Fence Lines
One trick to reduce the chances of resprouting is to use glyphosate the active ingredient in RoundUp or a mixture of triclopyr the active ingredient in Remedy and diesel or mineral oil to "paint" the stumps immediately after you cut them. Depending on the amount of brush and trees, a bulldozer may be your best and possibly your least expensive option.
Bulldozers or front-end loaders are usually used when you have decided to remove the section of fence and start over. One of the downsides of using large machinery is the amount of soil that is disturbed. You can unintentionally increase the chances of erosion on your property. There are many chemical options available for brush and tree control.
Neighbor Built Fence Over the Property Line. Does He Now Own That Land? | www.newyorkethnicfood.com
Glyphosate is a nonselective herbicide that may be used to kill a wide variety of weed and brush species during the growing season, but it has no soil residual and will require repeated applications. Glyphosate can be used to kill out weeds in the spring and summer, making it easier to return later to remove the trees and brush. Triclopyr mixed with mineral oil or diesel can also be used as basal bark treatment to selectively kill trees and brush.
Apply this in a band around the base of the tree up to a 6-inch trunk diameter. The downside of this option is that you will still need to remove the tree before it falls down on your fence. As with all chemicals, read and follow label directions. There are fewer cultural practices for removing brush from fence lines. One that is often mentioned is the use of goats. This is usually not a good option as I have yet to see a truly "goat-proof" fence. Even with a sturdy enclosure, brush along the fence line will allow goats to climb and get over the fence.
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- Neighbor Built Fence Over the Property Line. Does He Now Own That Land??
Prescribed fire is another option, but it can be very hard on wire, particularly galvanized wire, and it cannot be used with wooden fence posts. Other areas will allow you to go right up to the property line. Check your HOA covenants to make sure you are following the regulations. If you build a fence directly on the property line, it may mean that responsibility is shared by you and your neighbor according to the law.
If you install a fence inside your property line, there are a few things you should be aware of when it comes to property maintenance, ownership, and your neighbors. If your neighbors install a fence inside their property line as well, leaving a narrow strip of grass between the two fences, you will need to decide who will maintain it and make sure there is a way to access the area.
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On the other hand, if your fence is right on the property line, you will have to determine if your neighbors will be responsible for fence maintenance on their side, or if you will be able to access their yard to stain or repair your fence when needed. If you set a fence inside your property line and your neighbor is able to use the property outside of the line, that portion of your property may fall under prescriptive easement.
Purpose of the Act
Legally, this is a type of property easement that is earned by regular use of the property. While your neighbor would not gain a legal title to the land or be able to sell it, they may be able to claim a legal right to use the property. This can make it difficult if you ever want to move the fence outward. Adverse possession is even more legally binding than prescriptive easement.
If your neighbor happens to pay taxes on that property, the adverse possession can be claimed in as little as five years, although this is very uncommon in a fence scenario! Still, be aware if you install a fence inside your property line that in 10, 20, or 30 years when your home may be sold or transferred, you or the new owners may be surprised to learn that your property is not as big as it used to be.
Aside from practical matters like being able to use your full yard or abiding by local ordinances, selling your home may be impacted by the choices you make when you place a fence inside the property line. You might want to consult with multiple people — including a realtor, your local government representative, your HOA president, your neighbors, and a fence installation professional — before making a final decision on how close you place your fence to your property line.
The Fence Authority provides professional fence installation services as well as materials for building your own fence Browse our fence solutions here! My husband and I want to have an aluminum fence installed around our property. However, talking to each of these people sounds like a great way to avoid any possible problems in the future. Check out our website for more info about aluminum fencing:. I have a question I live in Florida Sarasota county and I would like to know wen u buiding a fence how far is it from the metal peg to put the fence.
What if the neighbor is an a-hole? I would pay for the fence to be replaced, but am afraid they would call the cops on me when I started ripping it out. If they are an a hole like you said then chances are even if you want to pay to replace it most likely they will deny you any way. I have a question. My sisters and I inherited a property in town. The property has been the same for over 40 years, the fence s and everything.
I met a guy that was in front the property saying that our fence line is 3 feet from where it should be.
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- How Close Can I Put A Fence to My Property Line?.
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Not only that but that will take quite a bit of property because the fence will have to pulled back from the front of the property all the way to the back of the property. My other neighbor said that the fence has been the same for over 40 years and that he has no rights to change it now after all these years. My sister said just move the fence but my other sister said have him take us to court.
Just move your fince, the cout will make you. Why go through the expence. Unless you can talk to the person and he agreed to let it be. Let him take you to court. Just be nice to him. Pay for a boundary survey to mark where your lot lines are. Only then should you make a decision about whether to move the fence. I just read the ordinances from the town where my brother bought property and came across this exact thing. The ordinance said you can ask for a one time variance from the fence ordinance due to the fact that the fence has stood in the same spot for more than 30 years.
Neighbors pu up a nice fence but store there junk on my side, like cement block, awning, gutters ect That what I see out my kitchen window!!! If the junk is still on their property there is nothing you can do but put up your own fence to hide the hideous clutter. My neighbors are redoing a fence in their back yard that also runs right up to my driveway they have front entry garage, we have side with a long driveway that curves into a garage at the very side of the house.
Virtually most of my scenic view as these are the only windows to the front. A front yard fence should not be able to exceed the height of 3. A few years ago my neighbor erected a iron fence directly on the line. Now they have cleared down to the dirt a 3 foot path outside this fence and it is on my property. They never even asked permission to do this.
Do they even have the right to be on my property clearing my land that meets their fence??! I have put native shrubs not touching their fence and they have removed them. We are into permaculture and organic gardening, our style is much different then theirs as they have a very monocultured manacured yard and our is more of the bird sanctuary type.

We also wonder if herbicide was used and is that allowed??? Sounds like my neighbors. See mostly dirt and brown grass from roundup in their yard. How can they be stopped from spraying in my yard. They continue to spray poison in my yard and pasture. Then proceeds to plant plum trees,tiger worm tree and garden.
How to Kill Weeds on a Fence Line
What should I do? What if my neighbor build his fence 1ft from supposedly my property line for he had it surveyed and put stakes as my line. Please tell them to move their stuff away from your fence, you saw red carpenter ants galore in that area!! My husband and I just purchased a home in November We has an estimated done to our home where his trees damage our roof.
After knowing that the fence is not on our property line and two and half feet onto our property. We paid for another survivor to come out. Do we let him take the over property or go to court. We had no problems from our other neighbor on our other side. The y wantthe area to look good. I had no idea that my property needed to be surveyed before installing a fence. My yard happens to be very open and it makes me feel a little vulnerable. I would like to have a fence installed that could add some security around our perimeter.
I need some help with a neighbor who has not spoken to us in the first 5 or so years she has lived next door, until her boyfriend moved in a year and half ago. He treated me in a condescending misogynistic manner and yes I resorted to calling him out on it with a expletive in tow. Small man, big ego. She,the owner, began e-mails with us concerning a wall at the back of her property, which became hostile and offensive. The wall is adjacent to our vacant flag lot at which the corner wall was moving and threatening our hot tub because of a failed drain system on her land, which somehow they think we are responsible for.
Unless they were to dig it up to fix it. Our home was built in theirs in We lived next door to the previous owners and then their son for 6 years before it was sold to this lady. To say these folks are not nice people is an understatement, I would and have called them bullys! We had a survey done before any dispute began to locate our lot lines, nothing to do with them, we wanted to know where they were for our.
Our intentions were to continue to maintain the roughly 10 x 45 foot strip between our homes as I was given permission to plant, bark dust etc…. Again they are above us and have a full view into our home. The boyfriend once he moved in made this area and harassing us a focus. He threatened to tear out small trees and bushes that had been planted, and generally has made our lives miserable. They are now using our paid for lot markers to their advantage and are building a fence, knowing full well we are going to build along the line.
We will then have no access to dig post holes, or to erect fencing if they do so. We hired a lawyer in the beginning last August to help us determine who the wall belonged to, before the actual survey, and hoped they would help, they would not. We are out of money and out of ideas, Can anyone offer help?
My neighbor and I live in attached town homes. She built a fence in our shared front yard several inches from her property line.
When is the Act Applicable?
I removed the survey stakes that were left on my side of the fence. She called the police and told them I stole her stakes. Technically, property markers should not be removed, unless they were paid for by you. My recommendation is to ask if you can place permanent concrete markers or similar that can be put on grade but will mark the property without having to leave steaks or flags in the ground at all times.
Let them know it will be less of an issue in the long run , as stakes or flags deteriorate over time, but concrete markers are a more permanent solution. Even if they get buried over time, they usually have a steel rod in them that can easily be located with a metal detector. However, since you already removed them, you will likely need to have it surveyed again by a professional. Having a good idea where they were is not good enough. I have a cyclone fence inside my property line. My neighbor hot wired the side facing his land and never told me, I got shocked.
The Fencing Act provides that in general the occupiers of neighbouring properties that are not divided by an adequate fence have to contribute equally to the cost of work on a fence. My neighbor is a trouble maker. We have a driveway easement and he maneuver his car in my half of the. Back yard in front of my garage.