Insight Turkey Volume 12 Number 3 - Summer 2010
Fall Volume 10, Number 4.
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Summer Volume 10, Number 3. Spring Volume 10, Number 2. Winter Volume 10, Number 1. Chinese-Russian Rivalry and Turkey's Comeback The planned topic was Central Asia; however, the early presidential and parliamentarian elections in Turkey led us to cover a second topic in the issue. First, the current issue focuses on a forgotten but very important region of Central Asia.
The Struggle over Central Asia: Chinese-Russian Rivalry and Turkey's Comeback
The second section of the journal comprises commentaries and articles on the latest elections in Turkey, how to understand them and what could be the future of the presidential system. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey emerged as an influential player in the Muslim After two decades of downhill diplomacy, Turkey and Uzbekistan have pledged to deepen bilateral The June 24 Elections: On Political Change and the Future of Turkey.
By focusing on the Libya, which ended the year rule of Muammar Gaddafi in , has been dragged into another Omelicheva - Ruoxi Du. Using the case of Sino-Russian competition over Central Asian energy and transportation networks, Most studies define states as small, middle, or great in relation to the power of other states Chinese Institutional Diplomacy toward Kazakhstan: Today the established cooperation between China and Kazakhstan has reached the strategic In this paper, we first present a background to the watershed elections of , describing the The system of government in Turkey shifted from a parliamentary to an intrinsic presidential Kurdish Votes in the June 24, Elections: This article analyzes the voting patterns in eastern Turkey for the June 24, elections and This paper considers the impact of the possible relative decline of the U.
To date the research of Orientalism in Russia did not present the whole mosaic palette of its Accelerating the fall of the Ottoman Empire and paving the way for the state system.
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The Visual Politics of Wars. In The Visual Politics of Wars, the contributors explore the concepts of journalism and mass East-West Migration in the European Union. Migration flows towards Europe, in other words, the migration crisis is a very delicate problem The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism. The Caliphate at War: Social, Political and Economic Transformations.
One of the main debates that has surfaced in the post-Arab Uprisings era has centered on whether The Case for Continuity. The Case of Continuity, Bledar Prifti makes a case for Assistance, Development, and Hierarchy in the Middle East: The effectiveness of foreign aid is heavily debated in international relations. Understanding the Department of State. At the very beginning of the book, Understanding the Department of State, it is clearly stated Forgot your username or password?
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Towards a Post-Kemalist Turkey?
Register today for free. Pro-Assad forces have so far killed more than 30, Syrians; hundreds of thousands have fled to neighboring countries. The refugees settled in Turkey have exceeded ,, the threshold figure that Tur- key had already declared as its limit that it can provide services to. Plural Islamism in Plural Modernities.
This article examines the trajectory of Islamism as a modern phenomenon. The article argues that of the three structural problems of the Arab world, as enumerated in the Contrary to the evaluation of several political leaders and analysts, the new Islamic governments Revisiting the Clash of Civilizations.

Causes, Rationales and Dynamics. This paper discusses the Kurdish conflict in Turkey, within the context of conflict resolution A few years after Turkey and Iran appeared to be growing closer, the pendulum has swung back and Towards a Strategic Partnership? This article analyzes the development of Turkish-Saudi Arabian relations from the beginning of Imperial Legacies and Neo-Ottomanism.
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This article examines whether the presence of imperial legacies in Central and South-eastern The Birth and Death of Islamism. Its Roots, Development and Future. This article examines Islamism in its historical trajectory as well as its current standing and Global Perspectives on Global History: Theories and Approaches in a Connected World.
What is global history?
How does one study it? These are the main questions Dominic Sachsenmaier One may argue three law-like generalizations in political science: The State of Islam: Culture and Cold War Politics in Pakistan. The Contradictions of Israeli Citizenship: Land, Religion and State. One might be forgiven for presuming that a new book called The Contradictions of Israeli The Palestinian-Israeli conflict remains one of the most intractable, globally sensitive and Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of Development.
There are few regions more unknown and caricatured than Central Asia, and within it perhaps no Ten Lessons from the Democratic Uprising. The Arab world has been making a new history since January when the uprisings against In recent years, not only have the changes in Turkish foreign policy been discussed but also the This work by M. Gender and Society in Turkey: Women have been both the subjects and objects of Turkish modernization for a long time.
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