
The Whale Has Wings Vol 1 - Rebirth

The Whale Has Wings Vol 1 - Rebirth

Describe your issue Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our main FAQ page? This is an Alternative History a book in which the consequences of certain changed in history are explored. The air arms of the navy and army had been combined into the RAF during World War 1, and as a consequence naval aviation was badly neglected by the Air Ministry. Though not by the Royal Navy. Contrary to much popular belief, the Royal Navy was very air-minded between the wars, but was severely limited by what the Air Ministry was prepared to do for them.

There had been a number of attempts to recover naval air, indeed a debate on this issue in Parliament in only failed by two votes.

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This story starts in , when an aggrieved Navy decides to make it a serious issue, and gets back control. After this, the development before the war is based on projected plans and ships the RN considered, but never got to implement mainly because the aircraft were not forthcoming from the Air Ministry. I have tried to make all the changes believable - they are often based on real RN plans and possible designs, the effort required from, for example, aircraft companies was no greater than that which was done in fact.

By the Navy has a much more capable air arm, and as a result is able to consider operations they had been thinking of for many years, as well as respond better to the enemy. This book covers from where the Royal Navy gets control of its air arm back from the RAF , through the pre-war years showing how things start to differ from our history, then into the first part of WW2, from its start in September through to the early actions in the Med against the Italian fleet, taking in the early actions against surface raiders, the great raid on Wilhelmshaven, the Norway and Battle of Britain campaigns, and actions in Africa and the Med.

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The Whale Has Wings Vol 1: Rebirth

Log-in to write a review or add a video review. Mark Gardiner on Feb. I first discovered this story from David's thread on AlternateHistory. This timeline, concentrating upon a properly funded and equipped Fleet Air Arm, with the consequences this has for the Royal Navy and their foes, contains the three essential ingredients required to make this a success. There are also some reviews on Smashwords from people who have read the book. The book is available as a Kindle book from Amazon choose which Amazon outlet you require, e.

For the two most frequent stores:. The book is also available from Barnes and Noble - here. Hard Copy Version - your chance to get a tree cut down in a good cause!

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Available from CreateSpace Here. This is the second book in the 'The Whale Has Wings' series. It carries on directly from the action described at the end of Volume 1 - Rebirth.

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This allowed them to build carriers and the aircraft needed for them to their own pre-war plans, rather than be constricted by the limited number and performance of the aircraft grudgingly provided by the RAF. As a consequence, by the time war broke out in , the FAA had better planes, and the building of carriers was a little advanced on our history. Initially the war doesn't seem to go much differently, until the big raid on the German ships at Wilhelmshaven harbour. Even after this, the diversion isn't yet great, and Norway is still a disaster for the German Navy.

However the leverage of the changes in air power are slowly growing. As a result of greater confidence in his carriers, the British are not forced to sink the French ships in Oran, and the attack on the Vichy French at Dakar goes more successfully.

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Other changes are less obvious; with more air cover, fewer ships are being lost to aircraft and submarines as a result, the savings in repair work and new construction more than allows the continuation of the RN carrier building programme. Italy joins the war, and action spreads into the Mediterranean. This book starts with the British attack on the Italian Fleet at Taranto - this time, the plan is more like the original plans and exercises carried out in preparation for the raid.

As a result of the raid, there is again a divergence from history, and this book explores some of the consequences,. This books covers the actions through late and , mainly in the Mediterranean against Italy and Germany, but also in the Atlantic where we see what happens to the breakout of the Bismark-led force.

The Whale Has Wings Vol 1: Rebirth by David Row

As well as the naval actions, details are given of the war on land and air in particular where this involves British forces , showing how the divergence from our history is slowly increasing as the changes since have more effect and cause yet more changes. In the Mediterranean, war spreads to Greece and North Africa as well as the Italian colony of Ethiopia, with unrest and significant political changes in Africa and the Middle East. The book ends with the gathering clouds of the Japanese Empire darkening the East. There are also some reviews on Amazon from people who have read the book.

A hard copy version is available from CreateSpace here. This is the third book in the series. At the end of Book 2, the Japanese entered the war with a devastating attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor.

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