
Time & Life Management Secrets

Plot out your calendar so you know what is coming in both your job and family life. Put everything in your diary maybe you use your phone or an app , and check it first thing in the morning to see what is coming up that day and later in the week. Have great people work with you: Get used to delegating tasks so that you can concentrate on what you cannot delegate, which for me is creating new paintings and products.

Delegate the admin and marketing as much as you can; I now have a sales manager in Singapore and a marketing manager in Hong Kong. A life coach gave me this tip — make a list of three achievable things to do per day.

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Sort out, from your list of 20, the three tasks which will move you forward and give you a sense of achievement, or at least stop that nagging feeling. They may not be your favourite things to do but they probably are the most necessary.

Focus and do those three things on that day. They may be phone calls or negotiating with suppliers or clearing the bill payments; once done, it will free you to do other tasks without worrying about those three things you have been putting off. It creates a healthier mindset. Allocate set times for work and stick to them. For example, I work between 9am and 3pm every day when the kids are at school, and then when they get home I have time to spend with them without worrying about work. Occasionally, I can have a longer workday when my husband can help with the school pickup. I know other busy mums who work in the evenings when their young children are in bed.

Do whatever works best for you, but try to stick to the time slot as a routine, as work-life balance is so important.

Time Management Secrets of effective and successful businesses - BEST Growth Hub

I could sustain it for a while but long term it can be a disaster, as sleep deprivation is not good for motherhood or creativity. The business was going through a period of growth and I had a solo show coming up, and my husband was travelling all the time. Now I try and buy in extra help during busy times. Instead of slogging along solo, why not invite your family to help out with your business?

They will probably be happy to help you out and be a part of the creative process. This summer, when I was exhibiting in Venice, all the kids had tasks on opening night, for example, my daughter took lots of photos of the exhibition and it really made them feel important and useful. Plus, it was just really fun doing something together as a family. They had watched me create the paintings in Singapore, and loved being in Italy with me to see the paintings exhibited and meet other artists.

Running a business on your own is no easy task: However, stressing over every little thing will only make things worse. Try to focus on the positives, such as how far you have come already and how much strength and courage you have to do what you do. Give yourself daily reminders about what you are grateful for in your life. But taking a break every now and then is vitally important to your health and well-being. Make it a habit to schedule in one day just for you every few weeks or month when you can go out for a glass of wine with the girls, take in a show, or simply set out on a long walk in the fresh air and sunshine.

What Time Management is and how it can make a big difference to your results. How to balance work and life.

Simple Time Management Secrets To Increase Your Productivity by Up To 80%

The difference between being efficient and being effective. How to become truly proactive. Some of the best ways to manage your time. Key habits and tools that can make a big difference to getting your life and your business under control.

5 Time Management Secrets REVEALED (Animated)

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