

Imagine love as a behavior in and of itself, with the satisfaction being that feeling you get when you act a certain way for them, not when someone else acts a certain way to you. This becomes a pure act of generosity. Ask yourself "Am I truly acting with the most love I can for this person at this moment?

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Unconditional love is a entirely new process for us in every situation, and we want to convey sincerity with each person we extend that love to so that it is genuine and not conditional. To love someone unconditionally does not mean that the act of that love is always going to be easy or feel comfortable. Unconditional love means you tell them the truth with gentle, kind communication and you are there, without judgement, to see them to the other side.

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What does it mean if you are someone who only loves others, giving of yourself freely without any boundaries? Let me tell you, playing the martyr is not rewarding or validating and only leaves you and the other person resentful. Work to recognize when doing what is best for you first might sometimes have you prioritizing your needs and desires above someone else's. This is a healthy part of defining who we are as individuals and crucial to know your own gauge for self-love. Remember, only when we know intrinsically that we have value to be loved, can we give love cleanly.

Forgiveness is so important. In any circumstance where we feel we have been wronged, neglected or taken advantage of, if someone doesn't apologize, it's inherently the most loving to them and to yourself to choose to let go of any anger and resentment. Harboring that energy is hurtful to you spiritually, and over time, physically. The noted author and philosopher Piero Ferrucci shares in his book, Beauty and Soul , that forgiving "is not something we do, but something we are.

The act of practicing unconditional love will be tainted and not at all healing if you choose to hold onto negative stuff.

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This is something we consciously work on every day. There is no perfect, simple way to love without conditions. I believe we all have good and light, dark behaviors and weaknesses, and to deny this human condition is to be ignorant to the foundation of our human nature. I do think, however, having been someone who has experienced unconditional love and someone who has consciously chosen to give it, this expression of our kindest Self is a part of growth and generosity we can all benefit from every moment of every day. Group 8 Created with Sketch. Group 7 Created with Sketch. Email Created with Sketch.

Group 9 Created with Sketch. Group 10 Created with Sketch. Therefore, they learn to trust and rely on others.

In addition, they are better able regulate their emotions and be their true self. Consequently, this allows for an authentic connection. Otherwise, they tend to be insecure, anxious, and fearful. This results in behaviors ranging from aggressive and demanding to clingy and dependent. Moreover, one study has mapped the areas of the brain involved in unconditional love. Researchers at Montreal University instructed participants to feel unconditional love toward specific people in a series of photographs.

Simultaneously, they scanned their brains using a fMRI machine. As a result, they found that unconditional love involves a distinct neural network in the brain. Specifically, seven areas of the brain are involved with this emotion. Furthermore, this network contains cerebral structures that are also involved in romantic and maternal love. In other words, some of the areas activated when a person gives unconditional love are also involved in releasing dopamine, the chemical involved in sensing pleasure.

Such robust bonds may critically contribute to the survival of the human species. Compassion is an essential ingredient for unconditional love. Furthermore, a practice known as loving-kindness meditation LKM has been proven to increase both of these emotions. Positive psychology researcher Barbara Fredrickson investigated the impact of LKM on emotions and build personal resources. Participants practiced LKM every day for nine weeks.

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Subsequently, researchers measured the changes in their experiences of positive emotions, their immunity to illness, and their relationships to others. Moreover, another study compared the brains of people who had practiced LKM for at least 10, hours with people who were new to meditation. As a result, researchers found that LKM meditators showed more activity in the insula and the temporal parietal juncture, two parts of the brain responsible for the ability to empathize.

Adults who did not receive unconditional love as children are often very hard on themselves. In other words, they do not feel worthy of affection. Therefore, they find it difficult to forgive themselves for their mistakes and to accept themselves as they are.


However, the practice of self-compassion can help heal the attachment trauma that results from conditional love. Research on self-compassion shows that it has multiple positive benefits, including. Furthermore, self-compassion is actually a more powerful motivator than self-esteem, according to researcher Kristin Neff. However, self-compassion involves a consistent attitude of acceptance and kindness toward ourselves—in other words, unconditional self-love. To summarize, children who receive unconditional love from their parents have better stress resilience, better health, stronger self-esteem, and better brain development.

Thus, it is critical for healthy emotional and physical growth. Receive a free meditation video when you subscribe to our newsletter! About Why Choose Newport Academy? Unconditional love is what we all need most! Multiple studies have revealed the positive effects of unconditional love, which include Healthier brain development in childhood Enhanced ability to forge positive relationships Greater stress resilience Stronger immune system.

Unconditional Love When parents accept, love, and show affection to their children, even when they make mistakes or fall short of expectations, this is unconditional love. The Impact of Unconditional Love on the Developing Brain Many studies show that traumatic parent-child attachments in infancy have a significant negative impact on brain development. Unconditional Love Builds a Foundation for Healthy Relationships Yet another study on parent-child relationships found that mothers who were less controlling when playing with their young children had stronger bonds with their kids.

Directing Unconditional Love Inward Adults who did not receive unconditional love as children are often very hard on themselves. Research on self-compassion shows that it has multiple positive benefits, including Increased happiness Greater optimism More positive mood Decreased stress Stronger personal initiative A sense of curiosity and exploration Agreeableness Conscientiousness Better ability to relate to others. Images courtesy of unsplash Sources J Pers.