Greg Honey
Will Ruth give up her secrets in time to stop the madman before Matt and Thatcher find themselves in the crosshairs of his rifle? Only Ruth knows for sure, because life is seldom black and white—more often it is just shades of blue. Alan Keyes takes a break from his police duties to scratch his acting itch in a local stage production. But when the leading man is murdered during the opening night performance, his partner Detective Heath Barrington is thrust into the limelight to find the killer.
Alan soon learns the theater has a deadly past and ghostly forebodings, including a telegram that seems to have come from the beyond. All Detective Heath Barrington and his partner, Alan Keyes, want is to get away for a weekend of romance, but they find murder instead when a missing tie leads them to the body of the peculiar Victor Blount, and Heath can't resist the urge to investigate. Who killed Blount, and why? Clues turn up around every corner, but what do they mean? Forced to act on their own, out of their jurisdiction, they race against time to find the killer before Wilchinski files the case closed.
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For more than forty years, the stain of horrific allegations against their father has haunted the Esker sons. When three little boys were murdered in , their dad was suspected of the crimes. The immense strain of the unsolved case shattered the family, sending the brothers reeling into destinies of death, flight, and, in the case of Don Esker, shame-filled silence. Years later, Don returns to the family home in North Homestead, Ohio, to help care for his dying father in his final months. His dad longs for the peace that will only come with clearing his name. If Don can find the killer, he can heal his family—and himself.
- Greg Honey.
- Monferrato My Love (Italian Edition).
- Sermão da Primeira Sexta-Feira da Quaresma (1651) (Portuguese Edition).
The citizens of the village are growing increasingly concerned and agitated, wondering who will be next and if the killer walks among them. Read an Excerpt Greg Honey. Select format eBook Paperback. You Might Also Like. Big Hair and a Little Honey. Think Stephanie Plum meets Kinsey Millhone with a big gay twist First and foremost, the dialogue, the characters, and the situations were all hilarious! I seriously laughed out loud with nearly every page I read and frequently found myself reading out loud some of the best scenes to my SO. Greg, the MC, is pretty much an impulsive fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of person; says and does whatever comes to mind and then has to deal with the back lash.
Take, for instance, his big "coming out" outburst at a dinner party when his condescending, socialite mother asks him to "please pass the peas. Then there was Willa, Greg's boob-challenged, handgun-slash-Taser packing, chatty BFF who has absolutely no brain-to mouth filter and doesn't listen to anything Greg tries to tell her. She's totally my favorite character in the whole book!
Second was the mystery Willa frantically looking for her stolen panties; Russ Buttons, fashion-clashing aficionado, looking for his long lost brother Milton; Gary Weiss, the drag queen insurance adjuster, looking to prove a fraudulent claim; oh, and Russ, again, wanting proof that his boyfriend-slash-husband, Billy, is obviously having an affair since they haven't done the nasty in two whole days!!
Eh, the mysteries were fun, but didn't turn out to be too complicated and wrapped up a bit too conveniently. Like I said, the humor is primary in this story. I chose to discuss him last because he hardly ranks as a secondary character, more like a tertiary one instead.
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All I really know is that Greg has been lusting for Matt for a while and then suddenly Matt wants to hook up, and then two days later they are in love, and all the hooking up and falling in love all happened off-the-page Overall, I had a lot of fun reading this, and I really enjoyed the author's writing style. I just prefer my reading material to involve some kind of romantic tension between the characters.
I did start to get a little bored about halfway through the story, but honestly, I think that was because of personal preference and not the actual execution of the story. So if you're in the mood for a fun, humorous, character-driven mystery that is light on the romance, give this one a try. If this turns into a series, I will definitely be reading the sequel. View all 18 comments. Jul 18, Sandra rated it really liked it Shelves: Hilarious mystery with a gay dick for hire and an assortment of notable characters that will have you laughing throughout.
Greg Honey's family is rich. Greg himself, not so much. While he lives on their estate, Momma is holding on tight to those purse strings and continues to remind him that he needs to marry a nice girl and have a bunch of kids. Unfortunately, Greg is quite not down with that plan, since he's lusting after Matt, an actor at the local theater. Oh yeah, Greg's gay, not that it's a Hilarious mystery with a gay dick for hire and an assortment of notable characters that will have you laughing throughout.
Oh yeah, Greg's gay, not that it's a secret but it's just not spoken about. Greg didn't get that memo. But this book is not about a romance between the two men, though that does develop quite nicely, albeit with much fade to black not a damn sex scene in sight, wth? Oh, and toss in the fraudster who claims workman's comp but still can climb out of windows, a married cop with the hots for Greg, and you have a book that will have you howling with laughter throughout. Greg's grandmother Lucille is an old biddy who will say whatever pops into her head, whether it's appropriate or not.
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Her little chat with the governor had me in stitches. The irreverent and self-deprecating writing style, the absolutely nutso cast of characters and the ever-changing tag lines that Greg employs when answering the phone at his detective agency, plus the many, many hilarious one-liners made this an outstanding sophomore novel. The author did a fantastic job plotting out his book.
There's not a slowdown in sight, the plot moves at a rapid pace and unless you read each line carefully, you will miss a zinger or an important piece of information. Once Greg and the reader figures out how everything is connected, you are left with a wonderfully satisfying ending and still wanting more. An excellent book to take with you to the beach this summer, or to curl up with in your favorite reading nook. Just make sure nobody is around to look at you funny when you burst out laughing every few seconds. I look forward to much more from this author. I received a free ARC from the publisher via Netgalley.
A positive review was not promised in return. Full review later as RL is beckoning: I probably mentioned this in every status update, but this book is FUN! Greg Honey is a private investigator who is trying to get his business off the ground without any help from his "pillar of society" mother whose only goal is to protect the Honey name. They are at odds about his career, sexuality and his lack of respect for the Honey name. His best friend in the world is Willa.
You know the stereotype of the slightly overbearing female frie THAT was fun. You know the stereotype of the slightly overbearing female friend that, as a reader you either love or love to hate? Willa is the female friend taken to the umpteenth degree. Once you get used to her, you have to love her. If you are going to have a crazy sidekick, seriously have a completely certifiable one. Make her over the top, over protective and over armed it is Texas after all, when describing her gun that is used for a "quick run to the grocery story", "It's light and barely packs enough of a punch to take down a debutante.
Of course, that means you should aim for the head. She wheels around in her scooter spouting wisdom and embarrassing all who claim to be related to her. Greg's love interest is Matt and thank God for him. Greg needs to be grounded and get some love from someone besides Willa and her special brand of "caring".
For the hardcore romance readers, know that the romance is not the main theme of the book. The romance is there between Greg and Matt but it's behind the mystery and Greg's dynamics with his family, friends and clients. Being a hardcore romance reader myself I actually really appreciated reading a fun mystery where the MC just happens to be gay. It was pretty refreshing really. I love me the smexy times but that's not all this is about and I don't think it would have worked here.
Greg Honey by Russ Gregory - Paperback
Sure Greg and Matt are getting together like crazy, it's new love after all, but the lovin' is not on page, but the romance is. I had a couple minor quibbles. The meetings of all the crazy characters involved in the mystery was pretty convenient, but I let that go and got over it, because that's how the fun mysteries work.
I had some serious trouble with Willa at one point view spoiler [Greg fell and got a black eye, he also just started dating Matt. Willa jumped to a pretty irrational conclusion and went WAY overboard with the protective routine. She redeemed herself and it was all cleared up, but I was pretty surprised she called Greg's mom and it seemed like too much and put me off to her for awhile and it wasn't necessary to move the story along hide spoiler ]. A couple of favorite things too.
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Once I got used to them, they were a crack up. Willa's descriptions of past dates, "You remember so and so, he's the blank with, insert 2 unflattering descriptions here, but with, insert 1 sexually flattering description here. Who doesn't love a dick joke? View all 8 comments. Jul 23, Pjm12 rated it really liked it Shelves: This doesn't really fit with my definition of an m m romance. It's more of a snarky humorous detective novel, in the vein of Janet Evanovich that happens to have a gay protagonist.
Greg Honey is scraping by. His forever-talking best friend Willa keeps him company read: So some things are going well. E This doesn't really fit with my definition of an m m romance. Expecially when he picks up a couple of interesting cases. But of course, these interesting cases bring with them craziness and danger. Oh and don't forget his creepy stalker. But he's a Honey, so he'll succeed This expression is used to terrific effect as is Willa's endless ramblings. Until of course, they are over-used and become repetitive and bog the narrative down.
I felt I was kept at a distance from the relationship with Matt. The sex is all off-screen, and Matt's almost immediate declaration of love and forever seems too quick and too unexplained. Everyone wants something from Greg and he seems to spend his time keeping way too many other people happy. But for the majority of this, I was caught up with Greg's attempt to solve his friends' problems, and cheered him on.
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I was glad that his family issues seem resolved and thought the way all the cases worked out neatly was a clever if somewhat contrived bit of writing. It's been ages since I snorted aloud on a bus while reading. There are some very funny lines and scenarios here. And yes, Greg really is a honey. A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via Netgalley and is received with thanks.
Out in September Jul 28, Jennifer Lavoie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Do not read this book late at night while others around you are sleeping. You will likely cause them to wake up and be angry with you for all the laughing and snorting you will be doing. This is especially important if you live in an apartment building with paper thin walls. If you're expecting a romance, just stop.

Greg ain't got time for that. Well, actually he does, with Matt, the guy he's seriously crushing on, but that's not the focus of this book. The focus is the mystery and, well, the comedy. Greg is a private investigator in his own, mostly new firm. His family is obscenely wealthy, but he's not. Along with his friend Willa - who talks nonstop and misunderstands everything - he takes on cases and tries not to get shot or tased on the way to his next paycheck. I think one of the funniest aspects of the book is Greg's grandmother, Lucille. She has no filter whatsoever and calls it like she sees it.
And when she wants to know something, she asks. Even if it's the mechanics of Greg's relationship with Matt. This cast of characters is fun, mostly lovable, sometimes aggravating, and just all around bigger than the hair in Texas, which does make a special appearance. If you like mysteries, comedies, or the two combined, do not miss this spectacular new book. I am praying that there is more in the works for Greg Honey, because I need to know what his next case load is going to bring! One of the most entertaining, hilariously funny books I have read in awhile. You get sucked in on the first page and you don't stop laughing until you get to the end.
There's a bit of romance, crazy family members and outstanding secondary characters. I absolutely loved it.