Rivista di Giurisprudenza ed Economia dAzienda N. 8/2010 (Università-Economia) (Italian Edition)
Out of patients with a mean age of The strong prevalence of the fear of falling observed in this population and its consequences in terms of restricted activities justifies systematically screening for it in fallers or patients at risk for falling. Women's perspectives on falls and fall prevention during pregnancy. Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury in women. During pregnancy, even a minor fall can result in adverse consequences. Evidence to inform effective and developmentally appropriate pregnancy fall prevention programs is lacking.
Early research on pregnancy fall prevention suggests that exercise may reduce falls. However, acceptability and effectiveness of pregnancy fall prevention programs are untested.
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To better understand postpartum women's perspective and preferences on fall prevention strategies during pregnancy to formulate an intervention. Focus groups and individual interviews were conducted with 31 postpartum women using descriptive qualitative methodology. Discussion of falls during pregnancy and fall prevention strategies was guided by a focus group protocol and enhanced by 1- to 3-minute videos on proposed interventions. Focus groups were audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using NVivo 10 software.
Emerging themes were environmental circumstances and physical changes of pregnancy leading to a fall , prevention strategies, barriers, safety concerns, and marketing a fall prevention program. Wet surfaces and inappropriate footwear commonly contributed to falls. Women preferred direct provider counseling and programs including yoga and Pilates. Fall prevention strategies tailored to pregnant women are needed. Perspectives of postpartum women support fall prevention through provider counseling and individual or supervised exercise programs.
Fall back equilibrium is a refinement of the Nash equilibrium concept. In the underly- ing thought experiment each player faces the possibility that, after all players decided on their action, his chosen action turns out to be blocked. Therefore, each player has to decide beforehand on a back-up.
Lezioni di meccanica razionale con elementi di statica grafica. Elaborazione didattica di Learning Objects. Elementi di fisica teorica. Ormai, specialmente con la recente introduzione di nuovi corsi di laurea, le conoscenze di base rientrano nel bagaglio culturale comune ai laureati in materie scientifiche e tecnologiche affini alla Fisica e alle sue applicazioni.
Eppure quelle idee rimangono distanti dal comune modo di pensare e richiedono molto studio e un insegnamento ben mirato. Elementi di chimica fisica. Elementi di chimica physica mira a presentare i concetti e le tecniche basilari della materia. Le Fumarole di Vulcano. Studio del comportamento di agenti di contrasto in campi ultracustici per tecniche di ecografia diagnostica. Falls following discharge after an in-hospital fall. Full Text Available Abstract Background Falls are among the most common adverse events reported in hospitalized patients.
While there is a growing body of literature on fall prevention in the hospital, the data examining the fall rate and risk factors for falls in the immediate post-hospitalization period has not been well described. The objectives of the present study were to determine the fall rate of in-hospital fallers at home and to explore the risk factors for falls during the immediate post-hospitalization period.
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After discharge, falls were ascertained using weekly telephone surveillance for 4 weeks post-discharge. Patients were followed until death, loss to follow up or end of study four weeks. Time spent rehospitalized or institutionalized was censored in rate calculations. One patient experienced a hip fracture. Conclusion Patients who fall during hospitalization, especially on more than one occasion, are at high risk for falling at home following hospital discharge. Interventions to reduce falls would be appropriate to test in this high-risk population. Evaluating a Fall or Risk of Falling.
If your healthcare provider concludes that you are Falling and fall risk in adult patients with severe haemophilia. The objective of this study was to define fall rates and to identify possible fall risk factors in adult patients with severe haemophilia. Young age, subjective gait insecurity and a higher number of artificial joints seem to be risk factors for falling.
Falls seem to be a common phenomenon in patients with severe haemophilia. Fall risk screening and fall prevention should be implemented into daily practice. The clinical practice guideline for falls and fall risk. Falling is a significant cause of injury and death in frail older adults. Residents in long-term care LTC facilities fall for a variety of reasons and are more likely to endure injuries after a fall than those in the community The American Medical Directors Association AMDA Clinical Practice Guideline is written to give LTC staff an understanding of risk factors for falls and provide guidance for a systematic approach to patient assessment and selection of appropriate interventions.
Full Text Available Objectives: This is a qualitative study. Ten interviews were performed, nine with elderly individuals who werevictims of falls and one with a public authority representative. It alsorevealed that the particular way of being old and living an elderlylife, in addition to right to citizenship, is reflected by major or lesserdifficulties imposed to the elderly to fight for their rights and have theirpublic space respected.
To the traps that are found inpublic places one can add those that are found in private places andthat contribute to the hard experience of falls among the elderly, anexperience that is sometimes fatal. In Brazil, the attention is basicallyfocused on the consequences of falls and not on prevention, by meansof urban planning that should meet the needs of the most vulnerablegroups - the physically disabled and the elderly. Capostipite dei "cacciatori di particelle" fu J. Poco dopo, negli anni tra il e il , veniva rivelata la natura del nucleo atomico, grazie al lavoro di Rutherford.
Partendo da queste prime storiche conquiste della fisica, gli autori introducono gradualmente il lettore nel micromondo delle particelle: Poi tra la fine degli anni cinquanta e i primi anni sessanta, l'esplosione di nuove specie particellari sembra vanificare ogni speranza di spiegazione. Lo schema di classificazione introdotto nel da Ne'eman e, indipendentemente, da Gell-Mann , pone fine a tale confusione, consentendo una sistemazione coerente: Questo volume ha come obiettivo quello di colmare un vuoto nel panorama italiano di testi universitari riguardanti la Fotonica.
Fall prevention in older persons. Fall prevention walker during rehabilitation. This paper proposes on the design of a walker for the prevention of falling among elderlies or patients during rehabilitation whenever they use a walker to assist them. Fall happens due to impaired balance or gait problem. The assistive device is designed by applying stability concept and an accelerometric fall detection system is included. The accelerometric fall detection system acts as an alerting device that acquires body accelerometric data and detect fall.
Recorded accelerometric data could be useful for further assessment. Structural strength of the walker was verified via iterations of simulation using finite element analysis, before being fabricated. Experiments were conducted to identify the fall patterns using accelerometric data. The design process and detection of fall pattern demonstrates the design of a walker that could support the user without fail and alerts the helper, thus salvaging the users from injuries due to fall and unattended situation.
Preventing Falls and Related Fractures. Drinking alcoholic beverages also increases the risk of falling. Alcohol slows reflexes and response time; causes dizziness, sleepiness, or lightheadedness; alters balance; and encourages risky behaviors that can lead to falls. The Force and Direction of a Fall The Childhood Falls With Occipital Impacts. Falls are commonly reported in children who present with both accidental and inflicted brain injuries. Short falls rarely result in serious or life-threatening injuries.
Our purpose is to describe a series of cases of short falls with occipital impact leading to subdural hemorrhage SDH. The falls and the fear of falling among elderly institutionalized. Full Text Available In the present study it is intended to characterize the history of falls and to evaluate the fear to fall in aged institutionalized. The results point in the direction of that the women present a bigger number of falls The falls had occurred in its majority in the context of the room of the institutions.
Our results come to strengthen the hypothesis of the changeable sex to be able to be considered a factor of fall risk. Aged that they present a history of falls seems to be more vulnerable to develop the fear to fall. A community fall reduction program. One fourth of all American's over 65 years of age fall each year. Falls are a common and often devastating event that can pose a serious health risk for older adults.
Healthcare providers are often unable to spend the time required to assist older adults with fall risk issues. Without a team approach to fall prevention the system remains focused on fragmented levels of health promotion and risk prevention. Older adults who attended the risk screening were taking medications that are known to increase falls.
They mentioned that their health care providers do not screen for falls and appreciated a community based screening. Il libro di fisica. Questa seconda edizione contiene diversi ampliamenti e modifiche al testo pubblicato nel , che ha colmato un vuoto nel panorama italiano di testi universitari riguardanti la Fotonica. Dopo avere esposto in modo sintetico ma rigoroso i concetti che stanno alla base del funzionamento del laser e della propagazione della luce nella materia, sono descritti i principali componenti e dispositivi ottici e optoelettronici, quali le fibre ottiche, gli amplifi Appunti di meccanica relativistica.
Il Bosone di Higgs. Spiega anche il ruolo del Bosone di Higgs, come viene cercato, il percorso della sua scoperta e cosa viene dopo la scoperta. Disponibile anche in Francese http: Non esitate a utilizzarlo nelle sedi dei vostri Istituti e negli eventi divulgativi! Cliccate sull'immagine per scaricare il. Per qualisasi domanda o commento potete contattare atlas-outreach-coordination cern. Stress indotto dalla guida di autoveicoli: Durante la guida si possono infatti osservare significative risposte simpatoadrenergiche e cardiovascolari con la comparsa anche di episodi coronarici.
In questa rassegna, vengono presentati i principali risultati degli studi da noi condotti sulle risposte psicofisiologiche indotte dalla guida di diversi tipi di autoveicoli. About members registered for the meeting and papers were given. The scientific kickoff to the meeting was provided by a Union session on initial results of the current Magellan mission to Venus.
The mission was also the focus of a public lecture and short film on highlights of the mission and an extensive Union poster session. Falls and cerebellar ataxia. Full Text Available The paper considers the main causes of falls. Whatever their cause is, falls may lead to severe maladjustment in everyday life. This process is emphasized to be multifactorial. Particular emphasis is laid on the involvement of the cerebellum and its associations, which may be accompanied by falls. In addition to synergies related to locomotion and balance maintenance, standing at rest and walking are influenced bythe following factors: The clinical signs of damage to the cerebellum and its associations are considered in detail.
The major symptoms that permit cerebellar dysfunction to be diagnosed are given. The magnitude of ataxia also increases in a patient who tries to decrease the step size. This research monograph gives a detailed review of the state-of-the-art theoretical methodologies for the analysis of dissipative wave dynamics and pattern formation on the surface of a film falling down a planar, inclined substrate.
This prototype is an open-flow hydrodynamic instability representing an excellent paradigm for the study of complexity in active nonlinear media with energy supply, dissipation and dispersion. Whenever possible, the link between theory and experiments is illustrated and the development of order-of-magnitude estimates and scaling arguments is used to facilitate the. Backdating through travelsSeventeenth and eighteenth century travel literature features, among many points of interest, ideas for researching the history of the language, especially lexical aspects.
The article does not intend to give a complete lexical description of the odeporic texts examined, but is limited to a substantial number of backdatings and datings of words collected in those texts, thusgoing beyond the limits of textual periegetic literature, through Google books. Despite this partial shift of attention, we continue to document the richness of odeporic vocabulary: Identificazione, caratterizzazione ed industrializzazione di ceppi di Streptococcus thermophilus per la produzione di yogurt.
New horizons in fall prevention. Falls pose a major threat to the well-being and quality of life of older people. Falls can result in fractures and other injuries, disability and fear and can trigger a decline in physical function and loss of autonomy. This article synthesises recent published findings on fall risk and mobility assessments and fall prevention interventions and considers how this field of research may evolve in the future. Fall risk topics include the utility of remote monitoring using wearable sensors and recent work investigating brain activation and gait adaptability.
New approaches for exercise for fall prevention including dual-task training, cognitive-motor training with exergames and reactive step training are discussed. Additional fall prevention strategies considered include the prevention of falls in older people with dementia and Parkinson's disease, drugs for fall prevention and safe flooring for preventing fall -related injuries. The review discusses how these new initiatives and technologies have potential for effective fall prevention and improved quality of life. It concludes by emphasising the need for a continued focus on translation of evidence into practice including robust effectiveness evaluations of so that resources can be appropriately targeted into the future.
A dangerous and mysterious text, The Protocols evoked general clamor and persecutory backlash, as it appeared to document the existence of a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. In the work, the author also reconstructs sources of the fictional text and traces the historical, political and editorial events surrounding it, plunging into them with a gritty and irreverent realism in a chronicle of the obsession that flowed into the madness of the Shoah.
Most recommendations and measures intended to prevent falls focus on the elderly see HAS guideline of April but, in our opinion, this isfar too late: The first preventive measure is to identify a possible deterioration of balance, starting with a physical examination at the age of 45 and repeated regularly throughout life.
Extrinsic preventive measures focusing on the domestic and external environments are clearly necessary. But what is most important is to detect and, if necessary, correct any degradation of intrinsic intracorporeal or somatic factors starting at the age of 45 years; these include vision, vestibular function and balance, proprioception, and psychological and neurological status.
Chronic illnesses and their treatments must also be taken into account: Prevention also requires a diet sufficiently rich in protein, calcium and vitamin D3 to prevent osteoporosis , and regular daily exercise adapted to the individual, if possible associated with a simultaneous cognitive task. The last key point is the absolute need for thorough functional rehabilitation after any accidental or medical trauma, regardless of age, with the aim of restoring functional status to that existing prior to the accident.
Full Text Available Il presente articolo riguarda la modellazione del comportamento meccanico di elementi in muratura intesi come sistemi eterogenei composti da malta, blocchi ed interfacce di connessione.
Issues in Geriatric Care: One in three older adults falls each year. There are approximately 2. The biggest risk factor for falling is a history of falls. Other risk factors include frailty, sedative and anticholinergic drugs, polypharmacy, and a variety of medical conditions. Current recommendations are that all patients age 65 years and older should be asked about falls each year. For patients who have fallen or are at risk, care should focus on correcting reversible home environmental factors that predispose to falls , minimizing the use of drugs with sedating properties, addressing vision conditions, recommending physical exercise including balance, strength, and gait training , and managing postural hypotension as well as foot conditions and footwear.
In addition, vitamin D and calcium supplementation should be considered. For patients needing anticoagulation for medical reasons, an assessment must balance fall risk and thus bleeding from a fall versus the risk of discontinuing anticoagulation eg, sustaining an embolic stroke from atrial fibrillation. Written permission from the American Academy of Family Physicians is required for reproduction of this material in whole or in part in any form or medium.
Fall prevention in nursing homes. Further, to suggest tools for fall prevention in nursing home settings on the basis of the results of this study and the literature. A quantitative method inspired by the survey method was used to give an overview of fall patterns, subjective and objective evaluations of fallrisk.
Konservatisme Akuntansi di Indonesia. Dalam penyajian laporan keuangan yang berkualitas, perusahaan dihadapkan oleh pertimbangan yang salah satunya adalah penerapan konservatisme akuntansi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris pengaruh company growth, profitability, dan investment opportunity set IOS terhadap penerapan prinsip konservatisme akuntansi. Konservatisme akuntansi dalam penelitian ini diukur menggunakan perhitungan total akrual. Total akrual adalah selisih antara laba sebelum extraordinary item ditambah dengan depresiasi dikurangi dengan arus kas operasi untuk mengetahui apakah perusahaan menggunakan konservatisme akuntansi tinggi atau rendah di dalam perusahaan.
Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia BEI di tahun dan Metoda pemilihan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk pengujian adalah regresi linier berganda yang sebelumnya harus lolos uji asumsi klasik.
Hasil pengujian secara parsial menunjukkan company growth, profitability dan investment opportunity set berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap konservatisme akuntansi. Gli atomi di Boltzmann. A piece of paper falling faster than free fall. We report a simple experiment that clearly demonstrates a common error in the explanation of the classic experiment where a small piece of paper is put over a book and the system is let fall. This classic demonstration is used in introductory physics courses to show that after eliminating the friction force with the air, the piece of paper falls with acceleration g.
To test if the paper falls behind the book in a nearly free fall motion or if it is dragged by the book, we designed a version of this experiment that includes a ball and a piece of paper over a book that is forced to fall using elastic cords. We recorded a video of our experiment using a high-speed video camera at frames per second that shows that the book and the paper fall faster than the ball, which falls well behind the book with an acceleration approximately equal to g. Our experiment shows that the piece of paper is dragged behind the book and therefore the paper and book demonstration should not be used to show that all objects fall with acceleration g independently of their mass.
Vera, F; Rivera, R, E-mail: Universidad , Curauma, ValparaIso Chile. Istituto di Zoologia fu diretto da Antonio Carruccio Alto Rio Negro del , guidata da Ettore Biocca. Nel periodo universitario, infatti, il Museo della nuova capitale d? Italia fu oggetto di grande attenzione da parte di privati ed enti, a partire dai Savoia, che donarono le loro collezioni o il materiale raccolto durante le spedizioni effettuate. Il lavoro di revisione in corso sta mettendo in luce una serie di esemplari meritevoli di ulteriori, dettagliate ricerche. Breve Manuale di Geografia Umana.
La riforma della Borsa di Londra. Reform of the London Stock Exchange: L'autore prende in considerazione cinque questioni prudenziali sollevate da questo evento: Tre ulteriori fattori sono considerati in dettaglio ; l'approccio del regolatore di conflitti di interesse, la regolamentazione dei conglomerati finanziari , e le implicazioni del Testo Unico della Finanza.
This consisted of the removal of fixed commissions on UK securities transactions, the abolition of the single capacity system, and the removal of barriers to entry to UK securities markets. The author considers five prudential issues raised by this event: Three further factors are considered in detail; the regulator's approach to conflicts of interest, the regulation of financial conglomerates, and the implications of the Financial Services Act.
I problemi di matematica della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Nasce come aggiornamento del volume precedente "I problemi di Matematica della Scuola Normale", e raccoglie gli esercizi di matematica assegnati all'esame di ammissione alla Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa dal al , con la loro risoluzione. Il libro si rivolge a studenti e docenti della Scuola Secondaria, e si chiude con un Glossario in cui vengono richiamati i termini usati. Full Text Available Obiettivi: Preventing Falls in Older Persons.
The American Geriatrics Society and British Geriatrics Society recommend that all adults older than 65 years be screened annually for a history of falls or balance impairment. Preventive Services Task Force and American Academy of Family Physicians recommend exercise or physical therapy and vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling older adults who are at increased risk of falls.
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Preventive Services Task Force and American Academy of Family Physicians do not recommend routine multifactorial intervention to prevent falls in all community-dwelling older adults, they state that it may be appropriate in individual cases. The algorithm suggests assessment and multifactorial intervention for those who have had two or more falls or one fall -related injury.
Multifactorial interventions should include exercise, particularly balance, strength, and gait training; vitamin D supplementation with or without calcium; management of medications, especially psychoactive medications; home environment modification; and management of postural hypotension, vision problems, foot problems, and footwear. These interventions effectively decrease falls in the community, hospital, and nursing home settings.
Fall prevention is reimbursed as part of the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit. Determinan Kebahagiaan Di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor penentu kebahagiaan di Indonesia. Model Oprobit dipilih karena adanya variabel respon ordinal dan asumsi normal dalam distribusi kesalahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebahagiaan di Indonesia secara positif dipengaruhi oleh pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, status kesehatan yang dirasakan dan modal sosial. Namun demikian, modal sosial yang berkaitan dengan agama dan etnis tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kebahagiaan.
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Semua prediktor bersifat robust. Karakteristik demografi menginformasikan bahwa orang yang menikah, bukan kepala rumah tangga, tinggal di daerah perkotaan, berada di luar pulau Jawa-Bali dan dari suku Jawa lebih bahagia daripada yang lain. Riset ini juga menemukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan dalam tingkat kebahagiaan antara pria dan wanita.
Kemudian, hubungan antara kebahagiaan dan usia menunjukkan kurva yang berbentuk U. Terakhir, efek marjinal menunjukkan efek yang berbeda untuk setiap tingkat kebahagiaan karena perubahan unit variabel independen. The simulation tool should be able to model Electrical Grid and flexible assets with different time scales and resolution levels fulfilling specific functionalities.
The library is suitable Il Simposio di Platone. Full Text Available Pensate che i testi antichi siano semplicemente vecchi? Akademi Golf di Surabaya. Golf adalah salah satu olahraga yang mulaipopular pada tahun-tahun ini. Popularitasnya makinmeningkat yang berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlahpemain golf padahal fasilitas yang mewadahinya sangatminim. Dalam Perancangan Akademi Golf di Surabaya,diharapkan dapat menambah fasilitas khususnya dalambidang pendidikan mengingat penggunanya mulaibanyak pada kaum muda.
Fasilitas-fasilitas yangdirencanakan secara keseluruhan berhubungan denganpendidikan golf dimana juga mempertahankan kondisieksisting Fall prevention in the elderly. Falls are frequent in the elderly and affect mortality, morbidity, loss of functional capacity and institutionalization.
In the older patient the incidence of falls can sometimes be underestimated, even in the absence of a clear cognitive impairment, because it is often difficult to reconstruct the dynamics. The pathogenesis of falls is often multifactorial, due to physiological age-related changes or more properly pathological factors, or due to the environment. The identification of risk factors is essential in the planning of preventive measures. Syncope is one of major causes of falls. These data clearly state that older patients with history of falls should undergo a cardiovascular and neuroautonomic assessment besides the survey of other risk factors.
Multifactorial assessment requires a synergy of various specialists. The geriatrician coordinates the multidisciplinary intervention in order to make the most effective evaluation of the risk of falling , searching for all predisposing factors, aiming towards a program of prevention. In clear pathological conditions it is possible to enact a specific treatment. Particular attention must indeed be paid to the re-evaluation of drug therapy, with dose adjustments or withdrawal especially for antihypertensive, diuretics and benzodiazepines. The Guidelines of the American Geriatrics Society recommend modification of environmental hazards, training paths, hip protectors and appropriate use of support tools sticks, walkers , which can be effective elements of a multifactorial intervention program.
Balance exercises are also recommended. In conclusion, an initial assessment, supported by a. Il concetto di Natura nella filosofia di Denis Diderot. Natura e arte, in Diderot, sono strettamente connesse. La seconda imita la prima, ma non tenta. Integrazione rigorosa di dati provenienti da fonti di acquisizione differenti.
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Each technology gener-ally provide data with different reference systems, often not di -rectly compatible each other. Falls are the leading cause of geriatric injury. We aimed to study the anatomical distribution, severity, and outcome of geriatric fall -related injuries in order to give recommendations regarding their prevention. We studied 92 patients. Fifty six of them The mean standard deviation of age was Eighty three patients Assessment of risk factors for falls including home hazards is essential for prevention of geriatric fall -related injuries. Cowlitz Falls fish passage. The upper Cowlitz was once home to native salmon and steelhead.
But the combined impacts of overharvest, farming, logging and road building hammered fish runs. And in the s, a pair of hydroelectric dams blocked the migration path of ocean-returning and ocean-going fish. The lower Cowlitz still supports hatchery runs of chinook, coho and steelhead. But some river miles in the upper river basin--much of it prime spawning and rearing habitat--have been virtually cut off from the ocean for over 26 years. Now the idea is to trap-and-haul salmon and steelhead both ways and bypass previously impassable obstacles in the path of anadromous fish.
The plan can be summarized, for the sake of explanation, in three steps: The critical part of any fish-collection system is the method of fish attraction. Scientists have to find the best combination of attraction system and screens that will guide young fish to the right spot, away from the turbine intakes. In the spring of a test was made of a prototype system of baffles and slots on the upriver face of the Cowlitz Falls Dam.
Now that the success of the attraction system has been verified, Harza engineers and consultants will design and build the appropriate collection part of the system. Community College Estimated Growth: A survey from the American Association of Community Colleges AACC found that enrollment growth in fall slowed its pace at community colleges, increasing 3. This contrasts with more dramatic increases in recent years: Rehabilitation after falls and fractures.
Falls are one of the most common geriatric problems threatening the independence of older persons. Elderly patients tend to fall more often and have a greater tendency to fracture their bones. Fractures occur particularly in osteoporotic people due to increased bone fragility, resulting in considerable reduction of quality of life, morbidity, and mortality.
This article provides information for the rehabilitation of osteoporotic fractures pertaining to the rehabilitation of the fractured patient, based on personal experience and literature. It also outlines a suggested effective and efficient clinical strategy approach for preventing falls in individual patients. Il crowdfunding finalizzato al co-finanziamento di progetti di valorizzazione di complessi di elevato valore storico architettonico: Prospettive della reazione di idroformilazione nella sintesi di composti biologicamente attivi.
Un sistema di supporto alla decisione per facilitare nuove azioni di finanziamento in ambito pubblico. Terminologia della degustazione e tipi di testi. Di dalam dunia perbankan perkembangan cyber crime cukup mengejutkan dengan terjadi beberapa kasus yang merugikan pihak perbankan seperti; kasus pembobolan BNI New York oleh mantan karyawannya sendiri, mutasi kredit fiktif melalui komputer di BDN Cabang Bintaro Jaya, pencurian dana di Bank Danamon Pusat.
Sementara itu sejumlah nasabah pemegang credit card juga mengeluh, karena nomor kartu kreditnya telah dipakai pihak lain untuk melakukan transaksi e-commerce sehingga menimbu Fitotossine di Inula viscosa per il controllo di piante parassite. Le piante parassite sono incapaci di sintetizzare dagli elementi minerali e nutritivi materiali sufficienti per la loro crescita e sopperiscono a questa deficienza fisiologica utilizzando le sostanze elaborate dalle piante ospiti, che di conseguenza manifestano generalmente una crescita ridotta. Hotel di Kawasan Kenjeran. Hotel yang terletak di kawasan Kenjeran ini bertujuan untuk memfasilitasi para wisatawan domestik atau ataupun Internasional.
Selain itu seiring dengan pengembangan kenpark yang mulai merencanakan pengembangan fasilitas hiburan serta apartemen yang dapat mendukung dari adanya hotel tersebut sebagai bangunan yang dapat melengkapi komplek tersebut. Fasilitas yang ada saat ini dan cukup ramai dikunjungi masyarakat adalah sebuah tempat ibadah orang tionghoa, banyak masyarakat yang datang untuk be Falls are common in the elderly, and frequently result in injury and disability.
Most falls result from an interaction between individual characteristics that increase an individual's propensity to fall and acute mediating risk factors that provide the opportunity to fall. Predisposing risk factors include age-associated changes in strength and balance, comorbidities such as osteoarthritis, visual impairment and dementia, psychotropic medications, and certain types of footwear. Fewer studies have focused on acute precipitating factors, but environmental and situational factors are clearly important to fall risk.
In addition to the risk factors for falls , the fall descent, fall impact, and bone strength are all important determinants of whether a fall will result in a fracture. In recent years, numerous studies have been directed toward the development of effective fall and fall -related fracture prevention interventions. Free Falling in Stratified Fluids. Leaves falling in air and discs falling in water are examples of unsteady descents due to complex interaction between gravitational and aerodynamic forces.
Understanding these descent modes is relevant to many branches of engineering and science such as estimating the behavior of re-entry space vehicles to studying biomechanics of seed dispersion. For regularly shaped objects falling in homogenous fluids, the motion is relatively well understood.
However, less is known about how density stratification of the fluid medium affects the falling behavior. Here, we experimentally investigate the descent of discs in both pure water and in stable linearly stratified fluids for Froude numbers Fr 1 and Reynolds numbers Re between We found that stable stratification 1 enhances the radial dispersion of the disc at landing, 2 increases the descent time, 3 decreases the inclination or nutation angle, and 4 decreases the fluttering amplitude while falling. We conclude by commenting on how the corresponding information can be used as a predictive model for objects free falling in stratified fluids.
The cytotoxic activity of cancer chemotherapy is related to the dose and to the amount of drug delivered per time unit. A delay in the sequence of treatment cycles decreases the DI in the DI in the same proportion as a reduction of dose. Average relative DI corresponds to the mean DI of combined agents and is expressed as a fraction of a similar combination selected as a standard.
Di is useful to compare the dose actually received with the prescribed dose. The relation of DI with tumor response or survival has not been fully demonstrated. A threshold DI level for therapeutic activity is evident. Above this threshold, a linear relationship of DI and effectiveness is not obvious, particularly regarding high-dose chemotherapy. The term of DI is more useful in its principle than in the significance of its calculated value.
Epidemiology of falls in older age. Worldwide, falls among older people are a public health concern because of their frequency and adverse consequences in terms of morbidity, mortality, and quality of life, as well as their impact on health system services and costs. This epidemiological review outlines the public health burden of falls and fall -related injuries and the impact of population aging. The magnitude of the problem is described in terms of the classification of falls and measurement of outcomes, including fall incidence rates across settings, sociodemographic determinants, international trends, and costs of falls and fall -related injuries.
Finally, public health approaches to minimize falls risk and consequent demand on health care resources are suggested. Falls and patient safety for older adults. The risk of falling increases with age. Falls in the elderly have been found to raise mortality and morbidity rates and are a leading cause of premature admission to long-term care facilities. Attention to known intrinsic and extrinsic factors that predispose to falling is important in community dwelling and institutionalized older adults.
New government guidelines for long-term care facilities have helped focus attention on the safety aspect of fall risk and information about the physical and psychological impact of falling is increasing. Implementation of fall prevention protocols, including the use of fall risk assessment tools, may help reduce the incidence of falls and resultant complications. Summary Falls are frequent in the elderly and affect mortality, morbidity, loss of functional capacity and institutionalization. In conclusion, an initial assessment.
Gerakan Filantropi Islam di Amerika. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan gerakan filantropi Islam di Amerika yang meliputi pembahasan tentang basis kelembagaan filantropi Islam dan kontribusinya terhadap solidaritas dan pemberdayaan umat Islam di Amerika. Penelitian ini adalah kajian literatur dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendekatan multidisiplin.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan empat basis kelembagaan gerakan filantropi Islam di Amerika; yaitu masjid, lembaga pendidikan, etnis dan aliran atau madzhab pemikiran. Didapatkan pula fakta hubungan signifikan antara eksistensi lembaga filantropi Islam terhadap kebijakan politik pemerintah terkait isu radikalisme yang melekat pada umat Islam di Amerika.
Amerika, Filantropi, Islam, Muslim. La filosofia clinica di Wittgenstein. Seguiremo inizialmente i cambiamenti nella concezione del linguaggio e del significato del filosofo austriaco utilizzandoli come traccia per registrare le corrispondenti revisioni degli obiettivi, delle tecniche e delle forme del far filosofia da lui proposte. Cercheremo poi di analizzare la pratica filosofica prospettata dal Wittgenstein maturo evidenziandone alcuni aspetti che ci consentiranno di qualificarla come clinica.
Il viaggio gastronomico di Paolo Monelli. Full Text Available Il ghiottone errante di Paolo Monelli, pubblicato nel , rappresenta uno dei primi esempi di narrativa di viaggio in tema di enogastronomia, un genere destinato a grande successo nel secondo dopoguerra. In questo articolo, oltre a ripercorrere la vicenda biografica di Monelli, si sottolineano le relazioni tra Il ghiottone e la cultura gastronomica del regime fascista, e si evidenziano alcuni tratti caratteristici del suo stile di scrittura. Il museo della scienza di Villa Farnesina. Il ghiottone errante di Paolo Monelli, pubblicato nel , rappresenta uno dei primi esempi di narrativa di viaggio in tema di enogastronomia, un genere destinato a grande successo nel secondo dopoguerra.
Cryptosporidium cause intestinal infection of human and animal acute diarrhea. Diarrhea still be important health problem because diarrhea was be the third dominant contributor of children morbidity and mortality at some country include Indonesia. Every children have 1,x diarrhea onset annually. Cryptosporidium species confirmed in Indonesia are C.
Rapid Diagnostic Test that have highly sensitivity and spesificity is very important on Cryptosporidium cases finding and surveillance in Indonesia. Environment and cattle sanitation, personal hygiene, water and food treatment, is necessary to prevent cryptosporidiosis transmission.
Kriptosporidiosis termasuk waterborne dan soil transmitted diseases, disebabkan oleh Cryptosporidium yang bersifat obligat intraseluler. Cryptosporidium menyebabkan infeksi pada usus halus dan dapat menyebabkan diare akut pada manusia dan hewan. Diare merupakan penyumbang utama ketiga angka kesakitan dan kematian anak di berbagai negara.
Catching a Falling Star. Comets are another important source of meteoroids and perhaps the most spectacular. After many visits near the Sun, a comet "dirty-snowball" nucleus of ice and dust decays and fragments, leaving a trail of meteoroids along its orbit. Some "meteoroid streams" cross the earth's orbit and when our planet passes through them, some of these particles will enter the atmosphere. The outcome is a meteor shower - the most famous being the "Perseids" in the month of August [2] and the "Leonids" in November.
Thus, although meteors are referred to as "shooting" or " falling stars" in many languages, they are of a very different nature. More information The research presented in this paper is published in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science, Vol. Falls in Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. This classic demonstration is used in introductory physics courses to show that after eliminating the friction force with the air, the piece of paper falls…. Patient centered fall risk awareness perspectives: Background While objective measures to assess risk of falls in older adults have been established; the value of patient self-reports in the context of falls is not known.
Objectives To identify clinical correlates of patient centered fall risk awareness, and their validity for predicting falls. Design Prospective cohort study. Measurements Fall risk awareness was assessed with a two-item questionnaire, which asked participants about overall likelihood and personal risk of falling over the next 12 months. Incident falls were recorded over study follow-up. Results Fifty-three participants There was only fair correlation kappa 0. Prior falls and depressive symptoms were associated with positive responses on both fall risk awareness questions.
Age and other established fall risk factors were not associated with responses on both fall risk awareness questions. The fall risk awareness questionnaire did not predict incident falls or injurious falls. Conclusion Fall risk awareness is low in older adults. While patient centered fall risk awareness is not predictive of falls , subjective risk perceptions should be considered when designing fall preventive strategies as they may influence participation and behaviors. PhD Dissertations Tesi di dottorato.
Esercizi di fisica meccanica e termodinamica. La risoluzione di esercizi rappresenta uno strumento indispensabile per raggiungere una comprensione sicura e approfondita dei concetti di Fisica appresi dai corsi e dai testi di teoria. Frutto di una lunga esperienza didattica dei due autori nell'insegnamento universitario della meccanica e della termodinamica, questa raccolta contiene esercizi, di cui 91 completamente risolti ed accompagnati da un ampio corredo di figure. Gli altri capitoli contengono gli esercizi, suddivisi per argomento e preceduti da una serie di paragrafi riassuntivi dei concetti fondamentali.
Falls prevention for the elderly. Full Text Available Background: An ageing population, a growing prevalence of chronic diseases and limited financial resources for health care underpin the importance of prevention of disabling health disorders and care dependency in the elderly. A wide variety of measures is generally available for the prevention of falls and fall -related injuries.
The spectrum ranges from diagnostic procedures for identifying individuals at risk of falling to complex interventions for the removal or reduction of identified risk factors. However, the clinical and economic effectiveness of the majority of recommended strategies for fall prevention is unclear. Against this background, the literature analyses in this HTA report aim to support decision-making for effective and efficient fall prevention. The pivotal research question addresses the effectiveness of single interventions and complex programmes for the prevention of falls and fall -related injuries.
Further research questions refer to the cost-effectiveness of fall prevention measures, and their ethical, social and legal implications. Systematic literature searches were performed in 31 databases covering the publication period from January to January While the effectiveness of interventions is solely assessed on the basis of randomised controlled trials RCT, the assessment of the effectiveness of diagnostic procedures also considers prospective accuracy studies.
In order to clarify social, ethical and legal aspects all studies deemed relevant with regard to content were taken into consideration, irrespective of their study design. Study selection and critical appraisal were conducted by two independent assessors. Due to clinical heterogeneity of the studies no meta-analyses were performed.

Out of 12, references retrieved by literature searches, meet the. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Relationship to Fracture. Falls are common in the elderly, and frequently result in injury, disability, and institutionalization. Although the causes of falls are complex, most falls result from an interaction between individual characteristics that increase an individual's propensity to fall and acute mediating risk factors that provide the opportunity to fall.
Predisposing risk factors include age-associated changes in strength and balance, age-associated comorbidities such as osteoarthritis, visual impairment and d Development and feasibility of falls prevention advice. This study examined the feasibility of nursing falls prevention advice and factors influencing feasibility. The frequency and seriousness of falls in hospitalised patients are underestimated, and such falls should be preventable because of the presence of professionals.
A best practice-based falls prevention advice was developed to decrease the incidence of secondary falls and the incidence of primary falls in the long term and to increase the knowledge of nurses about falls prevention and the seriousness of falls. A descriptive, explorative study. Feasibility of the advice for 30 patients was assessed 82 times theoretically, three times per patient by observation and by interviewing nurses, patients and their families.
There was a difference in use between interventions. Interventions that required more knowledge, communication and extra activities were implemented the least. The absence of materials and knowledge about falls prevention were important determinants of the non-implementation of certain interventions. Before falls prevention advice is implemented, it is important to educate nurses about falls , communication skills and implementation of the advice.
The falls prevention advice might help nurses to prevent falls and increase their knowledge about falls prevention. Trapping fall armyworm in Africa. Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is a noctuid pest of row and vegetable crops throughout the Americas. It has recently invaded Africa and has been identified from almost all sub-Saharan countries. There is a strong expectation of significant damage to African maize crop yield and a high likel Nuclear fall -out shelter. An underground nuclear fall -out shelter has a plastics shell which, apart from service and access openings, is waterproof and provided, if desired, with a concrete roof.
The shelter has an access opening, an air system, lighting, water storage, sanitation and sewage facilities. Falling -sphere radioactive viscometry. In this work the falling sphere viscometric method was studies experimentally using a sphere tagged with Au radiosotopo, the objective being the demosntration of the advantages of this technique in relation to the traditional method. The utilisation of the falling radioactive sphere permits the point-point monitoring of sphere position as a function of count rate. The fall tube wall and end effects were determined by this technique. Tests were performed with spheres of different diameters in four tubes.
The application of this technique demosntrated the wall and end effects in sphere speed. The case of sphere fall in the steady slow regime allowed the determination of the terminal velocity, showing the increase of botton end effect as the sphere approaches the tube base. In the case the transient slow regime, the sphere was initially in a state of respose near the top surface. The data obtained show the influence of the free surface and wall on the sphere acceleration.
These experimental data were applied to the Basset equation on order to verify the behaviour of the terms in this equation. Exercises to help prevent falls. Make your muscles stronger and more flexible Improve your balance Increase how To make your calves and ankle muscles stronger: Hold on to a solid Stand with your back straight and slightly bend Finding Rising and Falling Words.
We examine two different methods for finding rising words among which neologisms and falling words among which archaisms in decades of magazine texts millions of words and in years of tweets billions of words: Peter; Miller, David P. This article contains summaries of the six symposia that were conducted: Automated Deduction in Nonstandard Logics; Games: Planning and Learning; Human-Computer Collaboration: What, Why, and How?
Sistemi tecnologici innovativi di involucro per il recupero del patrimonio edilizio recente. L'edilizia scolastica nel Comune di Bologna. A fast processor for di -lepton triggers. The processor matches the hit information received from drift chambers and scintillation counters, to find candidate muon tracks and determine their directions and momenta.
The tracks are then paired to compute an invariant mass: The process is accomplished in times of 5 to 10 microseconds, while achieving a trigger rate reduction of up to a factor of ten.
Clinical Correlates and Fall Risk. To identify clinical correlates of person-centered fall risk awareness and their validity for predicting falls. Fall risk awareness was assessed using a two-item questionnaire that asked participants about overall likelihood of someone in their age group having a fall and their own personal risk of falling over the next 12 months.
Age and other established fall risk factors were not associated with responses on either fall risk awareness question. Fall risk awareness is low in older adults. Although person-centered fall risk awareness is not predictive of falls , subjective risk perceptions should be considered when designing fall preventive strategies because they may influence participation and behaviors. Teoria dei quanti di luce. Viale 4 Aprile 55 Naples. Ponziona, 6 Lucca LU e. Via dei Robilant n.
Rome, 15 May Universitas Mercatorum Address: December, 4th, Nationality: Dipartimento di Economia e Diritto Via del Castro. Italian Academic Position - Affiliation: Gran Sasso Science Institute. Agostino Marcello Family name: October, 23th, Nationality: Curriculum Vitae Personal Info Name: Italian Date of birth: University of Bologna post PhD scholarship Date. Piazza Filippo Carli 27 Rome Tel. Assistant professor Ricercatore confermato in Economics at: Work and Organizational Psychology in Italy and Siplo Italian Association of Work and Organizational Psychology role Education regarding work and organizational psychology, along with the whole university.
Economia Aziendale Online Web 1: October, 21th, Nationality: December, 9th, Gallarate, Varese Italy Address: Associate Professor of Accounting Nationality: Date and place of birth: Italian 13 April , Trento Italy Address: From planning to facts 3. Degree in law Institution Date from Date to Degree s or. Via Inama 5, Trento Phone: Assistant Professor, University of Trento, Departments. Bari, Italy Date of Birth: August 22, Nationality: Italian Reference Grant Call: June 10 th, Siena.! Equivalent of a Bachelor of Science in Economics.
Birth place and date: March 26, Birth Place: L Programme structure a. Di seguito si elencano i principali:. Born in Venice the 21st June May 10, in Castellammare di Stabia Naples , Italy. University of Perugia, Department of Economics,. Dipartimento di Economia Pubblica Via del Castro. Start display at page:. Download "Rosa Lombardi, Ph. Violet Brittany Phillips 1 years ago Views: