The Foundation Effect (Building Businesses That Run Themselves Book 1)
I think one of the toughest things for people making the move to solopreneurship or at least starting a business on the side first , is finding the path of least resistance. Sean, I tried looking up your first post on Location , but, was unable to click on the oldest post listed. I am wondering if you would mind sharing the link to it here? I am curious as to what your thoughts were at that time in writing that post and the direction of this blog and how it has changed course. I think it would be helpful to me. Found his first post here: In the end you give them a report on all issues found so that the people that hired you can fix their issues before they become liabilities.
The learning curve is high as it could take a year or more to learn the techniques needed depending on motivation and prior knowledge of web technologies. The time investment depends on the tester and the quality of the service they want to offer thorough manual testing, point-and-click automated scanning, etc. One huge downside is managing legal liabilities and getting the paperwork right.
Interesting how the majority of these are related. Are there any of your members doing day trading? I have contact with a few traders that trade the markets location independent. This is exactly what I needed to read. Thanks so much for the info and the honest and friendly tone! Great post as always and timely for me. That said, do you have any insight or wisdom to offer in regards to registering a freelance business as an LLC vs.
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Had to share it on our own site. Liked the one about blogging because of the lifestyle it allows as you are living proof of it. This is a great low down of what you can do. You have to consider your own abilities as well. For example, podcasting is never for me. I love to watch people who are doing it successfully but I cannot imagine doing it myself.
Another example is that some people are great with words and others love to speak with codes. You need to decide which one you are first. Are you good at creative work or are you good ad writing? This brings us to the next point. If you are good at one part of your business you can concentrate on that area and employ or contract others to do the other part.
For example, I know coding but terrible at designs. So, whenever I need a website I contract it out to someone who is a lot more imaginative than me. It may take a while to find your thing but it is a process you need to go through first before you fully commit to earning a living online. My question is, if I am someone who is looking to start a freelance SEO and Copywriting business, how long would you say it would take before seeing a good income from this?
I have always felt my writing skills were above average History and Literature major , and since joining The Foundation my knowledge of internet marketing, copywriting, and SEO have sky rocketed. Just curious on your thoughts on how long this might take to get up and running? It totally depends on how much time you have to devote to it. Great list complete with great resources.
Working on this part of the online market can really introduce you to a lot of the possibilities out there. You can do a lot more than just SEO, but it s a good starting point! Thanks for this great list. A lot of options to create and make money off of those creations. I think the main key is choosing one to start and sticking with it. Patience is always key. Your rating system is genius- it gives you a quick insight. I can tell I will be referring back to this post. Keep up the great work! All I had to do was befriend people within the travel space over the course of 2 years, offering to help them in any way I could.
I am investigating extra business activities right now, and the other 9 you list Sean offer a starting point … thanks man! All of this sounds really awesome! I need your help. Now I am not very computer literate. So I need to do something fairly easy I am not much of a writer. My mind wanders when I try to think and stick to one idea. Because all I keep thinking about is make some money fast to help my family. Something that I can start and get running right away.
Something that will change the way families are struggling today like mine would be great. I am trying to reach that financial independence. To be happier and to know that I have finally beat this never ending financial roller coaster we call life. And to try to reach out to families who are trying to do the same thing. Hey Sean, I just read your post! I love the insight and the enthusiasm to encourage people to do something different.
Taking it online so to speak. I also can order them test kits and send it to them internationally with some of the labs that I use so I can get fresh information to help them solve their case or at least offer some insight for them. I like to think of it as being a CSI investigator for chronic health issues.
Startup company
Do you think I could attract folks from all over the internet to hire me to look into their cases and pay for my time? Allowing me to live anywhere I choose, ultimately? I am not really interested in copywriting and I have to tell you, as technical and creative minded as I am, I hate computers and everything about them. I am seeking something with low start up costs as I am still paying off my M. Do you have anything else? Thank you for your article, it was definitely interesting but most of that stuff is beyond my wheelhouse.
I was curious if you know anyone that is maybe sourcing products from Thailand to sell in other countries. I am actually a Thai-Born American and was planning on taking a long vacation over there looking for a financial opportunity over there on my stay. If I can find a way to get some revenue I might stay there for a while. First of all thank you so much for posting such an informational post. My Question- Right now I am not at all expert in mentioned skills, and also, I am not very much excellent in English Writing.
Also, the What is a Social Media Manager girl looks grumpy as hell! First gig is assisting a bigger marketing company on the social side of ad campaigns.
Looking to get more clients and move somewhere tropical, with palm trees and a mango tree in my garden! Pls can you give me some guide. Your email address will not be published.

How difficult is it to learn the skills necessary to be successful? Freelance, for instance, is pretty easy to grab the basics. Web development, on the other hand, is essentially like learning a new language and can be much more difficult. Certain businesses can get off the ground really quickly, while others can take a few years. How much time do you have to invest before you start to see major returns? Want to Work From Anywhere? Just follow the steps in this post to get up and running.
If you want to go this route, then cruise through and read as many of their blog posts as you can as it represents a great introduction to that kind of work. The Gary Halbert Letters — Some of the best sales letters in the world. How to Create a Membership Site in 48 Hours — This walks you through all the steps you need to consider when building out your first information product.
This will help you figure that out. How to Grow a Podcast from Zero to k Downloads a Month — This is an older, but still valuable, post a post John wrote detailing exactly how he got started with Entrepreneur on Fire. Pay Per Click Marketing — Wordstream is trying to push their services here, but I think this post does a good job of introducing some of the basics.
Everything You Need for a Profitable Account — This is a really awesome series of posts that will help you dig into AdWords and get started. Code Academy — Not reading so much, but if you want to get your feet wet, this is the best free service out there I know of for learning to code. How to Make Money as a Social Media Consultant — Alexis Grant has been doing this for years and shares her best posts and products on learning this skill. Who wants to do that? You can also look at forming partnerships too. How to Sell Photos Online: To help get you thinking outside the box, here are a few more ideas that you can dig into: Remote customer service expert Podcast editor Home design consultant Etsy consultant Dropshipping Language teacher Photographer Video editor Online course creator Project management Blog manager someone who manages a team of writers Kindle book writer or editor Any of these ideas getting some thoughts bubbling?
Ready to Get Started? Questions about how to get going? Just leave a comment or shoot me an email! Facebook Twitter Pinterest Pocket.
17 Businesses You Can Run from Anywhere on Earth (And Start Today)
Comments Nice list, man! Would you count web development with web design? I was actually just reading an article about their 4 day workweeks — pretty cool. I can design and do front end dev. I can write and know a bit about SEO. Any suggestions on where I can start? Rus, A few things: Conferences are also a great way to meet people for that kind of work. Yeah one of our members did a whole interview and mini blueprint on it inside Location Rebel. She also did a guest post thats a great starting point: Very cool, tons of value. Keep the good stuff coming! Hey Sean, Great post, just what I needed to read today.
What’s in this guide?
Hey Sean, Wicked post! This list is awesome, and is just what people need to get started! Great list here man — had no idea Podcasting was an earner! Hey Sean, Great post as always and timely for me. Hey Scott, noticed you have a pretty good following on your blog already.
But definitely a pretty cool feeling. Awesome post Sean — thank god for the internet opening up all these doors. Good list although most of it is active income. Would prefer a passive income list. The first step towards passive income is active income. I have long craved the ability to live outside the US and make my money online. I guess my product would be information. Hello Sean, First of all thank you so much for posting such an informational post. Look forward to reading the SEO Writing links. Looks like a potential! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
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