The Case for Character Education: A Developmental Approach
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Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email feature. Moral development is quite possibly the area of youth development that has been explored for the longest period of time. Philosophers, ethicists, and religious leaders have grappled with various aspects of values and ethics for thousands of years, and people have been concerned about the perceived decline in the moral development of children for a very long time.
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Books Previous Chapter Chapter Show Hide Page Numbers. Email Please log in from an authenticated institution or log into your member profile to access the email feature. A community youth development approach to enhancing character development.
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Lockwood sets out to demonstrate the value of developmental psychology for curricular theory regarding character education.
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To do so, Lockwood structures his argument by first defending character education itself. He defines character education, acknowledges the prominent criticisms of character education, and offers a defense against those criticisms. Then he develops the beginnings of a developmental approach to character education. Lockwood does not set out to overhaul character education or to construct a new form of educating values, morals, or character.
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Instead, his challenge is to modify currently Citation: Retrieved [Date] from http: To be even more specific, he addresses a only the explicit curricula of character education, not hidden ones p. Lockwood aims to "bring a developmental perspective to the theory and practice of contemporary character education.
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He hopes to do this by showing "how knowledge from the field of developmental psychology may aid in the formation of more effective character education programs" p. In the task of modifying this form of character education, he succeeds, and a modification of this sort can have an extensive impact on the practice of character education in schools by demanding of such curricula the same thing educators demand of other curricula: Nonetheless, I believe there is a defense that would have made his case even stronger.
A Comprehensive Approach to Character Development - Wikiversity
Instead of saying that he will uncritically accept character education, he says that he does so of developmental psychology p. Lockwood says throughout the work that he is not making any theoretical claims on the validity of developmental psychology but merely showing how the generally accepted theories in that field can help make character education more effective and meaningful. Rather, he says his aim is to make character education curriculum design developmentally appropriate. In other words, Lockwood believes that unless an educational agenda is entailed by a view of human nature, then it is not relevant for his discussion.
What Lockwood seems to miss in this position is that stage theories in developmental psychology are grounded in assumptions about the nature of human beings, specifically that they develop linearly and through stages; and so debates about human nature are very much relevant to his work, especially if he is trying to frame character education through the employment of theories in developmental psychology.