LE FIABE E LA MORTE E... “ALTRO” (Italian Edition)
Available for download now. Available to ship in days. Morsi alla luna Italian Edition Oct 09, Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web. AmazonGlobal Ship Orders Internationally.
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Recitativo Dorabella in atto di chi rinviene da un letargo Dove son? Don Alfonso Son partiti. Fiordiligi Oh dipartenza Crudelissima, amara! Don Alfonso Fate core, Carissime figliuole. Facendo moto col fazzoletto Guardate: Fiordiligi salutando Buon viaggio, mia vita! Dorabella salutando Buon viaggio! Come veloce Se ne va quella barca! Deh, faccia il cielo Ch'abbia prospero corso.
Dorabella Faccia che al campo giunga Con fortunati auspici. Don Alfonso E a voi salvi gli amanti, A me gli amici. Recitative Dorabella Where are they? Don Alfonso They've gone. Fiordiligi O most cruel, Bitter parting! Fiordiligi God speed you, my love! Dorabella God speed you! How swiftly their boat Disappears! It's out of sight!
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Heaven grant it A safe voyage! Dorabella May Heaven protect them too On the field of battle! Don Alfonso Preserve your lovers And my friends. Exeunt Fiordiligi and Dorabella. Recitativo Don Alfonso Non son cattivo comico! Al concertato loco i due campioni Di Ciprigna e di Marte Mi staranno attendendo: Quante smorfie, quante buffonerie! Tanto meglio per me Per femmina giocar cento zecchini? Nel mare solca e nell'arena semina E il vago vento spera in rete accogliere Chi fonda sue speranze in cor di femmina.
Recitative Don Alfonso I'm not a bad actor! What grimaces, what affectations!
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All the better for me, They'll fall more easily; People of that kind are the first To change their minds. Poor fools, To wager a hundred sequins on a woman! Camera gentile con diverse sedie, un tavolino, ecc. A room with various chairs, a table, etc. Per Bacco, vo' assaggiarlo: Si forbe la bocca Vien gente.
Oh ciel, son le padrone! Recitative Despina who is whipping the chocolate What a wretched life A lady's maid leads! From morning till night working, Sweating and toiling, and after all One's done there's nothing for oneself!
I've been beating this for half an hour, And now the chocolate's ready; yet though my tongue's Hanging out, must I just stand and smell it? Aren't my tastes just like yours? O dearest ladies, You have the substance And I only the smell! Damnit, I'm going to try it. She tastes it Delicious! She wipes her mouth Someone's coming! Goodness, it's my ladies! Fiordiligi e Dorabella ch'entrano disperatamente. Despina, Fiordiligi and Dorabella, who enter distractedly. Recitativo Despina presentando il cioccolatte sopra una guantiera Madame, ecco la vostra colazione. Dorabella gitta tutto a terra Diamine, cosa fate?
Si cavano entrambe tutti gli ornamenti donneschi ecc. Paventa il tristo effetto D'un disperato affetto: Odio la luce, Odio l'aria che spiro Dorabella Oh, terribil disgrazia! Despina Sbrigatevi in buon'ora. Fiordiligi Da Napoli partiti Sono gli amanti nostri. Despina come sopra Come, chi sa? Dorabella Al campo di battaglia. Despina Tanto meglio per loro: Li vedrete tornar carchi d'alloro.
Fiordiligi Ma ponno anche perir. Despina Allora, poi, Tanto meglio per voi. Fiordiligi sorge arrabbiata Sciocca, che dici? Fiordiligi Ah, perdendo Guglielmo Mi pare ch'io morrei! Dorabella Ah, Ferrando perdendo Mi par che viva a seppellirmi andrei! Per un uomo morir! Altri ve n' hanno Che compensano il danno.
Despina Han gli altri ancora Tutto quello ch'hanno essi. Un uom adesso amate, Un altro n'amerete: Fiordiligi con trasporto di collera Divertirci? Passaro i tempi Da spacciar queste favole ai bambini.
Di pasta simile Son tutti quanti: La ra la, la ra la, la ra la, la. Recitative Despina Despina offers the chocolate on a tray Here's your breakfast, ladies. Dorabella flings it all to the ground Jiminy! What are you doing? Both stripping off all their ornaments. Fiordiligi Where is a dagger? Dorabella Where is the poison? Despina Ladies, I beg you! Dorabella Ah leave me! Flee the dread effect Of a distracted love! Close those windows; I hate the light, I hate the air I breathe, I hate myself.
Who mocks at my grief? Ah fly; leave me alone, for pity's sake! Dorabella O dreadful disaster! Despina Get on with it! Fiordiligi Our lovers Have left Naples. Despina laughing Is that all? Despina What do you mean, who knows? Where have they gone?
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Dorabella To the field of battle! Despina So much the better for them: You'll see them return crowned with laurel. Fiordiligi But they might be killed! Despina Why then, So much the better for you.
Fiordiligi rises angrily Fool, what are you saying? Despina The simple truth: Fiordiligi Ah, without Guglielmo, I think I'd die! Dorabella Ah, without Ferrando I think I'd bury myself alive! That's what you think, but you wouldn't; No woman yet has ever died for love. Die for a man?

There's lots more Where he came from. Dorabella And do you believe anyone could love Another man who once had had A Guglielmo, a Ferrando for lover? Despina The others have everything That these have. You love this man now; So you'd love another: One's as good as the other Since neither's worth a thing. But we won't go into that; They're still alive And will come back alive; But they're far away, And rather than Waste time in idle tears, Think about enjoying yourselves.
And what's more, Making love furiously, as your Dear gentlemen will be doing on active service! Dorabella Don't insult those pure souls like this, Those models of fidelity and perfect love. Despina Go on with you! The times are past For spinning such tales even to babies! All of them Are made of the same stuff; The quivering leaves, The inconstant breezes Have more stability Than men. In us they only prize Their own pleasure; Then they despise us, Deny us affection, And from such tyrants There's no mercy to be had.
We woman should pay out This hurtful, Impudent breed In their own coin; Let's love them To suit our convenience and our vanity! Recitativo Don Alfonso Che silenzio! Che aspetto di tristezza Spirano queste stanze. Temo un po' per Despina: Ma, per esser sicuro, si potria Metterla in parte a parte del segreto Esce dalla sua stanza Don Alfonso Despina mia, di te Bisogno avrei. Despina Ed io niente di lei. Don Alfonso Ti vo' fare del ben. Don Alfonso mostrandole una moneta d 'oro Parla piano, ed osserva. Despina Me la dona? Despina E che vorebbe?
Don Alfonso Prendi ed ascolta. Sai che le tue padrone Han perduti gli amanti. Don Alfonso Tutti i lor pianti, Tutti i deliri loro anco tu sai. Don Alfonso Or ben, se mai Per consolarle un poco E trar, come diciam, Chiodo per chiodo, Tu ritrovassi il modo Da metter in lor grazia Due soggetti di garbo Che vorrieno provar Despina Non mi dispiace Questa proposizione. Ma con quelle buffone E, sopra tutto, Hanno una buona borsa I vostri concorrenti? Despina E dove son? Li posso far entrar? Don Alfonso fa entrar gli amanti, che son travestiti. Recitative Don Alfonso How silent!
What an air of sorrow These rooms wear! It's not really their fault; They need consolation; Until their two credulous lovers Appear disguised, As I instructed them, Let's see what can be done. I'm a bit worried about Despina; That little baggage might recognise them; She could upset the apple? But to be certain, it might be best To let her into a part of the secret. That's a splendid idea! She comes out Don Alfonso Despina my dear, I have need of you. Despina Well, I haven't of you. Don Alfonso I mean you well. Despina An old man like you Can do nothing for a girl.
Don Alfonso showing her a gold coin Drop your voice and look here! Despina Are you giving me it? Don Alfonso Yes, if you'll do what I ask. Despina And what do you want? Gold is my undoing. Don Alfonso And you shall have it If I can trust you. Despina Is that all? Don Alfonso Take it, then; now listen. You know your mistresses Have lost their lovers. Don Alfonso And you know Of all their weeping and wailing. Despina I know it all. Don Alfonso All right: If, to console them A little and, as they say, To replace like with like, You were to find a way Of bringing to their favour Two presentable fellows Who are anxious to try You take my meaning There's another, twenty scudi for you If you bring it off.
Despina I've nothing against this proposition. But with those sillies These suitors of yours, Are they young? And, above all, Have they plenty of money?
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Don Alfonso They have everything Which could please ladies of taste. Do you want to see them? Despina Where are they? Don Alfonso Just here: Shall I call them in? Despina That's all right with me. Don Alfonso brings in the lovers, who are disguised. Ferrando e Guglielmo Per la man, che lieto io bacio, Per quei rai di grazia pieni, Fa' che volga a me sereni I begli occhi il mio tesor. Io non so se son Valacchi O se Turchi son costor. Don Alfonso sottovoce a Despina Che ti par di quell'aspetto?
Despina sottovoce a Don Alfonso Per parlarvi schietto schietto, Hanno un muso fuor dell'uso, Vero antidoto d'amor. Fiordiligi e Dorabella di dentro Eh, Despina! Don Alfonso a Despina Ecco l'istante! Fa' con arte; io qui m'ascondo. Falli uscire immantinente, O ti fo pentir con lor. Despina, Ferrando e Guglielmo Tutti e tre s'inginocchiano Ah, madame, perdonate!
Fiordiligi e Dorabella Giusti Numi! Dell'enorme tradimento Chi fu mai l'indegno autor? Despina, Ferrando e Guglielmo Deh, calmante quello sdegno! Tutta piena ho l'alma In petto di dispetto E di furor! Recitativo Don Alfonso dalla porta Che sussurro! Siete pazze, Care le mie ragazze? Volete sollevar il vicinato? Dorabella con furore Oh, ciel! Uomini in casa nostra?
Fiordiligi con fuoco Che male? Dopo il caso funesto! Sogno o son desto? Amici miei, Miei dolcissimi amici! Ferrando Amico Don Alfonso! Si abbracciano con trasporto Don Alfonso Oh la bella improvvisata! Despina a Don Alfonso Li conoscete voi? Don Alfonso Se li conosco! Fiordiligi E in casa mia che fanno? Guglielmo Ai vostri piedi Due rei, due delinquenti, ecco madame! Dorabella Numi, che sento! Ferrando Amor, il Nume Vista appena la luce Di vostre fulgidissime pupille Che alle vive faville Farfallette amorose e agonizzanti Ed ai lati, ed a retro Dorabella Sorella, che facciamo?
Fiordiligi Temerari, sortite Despina esce impaurita Fuori di questo loco, e non profani L'alito infausto degli infami detti Nostro cor, nostro orecchio e nostri affetti! Invan per voi, per gli altri invan si cerca Le nostr'alme sedur: Rispettate, anime ingrate, Quest'esempio di costanza; E una barbara speranza Non vi renda audaci ancor!
Guglielmo a Dorabella Ah, barbare, restate! Don Alfonso sottovoce a Guglielmo Aspettate. Dorabella con fuoco E che pretendereste? Don Alfonso Eh, nulla Che un pochin di dolcezza Alfin son galantuomini, E sono amici miei. Felici rendeteci, Amate con noi; E noi felicissime Faremo anche voi. Guardate, Toccate, Il tutto osservate: Siam forti e ben fatti, E come ognun vede, Sia merto, sia caso, Abbiamo bel piede, Bell'occhio, bel naso; Guardate, bel piede, osservate, bell'occhio, Toccate, bel naso, il tutto osservate: E questi mustacchi Chiamare si possono Trionfi degli uomini, Pennacchi d'amor.
Fiordiligi e Dorabella partono con collera. Ferrando and Guglielmo By those hands, which with joy I kiss, By that smile so full of charm, Make my treasure turn on me Her clear and lovely eyes. Despina laughing, to herself What sights! I wonder what they are Don Alfonso aside, to Despina What do you think of their appearance? Despina to Don Alfonso To be quite frank, They're exceptional in their ugliness, Enough to make one renounce love.
Ferrando, Guglielmo and Don Alfonso Now the plan is quite decided; If she doesn't recognise us, There's no more need to fear. Despina Fiordiligi e Dorabella from within Oh Despina!
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Don Alfonso to Despina Now's the moment! I'll hide in here. He hides Fiordiligi and Dorabella coming out of their rooms Impudent baggage! What are you doing with those people? Turn them out at once, Or you'll be as sorry for it as they. Despina, Ferrando and Guglielmo All three kneel Ah, ladies, pardon! See at your lovely feet Two wretches languishing, Tortured with love by your beauty.
Fiordiligi and Dorabella Great heavens! What do I hear? Who was the shameless instigator Of this vile betrayal? Despina, Ferrando and Guglielmo Pray calm your indignation! Fiordiligi and Dorabella I can contain myself no more! My heart within my breast Is filled with outrage And with fear! Despina and Don Alfonso aside I'm a bit suspicious Of this rage and fury! Ferrando and Guglielmo aside What balm to this heart Is all this rage and fury! Fiordiligi and Dorabella aside Forgive me, beloved; This heart of mine is innocent.
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Recitative Don Alfonso from the doorway What a commotion! My dear ladies, Have you taken leave of your senses? Do you want to rouse the neighbourhood? Men in our house! Don Alfonso not looking at them What's wrong with that? Fiordiligi with spirit What's wrong? On this day, After our tragic loss? Am I awake or dreaming? My friends, my dearest friends! Play up to me. Ferrando Our friend Don Alfonso! Guglielmo Our dear friend! They embrace eagerly Don Alfonso What a pleasant surprise!
Despina to Don Alfonso Do you know them? Don Alfonso Know them? They are the dearest friends I have in this world, And will be yours too. Fiordiligi But what are they doing in my house? Guglielmo Here at your feet, ladies, are Two miscreants, two culprits! Dorabella Ye gods, what do I hear? Ferrando It was love, that powerful god, Who drew us here in search of you. Guglielmo No sooner having glimpsed The light of your dazzling eyes Fiordiligi Heavens, what presumption! Dorabella Sister, what shall we do?
Fiordiligi Begone, bold creatures! Despina goes out, in a fright. And with the unwelcome breath of base words Do not profane our hearts, Our ears and our affections! In vain do you, or others, seek to seduce Our souls; the unsullied faith which We plighted to our dear loves We shall know bow to preserve for them Until death, despite the world and fate.
Between us we have kindled A flame which warms, and consoles us, And death alone could Change my heart's devotion. Respect this example Of constancy, you abject creatures, And do not let a base hope Make you so rash again! The ladies make to go. Ferrando detains one, Guglielmo the other. Recitative Ferrando a Fiordiligi Ah, do not go! Guglielmo to Dorabella Cruel one, stay!
Don Alfonso Just wait. In charity to me, my dears, Don't put me more out of countenance. Dorabella angrily And what do you expect? Don Alfonso Oh, nothing! But it seems to me That a scrap of courtesy After all, they are gentlemen And they are friends of mine, Fiordiligi So! And I should listen Guglielmo To our sufferings And take pity on them! The heavenly beauty of your eyes Opened a wound in ours That the salve of love Alone can cure.
Open your heart for a moment To its sweet words, my beauties; You'll see before you the most faithful of lovers. Make us happy, And love with us; And we will make you in return The happiest of women. Look at us, touch us, Take stock of us: We're crazy but we're charming, We're strong and well made, And as anyone can see, Whether by merit or by chance, We've good feet, Good eyes, good noses. Look, good feet; note, good eyes; Touch, good noses; take stock of us; And these moustaches Could be called Manly triumphs, The plumage of love.
Fiordiligi and Dorabella exeunt. Ferrando e Guglielmo Certo, ridiamo. Don Alfonso Ma cosa avete? Don Alfonso Ridete piano! Ferrando e Guglielmo Parlate invano. Ferrando e Guglielmo sforzandosi di ridere sottovoce Ah, che dal ridere L'alma dividere, Ah, che le viscere Sento scoppiar! Non vi pare che abbiam giusta ragione, Il mio caro padrone?
Ferrando come sopra Pagate solo Ventiquattro zecchini. Don Alfonso Poveri innocentini! Venite qua, vi voglio Porre il ditino in bocca! Guglielmo E avete ancora Coraggio di fiatar? Don Alfonso Avanti sera Ci parlerem. Don Alfonso Intanto, Silenzio e ubbidienza Fino a doman mattina.
Guglielmo Siam soldati, E amiam la disciplina. Guglielmo Ed oggi non si mangia? Ferrando e Guglielmo partono. Ferrando and Guglielmo Of course we're laughing. Don Alfonso But what's the matter? Ferrando and Guglielmo Oh, we know. Don Alfonso Don't laugh so loudly! Ferrando and Guglielmo You can save your breath.
Ferrando and Guglielmo How can I Keep from laughing I feel as though I'm going to burst! Guglielmo Oh what a face! Don't you think, my dear sir, That we have good cause? Ferrando mockingly How much will you pay, And we'll drop our wager? Guglielmo mockingly Pay half. Ferrando Well let you off with Twentyfour sequins. Don Alfonso Poor little innocents!
Come here; I'll give you My little finger to suck on. Guglielmo And you still have The courage to go on? Don Alfonso Before evening We'll talk of this. Ferrando Whenever you like. Don Alfonso Meanwhile Silence and obedience. Guglielmo We are soldiers And accept discipline. Don Alfonso Very well: There I'll give you your orders. Guglielmo But don't we eat today? Italian Edition Mar 01, Provide feedback about this page. There's a problem loading this menu right now.
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