The Oxford Murders
At Oxford University, a professor and a grad student work together to try and stop a potential series of murders seemingly linked by mathematical symbols. See All Details and Credits. This one is a real sleeper, one I came across quite by accident. I'm a murder mystery addict.
What fascinates me about The Oxford Murders is the smooth blend of mystery with cutting-edge philosophical theory centering on Wittgenstein, chaos theory, and Heisenberg's This one is a real sleeper, one I came across quite by accident. What fascinates me about The Oxford Murders is the smooth blend of mystery with cutting-edge philosophical theory centering on Wittgenstein, chaos theory, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Please believe me when I tell you these are integrated seamlessly into the seemingly serial murder plot. What is true and how do you know it?
And just when you think you have all the answers, is there another alternative scenario you haven't even remotely entertained that is equally plausible? Yes, by the way, but that's no spoiler. Hurt is masterful as the pompous but brilliant Oxford don. The others all help make the movie work well enough. I don't know whether "Lorna" was in the original novel on which this is based but her character makes its own pleasant contribution as well.
Al principio es lenta, y no acaba de convencer. Don't have an account? By creating an account, you agree to the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Policies , and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Already have an account? Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. This purported whodunit thriller never solves its main mystery: How and why did this film get made in the first place?
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A polished but verbose whodunit that's surprisingly buttoned-down given helmer Alex de la Inglesia's rep for comicbook wackiness. A poorly formulated story that's nearly impossible to understand and accept. Hurt sells the silliness almost convincingly, but even from such a skillful pitchman it comes out sounding, finally, like junk.
The Scooby Doo ending requires nearly ten minutes of explanation and negates the need to follow the previous 90 minutes. It's also preceded by one character stating, "In life, nobody bothers explaining anything.

So bad it's good, then? Alas, the whole thing is uncomfortable and boring, scotching any ironic enjoyment of its awfulness.
The Oxford Murders Review
A wonderfully compelling mess of a movie. It's tricky trying to bond Hitchcockian flair with lecture hall semantics, but the director works his tricks with ace visual consideration. Disappointing, badly plotted thriller, let down by some dodgy acting, poor direction and a script that makes The Da Vinci Code look like a masterpiece. The murders are simply chalk marks on a blackboard with no build-up and little fallout.
Not so terrible that you can understand why it's been practically buried by its distributors, but you can get better ridiculous whodunits on TV. If your a Math person you might enjoy this I didn;t, Just to much senless stuff to make it interesting 3 stars. The Oxford Murders is a DaVinci-esque mystery involving murder, deceit, jealousy, and even Pythagoras. If that sounds too convoluted, then we're in agreement. It involves the limits of mathematics and the meaning of truth as well as sub-plots, but it bogs down in labryninthian details.
I, like Watling's character Lorna, grew exasperated with Wood's and Hurt's characters. At the university, things do not fare much better as Martin is put in his place by his idol during one of Seldom's lectures. But his private life changes for the best as he starts an affair with Lorna, a beautiful girl he met during a game of squash. One night Seldom and Martin who find themselves at Mrs. Eagletons's discover her dead body.
They are interrogated by the police. Soon afterwards they decide to lead their own private investigation Written by Guy Bellinger. The film follows Martin Wood , an American who travels to Oxford to write his thesis under the legendary mathematician Arthur Seldom Hurt , and finds an angry, pompous old man instead of the wise and caring fellow he had imagined. Disillusioned, Martin is about to return home when he and Seldom find a dead body. The rest of the film covers Martin and Seldom's race against time to find the killer, using the mathematical theories that both are knowledgeable about.
The film is pretty bland.
The Oxford Murders () - Rotten Tomatoes
It's characters, save the amazing John Hurt, are one-dimensional. Martin is boring and unengaging and Elijah Wood does nothing to improve his script. The same can be said of Julie Cox and especially Leonar Watling.
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John Hurt is the only reason I finished, really. His acting skill is not at home in the world of blandness. You could do better than "The Oxford Murders", but if you're not looking for too much it will suffice. Enjoy a night in with these popular movies available to stream now with Prime Video.
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