The Raven King (All for the Game Book 2)
But from now until May you are still Neil Josten and I am still the man who said he would keep you alive. The one person standing in their way is Andrew, and the only one who can break through his personal barriers is Neil. The Raven King features intense and incredibly graphic scenes of violence, torture, and rape. Please do not read this book if it makes you even slightly uncomfortable, because it is very graphic and very present throughout the book. Like how in the world did they get from point A to point B? The plot felt nonexistent, the characters felt intangible, and it read like fanfiction.
Completely different ball game, my friends. Books Read in 3, No current Talk conversations about this book. So amazing, what a way to end the book. I need to stop judging series by their first novel because the second one is always infinitely better. You must log in to edit Common Knowledge data. References to this work on external resources. Wikipedia in English None.
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See all customer images. Read reviews that mention foxhole court raven king book in the series kings men character development mental illness second book looking forward twists and turns court and the raven read this book nora sakavic trigger warnings love this series even though third book feel like edge of your seat left hanging next book. Showing of reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews.
- The Raven King (All for the Game) (Volume 2).
- The Raven King (All for the Game, #2) by Nora Sakavic.
- Gray Skies: A Civil War legend of family courage.
- The Raven King (All for the Game) (Volume 2) by Nora Sakavic | LibraryThing.
There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Every character has an agenda, and many characters have pasts that are buried so deeply under lies that each discovery only cements my belief that this series is phenomenally awesome. The author is a master storyteller, her way of spinning a fascinating as well as emotional tale is outstanding.
Nothing in these books is predictable. Each new discovery is more outrages and in your face than the other.
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Throughout the first two books my jaw hit the floor countless times. The intricacies between the different plots are mind boggling. There are just some authors that are leap years ahead of others. And Nora Sakavic is one of them. This author and series deserves way more recognition than other hyped authors and series.
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When you get down to it, the entire series is one long book. Raven King started exactly where Foxhole Court ended. The team finally understands that only united they have a chance to win the final match. And seeing them growing closer, socializing and spending their free time together outside of the court is heart-warming. Because I love them all, I want them to get along. His relationship with Andrew is as fascinating as it is mysterious.
He has this unbelievable way with him, that none of the team can get even close to. Even though they constantly battle over truths, lies, and secrets, at the end they are just trying to understand the other person. So all I can say is read this series, actually buy it.
The first book is free on Amazon, the second and third only cost 99 cents each. One person found this helpful. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Or maybe, I really hoped it would be. Regardless, I'm just too invested in this series to just not finish it now. There's a lot to get out of my system and I'll try my best to keep this review in order. To start, the biggest eyesore is that the writing itself almost seemed to have gotten I came across a few mistakes that honestly could have been fixed if someone reread it through clearly. For instance, someone mentions to check if someone was still breathing, in a few paragraphs down the task of "breathing" changed to "bleeding".
Another example would be in a spot where "both" should have been used, but instead "bother" was used. Normally, I don't harp on such things.
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However, it just becomes increasingly annoying as they were so simple and obvious. That and I spent time rereading the lines thinking maybe I just reading it wrong. As for characters, I still want to say that there is still some goodness here. I actually love Nicky.
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He seems to be one of the few that gets to talk a lot with the least awkward moments. To rephrase, most of his parts seemed the least forced. Ignoring that horrible stereotyped cookie cutter homophobia talk at the family dinner.
The Raven King
Like I haven't heard these lines times already. Impersonal, lacked conviction, and just put in for the sake of having it. Where as anything dealing with Matt, Dan, Renee, or the coach just makes me want to skim and page flip. Their dialogue feels so forced out and I honestly just do not care.
It's even worse when they're used to just pass information along or reveal details. Plus, a few just seem unneeded to have separate parts made for. Example being Dan helping Neil remove classes from his schedule.