Le musée de lhomme (Littérature Française) (French Edition)
Keith Busby, dans French Studies , Antonella Sciancalepore, dans Revue critique de philologie romane , 17, , p.
Alexandra Barratt, dans Parergon , Burgess, dans French Studies , Holden, dans The Modern Language Review , Talarico, dans The French Review , Em Angevaare , Susana G. A Critical Study, with Transcription , Ph.
Owen, London, Dent, New York, Everyman's Library, Kibler, London, Penguin Books, Leur perspective proverbiale et gnomique , Paris, Nizet, Symposiums , , p. Jacques Chocheyras, Bern, Lang, , p. Bezzola, Reto, Le sens de l'aventure et de l'amour: Paris, Champion, ; Bonnie Wheeler, Cambridge, Brewer, , p. Smith et Joseph T.
ATHENA Pierre Perroud. E-texts edited at ATHENA. Textes édités à ATHENA.
Snow, Athens, University of Georgia Press, , p. Kenneth Varty, Glasgow, University of Glasgow, , p. Peter Rolfe Monks et D. Marie de France contrefaite? Petit de Julleville, Paris, Colin, , t. Deist, Rosemarie, Gender and Power: Franco Simone, Torino, Unione tipografico-editrice torinese, , t. Bezirke, , 60 p. Fromme , , p. Noble et Linda M. Paterson, Cambridge, St Catharine's College, , p. Saggi, 14 , , p. Essays in Honor of Rupert T. Frappier, Jean, Le roman breton.
Cormier, Athens, Ohio University Press, , p.
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International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature , 4: Rizzo Nervo, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, , p. Clamote Carreto, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, , p. Lacy, Cambridge, Brewer Arthurian Studies, 64 , , p. Krause, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, , p.
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Stramignoni, dans Studi francesi , 53, , p. Jacques Berlioz, dans Romania , , , p. Generations and Intergeneric Play , Ph. Keith Busby et Norris J. Lacy, Amsterdam, Rodopi Faux Titre, 83 , , p. Jerome Mandel et Bruce A.
Februar , Halle a. Parrots , 19th century Mardi Gras ball invitations, and modern book arts provide a visual feast for the eyes. Nine-teenth-century sheet music and materials related to the New Orleans opera open a window into the intellectual and social spheres of times past.
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- Lecture by writer in residence Thomas Clerc on contemporary French literature.
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Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'homme
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