
Love & Loyalty

And in this way the business of life is negotiated. There is comfort in the sameness of this life, in its slowness, its routines and familiarity. But something has changed. Something strange and unfamiliar has arrived in the village. His children have gathered. Now middle-aged and living different lives in different places, one-byone they have returned to the village; the teacher, the soldier, the businesswoman, the cook and the office worker. The old man is dying. The grandchildren scamper about.

The siblings sit together on the veranda, breathing the village air, chatting in subdued tones, catching up on family news. Each has a story to tell, a life to share. The talk goes on late into the night. The old man lies on a pallet. A low-wattage lamp hangs bare from the rafters. A rusting bicycle leans against the rice. The old man no longer eats. He probably weighs no more than fifteen or twenty kilograms. The old man lives in another time now, another world. He chats about his brother who was lost in the violence of He talks about escapades with his youthful friends; he tells stories as if it were today.

From time to time he remembers who he is, where he is; from time to time he can recognize his children. But mostly he just lies there, sleeping, dozing or muttering to ghosts. The teacher wears a dark robe. She peers at her father from beneath a black veil, her big eyes bright and watery. Her sister, the businesswoman, wears light city clothes, her hair is free. The two sit with the old man. He looks up from his pallet, his eyes childlike, a faint flicker of recognition in his smile.

SHORT STORY: Love & loyalty

The teacher holds his hand. Sometimes it feels cold and she wonders if he has already gone. And then the life returns, feeble but warm and real. She begins to recite verses from the Quran, her voice strained but pure as she invokes the Almighty. She, too, begins to recite. The old man joins in.

Why banks don't need love for loyalty

Together the three of them recite the more familiar verses that she remembers from childhood. Their voices blend; there is comfort and companionship in the well-worn liturgical Arabic, in the rhythm of prayer. And then the old man reverts to high Javanese; perhaps the old language better expresses his humility as he seeks forgiveness and an easy passage.

The sisters look at one another and, with the hint of a nod and a smile, take their leave. No more words are needed. The teacher makes her way down the village lane to her home, where her husband and children are already long asleep.

love & loyalty – part 1

The businesswoman unrolls a thin tikar mat and prepares to sleep. Two or three hours later, the village is woken by adzan. A crackling speaker declares that it is time for the pre-dawn prayer of subuh. It is better to pray than sleep!

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The old man sleeps on as his wife and daughter ready themselves for prayer. If a man asks me for my honesty…I will give him my loyalty! Loyalty and honesty are two sides of the same coin. Whenever these two are separated, they lose their power. Loyalty cannot exist without honesty and vice-versa. They are the true foundation of any human relationship. Be loyal and trustworthy. Do not befriend anyone who is lower than yourself in this regard. Being loyal and trustworthy is, first of all, a matter of self-respect. If we are loyal souls, we owe it to ourselves to befriend people who value loyalty and honesty as much as ourselves.

It is a standard for which we should never feel guilty. We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence. Relationships are complicated, but things such as loyalty, commitment, and love can make them easier and more fun. Loyalty is a precondition for any healthy relationship and it is one of those things that come naturally when we respect and love the other person.

I belong to the people I love, and they belong to me- they, and the love and loyalty I give them, form my identity far more than any word or group ever could. Without loyalty to a cause or a group, we cannot feel a sense of belonging. The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other. The strength of every relationship and every group, no matter how big or small, is deeply connected to loyalty. Wherever there is loyalty, there is strength and there is place for growth and development. Some people are naturally empathetic and loyal, and would never betray someone who trusts them, while others find it easy to walk away from people who need them.

It takes a lot of introspection and honesty to discover where we stand. We all desire loyalty from the people around us, yet we cannot force them to be loyal to us. We earn loyalty by being honest and loyal ourselves. However, loyalty is not a trade, but something that emerges naturally between honest people.

Unlike the puerile loyalty to a conviction, loyalty to a friend is a virtue — perhaps the only virtue, the last remaining one. Like everything else in life, even loyalty can become dangerous in certain conditions, especially loyalty to beliefs and convictions. Although loyalty to people we love is also not safe all the time, it is nevertheless purer.

Loyalty is like a subtle, invisible force that we only notice when things get tough.

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Only then we discover who are our true, loyal friends. I think a good friend, to me, is all about trust and loyalty. Loyalty is the backbone of every friendship because a friendship without trust is very lonely and alienating. Honesty and loyalty are key.

Loyalty is probably the biggest hurdle in any relationship, yet once this is settled, everything becomes easier. Loyalty allows for great things to happen because it gives people confidence and a sense of connection and security.

Scoot Banks - Love and Loyalty (Official Video)

The good thing about loyalty is that the more we give, the more we receive, as with love itself. There are no boundaries to loyalty and it is not something that gets depleted. It is always there, waiting to grow as the true power of honest people. Because he is love, and love is loyalty. His heart will never leave ours, even when we demand it of him in moments of loss and pain. He mourns our wounds, and was wounded so we could be healed. Time and time again we gave him reason to start over, to make a new batch, better and less rebellious, but he remained faithful, he remained loyal.

And in response all he asks is the same. Always put me first, never forsake me or my ways. Acknowledge me before men, praise me with songs for the world to see, even if they persecute you for it. So when we think of loving Him or any cause or person, let us remember what true love is. It is not a shooting star lighting up the night gloriously for a time; it is the Star most loyal to us, rising each day to meet us with warmth and life, always there shining on us no matter where we might go.

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It is shown by the God who remains, given to us so we might remain. Love yells in support, but it remains to be the one yelling when all else have left. Not because of duty or guilt, but because of the great love for you. Love is loyalty, and loyalty is love. Never try and part these two who have been paired for all eternity. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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