Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson: New Directions in Biography
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Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson: New Directions in Biography by Takashi Kozuka
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Write a review Rate this item: Preview this item Preview this item. English View all editions and formats Summary:. Find a copy online Links to this item lib. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Criticism, interpretation, etc Biography Additional Physical Format: Biography, Internet resource Document Type: Takashi Kozuka J R Mulryne. Return to Book Page. A remarkable resurgence of interest has taken place over recent years in a biographical approach to the work of early modern poets and dramatists, in particular to the plays and poems of Shakespeare, Marlowe and Jonson.
The contributors to this volume approach the topic in a manner that is at once critically and historically alert. They acknowledge that the biographical ev A remarkable resurgence of interest has taken place over recent years in a biographical approach to the work of early modern poets and dramatists, in particular to the plays and poems of Shakespeare, Marlowe and Jonson. They acknowledge that the biographical evidence for all three authors is limited, thus throwing the emphasis acutely on interpretation.
In addition to new scholarship, the essays are valuable for their awareness of the challenges posed by recent redirections of critical methodology. Scepticism and self-criticism are marked features of the writing gathered here.

Hardcover , pages. Published April 28th by Routledge first published To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson.
Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson : new directions in biography
Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nov 22, Samantha Maloney rated it liked it. I only focused on the Shakespeare sections, but this is a great collection of essays for anone interested in these authors. Jennifer rated it liked it Aug 06,