The Pearl Dragon (Nea Fox Book 4)
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Lori Heaford - Editor
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Renate Schmed rated it really liked it Nov 17, Rockme Amadeus rated it it was amazing Mar 09, Tintac rated it it was amazing Jan 18, Lynda Rocheleau rated it it was amazing Sep 07, Maci added it Oct 15, Laura marked it as to-read Oct 10, Vilde marked it as to-read Nov 06, Sam marked it as to-read Feb 26, Leah marked it as to-read Jun 11, Kennedy marked it as to-read Jun 16, Rachel marked it as to-read Sep 17, Alyssa Noch marked it as to-read Apr 29, Jordan Lammert marked it as to-read May 26, Taru Black marked it as to-read Nov 20, Candace Nelson marked it as to-read Apr 06, Rebecca marked it as to-read May 13, Featherleaf marked it as to-read May 22, Yoda marked it as to-read Oct 17, Stefanie Van Der Laan marked it as to-read Feb 23, The one thing that can save her is the one thing she does not have.
For young and Innocent Lana, the unthinkable is her only choice.
When she walks through the door of that exclusive restaurant she has no Beyond the seductive power of immense wealth lies From the moment they touched his power was overwhelming. Their arrangement quickly developed into a passionate romance that captivated her heart and took her My heart was in a coffin, safe, dark, motionless Besotted book 3Blake is now the new head of the Barrington dynasty.
But I can't feel safe. I fear for him.
The secrets are many and the road he travels is dark and treacherous. Book 5 Love's Sacrifice coming soon With a day filled with so many mixed emotions,will all go smoothly for the lovers on their big day? All through her young life, Julie Sugar has dreamed of only one man, b Some secrets wont stay silent An evening out at the theatre for Lana and Blake ends prematurely with shocking news.
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Frantic, the couple rush home to discover their worst fears. Once again Lana shows the strength Fiery Billie Black thought she knew all she needed to know about her own sexuality, but that was before one night of animalistic passion with the ultra gorgeous and mysterious Jaron Rose. Tall, blond, charming and wealthy, he is the epitome of an Alpha male. The morning after he promises he will call, but he doesn't.
Nea Fox Series
Just as Billie finally frees herself from the memories o She showed her heart He showed her cruelty. Seven years ago Sky Johnson was infatuated with Miko Barokas, the senior that every girl in high school wanted…until he did something so cruel and unforgivable that it broke her heart and turned her whole world turned upside down.

Years later, she has finally rebuilt her shattered confidence and reinvented herself as Ash, the beautiful, self-assure Book 1 of the award-winning Kronberg thriller trilogy. In Victorian London's cesspool of crime and disease, a series of murders remains undiscovered until a cholera victim is found floating in the city's drinking water supply.
The Pearl Dragon - Amelia Ellis - Google Книги
Dr Anton Kronberg, England's best bacteriologist, is called upon to investigate and finds evidence of abduction and medical maltreatment. While Scotland Yard has little Sean looked out over the lake, squinting against the sunlight. He turned to me, his expression sobering as his eyes flicked over my face in silent study. Loving Chris Henderson would be wrong. I mean, what is there about him to love? As the countdown to the new millennium begins, there is one thing everyone agrees on:
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