Paradise Found & Lost (Castillo To Sylmar Book 1)
I as all others to his Baptism came, Which I believ'd was from above; but he Strait knew me, and with loudest voice proclaim'd [ ] Me him for it was shew'n him so from Heaven Me him whose Harbinger he was; and first Refus'd on me his Baptism to confer, As much his greater, and was hardly won ; But as I rose out of the laving stream, [ ] Heaven open'd her eternal doors , from whence The Spirit descended on me like a Dove , And last the sum of all, my Father's voice, Audibly heard from Heav'n , pronounc'd me his, Me his beloved Son, in whom alone [ ] He was well pleas'd ; by which I knew the time Now full, that I no more should live obscure, But openly begin, as best becomes The Authority which I deriv'd from Heaven.
And now by some strong motion I am led [ ] Into this Wilderness, to what intent I learn not yet, perhaps I need not know; For what concerns my knowledge God reveals. So spake our Morning Star then in his rise, And looking round on every side beheld [ ] A pathless Desert, dusk with horrid shades; The way he came not having mark'd , return Was difficult, by humane steps untrod; And he still on was led, but with such thoughts Accompanied of things past and to come [ ] Lodg'd in his brest , as well might recommend Such solitude before choicest Society.
Full forty days he pass'd , whether on hill Sometimes, anon in shady vale, each night Under the covert of some ancient Oak, [ ] Or Cedar, to defend him from the dew, Or harbour'd in one Cave, is not reveal'd ; Nor tasted humane food, nor hunger felt Till those days ended, hunger'd then at last Among wild Beasts: But now an aged man in Rural weeds , Following, as seem'd , the quest of some stray Ewe, [ ] Or wither'd sticks to gather; which might serve Against a Winters day when winds blow keen, To warm him wet return'd from field at Eve, He saw approach; who first with curious eye Perus'd him, then with words thus utt'red spake.
Sir, what ill chance hath brought thee to this place So far from path or road of men, who pass In Troop or Caravan, for single none Durst ever, who return'd , and dropt not here His Carcass, pin'd with hunger and with droughth? To whom the Son of God. Who brought me hither [ ] Will bring me hence, no other Guide I seek. By Miracle he may, reply'd the Swain, What other way I see not, for we here Live on tough roots and stubs , to thirst inur'd More then the Camel, and to drink go far, [ ] Men to much misery and hardship born; But if thou be the Son of God, Command That out of these hard stones be made thee bread ; So shalt thou save thyself and us relieve With Food, whereof we wretched seldom taste.
He ended, and the Son of God reply'd. Think'st thou such force in Bread? Why dost thou then suggest to me distrust, [ ] Knowing who I am, as I know who thou art? Whom thus answer'd th' Arch Fiend now undisguis'd. I came among the Sons of God, when he Gave up into my hands Uzzean Job To prove him, and illustrate his high worth; [ ] And when to all his Angels he propos'd To draw the proud King Ahab into fraud That he might fall in Ramoth , they demurring , I undertook that office, and the tongues Of all his flattering Prophets glibb'd with lyes [ ] To his destruction, as I had in charge.
For what he bids I do; though I have lost Much lustre of my native brightness , lost To be belov'd of God, I have not lost To love, at least contemplate and admire [ ] What I see excellent in good, or fair, Or vertuous , I should so have lost all sense. What can be then less in me then desire To see thee and approach thee, whom I know Declar'd the Son of God, to hear attent [ ] Thy wisdom, and behold thy God-like deeds? Men generally think me much a foe To all mankind: Envy they say excites me, thus to gain Companions of my misery and wo.
At first it may be; but long since with wo Nearer acquainted, now I feel by proof , [ ] That fellowship in pain divides not smart, Nor lightens aught each mans peculiar load. Small consolation then, were Man adjoyn'd: This wounds me most what can it less that Man, Man fall'n , shall be restor'd , I never more. Sherl, foytit i dravit v pegmatiti ot metamorfnata mantiya na Planskiya pluton, Yugozapadna B'lgariya [Schorl, foitite and dravite from pegmatites in the metamorphic zone of Plana Pluton, SW Bulgaria].
Geokhimiya, Mineralogiya i Petrologiya, 40, in Bulgarian with English abtract. Vol 1 Nonmetallic and pegmatic.
Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
Econ Geol Nova Scotia Halifax Co. Thesis, Saint Mary's University, Augist Trueman Reconnaissance studies of four pegmatite populations in the Northwest Territories. Geological Survey Of Canada Bulletin Multiple hydrothermal and metamorphic events in the Kidd Creek volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Timmins, Ontario: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26 4 , Mineralogical Record Rocks and Minerals Ercit The geochemistry and crystal chemistry of columbite-group minerals from granitic pegmatites, southwestern Grenville Province, Canadian Shield.
The Canadian Mineralogist Breaks and Julie B. Selway Tourmaline in petalite-subtype granitic pegmatites; evidence of fractionation and contamination from the Paleagama Lake and Separation Lake areas of northwestern Ontario, Canada. Liddicoatite and associated species from the McCombe spodumene-subtype rare-element granitic pegmatite, northwestern Ontario, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist 43, Canadian Mineralogist, 40, The petrology, geochemistry and genesis of sulphide-related alteration at the Temagami Mine, Ontario.
Mineralogical Record, 10 2: Sabina ; Hugh S. Spence Pegmatite minerals of Ontario and Quebec. Alteration within the basement rocks associated with the P2 fault and the McArthur River uranium deposit, Athabasca Basin. Magmatic hydrothermal fluids and the origin of quartz-tourmaline orbicules in the Seagull Batholith, Yukon Territory. Canadian Mineralogist 30, Mineral Deposits 6 3 , Spessartine localities, Fujian Province, China. Mineralogical Record, 36 1: Guangxi Hechi Luocheng Co.
Henan Nanyang Xixia Co. Hunan Chenzhou Yizhang Co. Shaanxi Baoji Taibai Co. Sichuan Mianyang Pingwu Co. Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology 26 2 , Mineral Deposits 32 1 , Yunnan Dali Yunlong Co. Geology and Prospecting 23 9 , ; Yu, J. Acta Geologica Sinica English Edition 84 1 , Acta universitatis carolinae, Geologica, , no. Geosci, 80 3 , Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. Gahnite inclusions in beryl in pegmatites of the Sowie Mts. Journal of Geosciences, Cech Occurrence of stokesite in Czechoslovakia. Chemical composition of tourmalines in pegmatites of the Jihlava massif western Moravia, Czechoslovakia.
Chemie der Erde 49, Compositional trends in manganocolumbite from the Puklice I pegmatite, western Moravia, Czech Republic. Journal of GEOsciences, 41 , Mineralium Deposita, 11 2 , A pegmatite with lithium mineralization at Radonin, western Moravia. Chemie der Erde 41, in German. Cyrilovite from Cyrilov, western Moravia, Czech Republic; new data on the type material. Journal of GEOsciences, 45 , Erde, , 40, European Journal of Mineralogy, 20 4 , Natural History Museum Vienna collection; http: Mineralogical Magazine 80 1. Distinctive compositional trends in columbite-tantalite from two segments of the lepidolite pegmatite at Rozna Western Moravia, Czech Republic.
Journal of GEOsciences, 46 , Journal of the Czech Geological Society 49, Subsolidus behavior of niobian rutile from Vezna, Czech Republic: Kotkan topaasilouhoksesta ja sen mineraaleista. Mineralogy of gold occurrences in the late archean Hattu schist belt, Ilomantsi, Eastern Finland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper Kelokorven malmiaiheiden malmimineragia ja petrografia. Geological Survey of Finland Bulletin , 39 s. Journal of the Czech Geological Society. Geological Survey of Finland. Geological Survey of Finland Bulletin , 82 s.
Compositional variation of granitic pegmatites in relation to regional metamorphism in the Seinajoki region, western Finland. Special Paper 30 - Geological Survey of Finland, Svecofennian granitic pegmatites 1. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 30, Pollucite and its alteration in Finnish Pegmatites. Geological Survey of Finland Bulletin. Kartashov analytical data, Ilkka Mikkola specimen; Ilkka Mikkola collection. Al-Ani, Thair and Aittola, Timo Le Cahier des Micromonteurs.
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The First Book
The Canadian Mineralogist, 46 5 , Korrespondenzblatt des Zoologisch-Mineralogischen Vereines in Regensburg 6 3 , Mineralogical Magazine, 72 5 , Lapis 38 1 , Lapis 34 6 , Lapis 30 6 , ; Lapis 33 12 , ; ; 58 in German. Mineralogy and Petrology 60, Deb, Wayne David Goodfellow eds. Sediment-hosted lead-zinc sulphide deposits: Editors Apatite - The Great Pretender.

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Bettini, Sondrio, pp. The Canadian Mineralogist, 54 4 , Itinerari mineralogici in val Codera. I minerali della provincia di Sondrio e della Bregaglia grigionese: Giovanni Scapin Collection; Bertolini A. Nuovi ritrovamenti mineralogici presso Chiavenna SO: Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 12, 3 , Sulla tormalina del granofiro di Cuasso al Monte Varese. MICRO 16 1 , Il massiccio cristallino dell'Argentera.
Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 28 1: Minerali del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta. Associazione Amici del Museo F. Eusebio - Alba, pag. Associazione Amici del Museo "F. I minerali delle Alpi Marittime e Cozie. Eusebio" di Alba, Ed. I minerali del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta. Amici del museo "F. I minerali del granito di Baveno, la fayalite.
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University of Padova, Dept. Su alcuni minerali del massiccio granitico del monte Limbara zona "Furru e Conca", comune di Calangianus. I minerali della Sardegna ed i loro giacimenti. Edizioni della Torre, Cagliari, p. Babingtonite e "Granati" delle pegmatiti granitiche della Gallura, Sardegna nord-orientale.
A first detailed crystal-chemical study. Book of abstracts, ; Bosi, F. Guida mineralogica del Trentino e del Sudtirolo. Athesia, Bolzano, pp. Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, 49, 3 , ; Venzo, Z. Micro, 15, , Mineralien-Welt, 24 6 , in German. Verlagsanstalt Athesia, Bozen, pp. Casa Editrice Athesia, Bolzano-Bozen, pp.
Paradise Regain'd
Minerali e fossili del Trentino dalle Dolomiti al Lago di Garda. Recenti ritrovamenti nelle pegmatiti del massiccio granitico Trentino orientale. I minerali dell'Isola del Giglio. Circolo Culturale Gigliese; Fei, A. Terzo congresso di scienze naturali. Fratelli Fabbri Editori, Milano, pp. Nuovi ritrovamenti alle miniere Maffei e Montorsi. I minerali del granito di Pomonte. These distinctions can be interpreted as Milton's view on the importance of mutuality between husband and wife.
When examining the relationship between Adam and Eve, some critics apply either an Adam-centered or Eve-centered view of hierarchy and importance to God. David Mikics argues, by contrast, these positions "overstate the independence of the characters' stances, and therefore miss the way in which Adam and Eve are entwined with each other".
Although Milton does not directly mention divorce, critics posit theories on Milton's view of divorce based upon their inferences from the poem and from his tracts on divorce written earlier in his life. Other works by Milton suggest he viewed marriage as an entity separate from the church.
Paradise Lost - Wikipedia
Discussing Paradise Lost , Biberman entertains the idea that "marriage is a contract made by both the man and the woman". Milton's 17th-century contemporaries by and large criticised his ideas and considered him as a radical, mostly because of his Protestant views on politics and religion. One of Milton's most controversial arguments centred on his concept of what is idolatrous, which subject is deeply embedded in Paradise Lost.
Milton's first criticism of idolatry focused on the constructing of temples and other buildings to serve as places of worship. In response, the angel Michael explains that Adam does not need to build physical objects to experience the presence of God. That is, instead of directing their thoughts towards God, humans will turn to erected objects and falsely invest their faith there. While Adam attempts to build an altar to God, critics note Eve is similarly guilty of idolatry, but in a different manner.
Harding believes Eve's narcissism and obsession with herself constitutes idolatry. In the beginning of Paradise Lost and throughout the poem, there are several references to the rise and eventual fall of Solomon's temple. Critics elucidate that "Solomon's temple provides an explicit demonstration of how an artefact moves from its genesis in devotional practice to an idolatrous end.
Even if one builds a structure in the name of God, the best of intentions can become immoral in idolatry. Further, critics have drawn parallels between both Pandemonium and Saint Peter's Basilica , [ citation needed ] and the Pantheon. The majority of these similarities revolve around a structural likeness, but as Lyle explains, they play a greater role. By linking Saint Peter's Basilica and the Pantheon to Pandemonium —an ideally false structure—the two famous buildings take on a false meaning. In addition to rejecting Catholicism, Milton revolted against the idea of a monarch ruling by divine right.
He saw the practice as idolatrous.
Barbara Lewalski concludes that the theme of idolatry in Paradise Lost "is an exaggerated version of the idolatry Milton had long associated with the Stuart ideology of divine kingship". The writer and critic Samuel Johnson wrote that Paradise Lost shows off "[Milton's] peculiar power to astonish" and that "[Milton] seems to have been well acquainted with his own genius, and to know what it was that Nature had bestowed upon him more bountifully than upon others: Milton scholar John Leonard interpreted the "impious war" between Heaven and Hell as civil war: Paradise Lost is, among other things, a poem about civil war.
Satan raises 'impious war in Heav'n' i 43 by leading a third of the angels in revolt against God. The term 'impious war' implies that civil war is impious. In his poem, however, he takes the side of 'Heav'n's awful Monarch' iv Critics have long wrestled with the question of why an antimonarchist and defender of regicide should have chosen a subject that obliged him to defend monarchical authority.
The editors at the Poetry Foundation argue that Milton's criticism of the English monarchy was being directed specifically at the Stuart monarchy and not at the monarchy system in general. In a similar vein, critic and writer C. Lewis argued that there was no contradiction in Milton's position in the poem since "Milton believed that God was his 'natural superior' and that Charles Stuart was not.
Empson's view is more complex. Leonard points out that "Empson never denies that Satan's plan is wicked. What he does deny is that God is innocent of its wickedness: The first illustrations to accompany the text of Paradise Lost were added to the fourth edition of , with one engraving prefacing each book, of which up to eight of the twelve were by Sir John Baptist Medina , one by Bernard Lens II , and perhaps up to four including Books I and XII, perhaps the most memorable by another hand.
By the same images had been re-engraved on a smaller scale by Paul Fourdrinier. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Paradise Lost disambiguation. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. February Learn how and when to remove this template message. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources.
March Learn how and when to remove this template message. William Blake's illustrations of Paradise Lost. Retrieved 8 January — via Internet Archive. Retrieved 26 March Accessed 13 December The Norton Anthology of English Literature. A Norton Critical Edition. The Conservative as Revolutionary". Studies in English Literature, , Vol. Texas Studies in Literature and Language. Lives of the English Poets. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. See Medina's article for more on the authorship, and all the illustrations, which are also in Commons.
Ephrem and John Milton" , Hugoye: Studies in English Literature , 39 1: The Routledge History of Literature in English: Faber and Faber Eliot, T. Empson, W , Milton's God Revised ed.