Not Quite Casper: an Aether Vitalis Short Story
- Digital Film-making Revised Edition;
- Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions.
- Wheel With a Single Spoke: and Other Poems.
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- A Wild Hunt: an Aether Vitalis Novella by Mercy Loomis on Apple Books.
- Downloads PDF A Wild Hunt: an Aether Vitalis Novella Mercy Loomis Books!
It is extremely short, one scene as a vehicle for the sex, and no world building whatsoever. It's ok if all you're looking for is a minor thrill or as part of the larger series it alludes to, but if you want more substance as an introduction to this author's writing, look elsewhere.
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Jan 22, Kelly rated it liked it Shelves: Not terrible by any means, but More dirty ghostly sexin', more I liked the idea, though. Haunted houses and naughty ghosties give new meaning to the phrase "things that go bump in the night". Dec 02, Denise Koopman rated it really liked it. A very short story.
Mercy Loomis: Finally! Ebooks are Available!
It was ok for me not all that great. Miranda rated it liked it Jul 10, Jesi rated it it was amazing Jan 26, Felicia Glaze rated it really liked it Aug 29, Sasha Field rated it it was amazing May 05, Kat Kindred Dreamheart rated it it was ok May 12, Patience rated it it was ok Aug 02, Luna Higginbotham rated it it was amazing Jan 11, Dianne German rated it it was ok Jun 04, Brittney Bradley rated it really liked it Dec 26, Christopher rated it liked it Sep 27, Sheila rated it really liked it Sep 17, Ash rated it liked it Sep 08, TracyG rated it liked it Dec 01, Gelyn rated it liked it Jul 07, Monique Bigot rated it really liked it Dec 08, Tracy rated it it was ok Jan 24, Kellyking29 rated it it was amazing Oct 10, Barbara Duckett rated it it was ok May 24, April rated it it was ok Dec 21, Melody rated it it was ok Nov 02, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Mercy Loomis grew up in a haunted house, and has had quite enough of ghosts for one lifetime, thank you. Though she now lives in a year-old house, it is remarkably ghost-free. She loves stories about the pa Mercy Loomis grew up in a haunted house, and has had quite enough of ghosts for one lifetime, thank you. She loves stories about the paranormal because monsters are scary, but less scary than real people.
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Or at least less depressing. Mercy graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison one class short of an accidental certificate in Folklore. She credits her love of mythology to her mom reading Greek myths as bedtime stories, and her love of fantastical adventure stories to watching cheesy movies with her dad.
Wednesday, October 19, Finally! At long last, the ebooks are going up.
- Cry Wolf: an Aether Vitalis Short Story?
- Rhythms of Remembering: An everyday office book.
- A Wild Hunt: an Aether Vitalis Novella;
- Read My Work!.
Originally I was hoping to dump them all in at once, but since that didn't work out, instead I'm uploading a new short story each day. This is an updated and slightly expanded version of the novella, with a fantabulous cover if I do say so myself! It also includes the first chapter of my new never-before-published novel, Scent and Shadow.
Like all the Halloween stories, A Wild Hunt is free. At least, it is on Smashwords and Goodreads.
Not Quite Casper: an Aether Vitalis Short Story
I've submitted the lower price at Smashwords to Amazon , but I can't control if they'll actually lower the price. Also on Monday, Scent and Shadow was released! After so many years, it feels good to send Gabriel and Amanda out into the world. That should not sound right