
Hometown Fireman (Mills & Boon Love Inspired) (Moonlight Cove, Book 4)

The distinctive smell of burning wood washed over him in an acrid wave.

The old house was almost completely engulfed in flames already. He wished he could have arrived sooner, but he'd been too far out of town, on his way back from his interview in Atherton, Oregon, to respond and meet up with the rest of the crew at the station.

Hometown Valentine

But since he was driving by on his way home, there was no way he wasn't stopping to help out. He ran around the engine, jumped the taut hose and spotted Chief McCoy, dressed in his turnout coat and white helmet, his radio in hand, standing next to his SUV parked on the other side of the engine. With an acknowledging gesture, Drew looked to his left and saw a small woman huddled in a dark coat standing just beyond the chief's rig. She held two leashes attached to two large dogs, one black and one golden, her shoulders hunched as she watched the house burn.

Sympathy welled; feelings of hopelessness and devastating loss were as vivid as they had been on the day his family's house had burned to the ground on the fifth of July the year he turned seven, thanks to an errant Roman candle. To this day, he hated fireworks. He headed in her direction. Are you all right? She shook her head. He noted the paleness of her face and the downward slash of her mouth, how small and alone and upset she looked.

Yeah, he knew what that felt like. Drew froze, but thankfully the woman reacted instantly and pulled back on the taut leash with a quick tug.

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The dog whined, then sat, his big haunches plopping down. But his large black eyes remained trained on Drew as if to say, Move and you die. Drew stayed put and made a point of not meeting the dog's gaze. She must be new in town, and, well, with those eyes, he'd certainly remember if he'd seen her before. Long, straight dark blond hair streaked with gold spilled down around her shoulders. No wonder she didn't look familiar. Did you know him?

But my foster sister was his niece, and the house was sitting empty since he passed on, so she offered it to me rent-free. Not sure what I'm going to do now. Before he could respond, though, he saw the chief wave at him from his post.

Small-Town Homecoming by Lissa Manley

Drew reached the chief. The crew would move all the furniture to be sure there weren't any traces of fire underneath anything and then they'd bring the furnishings out of the house to eliminate any risk of the fire starting up again. And wondering whether, with enough faith, she and Carson might be able to help each other heal. A beachside town where love and faith blossom. The Detective's Accidental Baby. How to write a great review.

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