Married for Real: Building a Loving, Powerful Life Together
They recommend that you strengthen your relationship by creating rituals just for the two of you. For example, every Saturday night can be date night. Another example can be having your coffee together every morning, or taking ten minutes to chat every night before going to bed.

John Gottman is a researcher, author and Ph. There are many ways to be supportive of your partner, including the following:. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. She adds that vulnerability is about being honest with how we feel, about our fears, about what we need, and asking for what we need. Perform little acts of kindness for your partner that let them know you love them. Some ideas include the following:.
Phil —of Oprah fame—says the following about fighting fair:. The question is, do you go into it with a spirit of looking for resolution or do you go into it with a spirit of getting even, vengeance, control? If you make your relationship a competition, that means your spouse has to lose in order for you to win.
Set goals as a couple. Studies have shown that one of the most important components of happiness is striving to achieve goals that you consider to be meaningful. In order to have a flourishing relationship with your significant other you have to do the work. Use the 18 tips above to begin strengthening your relationship right away. After all, a healthy relationship is an important component for living a great life.
Marelisa Fabrega is a lawyer and entrepreneur. You can learn more about her here. Ben Eastaugh and Chris Sternal-Johnson.
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It took years for me to realize a relationship is not a romance movie. So then, how do we make relationships work and stay happy? Use relationships to teach you how to be whole within. See your partner for who he or she really is. Be willing to learn from each other.
Married for Real: Building a Loving, Powerful Life Together by Eddie George
Get comfortable being alone. Look closely at why a fight may begin. Own who you are. Focus on giving love. Let go of expectations. See a typo, an inaccuracy, or something offensive? Please contact us so we can fix it! Did you enjoy this post? Please share the wisdom: Get wisdom in your inbox Join the Tiny Buddha list for daily or weekly blog posts, exclusive content, and promotions. Recent Forum Topics 10 years of marriage and wife no longer loves me Confused and need advice!
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