Ascent of the Saints
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Daniel Esparza Dec 07, A look at the preliminary sketches that summarize the argument of the saint's book in a clear, straightforward manner. Your donation is truly essential to the existence of Aleteia! Get Aleteia delivered to your inbox. For the next year or so Morvayn travelled with Neldris and learned all he could of his work and of the lands of Morrowind. He visited his father's house and ruined town, learning of his uncle's betrayal he became furious with the man who had raised him out of guilt of killing his brother and swore he would avenge him.
After this he concluded his time to take his mantle had come. When the two travelled to Blacklight, the new capital, Morvayn advised Neldris to preach of the new prophets' arrival. Neldris began to spread the word on the road and eventually the city of the coming of the next saint of the true tribunal. He said a new wind would rush through house Indoril, a wind that would cleanse the halls of the Rootspire, the political stronghold, and bring from the lines of Nerevar's house a new king to rule the people.
With this intrigue revolving around the city Morvayn quickly joined the ranks of house Indoril, while his own family house now held no allegiance he committed himself to raising through the great house of their forbears. Within a few years he rose quickly in the ranks and many of his family house joined him in his leadership, defying the commands of Andel Indarys from back in Cheydenhall.
Tensions rose in the minor house and many feuds and fights both verbal and physical where had in the capital, Andel even sent dark brotherhood assassins to kill Morvayn but all were found dead outside his home and left their to send a message from Morvayn, that he was not to be trifled with. In the small city of Kragenmoor Morvayn and Andel finally met again and fought, with Andel having many of the Indarys house one his side still and with the wealth he made hired many mercenaries.
Yet Morvayn won the battle through Andals son Farwil, whom Morvayn manipulated into betraying his own father. With Andal defeated, Morvayn naming Farwil second of the house. Farwil accepted on the condition that his father not be killed, though he had done much wrong by him he still loved him, Morvayn accepted and they decreed that Andel would be under house arrest and serve as Farwil's advisor in cheydinhal, soon after the emperor accepted Farwil as the new count of cheydinhal and Andel's loss of power.
Now that Morvayn was the leader of his house, his advancement through their father house Indoril grew and his house became a reputable family of its members. Morvayn then started focusing on his studies and skills. He wrote novels on his experiences in oblivion, "oblivionwalker" and "on the paths of Oblivion" that described his travels and gave lessons to others, " the divinity of the deadra" which described daedra and the three gods of the dunmer and wrote a book on his mentor Neldris "Saints ascent: He also presented his new found abilities and knowledge of the arcane arts to house Telvanni in the areas of conjouration and mystism, and the powers of psijic powers through soul cairns and the finer points of dark soul gems.
But mostly he focused on politics. He along with his cousin Farwil made agreements and peace talks with the empire, made trade routes with the east empire company and the Aldmeri navy, made roads, rebuilt towns and furthered the healing hands efforts with funds and aid. Many people believed him to be the next saint of the tribunal, and that he had mehpala whispering into his ear and that he was the saint Neldris promised. The rumours of his connection to mephala where well founded. For though he did much good many saw him as a threat, those above him in the ranks of house Indoril feared his rise above them, those of house Sadris who were trying to fill the shoes of the lost house Hlallu where angered by his efforts at establishing money and business and even some amongst house Redoran feared his houses continuing rise, for house Indoril was the original house of kings.
Yet ever political plot, coo, betrayal and assassination was crushed by Morvayn, who always seemed to smell a trap and always outwitted rivals in the Rootspire. After one occasion where an attempt on his life lead to the death of a high member of house Sadras, two minor lords, many mercenaries and warriors and the destruction of a bar in old Ebonheart Morvayn established a new Morang Tong in the name of Mephala and presented the new rules of inter-politic rivalries and assassinations.
With Morvayn's achievements he was finally moved to first councillor and kin of house Indoril. It was at this time that the head of the house, Tholer Saryoni, who once was the head of the old temple and a pompous, cowardous elf , began to feel threatened by Morvayn and attempted to force him out of the house, but Morvayn was too liked by others in the house to be forced out so Tholer attempted to have him assassinated, sadly he was betrayed by his advisor, through Morvayn's blackmail and abduction of his son, Tholer and his loyalists perished in a fire that burned part of the Rootspire itself.
After this Morvayn was voted unanimously as the new great father of the house. Once Morvayn was elected he made a speech, openly testifying that he was the second saint of the tribunal, the saint of mehpala, the Pilgrim oblivionwalker, the lord of webs and house Indroil, who had come through fire and blood of his family, of war and of oblivion itself to further the rise of Morrowind from the ashes of the past. As Neldris had come with prophesies of the red year and later to heal the land as his group the healing hand had been doing, Morvayn said he had come to heel the cities, the culture and the people.
That night Morvayn was greeted with a dream, he was in a campsite with many Dunmer who were all shivering in the cold of dusk by an unlit fire. A man stood at the base of two headstones, the ones on the island of the scathing bay, that man was Neldris. He had gathered wood and was trying to light it but could not, frustrated he gave up, but then Morvayn came to his side and covered the wood in spider webs, like those from Mephala's realm, a very flammable thing.
The webs caught on fire quickly but couldn't last long enough to burn the wood, Morvayn then stood and gathered all the elves to the fire as it quickly lighted and died.
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Just as Morvayn began to lose hope he saw a new figure walk up to them, a woman who had a rock shaped like the headstones but small enough to be in her hand. She began to strike the rock with her sword but it didn't work, as Morvayn went to help her he woke up. That morning the Temple in blacklight was covered in webs from unseen sources, no spiders where inside them and no one knew where they came from, clearly the work of the prince of spiders Mephala.
With that Morvayn lighted the webs and they burned brilliant colors, with the decree of Neldris, Morvayn was named an Archpriest, second only to Neldris, as befitted one of house Indroil for the house and the temple where very close and had the same members in both. Morvayn began giving many sermons on the coming of the dawn, the remaking of the Dunmer people and the great things to come. He continued on his political affairs as the head of the house and both the temple and the house grew in numbers and wealth, Morvayn re-established the Ordinators as the guards of the temple, thought the royal guard was still those of house Redoran.
He was also said to bring back a new Veloth age of Psijic magic and ancestral traditions such as family shrines but keeping to newer traditions from Nerevar and even the false tribunals times. He was said to create a new chapter in Dunmer history, what was called a "Velothi Morrowind" or the "Nevaraine beginning" which meant a new age of Dunmer culture based of the principles of the grandfather of Resydan old morrowind Veloth and the father of Resydan Nerevar, only now it was past the Vivec influence of new morrowind, thus creating the true tribunal state. Years past, and as the coming of the great war loomed Neldris suggested to his pupil that Morrowind should stay out of the war, especially as all the activity they had been causing was making the argonians increasingly aggressive.
Morvayn agreed, but he still acted as an ambassador to the two powers, though he did not make alliances he was friendly to both. Though the Aldmeri Dominion was vying for merish domination, which would include Dunmer, Morvayn had been raised in the imperial province and had little ill will to the imperials or humans in general. But with the business from both and the political complexities all houses agreed to stay clear of the war, though Morvayn did ask all Dunmer to return home to escape any plight they may face in the west.
During this time he had travelled much to the other provinces across tamriel, but well before the start of the great war Morvayn announced he would go on his second pilgrimage, in which he would travel all across tamriel and find the refugees and outcasts of Morrowind and bring them back, declare the rebirth of their country to the other realms and spread the word of the new temple to all. With that he left many of his duties with the other lords of his house and with occasional guidance from Neldris, travelled.
He walked all over Morrowind first, but then moved beyond the Velothi mountains and began the great emanation of Dunmer back to their homeland, much as the grandfather of old Resydan Veloth did in times past….. Jenassa was born some time before the events of the great war, he mother died giving birth to her but before she passed she began to speak of how Jenassa would be a great hero of the Dunmer people, who would vanquish a great enemy from the land and save the country.
After the mothers passing, a cousin and minor lord of the great archmaster Bolvyn Venim, Jenassa's father, fled the now ruined country after the events of the red year.
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After travelling many miles he eventually settled in a home in Skyrim's eastern city of Riften. The father made quite a reputation amongst the refugees in Riften, and eventually all of Skyrim's east, as an accomplished warrior who protected and helped the many Dunmer who now settled in the inhospitable land of the unwelcoming Nords.
He sold his sword to the black-briar meadery where many of his brethren worked and made much money as a mercenary protecting caravans and travellers alike. Jenassa grew up with her father as he travelled and worked, and though she never knew much about her people, her homeland or made many friends with her own kind, she was very fond of her father and he was her whole world.
Psalms of Ascent: Repentance
She looked up to her father as many did and eventually she began to learn how to fight from him, he was quite surprised to find that Jenassa was a natural fighter and a quick learner, eager to master the way of the warrior. He hoped to impart his knowledge onto her soon because he knew he may not be around forever and she would need to know how to defend herself, though he at times was hard on her, he saw that it would be for the best and still loved and doted on her dearly.
Then one day, when Jenassa was still a young teenager, along the shore of Lake Geir she and her father where travelling with a large merchant group of kahjiits on their way to whiterun when they came under attack from a group of bandits. The bandit's overpowered the few sellswords hired to guard the caravan quickly and attacked the merchants without mercy.
Jenassa's father held of the assault almost single handed and killed many but saw it was a lost cause so he quickly snatched his daughter and fled into the woods. But the bandits pursued them and with jenassa being so little they couldn't hope to outrun them, so when they reached a clearing her father told her to run into the woods and hide. Jenassa hide in a small crag on a hill above the clearing and watched as the bandits entered the clearing and attacked her father.
Despite being horribly outnumbered he killed three men, but was shot, stabbed and impaled by a spear. The bandits surrounded him, even wounded they feared to attack him again. Then an Argonian entered the clearing, he was large and very intimidating, clearly the leader of the bandits. He walked right up to jenassa's father and knocked his sword from his hand in three moves. As her father looked up at her, a tear in his eye, the Argonian cut off his head.
The bandits took his head and left his body in the clearing. Jenassa wept over her father's body, and was heartbroken. She cremated her father's body in the woods and buried them in a box.
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As the moons rose over the sky her sadness turned to anger, recovering her father's broken sword she followed the bandit's tracks back to the caravan. In her rage she assaulted the bandits and killed two and wounded 4 before being captured herself. She hated herself for losing and being so foolish, fearing that she would die without revenge.
But instead the bandits kept her as a slave, maid and even at a fairly young age they used her for their degraded perversions. Over the course of a few months she slowly began to be integrated into the band of thieves, and was even promoted into the lower ranks. She learned the art of swordplay and was nicknamed "two hands" for her amazing skills at fighting with two swords.
Many thought well of her in the group and now that she was no longer a slave and could fight off the advances of men she didn't want she eventually started to act friendly to them as well. Then after a while they ended up back in the rift, near the same area she was first taken. After one successful raid the bandits had piled the dead into a fire and taken all the supplies from the wagons.
Ascent Of Mount Carmel Saint John Of The Cross
Amongst the cargo was large barrels of mead and they all took part in drinking as much as they could as they reviled and partied. Jenassa waited until they all slept heavily due to their drinking and one by one, killed them all in their sleep with her father's sword. Jenassa noticed that the Argonian leader was not among the camp, she found him in the water by the shore.
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Instead of sneaking up on him she declared herself and challenged him, a fair fight to the death for the one who killed her father and the pinnacle of her vengeance. The Argonian took up his weapon and attacked her ferociously, each blow staggering her. But she was quick and was able to get the upper ground, with that she jumped off a bolder and forced her father's broken sword into his neck, and with that cut his head off. After collecting all the bandits' bodies and all the gold and precious items she could into one of the wagons she set off.
She also found her father's skull that the Argonian used to decorate his tent, which she cremated, took it back to the spot she buried the rest of him and added it to the ash, she had thought to spread the ashes from a cliff so it might drift down to the volcanic swamps in Eastmarch that where so similar to his homeland but decided to keep it instead. The people of Riften where shocked two days later when a teenage elf girl road into town with a wagon full of dead people and an Argonian head by her side.
When the young elf presented the dead of the entire band of outlaws, an infamous group who had a large bounty placed upon their death or capture, many called her a bad omen of death and a local artist made a painting of her grisly appearance for which she was dubbed in town "the Red Artist". The jarl was amazed, indeed she was inclined to deny giving the elf a reward and instead send her to the orphanage despite being quite an advanced teenager.
But then Maven Black-Briar stepped in and said she would see to the matter. Once they were alone Maven gave Jenassa the gold promised as well as a job offer in her company and the thieves guild, which Jenassa eagerly accepted.

For years Jenassa learned about the arts of stealth and thievery from the thieves' guild, she also did much work with the many mercenaries, workers and dealings of Miss Black-Briar, and earned much patronage as well as respect and even fondness from the queen of crime in riften. But as she became an accomplished young woman she felt a yearning for more, a need to go make her own fortune. Maven allowed her to leave, much to everyone's surprise, saying that though she usually killed people who left she saw Jenassa as a promising investment. Though she was saddened to see Jenassa go she asked her to remember her when she found her fortune, and so Jenassa left.
Jenassa roamed Tamriel for many years, fought in many places, and took part in the Great War fighting in both sides for whatever suited her best, but always found the urge to go east to her homeland, yet she never did. Instead she always returned to Skyrim where she felt familiar. One time in her travels she found herself hunting escaped prisoners outside of Whiterun, she quickly made short work of them, but one in a desperate will to survive her onslaught tackled her and they both feel into the stream that lay below. While Jenassa killed him before they hit the ground, she landed in the stream bed awkwardly and broke her leg.
Miles from Whiterun, with no horse and a broken leg in the middle of the tundra with all manner of deadly things she thought herself done for. Then from nowhere a herd of deer came running by and one fell near her with an arrow in its eye. She was relived to find a wood elf hunter had done so and he quickly rushed her back to Whiterun.
The hunter and his brother, Anoriath and Elrindir, cared for her and as she healed she found herself growing very fond of the two, thinking of them like uncles. Eventually she healed and could continue her adventuring but found herself staying at the inn often, indeed despite her many travels she came to think of them and their inn her family and home. By the time she was in her 30's she was a very accomplished warrior and along with their teachings in marksmanship she was a deadly force indeed. People from all around would seek the skills of the famed Red Artist, the deadly Two hands to be the shadow at their backs in dangerous places and she was a famed and well off mercenary.
But still she felt her heart somehow sad, yearning for more, and still she held onto her father's ashes, wondering what to do with her life. One night in the wood elves inn Jenassa had a dream, she dreamed of a dark wood at dusk. She ran through it urgently as if being chased by the shadows, desperately trying to reach the sun. Finally she got to a campsite with three solemn headstones in the centre and a campfire in front.
An old man stood over it, though he had collected the wood he made no effort to light it. She approached the man, seemingly a priest with a staff that looked of roses and a soul gem that looked like azuras star, she took out her own flint and struck it along her sword but couldn't light the fire herself. As she continuously failed she become more agitated and urgent for she felt many shadowy figures creeping up behind her, as she began to panic a man's hands took hers into his own.
His hands where rough and wore a ring with a spider on it that looked almost alive. She turned to see the man was a Dunmer, though somewhat hard pressed and scared the man was handsome, with slick long hair, a short beard and though finely dressed and richly in appearance had a hardness in his eyes. He seemed familiar somehow, but before she could think he took her hands and gently stroked the flint along her sword, the sparks lighted long and brightly and the fire started.
As the light of the fire grew she saw the shadowy figures that had been creeping up to her and scaring her where all people of her race, smiling as the sun rose from the east in a brilliant dawn. When Jenassa woke she clutched her father's ashes, very troubled and perplexed by the dream.
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When she told her wood elf friends of the dream they didn't know what to make of it, but suggested it could mean that the gods where finally preparing her for the fate they all expected of her. When she tried to guess who the men where in her dream, they suggested it could match the description of a recent and frequent patron there at the inn, a travelling diplomat named lord Indarys. Jenassa had seen the man, a soft spoken, well-mannered mer with fine silk clothes and a city man's charm. She did not like him and thought he could not be the powerful, strong man she saw in her dream, but he was described as a wise, holy man and he could tell her more of what her dream meant.
Later that day, as Jenassa was seeing her friend Andrie about her armour, who worked as a smith by the gates of the city, she was astounded to see the lord Indarys walk by. But she recognised him first for the man in her dreams rather than the man she'd seen in the inn before. Instead of silk robes fit for mages and merchants and a charming, pleasant manner, he looked much more to her own line of work. He wore exquisite ebony armour, fashioned in original Dunmer Indoril armour style, a fine black sword slick with blood and was covered in cuts, bruises and blood that was not all his.
Jenassa quickly helped him into the inn and the wood elves hastily helped him, though all he wanted was a merish drink and a bed. As they saw to his wounds she listened to his tale, of how he had heard that between there and Eastmarch was a group of bandits preying on elvish travellers and non-humans as to not attract the attention of the nords who cared only for their own kin.
Though he had tracked them and fought them he had underestimated the size of their numbers and thus lost his small guards and barley escaped. As the initial commotion settled the two elf men had to resume tending their inn and store and Jenassa was left to marvel at the man's description of his exploits and his amazing healing abilities on his current wounds.
Jenassa talked and laughed with this kinsmen, and was amazed at his transformation from a seemingly city merchant to hardened spellsword. Realizing the importance of her dream and the coincidence of his arrival, she saw this as a turn of fate, and acted upon it. She offered to help the sera with his hunt on the bandits, for a fee of course, and hoped that travelling with him would give her a change to learn her fate, tell him of her dream or find out what his presence meant.
The man accepted and they left the following day to re-engage the bandits. The two travelled together and the man continued to tell tales of epic proportion, of great feats in their homeland, of mystery and political assassinations, of travels to the corners of Tamriel and of fights in the realms of oblivion.
Icon showing Old Testament imagery to the left and linking the Ladder with Jacob's vision. The Ladder is shown cutting through the Icon, ascending from the bottom left, to the top right, and separating the Heavenly from the worldly. Around about the Ladder are numerous pitch-black demons which are besetting those on the ladders with arrows, spears, and chains. These are physical manifestations of the sinful thoughts and temptations which beset us as we walk the narrow path, or the narrow ascent, toward Salvation.
To the left, in the upper portion, ministering angels are shown interceding for those on the Ladder, and ready to receive them covering their hands when they reach Heaven. In some icons they are shown swooping in to crown those who reach the summit. In the top-right is Jesus Christ Himself, open-armed, to receive all; those on the Ladder, at every stage, have their eyes fixed upon Christ.
In later icons, Hades is shown in the bottom right, but in the above, older, Sinai Icon it is not clear that Hades is being shown in all its lurid detail. It is likely that those in the bottom-right are merely observing the scene, and inviting us to do the same. In some Icons the Church is explicitly shown at the bottom of the Ladder, usually with St John Climacus shown with a halo gesturing the way to those who have yet to begin their climb.
As ever-blooming fruits, you offer the teachings of your God-given book, O wise John, most blessed, while sweetening the hearts of all them that heed it with vigilance; For it is a ladder from the earth unto Heaven that confers glory on the souls that ascend it and honor you faithfully. Hello Webmaster, This is a message from Taiwan. I do not own the copyright to any of the pictures, but the one at the top is in the public domain and several high-resolution versions are available on Wikipedia:. Cookies of Divine Ascent Oh, she cooks! You are commenting using your WordPress.