
Treatment of the Narcissistic Neuroses (Master Work)

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    Treatment of the Narcissistic Neuroses

    Hello I am a graduate student in clinical psychology from Iran and I am about to Lacan on psychosis research. I will be grateful if you send anything you like me to translate that the Iranian friends become familiar with the texts of Lacan. Love to hear what you think. That said, on envy in particular, I think they may have different understandings of the term based on their view of its origins.

    Seminar on TFP at the ÖGATAP

    Leave this field empty. He wants to look at the problem of obsession at a deeper level: Beyond its various symptoms The symptoms of obsession have traditionally been grouped into obsessional thoughts, compulsions and rituals. These include supposedly compulsive or repetitive behaviours such as body dismorphia, hoarding, hair pulling and skin picking. But does this list of symptoms tell us anything about obsession itself, or is it just a list of what we think of as obsessional activity in the present day?

    To be sure, symptoms are no doubt important, if only by virtue of the fact that certain symptoms appear with remarkable frequency for example, hand washing or show certain common features for example, activities occurring in binaries — turning lights on and off, entering and exiting certain places.

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    5. Moreover, this frequency suggests that there is something about obsession which is independent of cultural or historical contingencies and as such are not what Ian Hacking calls in his book Mad Travelers TMIs, transient mental illnesses. From this innocuous occurrence, the Rat Man constructs a whole set of weird and circuitous ways in which the debt can be settled: Firstly, he asks another officer who is going to the post office to give the money to Lieutenant A.

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      This fails as the man claimed to have never seen Lieutenant A there. Lacan picks up on two key elements here: However, his wife always jokes with him playfully about a poor but pretty girl who was the object of his affections shortly before their marriage.

      This constitutes the individual myth of the neurotic: Lacan makes this point very succinctly: For Lacan, the problem for the Rat Man lies in the fact that these debts are on two different levels, and his neurosis is the result of an inability to rectify them: But then Lacan goes on to complicate this image: Lacan says that the obsessional encounters two requirements in life: But two problems occur whenever he attempts this: Lacan lists a few ways in which this might happen: Because of the death of the father whose place is then taken by a step-father.

      On the one hand, we have the theory of narcissism borrowed from Freud, with the crucial modification by Lacan that at the horizon of narcissism is death. The aggressivity in the dual imaginary relation the fact that, as Lacan summarises in the quotation immediately above, the subject identifies with an image that is more mature and fully-realised than its own in order to obtain corporeal unity, egoic consistency, etc all point to this.

      LacanOnline - October 4th, at Evan - April 5th, at 5: Robert O Neill - January 18th, at 2: Owen Hewitson - LacanOnline.