Femme Fatale and other stories
Connie marked it as to-read Aug 02, Mleehall marked it as to-read Oct 14, Sheryl marked it as to-read Oct 21, Ladonna Fisher-Hadley marked it as to-read Feb 26, Misty marked it as to-read Mar 02, Joe added it Sep 09, Patty Baskin marked it as to-read Mar 16, Timothy Elliott is currently reading it Jul 14, Mitebsyco marked it as to-read Jul 25, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
I married and had two children and now live in Southport, a beautiful, Victorian, seaside town in the north of England.

I began creative writing relatively late in life while studying for an English degree as a mature student. When not writing, I read widely and for the past three years h I was born and educated in Tunbridge Wells, Kent and later trained to teach Biology under the London Institute. When not writing, I read widely and for the past three years have been the co-ordinator of a Book Reading group.
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FEMME FATALE and other stories
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