The New Evil (Fear Street)
The story of Sarah Fear. My main problem with it is that it doesn't completely match up to what was already reveled about Sarah Fear in the Cheerleaders series. For example, her hair color is different. Yes, okay, not a big deal, but why? Also we're told about Sarah's full life, filled I figured since I was whipping my way through the Cheerleaders Fear Street books that I might as well reread this one as well.
Also we're told about Sarah's full life, filled with friends and family before her miraculous recovery from an illness. In this book she's alone and lonely. It seems a bit silly to be picking apart a Fear Street book, but a book is a book and why contradict what's already been stated?
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- The New Evil.
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This could have been a lot better if canon was flushed out instead of creating a new one. Perhaps it was for the sake of brevity. It's ultimately satisfying though and I guess that's all you can really ask for. Feb 10, Drucilla rated it liked it Shelves: Except for one slight problem concerning canon, I liked this book. Any questions the reader might have from the Cheerleaders series are answered, including view spoiler [why the Evil seems to "take the side" of the person it inhabits hide spoiler ]. Dec 28, kylajaclyn rated it liked it.
Boy, what a mindfuck this one was. I had no clue what was going on until halfway through the book I guess I forgot to read the tag line! I would give Stine the credit for this, but this series was ghostwritten. It also felt more gruesome too. Moral of the Story: Here was my confused thought process throughout the first half of the book: Okay, pretty tame so far.
Of course, the Fears are evil. Okay Boy, what a mindfuck this one was. Okay, so the Evil lives in Thomas Fear. Oh my god, Sarah is being attacked by knives. They stole this plot from Carrie. And now Thomas is injured. Okay, he can no longer be the culprit. Oh jeez, Sarah Fear is really Jane Hardy. So Jane and Sarah switched places and Jane married Thomas. This sounded like a good plan until Sarah died on a boat trip on her adventure. Okay, now Jane is sick. Now her room is messy.
I hope they explain this soon. And Jane is having the life Sarah should have had. Jane should have died on the boat. NOW it makes sense. Yeah, so, after that three people die. Sarah makes Jane kill them. Teasdale is choked to death with her laundry line. The maid is stabbed and buried in the yard. And the Constable is fed to everyone for dinner, which they stole from Sweeney Todd. Finally, Sarah tries to make Jane kill her stepbrother, Jason. He says Jane Hardy over and over and allows her to defeat Sarah. She tentatively believes she has won. On a boating trip the next day Sarah rises up in Jane again to kill her companions.
This time, Jane fights back. She jumps into the water and drowns herself, which explains why Corky and the others have to drown the Evil in the present day. But she vows to get free someday Jun 04, Amber rated it it was amazing. I think I liked the Fear Saga more than just plain old fear street the series just had more to it for me And check this shit out: But didn't feel like laughing. Alex had stopped smiling at Deena, but now he avoided Corky, too.
Is something going on between them?
Our Dark Lord & Master
Why do I suddenly have such a bad feeling about Alex? Because you're sure as hell kidding yourself.
- FEAR STREET: Cheerleaders: The New Evil.
- Le Godemiché royal (French Edition);
- Times Two (Saturn Society Boxed Set)!
- The New Evil by R.L. Stine.
- The Awakening Evil.
- Dance of the Stones (Summer of Magic Quartet Book 2);
Because I don't recall her being this dense. Anyway, I assume we're being led to believe, due to Corky's "bad feelings", that the evil is inhabiting Alex. Yeah, I'd buy that Over the weekend, Corky wrings her hands over Alex. He broke a date on Saturday night and Corky knows he was lying because his excuse sucked: Does he even HAVE a little sister? God, you're stupid, Corky!
She stays home and plays Mortal Kombat with her brother Sean, the master of the known universe. Sunday afternoon, she goes to Debra's house where she comes upon Debra and Kimmy making sweet love by the fire to the sounds of Barry White. Just kidding--they're conjuring up spirits!
Corky unloads her problems with Alex on Kimmy because everyone hates Kimmy and Corky is no different. Then Debra says the power will be stronger with all three of them chanting. I hate Debra and her psuedo voodoo queen, fake witchy poo bullshit. She's not even good at it! Corky asks where Debra got the book she's chanting from and Kimmy says it's from a used book shop. Yeah, because all used bookstores carry ancient spell books. Pay attention, you stupid ghostwriter! And since you've been leaving little hints here and there that Alex has gone crazy, we can safely assume that HE is possessed by the evil.
Anyway, they chant and the walls start rattling. Instead of blaming it on an earthquake, they excitedly exclaim that the spirit is here. Do these morons think for even a moment that they could've conjured something that is incredibly pissed off and wants to kill them? Debra calls to the spirit, but apparently it's as repulsed by her as everyone else is because it immediately disappears.
Why do I torture myself? Anyway, Corky and Kimmy are watching the girls who are trying out to replace Hannah. They've narrowed it down to three: Corky and Kimmy squat in Ms. Closter's office to discuss their decision. As soon as they leave the room, the EVIL strikes in the form of a screwdriver. A screwdriver lodged in Rochelle's neck. I'm no doctor, kids, but I think your little friend is dead.
The girls don't think so even though Rochelle's blood is spurting everywhere, coating the walls. Closter shows her stupidity by running over and saying "So much blood! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these people? The girl is dying, but no-one seems to sense the urgency of the situation. Corky thinks Ivy was responsible because Ivy looks a little strange: Ivy wasn't smiling--was she? Paramedics arrive and haul Rochelle's still breathing body to the hospital. Meanwhile, Corky is sobbing in Closter's office.
But not for Rochelle. I mean, who cares about her, right? Closter tells the girls they can leave and Ivy has the audacity to ask Corky who got the position. The girl has brass ones. Kimmy and Corky are horrified that Ivy could be so cold, but inform her that she got it. Lauren flips out and screams "I know why you didn't choose me. It's because of Alex and me! I don't give a damn about Alex's cheating ways. I'm only reading this turd for the psychotic Santa. Only he can save us now! Of course when anything bad happens, Corky runs to Debra.
Again I ask WHY? She can do nothing but tell you the obvious--the evil wants your asses on a platter. I just saved you pages of bullshit. So why do I still have pages left? Anyway, it's the following afternoon and since school is out, Corky is wasting her time at home with Deb. Corky mentions what Lauren said about Alex and I swear if this idiot does not break up with him, I am using this book as toilet paper. Hell, I'll probably do that anyway. Corky blurts out that she called Alex 12 times and as soon as the phone rings, she dives for it. It's him and Corky cuts right to the chase.
He says he helped Lauren with a project at her house last week, but that was it. Corky asks if he'd like to come over and study later, but he says he can't. This chick is completely braindead. She's ignoring the fact that her boy toy is a total slut and liar instead of calling that bitch out on his crimes! I used to like Corky When Corky returns to the living room, she's surprised to find Naomi talking with Debra.
She has news--Lauren will be an alternate in case the EVIL decides to lay the smack down on anyone else. And with any luck, it will. The next day is the tournament and the girls will be firing "cannons" loaded with confetti into the audience. Closter wants to test them tonight. Say goodbye to your head, Kimmy! Sadly, the cannon thing is a total disappointment--the blast snaps Heather's head back, she falls, and she's ok.
After practice, Kimmy and Debra catch up to Corky in the parking lot because they're worried about the fact that Ivy smiled when the cannon backfired. Maybe she's just one of those types that thinks it's funny when people get hurt. You saw it, dumbass! You're a pod person created by a mentally deranged ghostwriter who can't keep even simple plot points straight. Corky starts crying and says she doesn't wanna face the EVIL because it's too scary.
Debra comforts her by saying she Corky could be next. When Corky gets home, she finds Alex wrestling with her brother. Don't worry--they're still dressed. When Sean sees Corky come in, he says "Guess you two want me to leave. So you can go smoochy smoochy. Please don't leave me alone with these two! Corky asks Alex why he came over and he says because he's excited about the tournament tomorrow. He also says he needs to tell her something, but before he can, the doorbell rings.
It's Jay and Corky really doesn't want him here because she wants Alex to keep talking. And now it's time for the tournament. The cheerleaders are doing their thing perfectly until they bring out the fire batons and Naomi catches fire. We find out that Kimmy put out Naomi's fire while everyone else stood around like trees. Naomi was pretty badly burned anyway. Suddenly they spot Ivy and Lauren beside the frozen river.
Ivy is skating in some weird pattern because the acid just kicked in and Lauren is just watching because she was too afraid to take a hit. The girls realize that Ivy is skating around a hole So it's settled--Ivy is evil and Debra wants to drown her. The next chapter is titled "A Surprise From Santa".
This better be good. Corky is calling Alex to ask him to a party She says it's tomorrow afternoon and although he thinks it's a weird idea, he agrees to go. They hang up and Corky thinks about how awesome the party will be for everyone except Ivy. The party sucks as much as we all thought it would. Corky gets on the ice and becomes dizzy. She looks up and sees my best friend Santa coming toward her on skates. His red cap waved behind him.
Fear Street
His eyes--his eyes glowered menacingly at Corky. He's holding a big pointy icicle and Corky freaks out because she's afraid he'll stab her. Don't tell me that's it!! There must be more Santa! He just wanted to make Corky laugh. You still suck, Alex. She creeps towards the door, and a voice whispers to her to come in. She sees in the center of her room a woman, half corpse, half skeleton, flesh dangling from her bones.
Fear Street
That was just the cliffhanger! There is mud in her room leading from the windowsill to her dresser. On it is a note signed Sarah Fear. Which, would Sarah ever think of herself as a Fear? She never met the family. She never took the name. Judd is at her door. Judd says he wanted to make sure she was alright, since their friend died maybe six hours ago, probably less. Judd asks if they should follow, and Amanda says yes. But Janine and Brandon pass the mall and keep driving all the way back to Fear Street.
They walk into the cemetery together. Judd questions if they should really be following them, but Amanda runs as soon as the car unlocks and races up the hill to find her friend. She screams at Janine that Judd is evil and going to kill them, forgetting that Judd is right behind her. Brandon tries to kill both girls, but Judd jumps on him. The two boys rassle as the girls try to make their escape, only to see Judd go down like a sack of bricks and not get back up again.
Brandon stalks after them. Using her cheerleader agility, Amanda manages to get some kicks in on Brandon and then picks up a branch, using it to whack against his skull. They dance around for a while until they manage to push him into the grave. As they scramble to bury him alive, a skeleton woman approaches and stands at the grave.
The girls go back for Judd as Brandon springs from the grave, and he and the corpse look at each other.

Amanda finds herself on a ship once again, this time most likely on Fear Lake on that fateful day. She sees Jane and Sarah arguing, and they grab each other as the boat tips back and forth. She sees Brandon as well, no longer injured, looking very confused. The boat continues to rock back and forth, and finally the women are thrown over. Sarah struggles to break the surface of the water, but Jane holds onto her and drags her under.
Neither woman comes up again. And they wake up. This time in a hospital room. Janine is beside Amanda, who she says was found in the Fear Street Cemetery soaking wet. Amanda demands to see Brandon, and she gets him. Because it never existed, all the bad things never happened. Which, like, does that mean Kimmy is still alive?
All of the events of the past few years erased away? Not a ton this time around. Amanda mostly wears hoodies and sweaters, and the boys wear sneakers. The misuse of slang above is maybe the most hilarious line in the whole thing. No rap style cheers, no attempts at being relevant. For your Christmas this year, I bring you the best gift a Fear Street fan could ask for: The cover pulled from its Amazon page is pretty great. Much better than Silent Night 2 , which has a similar cover. Santa is much more sinister here, and the girl looks appropriately scared.
The pink sock is a nice touch as well. The cheerleaders are doing what cheerleaders do best: Corky and Kimmy are there, as is Debra, who are the only ones left who know the full truth of what happened in the previous years. They chat a while, and then Corky, Kimmy, and Hannah drive back, though the roads are slippery from the ice. Kimmy is sure the evil is back. Corky refuses to believe it. The cheerleaders have to hold some quick tryouts.
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As they practice, the basketball team comes out, and Corky tries to get Alex to look at her. Alex drives Corky out to the river and immediately starts macking on her. Corky tells Alex they have to get out of there and then back home hallucinates the evil coming for her. My point in all this is that the evil was not immediately frozen in the ice when Corky drowned herself, nor when Sarah Fear originally drowned herself either. Though, we learn at the end of part one, that it is still in the ice, and it has been laying dormant.
When the girls summon it spoilers , it woke up. Corky tries not to freak out and fails. Debra is chanting, candles are set up in a circle around them. Debra shows her a book she bought that tells them how to summon spirits. Corky tells them what she saw, and they decide to sit down together to summon the spirit of protection.
It seems to work, as the whole room starts shaking, cold air blows out all the candles, and Debra calls out to the spirit, but Kimmy gets too scared and demands they stop. They agree not to mess with it again unless they need to. They hold cheer practice. Three girls are at the top: Ivy, Lauren, and Rochelle.
Corky tries to get on with life. Corky calls Alex to ask about Lauren, and he promises he just helped her with her homework. They go back to cheer practice, where Corky learns Lauren demanded to be an alternate in case one of the other girls gets hurt. Apparently Ivy put her up to it, and Lauren spends the whole practice asking if she should be put in every time a girl gets a cramp. They do a cheer into some handsprings, and as the girls set off the cannons, one of them backfires. Kimmy and Debra go up to Corky after practice, now sure the evil is back. We saw this in the previous Cheerleaders books , we saw this in the Secret Bedroom.
For some reason when an evil spirit possesses you, it decides to take care of your unfinished business instead of going on with whatever evil it has to do. At the pep rally, the cheerleaders show off their fire baton trick, which would definitely never be approved at a high school, which ends with one of the girls being set on fire. Luckily Kimmy puts her out before any irreperable damage is done.
They see Ivy and Lauren do a weird ice skating routine on the river, which makes them even more suspicious, and Debra says they have to drown her.
They do what any normal person would do in this situation, and plan a party. They have the party out at the river, playing music while they ice skate. Debra has her magic book with her, Jay flirts with Corky a little, and then Corky sees Santa skating towards her with a pointy icicle, but it turns out to be Alex, who wanted to surprise everyone.
We cut forward to them being on the road for the tournament. The girls are treating Ivy really well since accusing her of being possessed by a demonic spirit. She was tall and well built, athletic, with long black hair that fell to her waist and a pale, pretty face with big green eyes. Corky watched in total admiration.
Lena had to be the best cheerleader Corky had ever seen. Her sleek black hair drifting behind her, Lena lowered her hands to the bench and began doing stretching excersizes. She really is beautiful, Corky thought. And look at how limber she is. All of this is to set up Lena when the evil takes over her body, and she backflips herself to death. The evil attacks the confetti cannon again by making it blast black bile. Jay flips out on his coach, and then the coach is murdered via water cooler. At night, Ivy sneaks out, and Kimmy, Debra, and Corky follow her.
They do a weird dance on the ice and look like puppets, and I kind of love the trend of the evil being summoned by dancing. A wild dog attacks the teens, sensing evil, and they snap its neck.