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EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
Dwarfs,the Collection,the Lover V. Nuclear And Particle Physics: A Certain Magical Index, Vol. Yossi And The Monkeys: Labyrinth Der Geheimnisse 7: Feldzug In Norwegen Von 9. In the proposed regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing, as part of the Internal Security Fund, the instrument for financial support for external borders and visa, the following words appear:. How many migrants does the Commission envisage the Union will require in the years to , and , and how has it arrived at these numbers? What working papers has the Commission produced with respect to migratory flows into the Union?
If the Commission has not calculated the inflows it envisages into the Union in the aforementioned periods, will it kindly explain this omission? Member States determine the number of economic migrants they admit. In turn, the ratio between working people and pensioners will change from 4 to 1 today, to 2 to 1 in The Commission does not set immigration targets in response these statistics, but believes that migration can continue to be an important part of efforts to address the challenge of labour shortages, notably in the context of the EU's ageing population.
The Commission does not set quota for immigration. The Member States determine volumes of admission of third-country nationals coming from third countries to their territory in order to seek work. The enlargement process currently encompasses Iceland, Turkey and the western Balkans. Accession negotiations with Turkey, Iceland and Montenegro are ongoing. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia have the status of candidate countries, but accession negotiations have not yet been opened. Will the Council seek action to end the barbaric practice of halal ritual slaughter, which is spreading throughout Europe and which involves the appalling suffering of animals for religious reasons?
Since Community provisions applicable to religious slaughter have been transposed differently depending on national contexts and considering that national rules take into account dimensions that go beyond the purpose of this regulation, it is important that derogation from stunning animals prior to slaughter should be maintained, leaving, however, a certain level of subsidiarity to each Member State. Will the Commission seek action to end the barbaric practice of halal ritual slaughter, which is spreading throughout Europe and which involves the appalling suffering of animals for religious reasons?
Vor diesem Hintergrund wird die Kommission gebeten, folgende Fragen zu beantworten:. Cette situation accroit le nombre de demandes d'asile en suspens et entrave l'application du plan d'action grec. The Commission recommends that efforts be intensified in order to address the staffing challenges still facing the relevant administrative services, which reportedly need some staff, of which only 50 positions have been covered.
In view of the above, the Commission is kindly asked to answer the following questions:. The Commission understands the efforts made by Greece to comply with the requirements of the necessary fiscal consolidation measures. In the context of the programme, Greece has committed to a thorough reform of its public administration, including a general evaluation of staff needs with a view to to optimise the use of existing human resources, such as through mobility. Since most of the required profiles are broadly available within the public administration, the Asylum Service can hire appropriate candidates through transfers and secondments from other public bodies.
Where specific profiles are necessary, new recruitment is allowed within limits. It is ready to explore possibilities for financial assistance to this end. What assessment has the EEAS made of the level of funding allocated through EU programmes in the last five years to businesses and other entities based in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories?
Is it legal under EU procurement guidelines for a Member State to specify in the tender document that any products supplied as part of the contract must exclude produce from illegal Israeli settlements? Is it legal under EU procurement guidelines for a Member State to specify in the tender document that companies operating in Israeli settlements can be excluded from contracts? What assessment has the Commission made of the level of funding allocated through EU programmes in the last five years to businesses and other entities based in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories?
Is the Commission aware of this legal opinion and does it intend to alter any EU policies as a result? What assessment has the Commission made of the level of funding paid out through EU programmes over the last five years to Israeli businesses and other entities located in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories? If so, when did the Commission commence work on identifying the necessary measures and guidelines, and when does it intend to come forward with specific proposals relating to these two matters?
What assessment has the Commission made of the level of funding allocated through EU programmes in the last five years to businesses and other entities based in Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories? What assessment has the Commission made of the level of funding provided through EU programmes in the last five years to businesses and other entities based in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories? Therefore, goods produced in these settlements by Israeli companies cannot be regarded as goods originating in Israel.
There is currently no embargo or sanctions regime in force that would oblige EU procuring entities to reject bids involving goods and services originating from Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Commission is not in a position to prejudge the outcome of this legislative procedure. Una recente relazione pubblicata a cura della Commissione europea sottolinea come nonostante l'impegno degli Stati membri a promuovere un'istruzione inclusiva, i bambini con bisogni educativi specifici e gli adulti disabili si trovano ancora in situazione svantaggiata.
Inoltre, le statistiche che riguardano la Bulgaria e l'Italia si riferiscono al Per tale ragione spetta agli Stati membri agire a favore dell'istruzione inclusiva. Si sono tuttavia registrati notevoli miglioramenti in molti Stati membri grazie al lavoro dell'Agenzia europea per lo sviluppo dell'istruzione per studenti disabili Odense, Danimarca e di alcune ONG.
L'esperienza e gli orientamenti in materia di bisogni specifici dell' Agenzia europea per lo sviluppo dell'istruzione per studenti disabili sono in questo contesto estremamente preziosi.
A recent report published by the Commission points out that despite the efforts of Member States to promote inclusive education, children with special education needs and adults with disabilities are still at a disadvantage. The report highlights, inter alia , that there is a lack of comparative trans-European data on the number of disabled students in higher education or on the types of disabilities and the results of those in higher education, not to mention reliable, updated information on the number of disabled people employed in individual EU Member States.
In the last quarter of a working paper will be published on equality in education and training and a section will be devoted to inclusive education. Can the Commission say whether it will begin collecting and analysing the data that is missing to date? The Commission is well aware of the disadvantages suffered in the field of education by children with special education needs and adults with disabilities in many Member States.
While the Commission strongly supports inclusive education within its remit, the Commission's limited competences in the field of education mean that it is up to the Member States to act in order to achieve a more inclusive education. The relative scarcity of comparative cross-European data on the number and educational outcomes of disabled students in higher education or on the types of disabilities remains a challenge. In particular, while statistics for Bulgaria, Italy and some other Member States are still lacking the Commission is helping these Member States reach their objectives in this field.
The expertise and guidance of the European Special Needs Agency is extremely valuable in this respect. The Commission will make all information available to the general public, as soon as possible. A new illegitimate government, under Federico Franco, was subsequently established. A number of weeks have now passed and many trade unions, associations and the individuals affected are reporting that the de facto government formed after the coup has begun a campaign of ideological and political persecution against public sector workers in various institutions. However, dozens of public sector workers have been dismissed on political and ideological grounds.
None of the dismissals were the result of proper disciplinary action and nobody was informed that they had lost their jobs because of absences from work or unsatisfactory performance of their duties.
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The EU claims to defend and promote human rights and freedom of expression in its external relations. Human Rights, including freedom of expression, are a cornerstone of EU foreign policy and the EEAS is closely following the human rights situation in Paraguay. A few hours after the events, she expressed her concern and underlined the importance of respecting the democratic will of the Paraguayan people.
EU Heads of Mission in Asuncion have undertaken consultations with a wide range of stakeholders in Paraguay, including politicians from all sides of the spectrum and civil society organisations, to listen to their opinions and concerns about the political events and the current situation in the country.
The EU Delegation monitors the changes of staff in public sector and media institutions and the pattern and impact of these changes. Forud for revisionen af forordning EF nr. Apparently, the only member who had heard about this hearing was the Danish member organisation the Danish Dog Register. For that reason, the Commission considered that no particular consultation of interested parties was necessary in respect of the matter. However, concern has been expressed over the levels of corruption and organised crime in the country.
A similar situation existed when Romania and Bulgaria joined the European Union in On accession, both countries still had progress to make with regard to corruption, organised crime and judicial reform. Under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism, the Commission issues regular reports on the progress made in each country in the abovementioned areas.
The negotiating framework provides the right tools for the forthcoming accession negotiations with Montenegro. Based on the experience of the fifth enlargement and the negotiations with Croatia, this approach foresees early opening of these chapters to allow for the firm anchoring of reforms in the area of rule of law. It is essential for progress in negotiations that Montenegro builds a solid track record of implementation, especially in the fight against corruption and organised crime. Screening reports to be prepared by the Commission for these chapters will provide substantial guidance, including on the tasks to be addressed in the action plans to be adopted by the Montenegrin authorities, which will constitute the opening benchmarks.
However, Swiss authorities decided not to match EU sanctions by excluding a ban on trading in Iranian oil from their own set of measures.
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The Court has now announced that its examination could exceed the time-frame initially anticipated, which would considerably delay its ruling. This may have significant consequences for the handling of the crisis in the eurozone. Does the Commission anticipate any economic distortions in the eurozone as a result of this delay, and, if so, in what way does it intend to balance out any uncertainties on the market in the interim period? Furthermore, the euro area is pursuing a comprehensive policy response to address the crisis, alleviate distortions, and restore market confidence.
The strategy will incorporate four essential building blocks: Todos los presos tienen derecho a pedir la libertad anticipada cuando han cumplido dos tercios de su pena. Rikhawi souffre de plusieurs pathologies chroniques: Si ce n'est pas le cas, a-t-elle l'intention de le faire? Rikhawi suffers from various chronic conditions: He is now in a coma and his condition is deteriorating fast.
All prisoners are entitled to ask for early release once they have served two-thirds of their sentence. In all discussions, these factors were disregarded. The Israeli Prison Service IPS medical centre is not a hospital, and it is not properly equipped to handle the physical deterioration and effects of a long-term hunger strike. If not, does she intend to do so?
The EU has frequently raised the issue of hunger strikers with the Israeli authorities. The EU regularly calls on Israel to uphold its international obligations with regards to the conditions of detention of Palestinian prisoners. Every year in Europe there are tens of thousands of road accidents, mostly caused by distraction or miscalculation of safe distances.
According to recent studies on new electronic devices capable of increasing road safety, conducted by Euro NCAP, the European body that conducts crash tests on new models entering the market, AEB Autonomous Emergency Braking is an extremely reliable device. This automatic emergency brake consists of a radar or camera connected to a car's brakes by a network of sensors, which act on the brake pedal in cases where drivers do not notice that they are about to collide with an obstacle in front of them.
Esther de Lange and Mevr. The Commission was originally scheduled to release its proposal for a review of the Tobacco Products Directive in However, owing to various problems with the public consultation process and the impact assessment, the proposal has been continually delayed.
If there is any further delay in releasing the draft directive, we will not have enough time to approve it before the end of the current mandate in In view of the urgent nature of this situation, can the Commission give an assurance that it will release the draft directive this year? A common criticism of standardised tobacco packaging is that it will lead to an increase in counterfeiting and smuggling. Can the Commission confirm that, in the event that standardised packaging is introduced in the European Union, trademarks will continue to be protected in accordance with the full extent of European trademark law?
In this context, the Commission is currently considering several options regarding regulating the packaging and labelling of tobacco products. The Commission has not, at this stage, taken a final position on this matter. Izrael, zasedena ozemlja in pravila za sodelovanje v programu Obzorje Ali bi subjekti, ustanovljeni v skladu z izraelskim nacionalnim pravom na ozemljih, ki jih Izrael zaseda od leta , lahko veljali za pravne subjekte po poenostavljeni opredelitvi pravnih subjektov iz osnutka pravil za sodelovanje v programu Obzorje , ki jih predlaga Komisija?
Okvirni program Obzorje v tem smislu nadaljuje pristop sedmega okvirnega programa. Te smernice bodo pripravljene za program Obzorje Would they therefore be eligible to participate in Horizon programmes and projects? Will the Commission therefore no longer be obliged not to authorise the participation of such entities?
Is it true that the rules for participation for Horizon as proposed by the Commission also place no such obligation on it? In this sense, the Horizon Framework Programme continues the seventh framework programme FP7 approach. It intends to issue a reminder of EU policy together with precise operational guidance on this matter, to all Directorates-General and agencies involved in potential cooperation with Israel.
It includes obligations and rights for persons with reduced mobility. I understand that for safety reasons cruise line operators request that passengers with reduced mobility do not store or park their mobility scooters on the floor of their cabins, as this could inhibit access or egress. Nonetheless, some mobility scooters are foldable and can be easily stowed. Such measures restrict cabins and access for disabled passengers. Is the Commission aware of such restrictions imposed by cruise or ferry operators? Does the Commission believe such restrictions to be within the spirit of the legislation?
The Commission is not aware of the restrictions imposed by cruise or ferry operators and mentioned by the Honourable Member. Therefore cruise or ferry operators cannot justify currently the alleged practice on the basis of this regulation. It cannot nevertheless be excluded that in specific cases they are imposed in order to meet safety requirements established by international or national law or by the competent authorities or because of the design of the ship. Carriers shall ensure that the assistance is provided in such a way that disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility are able to embark, disembark and travel on the ship.
Clients should be able to engage the legal services of a lawyer of their own choice. However, in some circumstances it can be difficult for individuals or businesses to switch legal service provider. Is the Commission aware of problems with regard to clients being able to switch their legal service provider?
What initiatives, if any, is the Commission considering to further open up the legal services market? The Commission is aware of some requirements at national level that may have to be fulfilled before a client can switch to a new legal service provider. However, the Commission does not at this stage have a general overview of the situation in all Member States.
However, the Commission has not received any complaints regarding this matter. The results of the evaluation should be available by the end of and will inform the Commission's policy initiatives in the coming years. Nonetheless, for residents of some Member States, where small claims have no cross-border element, there is no quick and effective small claims court system, meaning that they must engage in lengthy and expensive litigation even for minor claims.
What steps is it taking to encourage all Member States to adopt small claims courts in order to allow swift and cost-effective dispute resolution for individuals and businesses across the EU? The Honourable Member might be aware that the Commission has no jurisdiction to deal with civil procedures that are not of cross-border character. The Commission promotes and supports all measures facilitating access to justice. The Commission promotes the European Small Claims Procedure and believes that this successful procedure may also be an inspiration for Governments to offer similar benefits in domestic cases.
The Commission, together with the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters, will publish a practice guide on the European Small Claims Procedure this autumn. The Palestinian village of Susya, in the South Hebron Hills, has existed for centuries and is now home to six Bedouin family compounds.
The Israeli Government has indicated that the compounds which house around people , along with the kindergarten, clinic and a renewable solar power system, are to be demolished. The residents are to be evicted.
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What representations are being made to the Israelis regarding the demolition of property and displacement of residents? EU mission representatives met with representatives of the village council and were briefed about recent developments which have increased the risk of forced displacement for the village's population.
They toured the village which is located very close to the Susiya settlement and a military base. Following this fact finding exercise, EU concerns have been raised at the most senior level in bilateral meetings with representatives of the Government of Israel. He is the chief editor of the Baku-based newspaper Tolyshi Sado , which is the only newspaper in Azerbaijan printed in the minority Talysh language. Many journalists appear to have been jailed in Azerbaijan on charges that some human rights activists suggest are fabricated. The Commission is fully aware of the overall situation of human rights in Azerbaijan and of the case of Hilal Mammadov in particular.
It is now for the Azerbaijani authorities to respond to the observations and recommendations made in that report. While it is true that activists believe that charges in similar cases are often fabricated, it is very difficult in the current context to assess evidence and come to a reliable, independent opinion. The EU has repeatedly raised and will continue to address human rights issues with the authorities, including specific cases. The EU will continue to monitor the situation in the framework of the Eastern Partnership and will try to constructively engage with Azerbaijan to improve its human rights record.
In recent months there has been a series of disturbances in the village of Asira al-Qibliya, near Nablus in the occupied Palestinian territories. Reports suggest that the village residents were attacked by settlers from the Yitzhar settlement. The violence included a Palestinian farmer being shot. Further reports indicate subsequent attacks by the Yitzhar settlers on other Palestinian villages in the Nablus area.
The EU condemns continuous settler violence and deliberate provocations against Palestinian civilians. It calls on the government of Israel to bring the perpetrators to justice and to comply with its obligations under international law. Wil de Commissie het Europees Parlement informeren over de kenmerken van de nieuwe regeling zoals Spanje deze voorstelt?
Een vervanging van het systeem kan immers grote gevolgen hebben voor concurrerende scheepsbouwers in de Europese Unie die jarenlang een concurrentienadeel ondervonden van het huidige systeem. Zij hebben er belang bij dat het nieuwe systeem niet ook ongeoorloofde staatssteun vormt en de mededinging in de interne markt verstoort. De Commissie heeft de Spaanse autoriteiten om aanvullende informatie verzocht en zal de maatregel aan de geldende staatssteunregels toetsen. In deze context kan de Commissie het geachte Parlementslid verzekeren dat, indien zij tot de conclusie komt dat er sprake is van staatssteun en indien zij, tegelijkertijd, twijfel heeft over de verenigbaarheid van de maatregel met de interne markt, zij een formeel onderzoek zal instellen en belanghebbende derden zal uitnodigen hun opmerkingen over haar beoordeling van de regeling kenbaar te maken.
Als de Commissie echter tot de conclusie komt dat de nieuwe maatregel duidelijk een algemene maatregel is of dat deze duidelijk in overeenstemming is met de geldende regels, dan zal zij geen formeel onderzoek instellen. Wanneer alle nodige gegevens zijn verstrekt, moet de Commissie binnen twee maanden een formeel besluit vaststellen.
Will the Commission inform the European Parliament of the features of the new scheme which Spain envisages? Will the Commission launch a formal investigation and give third parties the opportunity to be consulted before approving or rejecting the scheme? Replacement of the scheme could have a major impact on competing shipbuilders in the European Union who for many years were placed at a competitive disadvantage by the existing scheme. It is in their interest that the new scheme should not likewise constitute unlawful state aid and distort competition on the internal market.
Within what period does the Commission expect to be able to communicate whether the notified scheme has been approved or rejected? The Commission requested additional information from the Spanish authorities and will assess the measure in the light of the applicable state aid rules. In that context, the Commission can assure the Honourable Member that if it concludes that the measure is tantamount to state aid and if, at the same time, it has doubts as to the compatibility of the measure with the internal market, it will open a formal investigation and call upon interested third parties to comment on its assessment of the scheme.
However, if the Commission comes to the conclusion that the new measure is clearly a general measure or that it is clearly compatible with the applicable rules, it will not open a formal investigation. Once all the necessary information has been supplied, the Commission must adopt a formal decision within two months. Esta cifra es un punto mayor que la anteriormente acordada. For example, the Autonomous Community of Catalonia has already made cuts worth billions of euros in both and , to a point where it risks jeopardising social cohesion.
Does the Commission not think that it is crucial to set realistic targets, so that the various authorities involved can maintain the welfare state? The distribution of the fiscal adjustment between different levels of government is an issue to be decided solely at national level.
The Commission agrees that it is crucial to set realistic, albeit ambitious, targets. The latest EDP recommendation addressed to Spain, allows for an additional year to correct the excessive deficit by , instead of , setting new intermediate deficit targets of 6. According to the recommendation, Spain has three months to take effective action. However, the current EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol-related harm is coming to an end this year.
O Presidente criou um grupo trabalho para melhorar a lei, prevendo-se resultados para o final de setembro. The Ukrainian Parliament has now adopted a law giving Russian the status of a regional language. Russian's promotion to an official language in regions which are already predominantly Russian-speaking will mean that Russian will be used in public services such as hospitals, courts and schools.
The adoption of this law comes at a time when the governing party is trailing in the opinion polls, sparking a political crisis with the threat of early parliamentary elections and the resignation of the Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament. The EU Delegation in Kyiv is following developments related to the law on the principles of the state language policy of Ukraine. In the meantime, it entered into force and is applied already in several regions in Ukraine. The President has initiated a working group to improve the law and the results are expected at the end of September.
A scooter is being designed in Portugal that differs from all other scooters owing to the materials used in its manufacture. It is a two-wheeled vehicle with an electric motor and a stainless steel structure that does not require paint. The steel is covered by a layer of cork and waterproof fabric. The Portuguese press has reported that the project is seeking financing to launch the first series of the vehicle.
Is the Commission aware of this new product that offers clear environmental advantages? The Commission is well aware of the general trend consisting of a great number of industrial projects developing clean vehicles, including electrically powered two-wheelers, and the environmental benefits these could bring. In this communication, the Commission set out the different measures to be taken to support the development of clean vehicles.
Support for Research and innovation was one of the proposed areas for action. Powered two-wheelers were also included in the scope of the CARS 21 High Level Group on the competitiveness and sustainable growth on the automotive industry. Also, guidelines for financial incentives for clean and energy-efficient vehicles are being prepared. Both documents should be adopted before the end of The Prime Minister is the subject of a complaint which the Constitutional Court judges have lodged with the Council of Europe on account of his refusal to comply with a ruling. Does the Commission not consider that the independence of the judiciary and the institutions, the separation of powers, and the functioning of democracy are being placed in jeopardy?
Having regard to the fact that the legislation on referendums in Romania has been changed before, in and then again in ,. Having regard to the fact that Having regard to the basic definition of democracy, i. The cuts and austerity measures being implemented by the Government have been making matters worse. Will measures be put in place for Portugal, in coordination with its Government, with a view to creating incentives to start reducing the number of unemployed while bringing about a return to growth?
All labour market reforms set in the Programme for Portugal are aimed at setting the right conditions to resume economic growth and to tackle unemployment. They are intended to be implemented under broad social consensus. It includes an alignment of severance payments of current employees with those of new hires, an easing of the definition of individual fair dismissals, an increase in the flexibility of working time, and a larger scope for collective bargaining at firm level.
In addition, a new unemployment insurance system has been adopted and a revision of the mechanism for extending collective agreements should be proposed by the Government in the coming months. Active Labour Market Policies are also a relevant part of the labour market reforms, i. Lastly, the Programme also sets a number of measures in the area of Education to improve the educational standards of the country.
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Nevertheless, for historical reasons, there are some European languages which are also spoken in many other third countries across all the continents and represent an important link between peoples and nations in different parts of the world, providing a direct means of communication with those regions. Portuguese is currently the third most widely spoken European language across the world and in all the continents.
Furthermore, it is the most widely spoken language in the southern hemisphere. It does however offer versions in Finnish, Hungarian and Romanian, which are minority languages in terms of the number of speakers across the world. Deroga per la vinificazione di prosecco e spumante.

L'articolo 6, paragrafo 4, del regolamento CE n. Il disciplinare di produzione e la decisione nazionale di approvazione che lo Stato membro trasmette alla Commissione consentono di verificare le condizioni pertinenti di produzione del vino con l'indicazione geografica protetta interessata, come indicato nell'articolo quater del regolamento CE n.
The Psyttalia waste water treatment plant, which treats the sewage of Attica, was constructed gradually in three main phases, with EU co-funding. The project is one of the largest of its kind. It began working in and comprised: As part of the Psyttalia waste water treatment plant, the following units were also constructed: The Thiasian Plain waste water treatment plant was also constructed with co-funding.
It was completed in but has not yet been delivered. Will the Commission say: How much was allocated to each project in EU funds and how much in national and other funds? The first concerned the construction of a WWTP and the primary sewage network. The second element concerned the construction of the secondary sewage network. An important element of this policy is the consistent enforcement of sanctions for road traffic offences committed in the Union which considerably jeopardise road safety. This new instrument will fill an important gap in the enforcement chain, thus enabling the exchange of information needed to follow through the efforts of police and enforcement authorities to achieve full compliance with traffic law and improve road safety.
What arrangements is the Commission putting in place to communicate with EU citizens about the application of the directive? The Commission as the guardian of the Treaty will undertake the necessary steps to ensure the transposition of the Cross-border Enforcement Directive. The Commission has established an Expert Group on Enforcement to support the enforcement of road safety related traffic offences.
The information from the Member States will then be published in a dedicated section of the European Road Safety website http: The EEAS will again raise the topic and underline its position in its future contacts with the Bolivian authorities at the highest diplomatic level and in particular during the forthcoming visit of the Bolivian Foreign Minister to Brussels in October.
The EEAS Delegation in La Paz will continue to provide logistical support to the Hungarian authorities if requested and within its competences, as it has been doing so the past. Although the negotiations are still only at a very early stage, does the Commission think that they will include discussions on the cultural sector and, in particular, in view of their importance to the American economy, the audiovisual and film sectors? If so, and given the fact that the United States is not party to the Unesco Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, what does the Commission intend to do to ensure that its provisions are observed?
The process is currently exploring and analysing various options on how to increase bilateral trade and investment; A decision on the format of any potential initiative and if and when to formally launch possible negotiations has yet to be taken. It is not anticipated that the ongoing deliberations of the HLWG in the area of services are likely to reach such a level of detail. The Commission will continue to ensure that such rights are protected in any possible agreement with the United States.
At this advanced stage in the negotiations, could the Commission indicate whether or not the future agreement will cover cultural goods and services? If so, what steps have the Commission and Canada taken to ensure that the commitments they made when they ratified the EU and accepted Canada the Unesco Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions are being fulfilled? More generally, does the Commission still intend to adopt a strategy paper on its approach to negotiations on protocols to cultural cooperation agreements?
If so, when will it be in a position to present the paper? Has it considered the possibility of organising a public consultation to inform the drafting of the paper? The Unesco Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions stresses the importance for governments to retain the possibility to develop and implement policies for the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions. Canada's past practice to exclude all cultural goods and services from the scope of trade agreements would remove them from the application of the Intellectual Property and investment protection disciplines of the CETA.
While neither Party intends to liberalise audiovisual services, the Parties have agreed to define their own specific reservations for those cultural services they wish to exclude. Discussions on such reservations are likely to take place in September. The Commission will continue to report regularly to the European Parliament on the progress of the negotiations. Finally, the Commission presented a working document on the negotiation of Protocols of Cultural Cooperation in EU trade agreements in to relevant working parties of the Council and is now planning a public meeting with civil society in the near future to present the general approach behind such Protocols, while remaining at the disposal of the European Parliament for a similar presentation.
Intenso traffico illegale di cuccioli di cane provenienti dall'Europa dell'est, con particolare riferimento all'Ungheria, alla Repubblica Ceca e alla Slovacchia destinati all'Italia. In Italia il fenomeno relativo all'importazione di cuccioli di cani e gatti dall'Europa dell'est viene documentato da tempo da diverse associazioni animaliste italiane. Andere haben einen anderen Schuss an der Waffel. Grammatik , Substantiv , Verb , Objekt , Genera verbi. Literacy is very important. Please read to find out what happened to ours. Have you ever been hurt by gossip?
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