Without Regan
This canon has been repeated for so long that it seems self-evidently true to Republicans and movement conservatives. The answer is that while all those statements are true, they exist in the context of a much more pro-government world view than Reaganism admits.
Many assume that his political outlook changed so much as he moved to the right that he rejected FDR and the New Deal. He did not, however, join other conservatives and say New Deal programs were unconstitutional or an improper thing for government to do. Nor, if the programs genuinely met a legitimate need, did he criticize them for costing too much.
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I just about fell off my chair in the Reagan Library when I heard him say this in a speech: They represented forward thinking on our part. He pushed through three tax increases as president, one of which made Social Security solvent for the past 35 years. Reagan got these ideas from FDR, and often paraphrased lines uttered by his one-time idol. He did dramatically better than other Republican presidential nominees in similar counties and towns when he ran for president, too.
Brian Regan
The Republican nominee for president has received a majority of the popular vote only once since Most tellingly, Republican nominees before Trump consistently lost the Reagan Democrat-dominated states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and Pennsylvania, winning only one of those states Iowa in one race The current congressional majority, for example, is due to the and waves, which were clearly a reflection of anger at President Barack Obama rather than an endorsement of Reaganism.
And Republican domination of statehouses and state legislatures has resulted mainly because these representatives have rejected Reaganism. Republican governors and state legislatures have continued to increase the size of government, cutting taxes on the margin but largely following the real Reagan by keeping services strong first. He then received an overwhelming swing vote from blue-collar whites—the same vote Reagan got, in exactly the regions of the country where Reagan did well—to capture the White House.
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