

The book was a science fiction bestseller, and despite many people believing that something like this may be possible, the idea remained firmly a science fictional idea. Now, what if what was once thought to be a mere fantasy of the writer, was, in fact, closer to reality? As it turns out, scientists discovered a while ago, a diamond-rich in water with traces of a mineral called ringwoodite in honor of its discoverer, the geochemist Alfred Ringwood. The diamond originally came from an area that separates the upper terrestrial mantle from the lower one, that is, between four and six hundred kilometers beneath our feet.

The fact is that the diamond found was associated with water molecules in a significant proportion 1. In fact, scientists have proposed that there is so much water beneath the surface of our planet, that we can cover the surface of our planet entirely in water. That, however, is a theoretical confirmation, of course, since due to lack of equipment and technology it would be impossible to obtain physical evidence from the mantle directly. Alfred Ringwood proposed that the mineral that bears his name could be found in the transition zone of the mantle, originated by the high pressures and temperatures that are found beneath deep beneath the surface.

Experts believe that the diamond surfaced in a volcanic eruption in a kimberlite wash an igneous rock formed from magma and that is the deepest. It was only three millimeters wide and lacked commercial value, but it was sold to scientists who were looking for other types of rocks, and who came up with something that was priceless: But not everyone is convinced that a massive underground ocean exists and not all scientists believe that the result of the diamond analysis should be extrapolated to the theory of a massive underwater ocean based on such a small sample of ringwoodite.

Moreover, some scientists even admit that even if there is an ocean beneath our feet, it would not be in liquid form but under a molecular variant called hydroxyl, with only one atom of oxygen and another of hydrogen instead of the two. During the formation of all watery planets in the universe, he explained, hollow cavities form below the surface of the crust and have their own biome that features bacteria which gives off natural light.

While the presence of these civilizations has been a part of UFO lore for decades, he contended that the government has direct knowledge of their presence due to accidentally discovering them via clandestine projects aimed at building secret underground bases. Naturally, satellite images of the poles are gonna disprove this craziness, right?

NASA images and videos of the poles are very rare.

When they are revealed, they have cloud cover, ice cover, or questionable anomalies. Or… for some reason, the poles are simply blotted out of the pictures from NASA.

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Stranger still, no planes or satellites are permitted to come within a certain distance of the poles. Well, in November , a satellite image of the North Pole was finally released… showing a large polar opening in absence of cloud cover. You see, when an earthquake occurs, seismic waves are measurable as they spread, but then the signals disappear entirely, only to reappear further on. These shadow zones are believed to be the result of the waves hitting a molten core, and there are complicated mathematics theorizing why. So when all things are considered, sometimes the simplest solution is the most accurate one.

Would that just be too simple an explanation? If the possibility of inner oceans sounds strange, take note: The first of the deepest holes ever drilled into Earth, was in Russia, beginning in — The Kola Superdeep Borehole which took over 20 years.

The Inner Earth & Realm of Aghartha

As is often the case when humans venture into the unknown, Kola left a few scientific theories in ruin. They discovered unprecedented heat, fossils at depths 8 miles down, and the surprising result: One of the scientists said: For example, a forming planet has zero gravity in its center, so its mass accumulates where gravitational and centrifugal forces are balanced — creating a sphere with openings at the top and bottom, like a hurricane of matter in space — not as a solid body with a solid center. This energetic flow — the Torus — is a self-organizing system in nature where energy expands and returns to itself.

We see it every day: None of these is a dense system. Over millions of years, the planet has succumbed to a combination of forces responsible for shaping it: These natural forces could make a planet more like a honeycomb than a perfectly solid rock. In the meantime, look at the facts you do know: EVERY continent has extensive cavernous networks — like Son Doong Cave in Vietnam — with its jungles, rivers, and space to fit a skyscraper with 40 stories.

According to the laws of physics, empty spaces are unnatural in nature — so caves have their own ecosystems and water bodies, plant life, and animal life. If they extend deep into Earth, life will still fill it.

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Even the most inhospitable depths of the ocean have life forms and creatures that have adapted by creating their own luminosity. Wherever there is a void, the Universe seeks to fill it. So if enormous caverns like those we already know of continue on to reach deep into the Earth, what then, could be residing in the space miles beneath our feet? Legends in Buddhism Almost every ancient culture shares legends about interactions with subterranean races.

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Shamballa and Potala have resemblances, no matter which continent they originate from. In all legends, these civilizations tell of two beings: True Buddhists fervently believe in this subterranean empire, which they say has millions of inhabitants and many cities, including the capital Shamballah, where a Supreme Ruler dwells. They believe the Dalai Lama is his terrestrial representative, and his messages are transmitted to the lamas in Tibet for thousands of years, These terrestrial inhabitants have lived here, sheltering humanity since the great terrestrial cataclysms.

Those who are led through this underground passage travel deep into the earth through areas where it becomes so narrow, it can be difficult to pass through. Another Indian epic, the Ramayana, tells the story of the great Avatar Rama — a blue-skinned emissary from Agartha, who arrived on an air vehicle. Strangely, flying airships have remained a consistent part of all inner earth stories.

Legends in Ancient Egypt In Africa, a similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of the Pyramid of Giza with the Subterranean World, by which the pharaohs established contact with the gods. Ancient Egyptian deities like Ra, Thoth, Anubis… had qualities unlike humans: Known as the Children of Woolpit — two unknown, and unique children discovered by reapers in the area had skin with a pale green hue, and spoke an unknown language, and though starving, only ate raw beans.

The most interesting part, was his explanation of these flying objects which he explained as fast and noiseless, having revolving fan-like wheels on top of them which could destroy atmospheric pressure, or what is generally understood as gravity. After spending two years with the beings in Agartha, Olaf and his father attempted to return through the opening, but his father lost his life when an iceberg destroyed their boat.

Olaf Jansen was rescued by a fisherman, but upon sharing his incredible story, he was placed in a madhouse for the mentally insane, where sadly, he remained for 28 years. Fridtjof Nansen, set on an expedition to reach the North Pole. He had many unusual things happen — noting that after a bitter cold, suddenly, the temperature begun to rise, and even became unbearably hot. He saw a flattened-out, glowing red streak upon the horizon. Later, there were two streaks, one above the other, with a dark space between: Amazon Tribe Guarding an Entrance Deep in the Amazon jungle, the ancient Macushi Native Americans have remained isolated from advanced civilizations until very recently.

They are said to be guardians of an entrance to inner earth. They describe the journey and the beings living there in vivid detail. They say that for 15 days, you have to traverse through caverns until balls of bright light and glowing discs appear inside the earth. There, a civilization of very tall beings — feet, live inside a lush ecosystem of vegetation.

Inner Earth Civilizations Exist and I Can Prove It: Agartha & Hollow Earth

Without any modern education, how could they know such detail? They publicized the Tibetan legends about openings into the Earth and became obsessed with finding entrances to inner earth, with German emissaries even visiting Tibet. This group later endorsed what became the Nazis, who believed that representatives of a powerful, underground secret race, emerged from time to time, to walk among Homo sapiens. As The Third Reich grew in military and geographical dominance, Hitler ordered a team of researchers to find an inner earth opening in Antarctica.

Later, a German U-Boat, commanded by Heinrich Broddan, claimed they had reached the interior of the Earth and even stated that they did not want to come back. The stories above are backed up by maps made by the famous cartographer and artist — Heinrich C. Berann for the National Geographic Society in In that map, the Antarctic continent can be observed without its thick layer of ice, but the most interesting detail on the map, are the underwater passages, spanning across the entire continent, which appear to converge at the exact location, identified as the opening into Inner Earth.

For it was after the war the Allies discovered that more than 2, scientists from Germany and Italy, along with almost a million people — had vanished. Of course, not all of them were Nazis, but for those guilty of heinous war crimes, a higher power will have to administer justice. Richard Byrd was one of the most highly decorated officers in military history. Among these was the Medal of Honor — the highest medal given by the US for valor. He fought for the allies in both World wars and led two huge military expeditions to Antarctica following WW2.

He was an efficient, concise leader, and every trip he made, he kept detailed logs of just the facts.

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He was not a poet or a storyteller. The idea that a man of this rank and stature would fabricate stories is unimaginable. Byrd sought to live with integrity, understanding the responsibility of his words and choices on the lives of those reporting to him, and to the nation he served. So when he returned from his travels and was interviewed on live TV, the hyperbolic statements he made were — and still are — somewhat confusing and mysterious.

Atlantean Gardens - Atlantis, Inner Earth - ROBERT SEPEHR

He said things like: Even if he were speaking of the military significance — peaceful, and mystery are hardly the words of a strategizing military officer. These statements raise the question, was Byrd upholding his vow to secrecy for national security, while revealing truthfully enough information to abide by his principles of integrity? Millions of people read his statement in their daily newspapers. Millions heard the radio broadcast description of the flight, which was also published in newspapers.

But what land was he talking about? Look at your map, Calculate the distance from all the known lands near it: A good portion of them is well within the 1,mile range. But none of them are within miles of the Pole.

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He should have been back to civilization, right? He should have seen nothing but ice-covered ocean, or at the very most, partially open ocean. Instead, he was flying over green, lush areas… including lakes and mountains.