Lesson Plan #3: A Day No Pigs Would Die
Email Jan Cook or use Contact Us in the footer below. Common Core alignment to "Reading: Literature and Subject-related Content" is to 3 key phrases: Vocabulary for novel and play word lists and activities by Title Vocabulary for novel and play word lists and activities by Author. Get a Print Out.
A Man Without a Country. A Midsummer Night's Dream. A Passage to India.
A Prayer for Owen Meany. A Raisin in the Sun. A Raisin in the Sun vocabulary word list with page numbers and definitions - thanks to J. A Reaper at the Gates.

A Streetcar Named Desire. A Summons to Memphis. A Tale of Two Cities. A Tale of Two Cities vocabulary word list, definitions and more! A Town Called Alice. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. All Quiet on the Western Front. Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl. As You Like It.
Candide vocabulary word list with page numbers - thanks J. Catcher in the Rye. Catcher in the Rye vocabulary word list, definitions and Fill-in-Blanks puzzle. Cry, The Beloved Country. Death of a Salesman. Dogs Don't Tell Jokes. East of Eden vocabulary word list with definitions - thanks Ms.
Firestorm The Caretaker Trilogy: Firestorm vocabulary word list with pages numbered-thanks Connie Brasier FL. Great Expectations vocabulary word list - thanks J. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone vocabulary word list and wizard word puzzle activities.
Johnny Got His Gun. Johnny Got His Gun vocabulary word list and questions - thanks J.
A Day No Pigs Would Die
Lord of the Flies. Much Ado About Nothing. Much Ado About Nothing vocabulary word list with definitions - thanks E. Not Without My Daughter. Of Mice and Men. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Phantom of the Opera. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man vocabulary word list - thanks J. Zero said his real name was Hector Zeroni. Discuss these questions Why did Stanley pour out the canteen of water? Sir had put in there, and was so thirsty he was afraid he would drink it.
Why did they call Hector Zero? His last name was Zeroni Where have we heard the name Zeroni before? What is the connection between the two people named Zeroni? Most of the lake had dried up. Trout Walker found her and tried to rob her of the riches she had stole through the years. They decided that Kate had buried the riches in the lake bed. They tried to torture her, but she never told them where it was.
Discuss these questions Where did Kate Barlow live when she returned to the area? Who had married Trout Walker? It was the shovel in her cabin What killed Kate Barlow? Find the connection and explain the two people and what the connection is. It was hot and humid, a storm was on the way. Stanley looked at the sky and the mountains. One rock formation looked like a fist with a thumb sticking up. The thumb of God? Stanley thought of the story of his great grandfather having survived on the thumb of God.
How can you tell how far away a storm is? Why did the boys want it to rain? Nothing, he just blamed his no-good-pig-stealing-father. What would you do if you were in the desert for many days without water? How would you survive? What would you do, and what would you be careful NOT to do? Sir gave him an extra carton of orange juice. Stanley thought about Kate Barlow and her lipstick tube, and the thumb of God in the mountains. The other boys gave Stanley a hard time about Zero digging his hole, and they begin pushing each other.
Pendanski fires his gun, others come running. Pendanski with the shovel and leaves. Discuss these questions Why does Zero fight off Zigzag? He is protecting his teacher Why do the adults think Zero is stupid? There is no place to go How long can Zero survive in the desert without food or water? A few days at the most. Write down how you could teach Zero how to use his words instead of fighting and hitting. He tried to think of a plan. He was a ward of the state, so they just decided to destroy all the records they had on him.
Discuss these questions What did Stanley wish that Zero would do? They wanted to know if anyone would miss him Did Zero have any family? No, no one Why did they decide to erase all records of Zero? So that if he died, they could deny ever having him at the camp. Why should Stanley tell the Warden about where the lipstick really was found?
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A New Kid was assigned to their group. He always fidgeted, so they nicknamed him Twitch. Stanley was worried about Zero, and thought about him suffering. The next day, when the water truck came around, he stole the truck. It fell into a hole, the airbag went off, and ran away. His canteen was empty. Discuss these questions What did Twitch claim he could do? Why did Stanley steal the truck? He thought he could drive away and find Zero. Sir staring at him. Stanley walked toward where he thought the big thumb would be.
He passed many holes, and he looked in them. He saw yellow spotted lizards. He found an empty sunflower seed sack with one seed. Discuss these questions Near the camp, the holes were dug in a system. How were they dug far from camp? In a haphazard way, no system Stanley looked in holes, afraid for what he might see, what might he see? Stanley saw a pool of water, or so he thought. He saw the thumb, and he walked toward a large object.
It was a boat, upside down, called the Mary Lou. On the side a tunnel went down.
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He yelled, and someone yelled back, then an arm with a orange sleeve came out. Where else in the story have we heard that name? The boys at Camp Green Lake. Zero has been living on sploosh under the boat in a tunnel, sploosh tastes of peaches.
Book Activities and Response Activities
Discuss these questions What words describe how Zero looks? The old canned spiced peaches How old do you think the sploosh is? They pack some unbroken jars in the sack, and head toward the Big Thumb. Zero used the shovel to help him walk. Stanley thought of what he may also need the shovel for. While they walked, Zero asked Stanley to give him some words. Stanley wondered about death and his parents. They came to the edge of the dry lake, and came to cliffs. They helped eachother up the big cliffs. Stanley boosted Zero up, and Zero held out the shovel to pull Stanley up. Discuss these questions Why did Zero need the shovel to walk?
He was too weak, he used it like a crutch What might Stanley need the shovel for? To bury Zero when he dies When Zero asked for words, what did he want? It kept their minds off of their pain. They get excited in their climb because they realize there are weeds and bugs.
Discuss these questions Why are they excited about the weeds and bugs? Pretend that you are Zero. What would you be thinking as you climbed with Stanley? OR Zero worked a long time to figure out one word. What can you learn from this? Stanley picked Zero up and carried him up. He smelled something, then he slipped and fell in a muddy place. He dug in the mud and drank, then he scooped out water for Zero. He found a smooth round object in the mud, it was an onion. He ate it and shared it with Zero. Discuss these questions What happened to the sack and the shovel?
He left them behind Is muddy water good to drink? A hot fudge sundae Why did he say that? Have you ever been very hungry, and when you could eat anything it tasted wonderful? When Stanley woke up, he saw he was in a meadow. Zero groaned, and it was hard for Stanley to talk. He planned to go down after the shovel to make their water hole bigger, but Zero wanted to tell him something.
Discuss these questions What does a meadow look like? Open flat land with weeds and grasses Why was it hard for Stanley to talk? Stanley discovers that the meadow is full of wild onions. It goes back to the story from the past of Sam the onion man, and how people felt that his onions cured their sick families. Stanley and Zero slept a lot, ate a lot of onions and grew stronger.
Finally Stanley went, and he was amazed how far he had carried Zero up the mountain. Discuss these questions Years ago, what did people use leeches for? They were both starting to improve. Zero told Stanley how he stole the shoes from the homeless shelter.
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He had no parents and was living on the streets. Discuss these questions How did Zero begin to steal? She sold a lot of Girl Scout cookies What did Zero do with the shoes? He put them on, and walked out Why did he take them off? Everyone was talking about them, they smelled bad Where did Zero put the shoes? On top of a parked car How did Zero get arrested?
Stealing new shoes the next day. Do you think Zero really learned to steal from his mother? Do you think his mother really sold Girl Scout cookies? Where else have we heard about Girl Scouts in this story? The boys are better, and Stanley feels happy. Who did the crime, and who got punished for it? Zero stole the shoes, but Stanley got punished for it Stanley thought of living as a fugitive. What did he think about his parents? Stanley thought that getting hit by the tennis shoes was fate or destiny, then he thought it was just a coincidence, now he thinks it is destiny again.
What do you think? Zero remembers having a home and a mother. The boys plan to go back, find the treasure, sneak some food, and get away. Stanley thinks of his parents, he is worried and scared. They go down, and they try not to drink water for as long as they can. Zero remembers his mother leaving him and his stuffed giraffe, and one day not coming back. He lived for a month in a tunnel of a playground in a park.
Stanley begins to think more about his parents. Zero corrects Stanley about directions. They hid in a hole as they got close to camp, then when things got quiet they found the hole where Stanley had found the lipstick and went in. Discuss these questions The lake bed, with the cliffs all around is described as what? Jaffy What sad memory does Zero have about living in the park? They check it to make sure nothing was in there.
Stanley listens to the sounds of the camp at night, then they go to the hole. Zero goes for water, and comes back with breakfast while Stanley digs.
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Finally, he hits something hard on the side wall of the hole, it is a metal box. He digs underneath it to free it. When it comes out they see it is a metal suitcase. As Stanley pulls it out of the hole, the Warden thanks him. Discuss these questions What sounds did Stanley hear at night from the camp? Showers, the squeaking Wreck Room door What did Zero bring back for breakfast? Sugar flakes cereal How does it taste, and why? Too sweet because they are used to onions Why does Zero always go for water? Because Stanley makes too much noise, because he is bigger How big did the metal box appear to be?
A flashlight beam comes on and lights up Zero. Pendanski and the Warden are at the hole. They see a lizard on the suitcase, and then more lizards everywhere. The Warden talks about having to dig holes to look for the treasure when she was a child. Discuss these questions Why is the hole full of lizards? It must be a lizard nest When the adults talk about a body, whose body is it? A lizard jumped at Mr. Pendanski suggests shooting the boys, but the Warden says to wait, their story should be simple to the A.
She said they would bury Zero in one of the holes. Stanley remains hopeful, and imagines a good memory. Discuss these questions Why did Stanley and Zero have to be very still? If they moved quickly, a lizard might bite them Why did Mr. Sir begin to smoke again? So they could hide it, no one would miss him Why did they think they would have bodies? Someone asking about Zero or Stanley What does Stanley imagine? When he and his mother fell in the snow and laughed What does the Warden tell Mr.
She said to let the boys use their imaginations Why does Stanley need to lean on the wall of the hole? He is tired from standing still so long. When the sun came up, the lizards stayed low in the shade, but still on the boys. A tarantula was eaten by one of the lizards. Two strangers drove up, a man in a cowboy hat and a Hispanic woman. The woman threatened to file charges against Mrs. Walker and the Camp for child abuse and torture.
The Warden said the kids stole the suitcase from her the night before, and were caught in the lizard nest. The Warden said Stanley had been hospitalized, he had been delirious and had been having hallucinations, and there had been no authorization from the Attorney General. Stanley slowly got out of the hole, the lizards went back in the shade.
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He pulled out Zero. Discuss these questions How many spots were on each lizard? Where have we heard that name before? They gave the boys orange juice and bagels. The Warden says that the suitcase has her things inside of it, and the adults argue about whether Stanley should open it. The other boys come in and are glad to see them, and Squid asks Stanley to tell his mom that he was sorry. Discuss these questions Do the boys eat breakfast? The Warden had them destroyed when he ran away. Why did Squid Alan say for Stanley to call his mother and apologize? History There never used to be lizards in the area, but there were red-eyed monsters.
The men of the area who hunted rattlesnakes would get lizard juice from Sam the onion man to keep away the monsters. If the men would drink onion juice, it would keep the lizards away. On the ride back, the lady rolled down the windows, even though the air-conditioning was on. Discuss these questions Why would the onion juice help keep lizards away? Smell Why did they roll down the windows in the car? Smell How did the lady know that Stanley was innocent? He was being beat up when the shoes were stolen What kind of lawyer is she? Rain on the lake. Why did it begin to rain for the first time in a hundred years?
Camp Green Lake was closed, and the Warden Ms. Walker sold the land to become a Girl Scout camp. Stanley bought his family a new house, and hired a private investigator. Discuss these questions How did Stanley carrying Zero lift the curse? How much money did Stanley and Zero get? Almost a million dollars each Why did Stanley hire a private investigator? It was taught from parent to child, starting with her great-great-grandmother, Madame Zeroni. Write about all the different things that were connected in this book. Walker, the Warden, who was she and how was she connected, too?
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I understand this consent is not required to enroll. Save Print Send Download Report. This chapter describes Camp Green Lake Discuss these questions: Kissing Kate Barlow Possible thing to write about in their journals: He cares so much Possible thing to write about in their journals: Spit in it Possible thing to write about in their journals: To protect his neck from sunburn Possible thing to write about in their journals: Rex Possible thing to write about in their journals: How did it help Stanley to imagine getting revenge on the bully?
Smile Possible thing to write about in journal: Pendanski asking these questions? What is he trying to get the boys to think about? He had helped X-Ray Possible thing to write about in their journals: Pendanski, she is very bossy, she is sarcastic Possible thing to write about in their journals: He has a gash on the side of his neck, below his ear Possible thing to write about in their journals: Zero has no one to write to Possible thing to write about in their journals: