The Other Shoe Dropped
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If your upstairs neighbor came in late at night there was a chance that you could hear their door close, so you would know that they came home and you might hear their bed creak when they sat down on it. You would certainly know when he takes off one shoe and drops it on the floor.
Maybe he hears the thump of his shoe and he starts feeling guiltily realizing that everyone else around him is trying to sleep, so he takes the other shoe off much more carefully and quietly puts in on the floor. Written for Linda G.
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It kind of reminds me of when you see only one shoe in the middle of the road or something. I always wonder where is the other shoe? Like Liked by 1 person. You are commenting using your WordPress.
The Phrase "Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop" Was Born In NYC: Gothamist
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- Drop the other shoe - Idioms by The Free Dictionary.
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Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
Skip to content April 11, April 11, newepicauthor. OK, I get that. But then it was followed by these examples:. Franklin has left his wife.
Soon he'll drop the other shoe and divorce her. Tommy has just failed three classes in school. We expect him to drop the other shoe and quit altogether any day now. I never associated the relief one feels when the other shoe drops to a necessarily negative connotation of the idiom. Looking further , wait for the other shoe to drop:.
Once a company starts laying off employees, those who are still working feel they are waiting for the other shoe to drop. I understood it's origin , as I grew up in such an apartment: Apartments were built similar in design with one's bedroom under another's. Thus, it was normal to hear a neighbor removing shoes and hearing them hit the floor above. As one shoe made a sound hitting the floor, the expectation for the other shoe to make a similar sound was created.
Waiting For The Other Shoe To Fall
I don't see this as bad, except perhaps for the minor inconveniece of anticipation between shoe-falls. But when it happens, there is relief.

The alertness created by the first shoe combines with a sense of the inevitable here comes the second By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.