Orgasmic Communications: A Mindfulness Guide to Building Passionate Relationships
Prentice Hall Press, A comprehensive, informative and practical resource for women and their partners. How to Have Magnificent Sex: Ideas for enhancing comfort and satisfaction with sex. Very frank, with drawings for illustration. A non-blaming approach to dealing with differences in libido, and a guide for couples to learn more about each partner's sexual style. The Truth About Love: An informative look at the various stages of romantic relationships and practical ideas for deepening intimate connection. The Sexual Healing Journey. A guide for men and women who have experienced sexual abuse, with practical exercises for enhancing comfort with touch.
In the Garden of Desire: An unique and informative look at the nature of women's sexual fantasies. The Poetry of Sexual Pleasure. New World Library, A unique collection of poems that celebrate loving sexual intimacy. Metz, Michael and Barry McCarthy. An informative and useful guide for men wanting better control of ejaculation.
A very comprehensive program for men dealing with erection difficulties. A provocative look at how good sex and intimacy don't always go together. Thought-provoking ideas about the meaning of low sexual desire. Naked at Our Age: Mixes frank information with personal stories in a humorous and normalizing manner. Very inclusive of alternative lifestyles and practices. The Gift of Sex: A Guide to Sexual Fulfillment. Written from a Christian perspective, including quotes from scripture, this guide normalizes and gives permission for masturbation and any consensual sexual activity between heterosexual married partners.
A provocative approach to overcoming sexual problems and enhancing sexual satisfaction, with many examples from Dr.
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Clem was a previous guest on Mindfulness Mo.
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When I think of my safe place, I think back to when I was five years old and I was with my dad.

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Through her podcast, The Business Building Rockstars Show, Nicole helps entrepreneurs build profitable and exciting online businesses. Steven Shalowitz is an expert in the field of advertising, having working in the industry for years. During his breaks and days off, Steven hosted and produced radio shows. He hosted a show featuring Latin music, another focusing on travel interviews an.
Water and mindfulness; such a great combination. I never realized how much water could help me relax, especially just by going for a walk by the river or going to the lake. Water has an effect that is not easy to describe. Lao Tzu talks a lot about w. Michael Weinberger is a software engineer and who felt like his life was off the rails. Dealing with Bipolar Disorder, which caused eating challenges, depression and other difficulties, Michael decided to take measures into his own hands.
Sounds easy doesn't it? Pompe Strater-Vidal is a Zen Monk and she is the 'go-to' on the topics of both relaxation and breathing. The fact is that many of us don't truly understand how to relax. And many of us don't realize that le. Clem Harrod is a video projectionist and sports camera operator. He also works with many well-known companies as a wide screen projectionist for events and shows. Julie Zuzek is a highly sought-after business coach and works with top entrepreneurs around the world. Recognizing her own entrepreneurial journey was an intense form of personal development, Julie helps entrepreneurs conquer their fear and limiting.
Consistency paired with mindfulness will help you achieve your most important goals. I'm sure you've heard that plenty of times. Consistency can be one of the trickiest concepts, because as humans, we tend to see things differently dep. Kelly Roach is an expert at helping you achieve your dreams.
Before the age of 30, she handled hundreds of millions in assets for a fortune company, managing teams across 17 locations and breaking sales records on a regular basis. Now she uses the p. Ian Ryan is a personal trainer and has worked with hundreds of clients in the Washington DC area over the past 8 years. He gets excited working with clients who are committed to changing their body and mindset. Ian hosts his own podcast called Fea. Change your thoughts and let mindfulness help you do it.
Wayne Dyer encourages you to do the same. He even wrote and entire book dedicated to this concept. If you change the way you look at things,. Daniel Hayes is on a unique and interesting journey; he is pursuing a gold medal in the Olympics as a boxer representing Trinidad and Tobago. Based in California, he is an authority on fitness, nutrition, and boxing as well as the athletic mind. John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of EOFire, an award winning Podcast where he interviews today's most successful Entrepreneurs 7-days a week.
Focus and mindfulness; people often ask me how they can improve their focus. Today, we talk about the importance of having a clear focus. Think about how increased focus could improve your life. Alex Charfen has been working since he was eight years old. He sold his first company when he was 16 and another one when he was After dealing with financial challenge due to the economic downfall in , Alex and his wife, Cadey, founded a sys.
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Kim Ades is an executive coach, speaker and writer. Kim uses the powerful tool of journaling to help her clients access their thought patterns and belief systems, thus enabling them to make the necessary changes to reach success. Based on these prin. And aiming toward that, driving toward that vision of what this relationship should be, I, in my own relationship, actually is a cause of a lot of discomfort.
Oh no, something is wrong. But in the Buddhist view, that is not considered the real suffering. Although of course it is, but the real suffering is what we add on top of it, which, in this case, is called grasping. So mapped over to relationships, yes, there are going to be problems. I should be in a soundproofed hermetic chamber with a big fibre optic tube connecting you and me directly so that there are no hitches. So like the Buddhist noble truths lay out this very logical argument about why life is so hard and how to deal with it.
I know, I totally oversimplified that. No, that was good, I think that was accurate. So the third noble truth of love is that meeting the instability together is love or loving. Conversations that must be had but, nonetheless, if instead of looking at each other as the source of the problem and the solution, I would say a great partner is one who will instead turn to stand shoulder to shoulder with you, to look out at the arc of the ride that you are on together now.
Usually, like I say, we look at each other. You did this, I did that. But this… And good, you should do that. To me, that is a great partner. Just someone who will be on the ride with you. And you talk about this too. But, and this veers us into the fourth noble truth, which is about the path and how honesty is used. Sure, yeah, thank you. How would I map those into my relationship? The first two belong to the first cycle. Then the third and fourth belong to the second and third cycles, sorry to be confusing. And the first quality that is… These first two qualities create the foundation for a relationship.
It means first knowing the truth yourself about who you are and what you feel. But it means knowing when you are clear and knowing when you are not. You could have a great time. You could have an awesome love affair, but it would be hard to make a relationship, I think.
And the second quality that is foundational, it sounds funny, I think, is called good manners. And taking an interest in what they think and what they feel and what they need. How could I help? How can I notice where they are in their inner life and just recognize it? So honesty and good manners, I would say, are foundational.
And then the third quality here is just simply called openness, or openheartedness, and this refers also to the part, the cycle in the Buddhist teachings. First you create your foundation by being disciplined and keeping things simple and so on, and then your heart naturally opens to others. And I could actually begin to look at them as having equal importance to myself, if not greater, from time to time. And in a relationship, what it means is that you actually look at the other person as having at least equal importance to yourself in the relationship. I have to say, I found that quite shocking.
And this, when I realized it, was very, very heartening to me, because I knew, even before we got married, I cannot commit to loving this person. But what I can commit to is to deepen intimacy and to look at everything that happens between us. Not, again, as a way to have more love, but to have more intimacy, to know each other better.
And so, that is an honest commitment. So like make things spicier.
What I hear you saying is that, that my… Yeah, all the gears are turning right now. That that stagnation could be from not really turning towards your partner and from not actually meeting the person, the full human who is right there in front of you with their own set of needs, desires, etcetera, and that through leaning in with each other and creating more intimacy even in those moments, even in those moments where the love may not fully be there, or you might have the caring, but not the fire, or it could be any number of permutations of how you feel towards the person, but that the willingness to turn in and be present with what is happening creates intimacy that ultimately creates more, creates more.
Yeah, I would say the vibrancy is always possible, but it creates problems for me, or I would think, to look at boredom as a problem that needs to be solved. And maybe it is dull for some reason that you should investigate. Can we be side by side in this bored, boring place? And this is not three ways to keep it awesome, this is not that book.
All of these projections, drop away and you just are together. And every year we have a retreat, and one of the things that we do is we do a form of muscle testing before we speak. What is it called? I think that sounds great. My husband will really roll his eyes and laugh at me.
It will be… I think he would actually end up enjoying it. It also has a little, not that this is intentional or by design, but it makes it all feel kinda like a game, and you realize also that some of it is kind of arbitrary. If you look at the self help books about relationships. How to get someone to love you, how to get love to return to you, how to get more love, and none of them were about how to give love, unless it was in the service of getting love.
So that always surprised me. However, there is one way to take the seat of power in relationships. What will I get if I do this? Yeah, yeah, and I think that you refer to this toward the end of the book in a question maybe from someone from your Facebook group. That seems like it would be impossible without learning mindfulness. Meditation is actually about placement of attention. Something moves between those two points between your ear and that something is your awareness, your attention. And all that happens in meditation is you are practicing working with that, placement of attention.
In case of what I teach, and the most common object of attention is your breath. So, if your attention is on the breath, you could make the argument that your attention is in the present. It sounds so simple, and it is, but it is not easy, and for most of us, our attention remains on what we hope and what we fear.
No, no, no, no.