Social Psychology at Work (Psychology Revivals): Essays in honour of Michael Argyle
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- Social Psychology at Work (Psychology Revivals).
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Description Contents Series Subjects. Description Social psychology has much to offer real world problems, especially in industrial and organizational settings. The Bookshelf application offers access: Online — Access your eBooks using the links emailed to you on your Routledge. Offline Computer — Download Bookshelf software to your desktop so you can view your eBooks with or without Internet access.
Edited by Milton D.
This volume provides in-depth coverage of a key piece of today's human resource selection technology--the viability of alternatives to paper and pencil multiple-choice selection tests. Each chapter of this edited volume presents an intensive examination of a key "alternative to multiple-choice….
Fine , Steven F. This book was written to address the need for timely, thorough, practical, and defensible job analysis for HR managers. Edited by John M. Darley , David M. Messick , Tom R. For too long, organizational scientists have not adequately attended to the problems of unethical behavior in organizations.

This collection of essays provides the stimulus needed to help move the study of unethical behavior to center stage in the organizational sciences. It does so by posing….
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This book tells the fascinating story of the reemergence of the American political left over the last quarter century in the form of the new Progressive Movement. New All Published Forthcoming. Hantula This new volume is a collection of thought-provoking essays on the current state of social and organizational psychology. The book is… Paperback — Psychology Press. The ideas it describes forge connections between the justice literature and other prominent bodies of knowledge in organizational and social psychology, including those pertaining to… Paperback — Routledge Organization and Management Series.
Wenger The issue of women's health has long been neglected. For a long time, cardiology has been a medical specialty which seemed to be created for men, by men--particularly in research, but also in intensive… Paperback — Psychology Press. Haugtvedt This volume grew out of the annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology conference sponsored by the Society for Consumer Psychology.
Representing a collection of research from academics in the fields of social psychology, advertising, and marketing, the chapters all focus on discussing existing and… Paperback — Psychology Press. Ployhart Situational Judgment Tests advances the science and practice of SJTs by promoting a theoretical framework, providing an understanding of best practices, and establishing a research agenda for years to come. Colquitt Matters of perceived fairness and justice run deep in the workplace.
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Sanders , Andries Sanders This book presents a review of research on reaction processes and attention as it has evolved over the last 40 years in the context of the information processing tradition in cognitive psychology. It is argued and demonstrated that issues of reaction processes and attention are closely… Paperback — Psychology Press.
Hakel This volume provides in-depth coverage of a key piece of today's human resource selection technology--the viability of alternatives to paper and pencil multiple-choice selection tests. Each chapter of this edited volume presents an intensive examination of a key "alternative to multiple-choice… Paperback — Psychology Press. Cronshaw This book was written to address the need for timely, thorough, practical, and defensible job analysis for HR managers.
Tyler For too long, organizational scientists have not adequately attended to the problems of unethical behavior in organizations.