Rebel (The Shattered World Saga Book 2)
And the death games they forced onto civilians was silly. There were already enough baddies in the novel PPC and the environment that death stalkers weren't necessary. H grows and changes in this novel.
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She explores the world more and it helps her become tougher. The budding romance with Byron surprised me, I always thought she'd pick Rowan. H learns more about her parents which was shocking but well written. In conclusion this is a great dystopian novel with a strong emphasis on climate change. It had great world building with a good plot and good characters. Aaron marked it as to-read Apr 12, Cat marked it as to-read Sep 21, J Ralph marked it as to-read Sep 25, Amelia marked it as to-read Sep 26, Wayne McCoy marked it as to-read Sep 28, Peter Stepek added it Oct 05, Amy marked it as to-read Oct 13, Patricia marked it as to-read Oct 15, Kensington Books added it Dec 03, Hanna Scanlon marked it as to-read Dec 04, LeeEllen marked it as to-read Dec 04, Kensington Books marked it as to-read Aug 31, With dusk approaching, he increased his pace to a jog as the light receded.
Footing was treacherous on the slippery snow covered ground. He hurried around a sharp curve in the path by a heavy stand of trees when suddenly a crunch rattled the bushes beside him. A huge ice cat leaped out of the undergrowth and knocked him down before he could react. He tried to pull his sword, but was knocked onto his side lying on the weapon with the heavy cat pinning him down. He wrestled with the powerful cat to get it off him so he could move.
Aron tried to knock the cat away with swings of his elbows, but it was too big, too strong, and he was pinned down. The animal smacked him in the head with a power.
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The book starts from the Rebel Heir 's ending as Rush and Gia's relationship turned upside down after unexpected circumstances. Facing the truth was the toughest situation for both protagonists which made their relationship complicated. It wasn't anyone's fault and on the bright side, it's opportunity to re-evaluate themselves. A time for forgiveness and acceptance. I love how maturely they handled the situation and respected each other's space. I love Gia for being a resilient and independent woman. She was focused and organized.
Instead of wallowing, she prioritized what needs to be done and planned ahead for any worst case scenario. She remained optimistic despite of her breaking points and I admired her a lot for that.
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Rush has a lot of personal baggage to work on that's why he had a rough time finding acceptance. Especially he has a bad relationship with his biological father and both of them deserved a closure. Some scenes in this book stirred my emotions and they're beautifully written. Clearly, Rush and Gia were destined for each other. I love their chemistry and there's so much sexual tension between them. They're undeniably in love and their bond was unbreakable.
Whatever happens, they'll always look out for each other.
Their relationship was imperfect and an emotional journey. It taught them love can overcome anything and they've learned a lot from their family and friends which resulted into a fruitful and more meaningful relationship. Fortunately ,it's an amazing conclusion to Rush and Gia's story. What a heart-melting and sweet romance. Absolutely worth the wait. I'll terribly miss them all. View all 19 comments.
The duet is now complete! The writing is good and flows nicely but it just feels like there's a lot of filler material that doesn't exactly move the story forward. Book 2 starts right the second the first one ended. At Rush's brother's birthday party in the city. And Gia just realized that Rush's brother Elliott is the father of her baby. Rush can never know. She needs to tell him first. But she's scared, because she just knows that Rush wouldn't be able to handle that. He hates his brother. She has to tell him - but then she will lose him fore Book 2 starts right the second the first one ended.
She has to tell him - but then she will lose him forever Will there finally be a HEA? The first one ended sooo cliffyish! There are a billion guys coming to the Hamptons every day - why did Gia have to have a one-night stand with his's idiot half-brother??? I kind of hated the whole book. You just hope all through the sad beginning that they'll fight through this and that Elliott won't be too much of an ass about everything Even though I hated so much about the situation, I really loved reading the book.
Rush just can't stay away from the love of his life and the baby - even though it's not his kid but his nephew or niece Great second book in this duet. Sad, moving, frustrating, sweet, adorable, funny, sexy After things were left off in Rebel Heir I knew I was in for an angst fest when I began reading this book. In fact, I was so worried about this I decided to not read this before I went to bed because I knew it would fuck with my head when I should be sleeping and I would end up reading all night.
So yes, I can confirm there was a lot of angst in this but I also loved how much honesty there was too. In fact, it was really refreshing to not have the main characters making assumptions and miscommuni After things were left off in Rebel Heir I knew I was in for an angst fest when I began reading this book. In fact, it was really refreshing to not have the main characters making assumptions and miscommunicating.
Rush and Gia go through a lot in this storhy, their love and commitment is challenged in so many ways but they are very open with each other about how they feel. Gia is feeling very vulnerable and trying to put her baby and herself first. Standing on her own two feet has never been more important than it is now. She needs to prove to herself that no matter what happens she can handle whatever life throws at her, as hard and painful as it may be. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful man he is. He has a lot to work through and needs time to figure out what he wants. The facts remains that he loves Gia and she loves him but is that enough to overcome the bad stuff happening now and potentially in the future.
I absolutely loved this fantastic conclusion to the Rush series duet, it gave me all the wonderful book feels that I love so much. Jul 27, Fanny rated it did not like it. Desde un principio no estuve convencida de que la historia de esta pareja se narrara en dos partes, lo veia un recurso innecesario, puesto que en mi opinion su historia no era tan asombrosa como para necesitar dos libros y aun asi tengo que reconocer que me tomo por sorpresa lo mala que fue esta novela, realmente no le encontre ni un solo aspec Rebel Heart es el segundo libro de la bilogia titulada " Rush Duet " escrita por Penelope Ward y Vi Keeland y continua narrando la historia de Rush y Gia.
Desde un principio no estuve convencida de que la historia de esta pareja se narrara en dos partes, lo veia un recurso innecesario, puesto que en mi opinion su historia no era tan asombrosa como para necesitar dos libros y aun asi tengo que reconocer que me tomo por sorpresa lo mala que fue esta novela, realmente no le encontre ni un solo aspecto positivo o que no me desagradara por completo.
Rebel Heart es una historia irreal, absurda, predecible, aburrida, que no aporta nada a el genero y que lo unico que te hace sentir es un enfado enorme. La actitud de Rush y Gia me saco de quicio y me saco canas verdes durante toda la lectura, no solo porque senti como si las autoras me hubieran cambiado la personalidad de la pareja protagonista respecto a la primera parte, sino tambien debido a que la trama de esta continuacion es tan incoherente y cliche que me dejo muy pero que muy decepcionada con este duo. En resumen, un libro lleno de disparates que no hay quien se crea, todo lo que sucede es tan soso y estupido que realmente no se lo recomendaria ni a mi peor enemigo.
Pasara mucho tiempo antes de que yo le vuelva a dar otra oportunidad a estas escritoras, quizas cuando olvide lo horrible que fue esta historia. View all 4 comments. Feb 21, Aqsa rated it did not like it Shelves: LMAO, but nope, he gets annoyed and then doesnt see her for a while until later when they again, act like nothing is wrong and then uhhhhhhhh, IDK like BOYS never experience that type of fuckery and its always funny when those men say shit like that about 'beating up the boy who wants to be with my daughter' because they KNOW- they fucking KNOW how boys are or can be at that age because those same men use to be like that too!
View all 16 comments. May 13, Paige rated it it was amazing Shelves: But also unbelievably sweet, emotional and heartrending. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. A is for Alpha B is for Books. Where do I even begin? Rebel Heart is everything I wanted and needed in the conclusion to a duet.

It starts off immediately where Rebel Heir ends and takes off running. Life should be about living with uncertainty while we watch beautiful sunsets with the people we love. I wasn't sure what to expect in this one. How are they going to play out this storyline? Will Rush stay with Gia?
Rebel Heart
Whatever happ Where do I even begin? Whatever happens, you can be sure I'm not spoiling this goodness for you. I loved her more than I thought I could handle. They built such a fantastic story into this steamy duet and I could not put this book down. It usually takes me at least two days to read a book of this length. I read Rebel Heart between sun up and sun down. Ward and Keeland keep us on our toes and leave us with a super sweet ending that I couldn't have been happier with. View all 5 comments. May 24, The Book Bee rated it liked it.
Ok, that's a lie - I know exactly why. It took me a bit to sit down and write this review, and it's with a heavy heart that I say that in comparison to the first book, this one was just not right.
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It was a dud for me. I was so freaking upset by the time this book was over, I was legit sad. And for everyone that wants to say, it's just a book.
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Yeah, that's exactly how I felt about this one. I will say this: Sadly, it was one compromised by circumstances, but enhanced by real emotions and life. I give them that. I just feel like this book went from relatable and honest to a complete circus act - stupid drama and unfinished business. Rush was the man. To be privy to his thoughts, it added a whole new element for me. As badass as he was, he was genuine and that just upped the swoon factor. His banter made me giggle and his naughty mouth made me blush.