clinical repertory of a complete list of tissue remedies. Kent page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathische bibliotheek. Napoli, Stamperia e cartiere del Fibreno, , by Quintino Guanciali, trans.
Encore une fois, qu'est-ce que l'homoepathie? Il faut en finir avec elle! John Bell's Homoeopathic Pharmacy, , by C. Imbert-Gourbeyre page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Listing's plane and Listing's law. Axes of rotation of the ocular muscles Wilson, Sidney F. Our specialties as related to mental development and modern educational methods. Phthisis as a neurosis. A work on domestic medicines, designed to show the causes, symptoms and treatment of disease. For the use of the people. Chicago, London, Canada, Robb publishing co. Robb, Sarah Lucretia Robb, and J. Bean page images at HathiTrust; US access only Materia medica and special therapeutics of the new remedies.
Philadelphia, Boericke and Tafel, , by Edwin M. Hale page images at HathiTrust Materia medica pura. Gould and Son, New York: Dudgeon page images at HathiTrust; US access only The elements of a new materia medica and therapeutics: Delamater page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - Homoeopathic. Layman's view of the potency question. Stout, Constantine Hering, Matthew. Valedictory address delivered at the twelfth annual commencement of the Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania.
Constipation Martin, Henry N. For the convenience of any one wishing to be presscribed to by mail Martin, Charles S. Park Lewis, and J. Lee page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. June number of the New England Medical Gazette Dietetic Faust, Pemberton Dudley, Howard. On supra-pubic cystotomy and catheterization as a guide in perineal section for obliterative urethritis. Homoeopathy -- some observations in regard to its progress for forty years. Homoeopathy in the public service. Proving of the Apis Mellifica.
Committee on Medical Ethics. Code of medical ethics, American Institute of Homeopathy. Letter to the members of the American Institute from A. Hahn, , by F. Being a course of lectures delivered at the Hahnemann medical college, of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Hahnemann publishing house, , by E. A list of all the graduates arranged by years of graduation. Also a list of the graduates who are now in the medical military service of the United States. Facts are stubborn things. Principles of homoeopathic practice as contrasted with those of the old school of medicine Wigand, Roland T.
Optimism versus pessimism in the evolution of our materia medica. Allopathic opinions of homoeopathy. Vilas, Federal Vanderburgh, Marvin W. On philosophizing on the homoeopathic law. Has it been an oversight?. Willmar Schwabe, , by Willmar Schwabe page images at HathiTrust; US access only Hand book on the diseases of the heart and their homeopathic treatment. Notes on hysteria Colby, W.
Case of cerebral hyperaemia occuring during the menopause Thomas, George F. Treatment of epilepsy Shears, Charles Leslie. Consequences of diseases of the nervous system upon the eye. Martine Kershaw, Edwin M. Inebriety and opium eating. Neurotic element in the local diseases of women Cheney, J. Chatterton, , by B. Underwood page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Valedictory address to the graduating class of Hahnemann Medical College. Annual address before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania. Gregg Custis, Joseph T.
Valedictory address delivered at the twenty-first annual commencement of the Hahnemannian Medical Institute.
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Proceedings of the Michigan Institute of Homoeopathy Mortimer Lawrence page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Hoyne, Daniel Holt, William H. Introductory to the sixteenth annual course of lectures in the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Introductory lecture to the class of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Valedictory address delivered at the second annual commencement of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania.

Annual address to the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Pennsylvania. Valedictory address delivered at the annual commencement of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. Valedictory address delivered at the seventh annual commencement of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Address delivered before the twenty-first annual meeting of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Michigan. John Coleman , John C. Valedictory address to the graduating class of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania Homoeopathy and its requirements of the physician.
Valedictory address delivered at the fifteenth annual commencement of the Hahnemannian Institute of Philadelphia. Annual address of J. Valedictory address delivered before the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Thoughts for the times. Valedictory address delivered at the sixteenth annual commencement of the Hahnemannian Institute of Philadelphia. Annual address to the students and friends of Hahnemann Medical College. Valedictory address Small, A.
Address delivered before the American Institute of Homoeopathy. Address delivered in the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania. Valedictory address Semple, Matthew. Searle, William Woodbridge Rodman, C. Pratt, Edwin Hartley Pratt, Hugh. President's annual address delivered before the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. MacLachlan, Registration and Statistics. Pathologist's view of homeopathy. Proposed agreement on the limit of dilution. Why students of medicine should select the homoeopathic school. McClelland, George Logan, J. Introduction and progress of homoeopathy in Oneida County.
Wilson, and American Institute of Homeopathy. Code of medical ethics. Bauer page images at HathiTrust A manual of venereal diseases: Offenes Sendschreiben an Herrn. Present status of puerperal infection. Case of haematoma involving the ovary Gramm, Theodore J. Procidentia uteri and hypertrophy of the cervix. Case of ectopic gestation of eleven and a half month's duration. Typical cases of ovarian cystomata. Homoeopathic therapeutics of dysmenorrhoea Eggert, William. Therapeutics of ovarian diseases. Thoughts regarding the treatment of uterine displacements.
Metrorrhagic chlorosis Claude, Gordon Maxwell. Diagnosis Christine, Gordon Maxwell. New form of placental forcep Christine, Gordon Maxwell. Relation of homoeopathy to gynaecology. Boger, Prosper Bender, B. Homoeopathic treatment of gynaecological cases. Causes of suffering at the climacteric period. Application and care of pessaries Betts, Gaylord D. Amesbury page images at HathiTrust The rubrical and regional text-book of the homoeopathic materia medica: Dickinson page images at HathiTrust Lectures on clinical otology: Gatchell page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Supra-pubic removal of an enormous vesical calculus Vischer, Carl V.
Catgut ligatures paramount to all others in use when properly prepared Thompson, and James H. Answer to an anonymous pamphlet entitled Report of committee on charges against E. What acts in potentised medicines? Dunn, Pemberton Dudley, Martin. In memoriam Deschere, Harvey.
New knight of the lancet and blister. Browning knows of homeopathy. Anatomy and physiology of the appendix vermiforms. First impressions of a medical examiner. Helmholtz memorial in Berlin. New light on heart disease Cowl, Walter Y. Brief history of the definition of disease. Medical education and legislation. Pure homoeopathy Clausen, W. Prostitution Christine, and Gordon Maxwell. Some thoughts concerning medical organization.
Kippax, Samuel Arthur Jones, H. Hayward, Samuel Hahnemann, Amos J. Homoeopathy in its relation to infant feeding. Gregg Custis, Royal S. Bailey page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Introduction and progress of homoeopathy in the United States. Bodily posture in gynecology. Hygiene of the superstitious age of man. Dake, and American Institute of Homeopathy.
Hayward, Carl Heinigke, A. Address before the American Institute of Homoeopathy. Wilson, Walter Williamson, D. Annual address before the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society Wesselhoeft, Phineas Parkhurst Wells, R. Chemical commerce and its commodities. Vilas, Federal Vanderburgh, William W. Scientific claim of homoeopathy.
Valedictory address to the members of the graduating class of the seventh annual session of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Missouri.
A handbook of materia medica and homoeopathic therapeutics
Thomas, David Thayer, I. Reception of the Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Association addresses. Hints to mothers Kennedy, Benjamin F. Joslin, Samuel Arthur Jones, C. Middleton, Bushrod Washington James, T. Two decades in medicine. Homoeopathy and its relation to the germ theory. Instructions to patients for communicating with physicians. Catalogue of the museum and library of the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. Lecture on the philosophy and claims of homoeopathy. Eulogium on the life and character of Joseph G. Letter to Thomas E. Sanitary supervision of schools Roby, Henry W.
Two interesting malpractice cases. Faradic current in gynaecological practice. Treatment of uterine fibroids by electricity. Pulte, Stacy Jones, Samuel O. Potter, and Samuel O. Potter page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Elementary principles of medicine. Mortality chapter from records. Paine, Constantine Hering, Ern. Dietetics in relation to infants and young children. Physician or doctor of medicine Mitchell, F.
Significance of bacteriological discoveries to the homoeopathic method of treatment. Committee on Medical Legislation. Statement issued by the Committee on Medical Legislation. New England Hahnemann Association. George Alexander Hall Harvey, C. Harris, Caleb Harlan, Edwin M. Hale, Samuel Hahnemann, Edward A. Iowa state press versus homeopathy. Sociality in the profession. Needed school reforms Guilbert, Joseph C. Professor Pasteur's experiments Gregg, Rollin R.
Gatchell, William Gallupe, Edward. Radde, , by E. Marcy and Franklin W. Napoli, Gazzetta dei tribunali, , by Stephen Simpson, trans. Freligh page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. Urea - theoretical and practical Oatley, Clifford Mitchell, H. Carleton, Nilo Cairo da. Personal experience with the Ehrlich-Hata preparation Ashcraft page images at HathiTrust Lectures on diseases of the heart. Boericke, , by Edwin M. Hempel, and Charles J. Epidemic of and its homoeopathic treatment. Duty of the State to her crippled children.
Homoeopathic cure of domestic animals. Climate of Utah and its effect upon certain diseases. Clarke, how some babies get so B. Regional symptomatology and therapeutics. Bell's family guide to homeopathy and health. The Homoeopathic Physician, , by Benjamin F. Jefferson Guernsey page images at HathiTrust; US access only The practice of medicine, a condensed manual for the busy practitioner.
Penington, , by Harris F. Dunsford page images at HathiTrust L'Anemanno; giornale di medicina omiopatica. Duncan Brothers, , by A. Small page images at HathiTrust Principio obbietto e legge della materia medica omiopatica: Thomas page images at HathiTrust Journal. Burt page images at HathiTrust Materia medica and therapeutics: Chatterton, , by Charles J. Duncan Brothers, , by Temple S. Hoyne page images at HathiTrust A manual of homoeopathic practice for students and beginners.
William Radde, , c , by Samuel Hahnemann, E. Hawkes page images at HathiTrust On homoeopathic medicine: Capital City Printing Co. Morning News Print, [] , by Louis A. Teste page images at HathiTrust The chronic diseases; their specific nature and homoeopathic treatment. Wright's remarks at the dedication of the Cincinnati new hospital, January 8th, William Radde ; London: Kleinert page images at HathiTrust Lehrbuch der physiologischen Pharmacodynamik: Medau, , by E. Fanning page images at HathiTrust Repertory to the modalities, in their relations to temperature, air, water, winds, weather, and seasons: Smith page images at HathiTrust The chronic miasms Genova, Tipografia di G.
Eupel, , by F. Hutchinson, and Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College. Class of page images at HathiTrust Repertory of the symptoms of rheumatism, sciatica, ecetera. Krammes, [c] , by Alfred Pulford page images at HathiTrust The permeation of present day medicine by homoeopathy Radde; Boston, Ohio, Clapp; [etc. Jahr and Amos Gerald Hull, ed.
Primo volgarizzamento italiano dall' originale tedesco impresso in Dresda nel presso Arnold, per cura del Dr. Fahnestock page images at HathiTrust On the relations of antitoxin treatment to homeopathy: Ruddock page images at HathiTrust Cataract: Matlack page images at HathiTrust Dr. Bailliere, , by Achille Hoffmann page images at HathiTrust Pharmacopoea homoeopathica polyglottica. Crandall, c , by O. Crandall and Joseph B. Biochemistry Chapman page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathic ophthalmic practice: Radde, , by Samuel Hahnemann and Charles J.
Ebner und Seubert, , by W. Moskva [ ], , by Elias Altschul, ed. Fistula in ano Pattison, William H. Monograph upon Polyporus officinalis and P. Monograph on Ustilago madis. Dynamics of the nervous system Colton, John. Consumption can be cured! Pulte, and Emma H. Hale's pamphlet, entitled, On the homeopathic treatment of abortion John Millikan, , by Edwin M. Hale page images at HathiTrust Scrofulous affections and the advantages of their treatment according to the principles and experiences of homeopathy: Hempel page images at HathiTrust A new and comprehensive system of materia medica and therapeutics: Jahr page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathy; its principle, theory, and practice.
Highley, , by Marmaduke B. A new exposition of a great truth Halsey, , by William H.
Halsey, , by Geo. E Shipman page images at HathiTrust Therapeutic key: Boericke, , by I. Chatterton, , by P. Caspari's homoopathischer Haus- und Reisearzt: E Shipman and William H. Holcombe page images at HathiTrust A popular view of homoeopathy, exhibiting the present state of the science. Ruddock page images at HathiTrust The treatment due from the medical profession, to physicians who become homoeopathic practitioners: Press of John G. A reply to Professor Simpson's "Homoeopathy" misrepresented. Gallavardin page images at HathiTrust Hull's Jahr; a new manual of homoeopathic practice.
Philadelphia, Boericke, , by G. Treatise on the diseases of the skin Toothaker page images at HathiTrust Lectures on diseases of the heart: Boericke, , c , by Edwin M. Hale and Edward R. London, The Homoeopathic publishing co. Ruddock page images at HathiTrust Currents and counter-currents in medical science: Peebles' medical standing and medical practice San Diego, Calif. An outline of principles observed in the art of healing.
Boston and Providence, O. Printing House of Matthews Bros. Compton Burnett page images at HathiTrust Consumption: Ann Arbor Register, , by Rollin R. Vilas page images at HathiTrust Pharmacopoea universalis: Commission der Waltherschen Hofbuchhandlung, , by Fr.
Humphreys page images at HathiTrust Materia medica pura. Putnam, , by J. The Institute, , by American Institute of Homeopathy. An appeal to Sir Benjamin Hall and the British people. New York, Radde, [c] , by Charles J. Halsey, , by Eduard von Grauvogl and Geo. Stuttgart, Liesching, , by G. Jahr page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathy; its nature and principles.
Being the autobiography of Samuel Basil Carlingford, M. Boericke, , by William Sharp page images at HathiTrust The clinical guide; or, Pocket-repertory for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Pulte page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathy simplified: Sanborn, Carter, and Bazin, , by John A. Gibson Miller's Relationship of remedies.
Bestselling Series
London, Homeopathic publishing co. Radde, [c] , by G. Bancroft, , by John F. Dewey page images at HathiTrust Humphreys' homeopathic mentor: Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine, , by F. Freligh page images at HathiTrust Hull's Jahr: Boericke, [c] , by Henry N. Guernsey and Joseph C. In a series of lectures. William Radde, Broadway, , by Benjamin F. Joslin and printer H. Dobson, , by C. Peabody ; to which is added, his last address to the Homoeopathic Association. Argenti ; aus dem ungarischen Uebersetzt von Dr. Hermann Geibel, , by D. Argenti page images at HathiTrust Manual of homoeopathic theory and practice: Hempel and Jacob Beakley.
William Radde, , by Charles J. Hempel page images at HathiTrust Korper und Geist: Betrachtungen uber den menschlichen organismus und sein Verhaltniss zur Welt Pulte page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathy and allopathy: William Radde, , by E. Marcy page images at HathiTrust Organon of specific homoeopathy; or, An inductive exposition of the principles of the homoeopathic healing art, addressed to physicians and intelligent laymen.
Wesselhoeft, , by Charles J. Hempel page images at HathiTrust New manual of homoeopathic veterinary medicine; or, the homoeopathic treatment of the horse, the ox, the sheep, the dog, and other domestic animals.
Catalog Record: A handbook of materia medica, and | Hathi Trust Digital Library
Clapp, , by F. Gunther page images at HathiTrust A record of the surgical clinics of Wm. Printed by the Hahnemannian Monthly, , by John F. Hale page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathy: Radde, , by M. Edgeworth Lazarus page images at HathiTrust Alphabetical repertory of the skin-symptoms and external alterations of substance: Jahr ; edited by Charles J. Johnson page images at HathiTrust The sources of health and the prevention of disease: Jahr ; translated from the French by Charles J.
Radde, page images at HathiTrust Homoeopathy: Starrs' Printing Establishment, , by James S. Douglas page images at HathiTrust Yellow fever and its treatment homeopathically: Payne page images at HathiTrust Pamphlets - homoeopathic. American Homeopathic Observer, , by Charles J. Burlington, Iowa, and London, Can. Robbs, Sarah Lucretia Robb, and J. Gross and Delbridge, , by Edwin M. Raue page images at HathiTrust Special pathology and diagnostics, with therapeutic hints, Philadelphia, F.
Raue page images at HathiTrust Homeopatia familiar. A plain and practical guide Boston, The Hygienic publishing co. Schloemilch page images at HathiTrust The stepping-stone to homoeopathy and health. Bauer page images at HathiTrust Principles of medicine; designed for use as a text-book in medical colleges, Chicago, The W.